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FireRed hack: Fire Red Hack: Pokemon Cryptic Lynch


Professional Coolguy
  • 39
    Fire Red Hack: Pokemon Cryptic Lynch [New Beat Released!]

    Pokemon Cryptic Lynch

    I've wanted to create a hack for forever, but lacked the skills and inspirations to do so. I finally decided to do one when I came up with the idea to make a Pokemon game that felt like something by David Lynch (Mulholland Dr., Twin Peaks). I've only worked on this for a couple hours so far, so it's in early stages, but it'll be awesome soon, and I have a playable beta!

    You begin in Small Town, a small town. It's filled with overly enthusiastic people, that all have secrets. When you're given a gift by a mysterious figure, everything goes awry. Your mother attacks you, and soon you're sent to a completely foreign place filled with evils. There will be no badges, only episodic events lending clues and bits of story that will all culminate and fascinate as it progresses, but there will be a heavy battle emphasis, and it will NOT be easy.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Red Hack: Pokemon Cryptic Lynch
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Red Hack: Pokemon Cryptic Lynch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Red Hack: Pokemon Cryptic Lynch
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Red Hack: Pokemon Cryptic Lynch

    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Red Hack: Pokemon Cryptic Lynch
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Red Hack: Pokemon Cryptic Lynch

    bluedeedrocks(Me) : Scripter, writer, original mapper
    mr.Alpha: level designer, mapper

    Enjoy playing the hack guys and give me any suggestions you have! As well as bugs you noticed!
    I just put up a new beta with more challenges and content! Woo! I just ask that you don't leave the next city, as past that hasn't been changed yet. You'll know when it's over because I've made it end with you stuck somewhere!

    The old beta is still up for nostalgic purposes :)

    I still need a mapper, like REALLY need one. I've been using slick scripting to get around it for now, but I'd really appreciate some help, this is a tough project for just me, and I will finish it!

    As always, leave your comments, suggestions, and bug notices (if it's a mapping issue, a screenshot please!) to keep this hack running smoothly!


    Known Bugs:
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    I played up until just before Viridian forest. I enjoyed your hack so far.
    I like the mystery you've shrouded the hack in, and I enjoy all the different types of pokemon available! Keep up the good work, it's really great for it being a first attempt at a hack!!
    I'll get the chance to play it. But you did a nice job, though the tiles need a bit more improvement when the player's in the room.
    I played up until just before Viridian forest. I enjoyed your hack so far.
    I like the mystery you've shrouded the hack in, and I enjoy all the different types of pokemon available! Keep up the good work, it's really great for it being a first attempt at a hack!!

    Thanks! I'm trying to keep it mysterious and weird. Crazy things will happen as it progresses. I know there's still problems with that script. There are actually more sprites that are supposed to appear but for some reason they don't and I need to move the camera, once I fix it, the scene will work better, I'm adding more story there and soon after, this is literally a just handful of hours hacking, so there's much more to come . I'm also planning on making the little mini-bosses there harder. How easy was it for you to beat mewtwo? Did you catch another Pokemon in the field?
    is this hack completed? just curious cause it looks cool, almost looks likealice in wonderland kind of.
    Thanks! I'm trying to keep it mysterious and weird. Crazy things will happen as it progresses. I know there's still problems with that script. There are actually more sprites that are supposed to appear but for some reason they don't and I need to move the camera, once I fix it, the scene will work better, I'm adding more story there and soon after, this is literally a just handful of hours hacking, so there's much more to come . I'm also planning on making the little mini-bosses there harder. How easy was it for you to beat mewtwo? Did you catch another Pokemon in the field?

    My favorite part was actually the grass before the room where I could level up and catch a bunch of different pokemon. Anyway, great job!!! I like the "weirdness". I'm super impressed that this only took you a few hours!! Keep it up!
    in my opinion, i dont think legends shold be cought early on because then you can just sweep with a mewtwo. i think you should wait untill later and then give the player the option to catch it.
    The beginning was cool, when you first meet the Gastly out of nowhere. After that it felt just like FR only with some random stuff thrown in until you finally leave Oak's Lab, then it was just random. It needs some story too imo.

    -The encounter rate is waaaaay too high in the grassy area of The Room. With all that grass, the rate should be 2-3%. I got into a battle every two steps, literally.
    -The border block of the grassy area is messed up.
    -The Great Ball and Potion you pick up in the grassy area reappears after you take a step. You need to give it a person ID to make it stay gone.
    -You offer too strong of Pokemon too soon (besides Mewtwo), and all the ones found in The Room are much better than on Route 1 (unbalanced).
    -The scripts in The Room have errors; after stepping on the second/third scriptbox, the first one is reset, and makes you battle Bulbasaur (iirc) again.
    -You forget to add periods really often, for no reason.
    -NPCs like the fatass in from of Oak's Lab need their text changed.

    Other than that, I like how Mom/Oak/etc. talks normally, as if you're doing stuff, but you're not. E.g, how Daisy says she heard you had a battle with your rival, but you didn't. Dunno if that's meant to happen but it contributed to the whole "illusion" thing of the game xD.

    I may be able to help you out on this, ONLY IF you're actually going to complete it.
    The beginning was cool, when you first meet the Gastly out of nowhere. After that it felt just like FR only with some random stuff thrown in until you finally leave Oak's Lab, then it was just random. It needs some story too imo.

    -The encounter rate is waaaaay too high in the grassy area of The Room. With all that grass, the rate should be 2-3%. I got into a battle every two steps, literally.
    -The border block of the grassy area is messed up.
    -The Great Ball and Potion you pick up in the grassy area reappears after you take a step. You need to give it a person ID to make it stay gone.
    -You offer too strong of Pokemon too soon (besides Mewtwo), and all the ones found in The Room are much better than on Route 1 (unbalanced).
    -The scripts in The Room have errors; after stepping on the second/third scriptbox, the first one is reset, and makes you battle Bulbasaur (iirc) again.
    -You forget to add periods really often, for no reason.
    -NPCs like the fatass in from of Oak's Lab need their text changed.

    Other than that, I like how Mom/Oak/etc. talks normally, as if you're doing stuff, but you're not. E.g, how Daisy says she heard you had a battle with your rival, but you didn't. Dunno if that's meant to happen but it contributed to the whole "illusion" thing of the game xD.

    I may be able to help you out on this, ONLY IF you're actually going to complete it.

    Thanks for the suggestions, I realized that the potions and great balls need to be fixed, and that the grassy are was spawn heavy, I wanted it to be challenging, but not really annoying. Does the first script box reset when you step on the third too? Or just the second? I just made mewtwo unavailable as well as the haunter through a million clicks on advance trainer. I also added a few more hints as to what's going on and made the last sequences a bit nicer, new beta is up top. You'll have to restart from before the checkered room in order to play it properly. If you want to help, PM me and we'll start working. As long as the ideas keep flowing, I'll be finishing the hack!

    New beta up guys! Makes the ending a lot nicer, and fixes the battles and a scripting error. A new beta will be up soon with a lot more content as soon as I get a mapper or can manage mapping some stuff on my own!
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    i got to viridan city. is that the end of the beta?
    As of right now, it ends when you're warped back into your room, before you go to Viridian. I'm working on a new beta to be up in a day or two, it starts there, so in order to continue, save your game or do a save state in your room once warped back. There are a bunch of map changes, new areas, and a bunch more story coming very soon, I'll try to have it up by tomorrow. Thanks for playing!

    I put the new beta up today! Give it a shot and let me know! There's friendships, more mystery and, of course, more strangeness!!!
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    when i play it its look like my real real pokemon fire red and i go to bridge fight with Team Rocketi 'm lost and i go to Cinnabar's Gym and there's a lot of pokeball flying i'm using the V1.2
    when i play it its look like my real real pokemon fire red and i go to bridge fight with Team Rocketi 'm lost and i go to Cinnabar's Gym and there's a lot of pokeball flying i'm using the V1.2

    What do you mean? Like there's no difference at all? You need to use a clean Fire Red Rom for the patch to work. You should be able to notice that it's a hack as soon as you're in your room at the start. The tiles are the same as Fire Red because I'm no good at artistic stuff and haven't been able to change the tileset yet. Provide a little more clarity on your problem and I'll fix whatever's wrong!
    A bug ive noticed was, if you die during anything youll ruin the rest of the game, the scripts will be broken, happenned to me because i was impatient and went head on with a lvl 6 ghastly and a lvl 13 charmander, if you end up losing any fight you just screw up the story, no tips i can give as i dont know anything about this :P
    A bug ive noticed was, if you die during anything youll ruin the rest of the game, the scripts will be broken, happenned to me because i was impatient and went head on with a lvl 6 ghastly and a lvl 13 charmander, if you end up losing any fight you just screw up the story, no tips i can give as i dont know anything about this :P

    I figured that'd happen, and I'm not quite sure how to fix it yet :/. If you guys can get by on using save states for not, I'll do my best to fix that for the next hack! Thanks for playing!
    This hack is far better than most, with a good storyline and nostalgic feel to it. Why is it that the good hacks never gain attention...
    This hack is far better than most, with a good storyline and nostalgic feel to it. Why is it that the good hacks never gain attention...

    Thanks a lot man! It means a lot to me! I really want to make a unique story, right now it's just a lot of ideas and I'm not sure what they mean really, they just came to me and I put them in, whether or not I knew what exactly they were.

    In case any of you want to show this hack a little love, I've just acquired some banners via KirakonGXI that you guys can use, I'll put a banners section in the main post. I'm really looking for people to play the hack so I can get input and make it better! I also might have a mapper now, which means quicker progress (after my Finals, of course)!!! But it's not set in stone yet, and I could always use multiple, so please message me if you want to contribute in any way!