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Discrimination - What's wrong with us?

  • 12,504
    • Seen Mar 13, 2022
    Seriously, I have to question what exactly is wrong with the human race after watching a video on Youtube. Shockingly raw proof that homophobia hurts people.

    If you don't or can't watch the video, it's basically a Youtube user posting an extremely video of her experience today. She is doing a project to give Build-A-Bears to Ronald McDonald houses to be distributed to terminally ill children there. She made over 40 to deliver. So while she's half way through unpacking them, a female worker at the Ronald McDonald house says she's uncomfortable working with her because she is a lesbian and tells her to put the bears back and leave. Another employee said she'd make sure the unpacked bears got delivered to children, but really did nothing to stand up for her.

    How sick is this? The woman was making bears for terminally ill children and her gifts are unaccepted because of her sexual orientation? She did absolutely NOTHING that should've made the worker uncomfortable, but the mere thought was apparently enough. Seriously though, why does it matter?

    If someone wants to put their time and heart into a project to spread love and joy to children who will die, they can only be straight?

    This world, specifically the United States, has its morals completely mixed up. It's sick, baseline.

    (Yeah, this thread discusses a sensitive topic, sexual orientation, but closing this thread does nothing to help a horrible problem.)


  • 1,773
    You know why? Because the GOP wants the support of the religious right, which make up not much of the conservative population compared to general fiscal conservatives. And if it means propagating anti-gay sentiments, so be it.

    Tight gits.
  • 12,504
    • Seen Mar 13, 2022
    I used to be GOP.

    Then I finally woke up and realized that the GOP and Democrats are complete jokes of politicians.

    When I get back to the US, I am starting my own political party.
  • 12,504
    • Seen Mar 13, 2022
    That's not the answer either.

    The way we view politics is not the way it has to be. In fact, we've got it all wrong. And because of my deep seated politicalness I want to change that. A lot.

    Politicians of our country deserve to be teased as having the lowest and worst job. I'd like to change that though. Government isn't supposed to be something high and mighty, it's supposed to be an extension of the people.

    And right now, it's not.
  • 481
    What annoys me is how people get so overhyped upset about this while others are being discriminated on skin color, or are getting raped by 5 men at once, or are being sacrificed as child-soldiers, which is just as sick as this if not sicker. But all you hear is this kind of stuff.
  • 12,504
    • Seen Mar 13, 2022
    What disgust me is your obvious lack of knowledge of the topic of discrimination based on sexual orientation.

    Racism has died down a TON. This has not. And raping is a totally different ball game.
  • 481
    What disgust me is your obvious lack of knowledge of the topic of discrimination based on sexual orientation.

    Racism has died down a TON. This has not. And raping is a totally different ball game.
    Yeah well, just shut up okay? It's obvious that you're not the one being discriminated because of color, so shut up if you're not talking from experience.

    You accuse me of a lack of knowledge, but you're just whining about one stupid example posted on YOUTUBE for god's sake. Go away.


    ♥ Matt
  • 5,062
    Okay guys, please stop flaming/flame-baiting one another. Discrimination against anything can be a really touchy subject, so everyone needs to be careful not to hurt anyone else's feelings.

    If you can't keep it clean, I'm going to have to close this and give out warnings. So just try to be careful and considerate of everyone else, alright?


  • 5,046
    This sickens me. This absolutely sickens me. Just two days ago I was talking to my mom about this sort of thing. What on earth gives people the right to think they can do this to others? I was talking to my mom and questioning her about why society dislikes people who are gay and denies them the same rights and respect that everyone wants. I always wanted to know how someone can say they are Christian or Catholic or completely devoted to their faith when they go out and say that, "Being gay is wrong." Tell me EXACTLY where in the Bible it says that. Where is it written that it says God frowns upon gays? Did not God create every human being on this planet? Does not being Christian mean that you love all and respect all despite their differences to yourself?

    A few months ago I was talking to my friend at school about this. She said, "Wow, that guy's outfit makes him look gay." I said, "What's wrong with that?" and she started telling me how being gay is wrong and immoral. When I asked her why it is "wrong,", she couldn't even back it up. Umm, please tell me how the heck this makes sense? We don't allow gays to get married in this country, yet a registered paedophile can get married, have kids and won't be sent to jail until he is CAUGHT sexually absuing his children. If that doesn't prove there is something wrong with our world, I don't know what does.

    It just makes me so angry that people can be so hurtful and uncaring. It sickens me that parents are bringing up their children to believe that being gay is wrong and should be seen as a bad thing. That's like picking apart any small piece of a person and saying it's wrong. I have a skin disorder. Yes, I'm different from most other people, so should you all cast me into oblivion and tell me I'm undeserving and not fit to coexist with everyone else in this world? No one, and I mean no one has the right to decide what's normal or who can do what based on something as stupid as sexual preference.

    My heart really goes out to that woman. She wanted to help sick, dying children and she was turned away. Only a heartless fool would do something so horrible as that. I'd like to take a big box of tomatoes and chuck them at all the homophobes out there. *hiss* <<

    Well, I'm done for now. Long post, I know, but this is a topic I feel very strongly about. Though I'll never understand why society seems to think being gay is wrong, I can still throw things at the people who think that way. XD



    Windsor ™
  • 8,495
    • Seen Jun 27, 2013
    The T-Dome just popped up in my head after reading this.

    It's just not right.

    It's just not right!

    She could sue I believe. In a way to get the woman fired.
  • 12,504
    • Seen Mar 13, 2022
    Yeah, actually that could turn into a big lawsuit...or at least a huge media thing.

    Anyways, I don't believe I was flaming in my other post. My reply was fairly civil.

    So, yeah. I think even calling someone gay based on actions or appearance can get touchy, because we're just too stereotypical. Guys and girls should be able to behave how they want to (while not like...killing people) and not have people guessing their sexual orientation. Gay is the worst adjective ever.


  • 1,773
    Kelsey, the basis of this arguably goes back to the book of Exodus, where it was written that the tribe of Israel was to be governed so that no man could have sexual relations with another man, and women likewise with women. Isn't it amazing that the religious right will try to hold on to something set down for a tribe accustomed to the times of the ancient Egyptians and, for that matter, something that could have been simply misrecorded or misinterpreted by man over time? We're even getting verses and entire chapters added and filled in at this moment, so chances are that by the next millennium we'll probably have three or four more books added....

    And may I add that this is all from the Old Testament, which, from my understanding, Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecy of and categorically revised in his teachings?
  • 12,504
    • Seen Mar 13, 2022
    Yeah, did he touch on homosexuality though? I'm not sure if he revised it.

    Though, the misinterpretation thing could have a huge part in things.


  • 0
    Yes, it does say in the bible that homosexuality is wrong, look it up when you try and argue, and this has nothing to do with skin color or rape:
    Lev. 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

    Lev. 20:13 "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

    1 Cor. 6:9-10 "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

    Rom. 1:26-28 "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

    It does say in the bible that homosexuality is a sin. In fact, I got into a discussion with a gay/bi friend of mine a few months ago. Basically, he went back to church and then started feeling like his attraction to members of the same sex was a sin. Personally, I'm atheist.
    The biblical teachings contradict and confuse me too much, you have some people who say that the same book that says it's alright to sell your daughters into slavery and eat shrimp is a sin, also says that loving someone is a sin as well. I think that a lot of people see homosexuals--Gay men for instance are often portrayed in the media as flaming drag queens with crazed sexual appetite for pretty little straight guys, which kinda falls into adultery, but I'm ranting.
    Yes, plenty of good Christians take the bible litiraly and somehow feel that being around a gay person will somehow lead them down the path of evil no-nos. Heck, that woman probably thought that by turning the other's gifts away, she was doing the right thing in God's eyes, a lot of other people who share the same veiws would have done the same thing. Most of them aren't bad people, they were just brought up to be afraid that if they don't do things, they'll burn in hell. Such fear based preachings that so many people follow is why I believe what I do.

    Yes, more and more people are becoming tolerant as their children grow up seeing shows like Will & Grace, where being gay isn't that big a deal. In some cases, I do believe that being gay is a chemical thing, chromosomes or what have you. So I refuse to believe that a god who 'loves and created all of his children', would forsaken them for being the way he made them. Some churches don't take the bible so literally, they accept that times are changing and so are people's views, but as long as there are religious that teach that homosexuality is an evil thing, there will forever be people who consider it as dirty and sinful…

    Matt 5:29 "And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell."

    … and that by accepting teddybears, sick kids will be damned.

    As for the "gay" and "fag" as an insult thing, I doubt that will ever change in the next few years. There isn't a 12 year old boy I don't know who calls his friend one whenever he does something stupid. I'm not going to deny the fact that the later was created as a way to put someone down, but just like in the old days when gay meant 'happy', the meaning of the words have changed to a degree. It's a slang term, simple as that.
    And so this ends my probably longest/most intelligent post at PC, ever... And half of it was quotes. ;)
    Last edited:


  • 14,631
    Hmm, this isn't really a topic I'm the most knowledgable of. I hardly see it around here, if at all. Though I'm aware it takes place.

    I personally don't agree with gay/lesbian/bi relationships. To me it seems immoral. However, I'm not going to go as far as be discriminatory about the whole issue, it is ones own choice to make. It just isn't right to hate or dislike someone because of what sex they are attracted to, nor is it okay to judge as such because a religious book says it's wrong. I have friends that are gay, lesbian, and bi.I dosn't follow any religion, nor do I ever intend to. Religion causes too much conflict in my opinion. Conflict that the world doesn't need. I'm not going to hate someone for such stupid reasons as those mentioned above.


  • 1,773
    Personally, I think the religious right are encouraging bullying others by calling them 'gay' — less people Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, or Oral Roberts have to help. XD

    I mean, I'm not gay, but I did get jumped by boys trying to grind me. Each encounter lasted no more than a second, though, and I've forsworn dances.
  • 12,504
    • Seen Mar 13, 2022
    Yeah. Bible does say homosexuality is wrong. But so is being a different religion and worshiping a different god.

    It's not a reason to discriminate IMO. God did give us freewill in the end.
  • 30,930
    • Seen Jun 11, 2024
    What happened to this lady was horrible, yeah the lady doesn't have to be okay with her being gay, but there was no need to tell her that when she was trying to deliver gifts to sick children. I do believe that being gay is immoral, I always will, but that doesn't give me or anyone else who believes the same a free pass to hurt others' feelings like this lady did.

    I don't find any of the books in the bible to be contradictory of one another, but that all depends on what version you read. The King James version, while its use may be declining is still the most widely used version and is horridly outdated. The NIV version is much better in terms of accurate translations and what should and shouldn't be taken as literal.

    I could probably go deeper into what I want to say, but these conversations never end well.
  • 12,504
    • Seen Mar 13, 2022
    Sick children. Teddy Bears. Was it really that bad?

    I know it's wrong and immoral, but the point of this thread is that it was wrong to reject teddy bears for dying kids because she was a lesbian. Personally, I don't like the stereotypical gay guy and wouldn't choose to hang out with someone who acted that way because it gets on my nerves. A lot. But otherwise I think sexual orientation doesn't need to be a point of contingency.

    But yeah, I don't really support gay rights either because in the end I believe it's wrong. ...that said, I'm not sure how I can argue against it when I support non-discrimination.

    It's a very confusing matter.