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dont waste your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my opinion, PBR is a waste of money if:

1. You don't have WiFi
2. You don't have a DS with Diamond/Pearl

The reason being is that the game just wouldn't be much fun without those things (for me anyway). I really love transferring my Pokemon across and seeing them in 3D, and the Mystery Gifts are pretty cool too. I also love the fact that you can customise your own trainer (I've wanted that in a Pokemon game for a long time) although I think they should have added more character model options rather than just 6...

WiFi is addictive (even without friend codes). Sometimes I come across teams that literally make me giggle... I ended up battling with someone who had a whole team of Sharpedo and was dressed as a pirate (their opening phrase being "Arr! Pirates are coming!")... it really did make me laugh out loud.

So yeah... I get a lot of fun out of PBR and to me it's not a waste of money at all ^^
The only reasons I would buy PBR is:

-Soul Dew can be bought (yay!)
-Pikachu with Surf and Volt Tackle + Lightball (I already have the LB its Surf I care about)
-Petaya, Starf, Lansat, and the elusive Liechi Berry (You can also get the Enigma Berry but I am gonna get it from transferring one of my friend's E-Reader berries over to my Diamond, he would not mind he mooching since he is not really into Pokemon anymore...)
-Beat the crap out of random people (unfourtanetly hackers can own you by participating on this)

I wish Nintendo would have stop smoking marijuana and put an RPG mode in PBR...