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FireRed hack: FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days

should I add a new legendary's?

  • Total voters
thanks for the critique.
as for all the pokeballs and trainers, they are there but i save map picture not the event picture. for the desert there is a sandstorm and the route 3 thing, thats why i put the house there. the beach now has all the stuff you suggested but trainers will be only in the water since you can go there before you get pokemon ( unless i make all their scri- nvm) for map 6.... ill change it since its kinda random.

ok, glad i could help :)
And if you have anything is for me just let me know.
The reason they are surrounded in a rock wall is because the people who live there need protection against the constant, brutal sandstorm. So they build around their houses.
P.S. though i may change it so the houses are in the ground. not above.
So be sure to add the sandstorm.
BY the way, the rock wall won't help the people much since there isn't a rock "roof".
Mrhax, i like your ideas. Don't get down from other peoples harsh-ish criticism. Keep working on this, I know it will be a nice finished product and so does everyone else. Dont obsess over minor things that people point out; it is YOUR hack, make it yours then 'proofread' it after, and let it out to us only when you think its ready. But yeah your hack is gonna look nice when your done, so keep working on it :P
Mrhax, i like your ideas. Don't get down from other peoples harsh-ish criticism. Keep working on this, I know it will be a nice finished product and so does everyone else. Dont obsess over minor things that people point out; it is YOUR hack, make it yours then 'proofread' it after, and let it out to us only when you think its ready. But yeah your hack is gonna look nice when your done, so keep working on it :P
Thanks I'm glad you like it.
And unlike some hacks i will be seeing this through to the end, even if it turns out bad.
Be expecting a BETA in 2010, most likely January or February.

@ -omega-. i cant see why it wouldn't help much... sandstorms don't usually come downwards...
i just want to put this out there lol, What was going to be a single hack has quickly found its way being a Team hack.... i just found that weird.
I like the idea that you came up with, will we get to challenge ash?

Base: *image removed*


Recently Ash has won the Sinnoh League and he decide's decides to settle down in a 3 island region named Triono. He quickly becomes the strongest gym leader in the whole region. You play as a 14 year old boy, Son of Ash and you live in Rainy Beach.

One day you fall down the stairs to your room and you wake up to see your dad. He starts to ask you questions to make sure you don't have amnesia. When he finds out you don't he reminds you to go see him in his gym. When you go upstairs your mom says bye and hands you a Poképhone for your journey. as you walk to gym you notice that its the 4th day of weird weather, you arrive at the gym you see your sister and your dad standing there. He tells you to treat your Pokémon with love and care as he points to a table which has three pokéballs containing: Cyndaquil, Chikorita, Totodile, and tell you to choose one.

As you are heading to the next town you stop when you see a white and blue pokémon flying over you. Suddenly a unknown man comes running in asking you several questions, you answer them and he tells you about himself, he turns out to be a legendary pokémon photographer.

It's revealed that the odd weather is turns out that the weather has something to do with legendary Pokemon. He then shows you a photo of a black and red blur, he tells you that its a Lugia and tells you how is have been really annoyed the every time he gets close to it for a good photograph, it flies away.

the unknown man then runs away...


Have a Girlfriend (You'll find out about her in the beta)
New gyms
New O/W sprites
Your father is a 4 time champion and gym leader
New Region Triono
New Pokemon
New Evil team - Team Inferno
2 Outfits!
2 Rivals(your sister and your best mate)

Screen Shots

[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days
[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days
[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days
[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days


*image removed* *image removed* *image removed* *image removed* *image removed* *image removed* *image removed* *image removed*


Beta : 1.0
Progress: 50% till release

Current Members

mrhaxmaster: all around hacker and owner.
wertykilla: all around hacker and co-owner.
masterman321: main scripter.
shellhacker: Idea's.
PEPITO1O1O: Beta Tester


foullump for his scripting tutorial on youtube.
Kyledove for his tiles.
PHO for resources.
Zel for making pokemon shiny gold and getting me interested in rom hacking.

Support Banners

[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days


[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days


[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days

Remove *'s to use. :)

Hack By mrhaxmaster | CSS + Graphics By Aqua Dan | Team Thread [S-HIGHLIGHT]here[/S-HIGHLIGHT]
*image removed*

Base: *image removed*


Recently Ash has won the Sinnoh League and he decide's decides to settle down in a 3 island region named Triono. He quickly becomes the strongest gym leader in the whole region. You play as a 14 year old boy, Son of Ash and you live in Rainy Beach.

One day you fall down the stairs to your room and you wake up to see your dad. He starts to ask you questions to make sure you don't have amnesia. When he finds out you don't he reminds you to go see him in his gym. When you go upstairs your mom says bye and hands you a Poképhone for your journey. as you walk to gym you notice that its the 4th day of weird weather, you arrive at the gym you see your sister and your dad standing there. He tells you to treat your Pokémon with love and care as he points to a table which has three pokéballs containing: Cyndaquil, Chikorita, Totodile, and tell you to choose one.

As you are heading to the next town you stop when you see a white and blue pokémon flying over you. Suddenly a unknown man comes running in asking you several questions, you answer them and he tells you about himself, he turns out to be a legendary pokémon photographer.

It's revealed that the odd weather is turns out that the weather has something to do with legendary Pokemon. He then shows you a photo of a black and red blur, he tells you that its a Lugia and tells you how is have been really annoyed the every time he gets close to it for a good photograph, it flies away.

the unknown man then runs away...

Have a Girlfriend (You'll find out about her in the beta)
New gyms
New O/W sprites
Your father is a 4 time champion and gym leader
New Region Triono
New Pokemon
New Evil team - Team Inferno
2 Outfits!
2 Rivals(your sister and your best mate)

Screen Shots
[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days
[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days
[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days
[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days

Beta : 1.0
Progress: 50% till release


Current Members

mrhaxmaster: all around hacker and owner.
wertykilla: all around hacker and co-owner.
masterman321: main scripter.
shellhacker: Idea's.
PEPITO1O1O: Beta Tester

foullump for his scripting tutorial on youtube.
Kyledove for his tiles.
PHO for resources.
Zel for making pokemon shiny gold and getting me interested in rom hacking.

Support Banners
[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days


[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days


[PokeCommunity.com] FireRed Hack: Pokémon Rainy Days


[CENTER][COLOR="White"] [url=https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/193244/][img]https://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/mrhaxmaster/pkmrds.png[/img][/url][/COLOR][/CENTER][/CENTER]
Remove *'s to use. :)

Hack By mrhaxmaster | CSS + Graphics By Aqua Dan | Team Thread [S-HIGHLIGHT]here[/S-HIGHLIGHT]

THANKS SOOOO MUCH..... now how do i put that in the first post????

EDIT: something went wrong while quoting.​

I recently saw the comments on first page and i STRONGLY disagree way better then my *private* hacks
The hack needs alot more work....... its not even in pre-pre-pre beta state right now. don't worry itll be a nice finished project.
Hey guys, here's the first official weekly update:

- DP tiles inserted (indoor and outdoor).

- Rainy Lake now connects to the ocean

- Sea Blue Town is under construction.

- Evil Lugia (name subject to change) is in development.

- Rainy Lake has umbrellas.

- Prof. Oak has a Lab in Sea Blue Town studying water pokemon.

Last edited:
And can't wait tell the other 50% of beta one is done.
Hey guys, here's a update:

- There wont be much progress within the next couple of weeks.

- a few more new tiles are inserted.

- sea blue is almost done.

- The mapping is done for the first BETA. expect one January or early Febuary.
can I please be a beta tester.