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4th Gen D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge

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Update, just a little one but I wanted to post because NOW I HAVE AN OFFENSIVE MOVE!!! Finally.

-Spent far, far too long grinding Abra from level 5 (arrrrrgh) to level 16.
-She evolved into Kadabra, and learned Confusion (yessss!)
-Breezed through Roark's Gym, I do believe I one-shotted everything, poor rock-types with no special defense...
-Now moving on northward towards Floarama.

Gonna be a lonely slog for Sayd until I can pick up a Meditite (blargh) and a Chingling...

Current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge

Female | lv 17 | Serious | Synchronize

7) No trading except for evolutionary reasons

Sign me up for Dragon please.Provided i can trade pokemon.

I'll hatch a Dratini for a starting pokemon, then move over eggs for Bagon and Trapinch.

To my understanding, Trading over Dratini is ok, because you don't get a Dragon untill after Eterna Forest, but aside from that, you can't trade. So Bagon and Trapinch are a no. Oh and sorry if I am over stepping any boundries.

Got to Pastoria,
Caught a Mairll HM slave,
Caught a Hoothoot HM slave,
Waiting for Drapion or Skorupi to appear in Great Marsh
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Sign me up, I'm going for Water type. (:

My journey so far in a nutshell:
Created my character, named Kayla. (Of course.)
Chose my first starter, Piplup, and named him Edward.
Caught my first HM Slave, a Machop. (Whom I forgot to nickname. -kicks self-)
Caught my second team member, a Psyduck named Giselle.
Beat Roark, after which Edward evolved into a Prinplup.
Defeated Team Galactic at the Wind Works building.

Current Battle Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge
Edward; Level 20
[PokeCommunity.com] D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge
Giselle; Level 17
This looks like fun!
I got one question though before I start.
If I got a Pokemon from my previous game and wanted it on my new game (which I will be doing to monotype challenge on), am I allowed to trade it over to my game, so long as I don't use it? I have an Arceus and I don't want to lose it just for a monotype challenge.

I will be participating using the type: Ground
I just got pearl rom so i will do this.

I pick fire.

I wanna pick water now.
One question :3 Sorry if this has been already mentioned here.
Is it obligatory to start a new game?
I know it won't be as fun without starting a new game, but the goal is to beat the Champion, so.. 0_0 I don't want to lose all of my pokemon that I worked hard on.
I should really be getting to my first update. It will only be up to the first Rival battle though, since I haven't gotten any further. I'll update this post again when I defeat Roark.

Edit: I'll update this again when I get to Floaroma town, since I'm progressing through the game so swiftly.

Twinleaf > Jubilife Saga!
- Started game again, called myself Hayley.
- Called Rival Barry
- Did some Lake Verity stuff, chose Turtwig as starter.
- Went home, got the running shoes.
- Into Sandgem, obtained Pokedex, called Turtwig RageQuit.
- Home again and back to Sandgem, learnt how to catch Pokemon.
- Wandered through Route 202, training RageQuit to about level 12
- Jubilife City, got the Map and the Poketch.
- Barry, he's a pushover when it comes to battling.


Jubilife > Floaroma Saga
- Travelled to Oreburgh, caught Geodude, named him TheBoulder
- Talked to Roark in the oreburgh Mine, grinded TheBoulder up a few levels.
- Roark, same as Barry with Battling.
- Travelled to Jubilife again, beat the Mysterious people with Lucas
- Went through Route 204 to Floaroma Town
- Helped defeat Team Galactic and Commander Mars
- Bought some honey and put it on the trees around Floaroma, hoping for a Burmy to train.


Team so far:

[PokeCommunity.com] D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge

RageQuit (Grotle) Lvl. 19
- Tackle
- Curse
- Absorb
- Razor Leaf

[PokeCommunity.com] D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge

TheBoulder (Geodude) Lvl. 20
- Selfdestruct
- Rock Throw
- Magnitude
- Rock Polish

I won't make another update until tomorrow, but it will be a big update where I should be up to at least Hearthome City (If I get lucky and catch a Burmy for my team).
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I have decided to use water instead of fire.

First Update Water

Named Rival Tommy
Went to Lake Verity and did that thing and picked piplup.
Got running shoes
Got pokedex
Went Jubilife City obtained poketech thing
Defeated Tommy

Second Update

Got Old Rod
Caught Magikarp
Went to Oreburgh



Piplup Lvl. 15
- Pound
- Growl
- Bubble
- Water Sport

Magikarp Lvl. 9
- Splash
- None
- None
- None
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started game named myself Dawn
did the lake thing and choose piplup
went to sandgem town and did what i had to do
bought pokeballs and got a free premier ball
caught starley
saved game

ill do grass i guess.
no one else picked it :P

started a new game-named myself odin
named rival damion
got turtwig at the lake
played up to jubilife
caught a budew
beat roark
currently progressing thru the valley windworks storyline

level 16
rash nature
ability overgrow
Rock Smash
Razor Leaf

level 16
bold nature
ability natural cure
Mega Drain
Stun Spore
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Wow. It's been a while since I updated last.

I actually haven't done much. All I did was catch a Skoupi.

Current Team

Houndoom Lv. 40
Dread Plate
Bold Nature
Early Bird
Fire Fang
Hidden Power (electric)
Faint Attack

Spiritomb Lv. 35
Big Root (for dream eater)
Jolly Nature
Shock Wave
Dream Eater
Sucker Punch

Skorupi Lv. 24
No Item
Adamant Nature
Knock Off
Pin Missle
One question :3 Sorry if this has been already mentioned here.
Is it obligatory to start a new game?
I know it won't be as fun without starting a new game, but the goal is to beat the Champion, so.. 0_0 I don't want to lose all of my pokemon that I worked hard on.
It is compulsary to start a new game, it wouldn't be fun without defeating all the gym leaders :(. You can trade the pokemon you worked hard on to another save file though :).

Added everybody.
I'm gonna post another update now from Floaroma to Eterna. I'll update this post later when I reach Hearthome.

Floaroma > Eterna Saga
- Finally found and caught a Burmy. Called her Beast
- Went on the way to Eterna Forest, trained Beast
- Went with Cheryl through Eterna Forest, still grinding Beast
- Reached Eterna City, obtained HM Cut
- Grinded Beast some more, evolved into Wormadam
- Gardenia was harder than I thought she'd be, but I beat her.
- Took on the Galactic base in Eterna
- Defeated Jupiter, TheBoulder evolved into Graveler


Eterna > Solaceon Saga
- Got the Underground Kit and Bicycle
- Traveled down Cycling Road, Training TheBoulder
- Met with Lucas, received Dowsing Machine and Vs. Seeker
- Stopped in Oreburgh for a quick rest
- Went to Mt. Coronet, heard Cyrus' plans to take over the world
- Obtained Odd Keystone
- Reached Hearthome City, got Dress from Mom
- Barry, such a pushover
- Obtained Happiny Egg
- Cleared Lost Tower, obtained HM Strength, RageQuit evolved into Torterra
- Made it to Solaceon Town


Team so far

[PokeCommunity.com] D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge

RageQuit (Torterra) Lvl. 32
- Bite
- Earthquake
- Mega Drain
- Razor Leaf

[PokeCommunity.com] D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge

TheBoulder (Graveler) Lvl. 28
- Selfdestruct
- Rock Throw
- Magnitude
- Rock Blast

[PokeCommunity.com] D/P/Pt Monotype Challenge

Beast (Wormadam) Lvl. 27
- Protect
- Rock Blast
- Hidden Power (Psychic)
- Confusion

I may or may not have another update of me beating Maylene to a pulp, depending on if I get that far tonight.
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