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FireLord01's IV Breeded Pokemon Shop

Hey Firelord, once you get my Cyndaquil could you PM me?
well im on waiting..........
Can I have a #5 Beldum, a #5 Gastly and a #3 Magikarp

I can offer you these shinies: Charmender UT, Zubat UT, Machop UT, Dugtrio UT, Blastoise, Mewtwo (slightly touched)
And/or a Saikou Salamence UT

PM me some news if you wanna setup :)
Hey FireLord could you breed a Mild Cyndaquil with great IVs in Attack, Sp.Atk and Speed. I will give you up to 2 shinies for a Cyndaquil of these specs.

Oh and BTW are you a Linux fan? It seems your avatar is the GNOME logo on fire. So thats were I am getting the idea.
Im really interested in cyndaquil 2.Timid- 31/31/28/31/31/18/ Hidden Power: Psychic 67
i have shiny steelix
i cant sorry.i already breed a cyndaquil

Is it because you can't do it because you can't meet my specifications? Or is it that you don't wanna? If it is the later then I can offer much more.
i already breeded cyndaquil.you can request for other pokemon i will surely do it.
also i wanna add new pokes for my trade thread

got others please
filler filler
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i already breeded cyndaquil.you can request for other pokemon i will surely do it.
also i wanna add new pokes for my trade thread

got others please
filler filler

Yeah, but your Cyndaquils are only suitable for SpecsPhlosions it would be better if your broadened your selection.

Nonetheless could you breed me a Timid Porygon with 25's-31's in Speed and Sp.Atk preferrably with a Fighting HP.

Also a Sassy Bronzor with 25-31's in HP, Defense and Sp.Def, an Adamant Bagon with 25-31's in Attack and Speed. It needs to have Levitate.

A Calm Tentacool with 25-31's in HP, Sp.Def and Sp.Atk.
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