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Crystal hack: Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE]

This game is insane, this makes me enjoy playing games again (34 career, family man, weight lifter, little free time). I wish I had more time for games but this is a perfect time vampire.

I came across just a small error/glitch. When I choose Botamon as my starter and it evolves to Koromon his gender will become female if it wasn't already. This is playing on the latest release I think (V2 from VisualBoyAdvance site).

Also no big deal but the dude in Sprout Tower at top mentions his master's HM when it's now just key items and it's a lantern.

That's about as far as I got till I found the mon needed for Pagumon and restarted to raise him.
Going to challenge red soon, having aot of fun with this romhack, one thing I was wondering about though: Is using the whistle supposed to look like this? Teaching a digimon fly and using the move itself looks fine, but I always get a visual like this when using the whistle
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Holy hell, I've never seen it like that.

Normally the screen will look a bit bugged if you select the Whistle but back out of the map selection screen, like so:
[PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE]
Nothing compared to your Glitch City though. o_O

Game was fun. I long for the day we can get some rom hacks of TCG2.

Hell yeah. I see you steamrolled the competition with super high-level mons. Did you do a lot of grinding? Or did I make Rare Candies too cheap?
This game is insane, this makes me enjoy playing games again (34 career, family man, weight lifter, little free time). I wish I had more time for games but this is a perfect time vampire.

I came across just a small error/glitch. When I choose Botamon as my starter and it evolves to Koromon his gender will become female if it wasn't already. This is playing on the latest release I think (V2 from VisualBoyAdvance site).

Also no big deal but the dude in Sprout Tower at top mentions his master's HM when it's now just key items and it's a lantern.

That's about as far as I got till I found the mon needed for Pagumon and restarted to raise him.
Glad you're liking it! I'm pretty similar to you (33, career, happily married, gym bro, moderate amount of free time). Maybe that's why my game clicked with you. 🤣

I don't recommend playing unofficial versions that show up on other sites because they're usually out of date. I know the whole patching thing is a pain but it really only takes a few extra seconds. Or you can visit my YouTube channel.

That said the Koromon gender glitch is probably still in the newest version so I'll patch that at the next update. Oh and I'll fix the mention of the master' HM also; good catch. (y)
Glad you're liking it! I'm pretty similar to you (33, career, happily married, gym bro, moderate amount of free time). Maybe that's why my game clicked with you. 🤣

I don't recommend playing unofficial versions that show up on other sites because they're usually out of date. I know the whole patching thing is a pain but it really only takes a few extra seconds. Or you can visit my YouTube channel.

That said the Koromon gender glitch is probably still in the newest version so I'll patch that at the next update. Oh and I'll fix the mention of the master' HM also; good catch. (y)
May you have many gains and may your max forever increase.
Damn this is kicking my ass early-game, calumon at level 13 is strong and you have to train up a few mons at least due to each one having only really 1 function/role with the enemies being truly daunting.

Gen2 had weird level curves but the calumon being outright better then most mons at this point really drives that one in, these aren't bellsprout

Very fun, so far the daunting enemies have been neat puzzles, just beat the sprout tower fight but sheesh, can i recommend making the Keemon fodder in the cave a bit higher level for better easier farming or cut a few level or two in the tower to smooth better into the gym? or swap the gym trainers teams so the level 9's are first?

Spoiler: How i beat it
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Damn this is kicking my ass early-game, calumon at level 13 is strong and you have to train up a few mons at least due to each one having only really 1 function/role with the enemies being truly daunting.

Gen2 had weird level curves but the calumon being outright better then most mons at this point really drives that one in, these aren't bellsprout

Very fun, so far the daunting enemies have been neat puzzles, just beat the sprout tower fight but sheesh, can i recommend making the Keemon fodder in the cave a bit higher level for better easier farming or cut a few level or two in the tower to smooth better into the gym? or swap the gym trainers teams so the level 9's are first?

Spoiler: How i beat it
You know what, you're right. Thanks for the feedback! I'll tweak Calumon's movepool so he isn't blasting away with Confusion all the time. :) Offhand, I'm playing Quarantine Crystal right now and similarly getting my ass handed to me at every gym. Made me sympathize with other players going blind into a Fakemon hack lol
You know what, you're right. Thanks for the feedback! I'll tweak Calumon's movepool so he isn't blasting away with Confusion all the time. :) Offhand, I'm playing Quarantine Crystal right now and similarly getting my ass handed to me at every gym. Made me sympathize with other players going blind into a Fakemon hack lol
Fair enough of a change, it was mostly the recover imo as keemon is pretty weak and it just results in 20+ turns of stalling it out, but gen 2 has legendarily bad level curves so it isn't really your fault, infact after the chibomon rest fiasco and the tankiness of calumon relatively, having a boss fight that just goes all out on an otherwise slow start is pretty neat. The fact you have the 1 dark type and most things can take 1 attack before you hit them is just fine.

For reference my levels were barely at 10, with a few behind at 7 so it's probably my fault but again the way this early game works makes you NEED an entire toolkit of answers to kill some things, i like it it's like an extended early game and i put in a good lil bit of farming despite nyaromon singspamming or the next best spot having 13+ rookies to the left of the town.
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Fair enough of a change, it was mostly the recover imo as keemon is pretty weak and it just results in 20+ turns of stalling it out, but gen 2 has legendarily bad level curves so it isn't really your fault, infact after the chibomon rest fiasco and the tankiness of calumon relatively, having a boss fight that just goes all out on an otherwise slow start is pretty neat. The fact you have the 1 dark type and most things can take 1 attack before you hit them is just fine.

For reference my levels were barely at 10, with a few behind at 7 so it's probably my fault but again the way this early game works makes you NEED an entire toolkit of answers to kill some things, i like it it's like an extended early game and i put in a good lil bit of farming despite nyaromon singspamming or the next best spot having 13+ rookies to the left of the town.
I'll look into shifting some stuff around with Chibomon as well. :)
I'll look into shifting some stuff around with Chibomon as well. :)
Makes me wonder if there should be a harder mode patch for all the player boostings that come from future patches but enemies remain this tricky, it's fun in it's own way but i think this is just an early game thing so maybe not? To end off this chain of replies i will say so far the digimon choices are niche and very nice as well as the pokedex being useful, kudos man.
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Beat Red with my squad[PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE][PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE][PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE][PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE][PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE][PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE]

This was the first Romhack I've played and I really enjoyed it! The early game was a little tough, and it took me a while to get used to all the new type combinations, but it was enjoyable, I've already started on the emerald one now.
Beat Red with my squadView attachment 154570View attachment 154571View attachment 154572View attachment 154573View attachment 154574View attachment 154575

This was the first Romhack I've played and I really enjoyed it! The early game was a little tough, and it took me a while to get used to all the new type combinations, but it was enjoyable, I've already started on the emerald one now.
Nice team dude! Interesting that they're mostly static encounters. Hope you enjoy Emerald. :)
View attachment 153877
Welcome back to the Digital World!

What's up! Back with my fourth (and perhaps final?) installment in my Digimon series. This time it's a hack of Pokemon Crystal.

-All 251 Pokemon replaced with Digimon
-Fairy type
-Physical-Special split
-Running shoes
-Most HMs replaced with key items
-Forgettable HM moves
-Evolution parameters included in each Dex entry
-Increased difficulty and improved level scaling
-Convenient mart items
-All Digimon available in-game
-More useful item pickups

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Gameplay Trailer:

-Made by me! Using PokeCrystal Disassembly, of course.

Change Log:
-28.1.2024 : Polished up a few sprites
-24.1.2024 : Changed all item pickups to be more useful instead of random repels and potions
-23.1.2024 : Minor text mistakes fixed, added Move Relearner
-22.1.2024 : Added custom menu sprites
-17.1.2024 : Fixed a few more evolution bugs
-13.1.2024 : Fixed a few evolution and growth rate bugs, added custom cries
-7.1.2024 : Initial release

Constructive feedback and play testers welcome! Thanks!
Love your hack. Is there a documentation available?
Hey. I just downloaded the newest patch and I don't know if something is wrong with my game.
But I don't have any amount staying next to my items in my bag.

When I put a Digimon in the PC Box it has TM29 when I take it back in my team and it's level 100 with other attacks it new before.

But you did a really good work with this rom hack :) big fan


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE]
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Digimon Crystal [COMPLETE]
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I'm a sucker for a new Johto hack so been giving this one a try. Have a couple quick questions!

1. Noticed the gender ratios seem to be wonky. Been grinding for a while trying to level my early game catches and noticed everything except my starter was male, wasn't sure if that was intentional or a bug.

2. On the note of grinding, is Zurumon supposed to take so much longer than everything else you can catch early on to gain levels? Noticed he requires a LOT more xp even at low levels compared to everything else I've caught. Again not sure if intentional - slow level curve for something that becomes very powerful after evolution or something like that - or a bug.

Been fun thus far, though still very early in the game.
Looks great. I do wish every mon had an evolution path to a Mega though.
Hey. I just downloaded the newest patch and I don't know if something is wrong with my game.
But I don't have any amount staying next to my items in my bag.

When I put a Digimon in the PC Box it has TM29 when I take it back in my team and it's level 100 with other attacks it new before.

But you did a really good work with this rom hack :) big fan
What on earth?? That's the weirdest glitch I've ever seen. O_O I just playtested it myself and I didn't run into either problem. My only guess is it's a problem with your emulator? Thank you for the kind words though; I had a lot of fun making it. :)

I'm a sucker for a new Johto hack so been giving this one a try. Have a couple quick questions!

1. Noticed the gender ratios seem to be wonky. Been grinding for a while trying to level my early game catches and noticed everything except my starter was male, wasn't sure if that was intentional or a bug.

2. On the note of grinding, is Zurumon supposed to take so much longer than everything else you can catch early on to gain levels? Noticed he requires a LOT more xp even at low levels compared to everything else I've caught. Again not sure if intentional - slow level curve for something that becomes very powerful after evolution or something like that - or a bug.

Been fun thus far, though still very early in the game.
Glad you're enjoying it!
1. Since breeding has been removed (sorry), gender ratios have been made to reflect a Digimon's mainstream gender in the anime. While canonically, Renamon stated in the third season that "Digimon have no gender," fans nonetheless unofficially designate genders to Digimon. For example, Lillymon and Rosemon clearly resemble females, and as such the entire Yuramon line is 100% female in this game. The only line I struggled with was the Poromon line lol
2. Just double-checked the Zurumon line and its growth rate is set as "Slightly slow," which should mean that it actually levels up faster than your starter (which has the growth rate of "medium slow"). Since "slightly slow" was originally unused in vanilla Crystal and was never supposed to see the light of day, it's possible that this growth rate might actually be bugged (!). I'll conduct a test at some point in the future and get back to you.

Looks great. I do wish every mon had an evolution path to a Mega though.
Glad you like it! To be honest the dex choices are pretty much determined by the availability of quality sprites that exist online. Mega Digimon, being so large and intricate, tend to not have very high quality sprites (since a Gen II sprite can only have 4 colours and a maximum size of 56x56 pixels). Now there are fan-made sprites floating around on Deviantart and such, but sadly many of them are not up to snuff in my opinion. Since I'm not the best hacker around in the romhacking community, I tend to focus on quality of graphics to be my main "selling point" when it comes to my hacks. :3
What on earth?? That's the weirdest glitch I've ever seen. O_O I just playtested it myself and I didn't run into either problem. My only guess is it's a problem with your emulator? Thank you for the kind words though; I had a lot of fun making it. :)
Just deleted the game and patched it new. Seems to work :D
To be honest the dex choices are pretty much determined by the availability of quality sprites that exist online.

Gotcha. Could alt colors be an option to fill some more out, like Skullgreymon to Blackwargreymon for example?