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[Dead] Pokémon Evoas

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I also just played this thanks to an article from Kotaku, great job on it, it really feels the way double battles should've been designed. Quick question, will save files still be usable after you update the game?
Sadly save files from this version will not work with later versions, for a number of reasons:

  • This was just a preview, and this area will be different when the game is complete. For example, the "infected trainer" bonus challenge at the end was there just to show off brink mode more, and won't be present in the next big update.
  • The beginning of the game (which explains how the protagonist lost its pokemon) hasn't been made yet. It'll be a crucial part of the game, so I can't let people skip it by using an old save file.
  • Getting the save file is tricky. It's hidden in a mystery internet cache folder on your computer. The desktop version of the game won't have this problem, where the save file will be easily accessible.

The desktop build of version 0.1 will most likely let save files be usable in all future updates.
I'm assuming you eventually get your old team back at some point. Will it be set or can the player choose their teams?
Look awesome!
Female and male character look cool.
Do you thinking about doing later the mobile version? (Android etc.)
Maybe I haven't played a lot of fan games, but this is the first time I've played a fan game where it felt like someone was trying to make a legitmate sequel to Pokemon instead of simply more mons/new regions.

I am impressed. You've put a lot of thought into this, and it shows. I've always thought the problems with the Pokemon formula were outside of battle, but you've managed to make interesting changes to the battle system as well. When Combee used "Fly" and wouldn't come down, I thought I had to run or something. But then I realized Pin Missile wasn't a grounded attack and I was able to beat him. IDK, maybe it's not a better system but it's certainly different in a good way and for the first time in a long time I was playing a Pokemon Game whose rules hadn't been established 15 years ago.

Maybe I'm being a little hyperbolic, but still, this was very well done and I am excited to see more.
so happy! it is so amazing, and works so well! Cant wait for more! (ps UExile sent me from his youtube video)
This game is simply amazing!! It looks great and plays wonderfully. One can tell there is a lot of work and ideas put into it, and it feels like something really special, not just another romhack. I really hope to see this game be finished!! :D
I have to admit I've never played a fan game before, but the results have really blown me away.

The battle system is pretty nice, it's the closest anyone has come to recreate what I think pokémon battles should be. Duos having to colaborate like in standard JRPGs is also cool, but combining attacks (Seriously? Surf board shield+surf? Effing brilliant) and using different moves to change the outcome of the battle (Servine's blade switch, then sweep with Fire Whip). I like the fact that you can use your long distance moves to hit opponents up in the air. It's very well thought.

I am not very knowlodgeable about this realm and I really don't know how to improve this, the only thing I know for sure is that this was enjoyable to say the least, I fought my way through the infected trainer challenge.

I can't work with sprites, gifs, animations, or anything like that, but if you ever need some creative help, I'm a fanfiction writer and I'd be glad to be of some use.
Wow, this game is incredible in a lot of ways -- a fully-custom battle system, animated battle sprites, and an original storyline. This is the sort of thing I've wanted to see in a fangame for a while! I'll definitely play the demo when I get the chance.

Good luck with this project, hopefully it can get moved to the Showcase soon!
I've played this "30 minute demo" for 2 hours so far. I think I've whited out (and 1 Game Over) more times playing Evoas than I have in 15 years of playing the main line games, which is a good thing.

I have some constructive comments and critiques, but it seems too early for that and I don't know what's "set in stone" yet and what was merely for the demo.
Great job so far, th3shark, I just have a few critiques, suggestions, and a lot of compliments. But first, a couple questions:

1. Why did you get rid of bug types? Was it balance issue, or do you just not like the type?

2. Are you going to add Fairy type, or is Light type the replacemet?

3. Is the MS paint tree in the "sequoia seed" move sequence temporary? (please tell me that it is)

4. Do AM's replace held items?
5. Do you have an official type/ evolution chart for Pokemon Evoas?

I had a few problems with the battle system: I like that you added an extra move slot, but there were pokemon, like Skorupi, that still only have four slots. I thought that the exra slot was earned through evolving, but my Clefairy has five slots. It seems a litte unfair to me. There was a bit of a balance issue as well, quite a few trainers were one-shotting my pokemon, who were five levels above them, with regular damaging attacks.

This is just nitpicking, but it would be nice if you could add the abillity to change the order of a pokemon's moveset its summary menu. It may not seem like much, but not having to scroll through your moves to find the attacking move saves quite a lot of time while grinding.

The evolutionary stones for the pokemon, like Clefairy and Vulpix, that need them should be placed in the demo, (unless you changed the evolutions so that they evolve by level up.) I've seen suggestions to add "defend" to the technique menu, I think that this is a great idea, and should definately be put into the game.

Now the compliments (I'll keep them brief, I've written a lot already): Great music, especially in the town next to Ebony's lab, props to wk2012. Love the character sprites, the overworld is beautiful as well. I love the new battle mechanics, you added plenty of new things that keep pokemon in its simplistic RPG roots, but gives it a little more depth that pokemon needs (I particularly like the high-risk brink mode). The story is intriguing, I'm eager to see what happens next in the adventures of Mora (I tried to name my character,"Nora", but I made a typo).

I have so much more to praise about this demo, but, as I've said, I've written too much already. I'll end with this: You and your team have done an amazing job so far, Pokemon Evoas is incredible, one of the best fan-made pokemon games I've seen. I'm very excited to see what comes next, and if you ever need help with editing your story or dialogue, just let me know, I'd love to help.
A new battle system built from the ground up to be more strategic while staying familiar:

  • All pokemon battles are 2 on 2. The traditional pokemon battle system, which is designed primarily for 1 on 1 battles, has been completely revamped to account for this fundamental change.
  • ~75% of moves are completely new. Returning moves are given new animations and are tweaked for balance.
  • Cooperation between allied pokemon is crucial. Many defensive or stat-boosting moves now benefit the other pokemon instead. For example: Defibrillate will revive an allied pokemon if they faint that turn.
  • Certain attacks can be combined to become more powerful. For example: X-Slash is twice as effective if both pokemon use it at the same time on the same foe.
  • "One shot" moves are introduced. These are especially powerful moves that a pokemon can use at most once in a battle, regardless of how much PP is left.
  • Moves no longer have an accuracy stat. They will always hit unless something else interferes. Several returning powerful moves that were balanced with low accuracies will instead be "one shot" moves.
  • The number of moves a pokemon can learn is dependant on its species. Some pokemon can only learn 3 moves, while others can learn as much as 7. Most pokemon, however, will only be able to learn 4 or 5 moves.
  • New abilities are introduced. For example: A pokemon with the Nectar Feed ability will regain a bit of health each turn after the move Pollenate is used by an ally.
  • Each species of pokemon has an "innate ability", but each pokemon can also learn one "learned ability". These essentially replace held items.
  • Pokemon can learn techniques as well as battle moves. One technique every pokemon knows is Swap, which allows a pokemon to swap positions with its ally. Pokemon can learn abilities that allow them to use other techniques (like mega-evolving, perhaps...?)
  • 2 new types, Metal and Light, have been added. Also, the types Bug, Dragon, Steel, and Fairy have been removed, with pokemon and moves being revised accordingly. A third mystery type has been added as well.
  • Status ailments such as paralysis and confusion have been altered or removed to remove the luck element. Also, all status ailments have counters that display the amount of turns until the ailment is healed. Lastly, ailments can also be stacked; a burned pokemon isn't magically resistant to poison.
  • More intricacies of battle exist for the player to discover!

I just noticed this thread and these features, and I have to say I'm mostly really impressed! There are a few very cool, very interesting choices here, many of which I had never considered. I love the One-shot idea, love the loss of accuracy, love the Innate and Learned abilities, the changes to status ailments as well. I'm not a fan of áll of them per sé, but I really think you deserve a lot of credit for coming up with these. Good luck.
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1. Why did you get rid of bug types? Was it balance issue, or do you just not like the type?

2. Are you going to add Fairy type, or is Light type the replacemet?

A few reasons. I wanted to change up the type chart for sake of variety, but found during early playtesting that against pre-established type strengths/weaknesses just felt really uncomfortable. So instead, I removed some types and added others. Bug, Steel, and Fairy are gone, with Metal "replacing" Steel and Light "replacing" Fairy. I also just didn't feel that Bug deserved its own type :P

3. Is the MS paint tree in the "sequoia seed" move sequence temporary? (please tell me that it is)

Yup. The timing of that move is off too; I've been meaning to fix it for a while.

4. Do AM's replace held items?

Yes, but pretty much every held item can be reproduced as an ability (as shown with Sitrus Cache replacing the Sitrus Berry). More creative examples of AM's will be shown in the future.

5. Do you have an official type/ evolution chart for Pokemon Evoas?

Sure do! It's a secret though :P

I had a few problems with the battle system: I like that you added an extra move slot, but there were pokemon, like Skorupi, that still only have four slots. I thought that the exra slot was earned through evolving, but my Clefairy has five slots. It seems a litte unfair to me.

Earning an extra move slot through evolving is just a guideline, not a rule. My intention was to buff up some of the weaker pokemon by giving them more options for moves.

There was a bit of a balance issue as well, quite a few trainers were one-shotting my pokemon, who were five levels above them, with regular damaging attacks.

Yeah... there are definitely some balance problems. I'll work on it.

The evolutionary stones for the pokemon, like Clefairy and Vulpix, that need them should be placed in the demo.

Well, evolution outside of battle hasn't even been made yet. I'll try to have them for next version.

Thanks for the comments!
I am so surprised by how good this demo compares to the games themselves. I was so surprised by all of your skill and gameplay, I want to help, but I have no skills to help with, I would PAY for this. That good, I would sell all my pokemon games for it.
Its amazing! The AMs, combined moves, new moves, more than 1 pokemon can follow you, brink mode were excellent ideas! I understand that that is barely the first version, but I would like to see movement in the water, weaker infected trainers, bigger cities and more NPCs. But generally its an awesome game, really looking forward for the complete version.
Also for some reason my Chinchou is at level 34 and it still havent evolved, can anyone tell why?
I like what you have done so far, it's nice to see a combination of the old stuff we know so well all built on top of something new that will allow for so much new/cool stuff.

I do have one question/critique though. Since you have moved away from the tile base movement system and allowed diagonal movement are you planning on implementing a 8-direction walk animation? Because, as it stands, the standard directions look fine, but move along the diagonal and the movement starts to look "slidey", that is to say you are moving in one direction and animating movement in another.

Besides that it looks really good, keep up the hard work. I'm excited to see how it turns out!
I tried out the 30-minute trial (only played for 15 or so minutes cause I was on break) and its awesome!
I just love how more than one pokemon can follow you around, I really love the female sprite, how the hair moves while she walks/runs etc. (maybe next time around I'll see what the male sprite is like). I also really like the battle system, the style, the animations etc, it seems so different to what I usually see. :D
My (constructive) criticisms to you are that:
-The buildings are a bit big (but that might just be me)
- The male Combee has a female sprite (can tell by the red gem thing on the bottom bee's forehead)

I think that's it (off the top of my head) if I find anything else I'll be sure to let you know! :D
I really hope you go through with this!
This game seems REALLY interesting !

I didn't play the whole preview 'cause an infected trainer beat me, and GAME OVER ~ I was surprise by that XD But it's a great idea ! (I'll try again later to see the rest of the preview !)
I like the story and the features you put on this. I'm a fan of fan-made versions and I think I will really like this one !
i just tried the preview and i am seriously impressed, i love the changes that you made to a system that seriously needed something different. i hope to see a lot more of this game and cant wait to see what improvements are next.
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