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[Decomp] Digimon Emerald [Recruiting]

  • 1
    • Seen Jan 1, 2025
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Decomp] Digimon Emerald [Recruiting]

    Digimon Emerald is a decomp template hack intended to let developers and teams quickly jump right into making new
    Digimon experiences without the hassle of creating everything from scratch.

    Because of the nature of this hack, it is more akin to emerald-expansion or CFRU where it is not intended
    to be playable on its own so the map, story and everything that isn't an item or digimon will generally be unchanged.

    To make this happen, I need the help of talented artists who have a great passion for Digimon!

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Decomp] Digimon Emerald [Recruiting]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Decomp] Digimon Emerald [Recruiting][PokeCommunity.com] [Decomp] Digimon Emerald [Recruiting]

    All 1483 Digimon (383 are currently complete or nearing completion)
    Return of Fairy Type
    New Light Type
    Third Typings (Vaccine, Virus, Data, Free and Unknown)
    Chaotic evolution lines (between 1-5 evolutions for every Digimon)
    Stat based evolutions
    Rebranded old items
    New items
    New abilities
    New moves


    Open Positions:

    Spriter: Make Digimon Sprites (Back, Front and Party) and Item Sprites
    Balancer: Typings, Stats, Abilities and Learnsets
    Writer: Pokedex Descriptions
    Programmer: New Abilities, Items and Mechanics

    Currently I am handling all of the above alone.
    It is important to note that this is all unpaid work.

    When applying for any of the positions, showing off any previous work (no matter how small or large) will
    greatly increase the chances of me bringing you onto the team.

    If you are interested, feel free to comment below or contact me on discord (DMs or in the server are fine)

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQh3EARTUK
    My Discord Tag: threestepauthentication
    Decomp Link: https://github.com/Luna3Step/DigimonEmerald
    Fulll Documentation: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LKL6a207glhRs54g44INch_pgTrgzPlx2urK0qpdxec/edit?usp=sharing

    Resources Used

    Hi Luna3Step, first of all let me apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes, my first language isnt english
    I hope I am not to late to the party..

    I'm failry new to the scene ... but I have been (and still am) working on my own Pokemon fan game since 2020, its a huge task and I guess my vision is WAY to big for it to be done anywhere in the near future. I have been slowly learning all the skills needed including pretty much anything that you have listed for your project. From reworking and rebalancing movesets, abilitys, evolution methods etc. to doing spritework, new Items and so on.

    I think I got quiet good at what I am doing. I know my way around the PBS files and even doe, I would never claim to be a programmer, I even got quite good at troubleshooting and going into the scripts. I am especialy proud of the way I made split evolutions work for the Alolan Forms / the "Disguise" Ability from Mimikyu that I made work for Sudowoodo and the "Schooling" Ability for Unown, which was all NOT easy because of various different factors to be considered (like Unown already having 28 different forms unlike Wishiwashi, or me not settling for anything less than Sudowoodo displaying his famous gen2/4 overworld sprite in battle as long as his Disguise Ability is active)

    So, I recently got back on the Digimon craze, and would REALLY like to work and contribute towards your current (Emerald still...?) or next project (maybe Heartgold/Soulsilver? wink wink*)
    I am not planning on shelving my own project but I got quiet some time on my hands and I just can't stop thinking about all the cool things and mechanics a Pokemon Rom-Hack with Digimon could do, like the massive split evolution possibilitys !! (Also, have you tought about a re-use of the Mega-Evolution Mechanic to give Digimon the Ability to digivole during battle? Since Charizard and Mewto already have different mega forms, split Armor-Digivolution during battle should be no problem via some Items. (The Mega-ring could be your Digivice) It would give the player a reason to keep certain Rookies, like Veemon, around for more coverage via Armor Digivolution, instead of evolving him further into Exveemon... just as an example, stronger Digi-Eggs could then be locked behind the players Badge count or story progress)

    You could also have the In-Training Digimon already split digivolve purely based on which stat is highest, calling back to the classic first Digimon World game where the rookies and champions had a similar if more extensive method of choosing the evolution you get, and with that, give for example Koromon (who would now just be a normal type) the ability to evolve into multiple forms of Agumon (Snow/Dark etc...) since you cant really train the stats specifically in the very early game (appart from EV hunting which casual players dont do), the nature of the Digimon would play a huge role in its further evolution, which does feel distinctly Digimon-ish somehow ^^ It would also give breeding or catching multiple mons of the same species even more value and efford or make the player EV hunt early on. It gives the desired Digivolution more weight and importance and the players could feel more engaged in it, in the early game and be enticed to actually breed later on instead of just catching the same mon 4 times.

    If you want references, I could send you my overworked pbs file of Pokemon alldoe I am still on my second go around to iron out any kinks. I also have some original characters that I worked of, off pre-existing ones, a few Item Grafhics, a fair amount of custome shinies and the scripts for special Abilitys mentioned above

    I would prefer to work on evolution methods, typings, movesets, balancing, integrating the new types (alldoe I have to be honest with you, for me it would be EITHER Fairy type or Light type since I cant picture any difference in strengths/resistances, my vote would be on just keeping the fairy type around as a stand in, works very good so far) So pbs-files and scripts basically for Mons as well as Items if you want, since I have more than enough spritework that needs be done for my own project, and its not really my favorite thing to do.

    Integrating the Vaccine,Virus and Data type as third typing sounds super good and also pretty managable, I could propably do that for example...

    I hope this message isnt to chaotic or extensive... I'm a noob when it comes to online convo... but I also am an original gen 1 Pokemon and Digimon fan with vast knowledge on both franchises (Pokemon more than Digimon, but still) so... ^^ take the good with the bad okay? ;)

    If you want to see any of my work just ask, I wasn't sure what exactly I should send over, since I don't want to do spritework but I also didn't just wanned to send the pokemon pbs, feels kinda underwhelming to me