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Crystal hack: Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE]

Unfortunately not. I could make him a rare encounter in one of the caves if you want?
Sure that would be cool. I don't mind pushing back my E4 run to grind up a new Lavogaritamon. And the fact that you put HexeBlaumon in the game. Oooh chef's kiss. HexeBlaumon is my second favorite digimon after Ouryumon.
Seeing as the update doesn't affect anything I'm doing, I'll hold off on patching my file.

Story time: After arriving in Olivine City I discovered that there was a sick Digimon cooped up in the lighthouse and that the nearest doctor who could cure it is in Cianwood. Making my way to the cliffside town was made easy by securing a raft. Arriving in Cianwood I found an Ancient Sphinxmon, it ran, and a helpful obsessive fanboy decided to aid me in my journey by assisting in ensuring Taichi evolved into Metal Greymon.

Taichi made quick work of the local gym leader and his followers, though Chuck's Apemon did frighten me as apparently Metal Greymon are weak to bones. Finding the doctor the medicine was obtained, and the Elecmon was saved. Jasmine was grateful for the help and offered her services as a gym leader.

Heading to Mahogany Town I discovered that some Team Rocket jerks were using the Lake of Rage as an experiment in forcing Digimon to evolve. Some random man named Lance helped me in shutting down their operation, though I soon learned they had been something of a distraction, and the real effort was back in Goldenrod City. Taking a small detour to face off against Pryce's gym, I learned that Ice type Digimon are very weak to Flamethrowers.

Returning to Goldenrod I found the Radio Tower under Team Rocket control. This simply will not stand. They're interrupting my favourite radio show. Finding and rescuing the Director, I obtained a key card to the shutter door in the Tower, and headed up to fight Rocket's leader. On my way up I found some kind of weird Digimon named Meowth...mon? Fighting the disappointing executives from Mahogany again, Taichi evolved into Wargreymon, ending this leg of the journey.

Edit: Addendum to the adventures of Hikari and Taichi. Following the defeat of Team Rocket's holdouts I received word that "Something is happening at the Tin Tower," so off I went to investigate. Lo and behold it was Ancient Sphinxmon just kinda standing there looking all derpy, as it is want to do. So I caught it. Afterward the obsessive fanboy cried my praises and I went on my merry way to Blackthorn City. Clair's gym was... easy. Turns out dragons are kinda weak to their own fire, and the few angels hovering around keeping the dragons in check could do nothing to the might of a steel beam to the face. Clair pouted, but eventually was forced to bequeath the Rising Badge.

Now so close to the end of my journey I made my way up the mountain pass east of Newbark and found the fabled Victory Road. There were no trainers, there were hardly Digimon. There was this one guy who's been stalking me, but he went down like a chump.

Finally I stand before the Elite Four's gates. Soon they shall understand the god of destruction that is Taichi the Wargreymon.
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Fixed! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. :)
Thanks for fixing it :) and Etemon doesn't evolve at all. How to get Omnimon because I have both Wargreymon & Metalgarurumon at level 100? And does sukamon slow up at night in Mt.Moltar?
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Two story updates in one day?! ENTIRELY WITHIN THE REALM OF POSSABILITY!

The Elite Four of the Indigo League proved annoying. After several attempts ending at Bruno I decided to dump my remaining money into Rare Candies from the lobby. This worked so freaking well. And now Hikari and Taichi are in the Hall of Fame. Following a well deserved rest Professor Elm called me to his lab informing me of the neighbouring region of Kanto, and how I might be able to find both some more worthy opponents and enrich myself culturally by absorbing another people's cultural artefacts and artwork. He handed me a first class ticket aboard the S.S.Anne, a high speed ship that was going to set sail from Olivine to the Kantonian city of Vermilion.

Little did I know this was a massive mistake and I would come to regret every moment in this next door neighbour of a country.

To begin: Vermilion was a delightful port city, bustling and busy, full of life. Perhaps a little too full of life, as I found the entry way to the gym was covered in foliage, requiring me to landscape so I could reach the door. This should have been a red flag, but I ignored it, assuming the groundkeeping crew had simply been on vacation. Once inside the gym I found it to be lively and just filled with entirely too many garbage cans. The leader, Lt Surge, proceeded to threaten a ten year old before losing gracefully to an Indigo Champion.

Next I ventured into Saffron City. If Vermilion was bustling, Saffron was literally teeming with life; city folk as far as the eye could see. Truly Goldenrod was a pale imitation. The gym was an unhinged nightmare, however. Apparently Sabrina had decided that numerous identical rooms with teleportation pads along the floor was the only way to decorate. Only once I had vomited and a kindly grandma learned to fear the god in my pocket did I find Sabrina and some saltine crackers. She had apparently foreseen my arrival, three years ago, when I was seven. This did not stop her from marveling at her loss. A few more nausea inducing teleportation pads and I once again breathed some fresh air. I now found myself heading West to Celedon.

There must be something in the water here in Kanto, as Celedon City is covered in plant life. Vines, moss, flowers, and even plant Digimon are everywhere. I must've accidentally stepped on three Palmon who were just burrowed into the ground before having to once more hack my way to the door of a gym. I swear these gym leaders in Kanto are a different kind of crazy. I know Whitney broke down sobbing after I beat her, but she was also exceedingly passionate during our fight. Emotions got heated. I understood her position. Erika, meanwhile? She must either have nothing to do, or is actively ignoring her duties as a leader in her city as she admitted to what is either narcolepsy or heavy drug use just before our fight. Luckily she accepted defeat gracefully, and I'm almost certain the creepy old guy out front was salivating as I left the gym smelling of flowers. It was only later as I was having a snack in the Digicentre that someone informed me of the gym's "Women only" policy, and I questioned limiting gym membership to only half of the population when horticulture is a gender neutral passion.

Heading North into Cerulean City I was astounded to find a normal looking city in this apparent nightmare of a country. I found the gym closed as the leader had taken the day off. Fair enough, they work hard and deserve some time to themselves to recharge their social batteries, I get it. Someone in town had informed me of the nearby electric plant offering tours of their new state of the art generator, and I figured this was worth seeing. I was after all here to see the sights and take in the demon water infested culture. I arrived at the plant to find it shut down as someone had broken in and stolen a key part for its operation. As a ten year old there should've been nothing for me to do, as an Indigo League Champion the forty year old manager looked to me and asked for my help in tracking down the man who had stolen from him and bringing him to justice. The closest safe location for the burglar was obviously Cerulean so I returned, hoping to find some clues. The gym door was oddly open when I passed by it. Investigating I found a foreigner in strangely familiar clothing behaving erratically. Not wanting to profile him as a problem I let him go, though I soon came to realize the poorly fitted outfit he wore had a large red R on the back of them, as he was wearing his Team Rocket shirt backwards. Tracking him to the bridge leading out of the city to the North I beat up his Digimon and he told me where he had hidden the part after I informed him I had dismantled Team Rocket when they interrupted my favourite radio show and asked him what would happen if I couldn't take a ride on the new magnetic train. Calling the authorities to retrieve the part I then headed further North, taking on the Nugget Bridge challenge and visiting Bill's Kantonian house. Here I stumbled upon the gym leader Misty having a date on private property, and her boyfriend, not wanting trouble with the cops who were still with me, fled the scene. Her date ruined Misty returned to the gym and I challenged her. She called me a pest for interrupting her love life, and I made her water Digimon eat the ground.

Kanto is weird, y'all.
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Sure that would be cool. I don't mind pushing back my E4 run to grind up a new Lavogaritamon. And the fact that you put HexeBlaumon in the game. Oooh chef's kiss. HexeBlaumon is my second favorite digimon after Ouryumon.
Ohh, sorry. I put him in the Rock Tunnel in Kanto. I felt the other caves had too much water for a volcanic lava dragon.

Thanks for fixing it :) and Etemon doesn't evolve at all. How to get Omnimon because I have both Wargreymon & Metalgarurumon at level 100? And does sukamon slow up at night in Mt.Moltar?
Fixed! Oh and Sukamon is only found on the second floor.

...Kanto is weird, y'all.
Damn, that was a hell of a play-by-play. At this point not even Red is going to give you any trouble. Your WarGreymon may even reach level 100 at this point. And we all know what happens then...
Just finished the rocket hideout with lance, one of the passwords needed is still "Raticate's Tail" not sure if you meant to change that or not. Also the quiz to get the radio card has a few typos. I'm having a lot of fun with this so far, 4/6 of my time is solidified, haven't decided on the last two yet

Also, I haven't watched the full dex video as to not spoil myself, but is Diaboromon's line in the game? also, also are there shinies? or is the shellmon a 1-of?
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I shall break up the following story update with spoiler tags, as apparently I wrote nearly 1,500 words for this. Sometimes I wonder why I can't put this amount of effort into NaNoWriMo.

Following my defeat of Misty I found it prudent to visit Lavender Town, as I had heard it was a solemn place of mourning for all of Kanto's inhabitants. Turns out they turned their tower of the dead into a radio broadcast tower… So there's that. Heading South I learned the route would lead me to Fuchsia City, and my next gym challenge.

Spoiler: Janine

Spoiler: Brock

Spoiler: Blaine

Spoiler: Blue

Spoiler: The Search for Red

Spoiler: Epilogue

All of that being said and done, I loved this hack. Personally it felt like it gave me more of a challenge in the Elite Four than the others did (Bruno especially), but it fell prey to the issue with Gen 2: Kanto is kinda an afterthought. That's not to say you did anything wrong with it, but Gamefreak kinda dropped the ball with Kanto. They gave some of the characters interesting things to say, but their teams didn't really pose a challenge to a team that had beaten the Elite Four, ya' know? The only ones to offer a difficulty increase were Blue and Red, but that's to be expected from Kanto's Champs.
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Just finished the rocket hideout with lance, one of the passwords needed is still "Raticate's Tail" not sure if you meant to change that or not. Also the quiz to get the radio card has a few typos. I'm having a lot of fun with this so far, 4/6 of my time is solidified, haven't decided on the last two yet

Also, I haven't watched the full dex video as to not spoil myself, but is Diaboromon's line in the game? also, also are there shinies? or is the shellmon a 1-of?
Sadly Diaboromon's not in this game. If you want to see the whole Dex come to life, check out this YouTube video:

And yes there are Shinies, but I haven't fiddled with their rarity whatsoever. I believe the shiny pallette for each mon is the same as in the original game according to their Dex number. So how a Digimon sprite will interpret a shiny palette is anyone's guess. Maybe some of them will turn out looking cool?


All of that being said and done, I loved this hack. Personally it felt like it gave me more of a challenge in the Elite Four than the others did (Bruno especially), but it fell prey to the issue with Gen 2: Kanto is kinda an afterthought. That's not to say you did anything wrong with it, but Gamefreak kinda dropped the ball with Kanto. They gave some of the characters interesting things to say, but their teams didn't really pose a challenge to a team that had beaten the Elite Four, ya' know? The only ones to offer a difficulty increase were Blue and Red, but that's to be expected from Kanto's Champs.
Glad you enjoyed your playthrough! It sounds like a hell of a journey just by reading it. And yeah like you said, Kanto is kind of... how to put it? It's cool that it's in there, but at the same time it feels a bit lifeless. There's some old interview that's been kicking around for a few decades that the decision to add it in was done on a whim, so there probably wasn't must space left in the game cartridge to begin with. That would at least explain why it feels like such an afterthought, with everything being closed down (Safari Zone, Silph Co, Museum) or destroyed like Cinnabar. Also the fact that it's completely open-ended means all the Gym leaders have to be hovering around the same level, unless they could have incorporated some kind of dynamic level scaling like modern hacks do (they definitely wouldn't have had the technology for that at the time I feel). I would love for Digimon Crystal to have dynamic level scaling in Kanto as well (and maybe even in Jhoto for Morty, Chuck, Jasmine, and Pryce at least), but unfortunately I don't know how to program that. If one day the secrets to coding that becomes "open source," then I'll happily add that in to spice up Kanto a bit more. Or at the very least give it more of a challenge. :)
Just finished beat Red. Did a massive amount of probably unnecessary grinding. Wanted to go in blind so I avoided your Vs Red video. In the end we both ended up using a Phontomon Curse strat so that seems to be the play. Working just need to add some background music for the first vid. It is 30 minutes long. Let's see how this 6 year old phone can handle compiling that.
Just finished beat Red. Did a massive amount of probably unnecessary grinding. Wanted to go in blind so I avoided your Vs Red video. In the end we both ended up using a Phontomon Curse strat so that seems to be the play. Working just need to add some background music for the first vid. It is 30 minutes long. Let's see how this 6 year old phone can handle compiling that.
Congrats on beating it! I checked out your video and it looks like you were pretty overlelved for most of it. I hope it was still challenging enough! And yeah actually on my first playthrough I beat Red's Omnimon the old fashioned way; beating it down piecemeal with Earthquakes from my Submarimon and Flamethrowers from my WarGreymon.
Congrats on beating it! I checked out your video and it looks like you were pretty overlelved for most of it. I hope it was still challenging enough! And yeah actually on my first playthrough I beat Red's Omnimon the old fashioned way; beating it down piecemeal with Earthquakes from my Submarimon and Flamethrowers from my WarGreymon.
Part 2 everyone stays pretty much the exact same levels until the red fight were i did grind a bit more. I ended up fighting Janine after Blaine and the level difference gave me whiplash. I thoroughly enjoyed this though. If you were to do one more Digimon hack, what is really left for you to do?
Part 2 everyone stays pretty much the exact same levels until the red fight were i did grind a bit more. I ended up fighting Janine after Blaine and the level difference gave me whiplash. I thoroughly enjoyed this though. If you were to do one more Digimon hack, what is really left for you to do?
If I were to do another Digimon hack, it would probably be of the sequel to the TCG; "Here Comes GR!" Having 7 colours to play around with per card instead of the usual 4 is very tempting. But the disassembly for poketcg2 is not where I need it to be right now so that's probably off the table for now.

I would only look into making a Digimon Platinum if, and only if, some hacker out there learns how to speed up the game significantly and shares his wisdom in a disassembly tutorial. I absolutely cannot stand the snail's pacing of Gen IV. Even then, I wouldn't be able to show off any new Digimon that we haven't already seen before. Yes, there are over 1000 Digimon in Digimon canon but only about 350 of them are diverse enough to make a balanced game out of. The remaining 650 Digimon are basically all Dragon, Steel, or Fighting types if I were to convert them into Pokemon rules. So a theoretical "Digimon Platinum" would basically just be a rehash of Nova Red or Emerald Project. Hell, even most of the sprites would look the same except for the ones I really had to squish down into a 64x64 pixel box (Gen IV sprites can get as big at 96x96 pixels or something? IDK).

Long story short I think I'm semi-retired from romhacking for the forseeable future. I'll probably only work on making bug fixes or minor improvements to Crystal here and there but that's about it. There's also my somewhat paranoid concern that Pokecommunity might not want to see their Pokemon community-- you know, for Pokemon-- become over-saturated with Digimon content. 🤣
In regards to typing, I'd imagine a lot of the issues could be handled by altering the existing type charts to better reflect the inherent typing of Digimon. As for oversaturation I'd argue it's a welcome change to all of the "OOH I MADE THIS OLD POKEMONE GAME SUPER DUPER HARD BY REMOVING THE POKEMON!!!! OMGZOWNDS!" romhacks that permeate the forums already.
In regards to typing, I'd imagine a lot of the issues could be handled by altering the existing type charts to better reflect the inherent typing of Digimon. As for oversaturation I'd argue it's a welcome change to all of the "OOH I MADE THIS OLD POKEMONE GAME SUPER DUPER HARD BY REMOVING THE POKEMON!!!! OMGZOWNDS!" romhacks that permeate the forums already.
A complete type chart overhaul would be an interesting idea. When you think about it, there only needs to be 12 types or so: Fire, Airborne, Plant, Insect, Electric, Metal, Water, Ice, Earth, Dark, Holy, and Normal. The problem is that there's only a small handful of Insect, Plant, and Electric Digimon, and they've all been featured in my previous 4 hacks already.

If you have any ideas for a brand new Digimon type chart that would let me feature some new mons, let me know. Aside from the obvious Data > Vaccine > Virus triangle, I'm not sure what else there is. :unsure:
I sent you my initial ideas for such a change. In regards to "Insect" Digimon you could easily pile them into "Grass" as a type and leave it at that. Cherrymon and Woodmon would fall into it as well despite being trees.
I've been on a second playthrough using Skullgreymon, Myotismon, Metaletemon and Skullmammothmon(so I don't get entirely destroyed by fighting types) and haven't seen any issue to report. I'm just before the league.
Skullgreymon is a neat piece of balancing as something that destroys early game but falls off later.

If there's one thing I would like to recommend tho is to give the Sukamon line access to the Sludgebomb TM. For "lore" reasons.
Going to challenge red soon, having aot of fun with this romhack, one thing I was wondering about though: Is using the whistle supposed to look like this? Teaching a digimon fly and using the move itself looks fine, but I always get a visual like this when using the whistle
[PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE]
is it possible to find bibimon or i find it as pulsemon and where its loaaction i just started the game and search to electric type