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4th Gen EV training is it worth all the time?

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I never really tried it but as soon as I fill the nation Pokedex thats my next mission

Am currently working on having every pokemon with the OT as Woody or just special event pokemon OTs

And Tonight I will have a Pokemon XD : Gale of Darkness Lugia :D:D:D:D W00000t
Oh, and if you decide double battles are your thing, make sure to give your Pokemon defensive EVs. Or it'll get killed if you come across some n00b with a team of fast, frail sweepers. If you survive their sweeper's attacks, you can then destroy them... (Thinks evilly of Shuckle)

But no, not a waste of time. Shuckle's ridiculous defenses are offset by it's low HP. Obvious solution: 252 HP Evs, and Leftovers.
Well, considering I have a store of pokemon infected with pokerus in my PC, and I have the power items, I can usually finish EV training a pokemon in an hour, maybe two hours tops. Seriously, in D/P, it is much easier.
EV training does make a HUGE difference! I have over 3 boxes of pokemon fully EV trained. Ity took me a while but they are pretty strong now!
It's hard and long to do if you've got none of the items that make it easier I think. I still do it though, me and my friends all agreed to play with EVed pokemon and the difference is crazy. I've got 2 Modest L50 Starmies in Diamond, one EV trained with 167 Special attack and 252 SpAtk EVs and the other raised against random pokemon so its EVs are all over the place and it has 121 Special attack.
I train only my IV-Pokemon but it's really time-consuming.
I'm chaining Pokemon and look how many EVs it give and become a Shiny Pokemon with this^^
But the most of my time I breed the Pokemon and let other people train my Pokemon in other boards(most 3 IVs on EV for 1 IV).
So I can breed the Pokemon and other people train them for me on the excatly EVs.
It's too time-consuming for me, when I have to breed IV-Pokemon
Ok you guys have emphasized how important it is for the pokemon so I will start ev training. Only problem is how do I know how much evs they would have now? I mean they are in their 35-40s so surely they would have evs already so how can I check? How do you guys keep track of the evs?
I do agree that EV training is a bit time consuming but I think it's worth it if you're going to battle other ppl. Having some of the power items from the battle tower/frontier really helps. Counting track of EV is really annoying though. Once I started EV training i finish it so that I won't forget. I used the counter on the pokewatch
There's no way of checking your EVs.
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