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[Discussion] Dupes Clause If All Species on Route Were Already Caught

Reginald Cosmic

Big Shot
  • 310
    • Age 27
    • He/Him/His
    • Seen today
    I'm nuzlocking Pokémon Leaf Green and despite some setbacks, it's been going pretty well thus far. When my Wartortle Goku fainted during the Rival Fight in Cerulean City, I trained Ratman into "One Punch Raticate" to defeat Misty. Pidgenator the Pidgeotto fainted to a "Diglett's Cave" Dodrio. Then in Rock Tunnel, I misclicked a button and attacked with Blackberry the Fearow's Aerial Ace instead of switching out, and I lost it.

    I was just about to defeat the last Rocket Grunt guarding Mr. Fuji (who may or may not have been the scientist who created Mewtwo attempting to atone for his sins) when the opposing Raticate one-shoted my poor defenseless Doduo with Hyper Fang. Arceus has punished me for my hubris! (You'd think I would've learned after losing the Wartortle.)

    Onto the question: Route 17 and Route 18 give me a second chance, but uhh, I've kind of already caught one of all the Pokemon there: one Rattata/Raticate, one Spearow/Fearow, and one Doduo. I know it's possible to abuse the dupes clause to guarantee Pokemon like Doduo in this game, which is what I did with the Route 16 Doduo I lost and what I plan to do with Vulpix if I can catch a Bellsprout or Weepinbell on the routes south of the Route 12 Snorlax. (It's very likely I'll get a Bellsprout or Weepinbell as Route 12, 13, 14, and 15 have the same combination of Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Venonat, and Ditto, not including Pokemon I've already caught.)

    I know this whole thread is kind of like asking, "Hey, is it okay for me to eat honey if I'm vegan?" because there's not actually a set of rules in the game. Would it be fair to keep encountering Pokemon until I get a Doduo, or should I just be satisfied with any Flying-type (Fearow) that can learn Fly?

    I don't think I'm going to get an argument that I shouldn't get any encounters at all on the route, or anyone suggesting that I should count the Rattata/Raticate as the encounter on the off-chance it comes up twice since my current Raticate is still around. Both of these potential rulings seem odd to me since it's not a "hardcore nuzlocke," and in the grand scheme of things, it's just a game made for children.
    i would say if you're not going off of anyone's rules but your own that you can do what you want. if it were me and i'd caught everything available, tbh i would probably just say i don't get an encounter for that route since i already have everything there, but you could also consider catching a dupe of whatever is there that you'd want another of. like if you're playing on your own accord and just trying to enjoy yourself, i say do what you want. i've bent rules for myself in nuzlockes esp when i was new to them, like i completely forgot i was doing a nuzlocke my first time and knocked out the first encounter without thinking lol so i just let myself encounter that same pokemon and catch it again. it was my first time and i goofed. it happens.
    I will probably catch whatever shows up first on each of those two routes. The odds of me getting stuck with two more Raticates is only 6%, right? (30% times 20% = 0.3 times 0.2 = 0.06) I think that's how probability works. I just really want something that can learn Fly in the party at this point.