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FireRed Monocolor Challenge (Purple)


  • 247
    • Seen Jul 14, 2024
    EDIT: Oops, this might technically be consider a Long PLay since I'm not doing V/O. Sorry : S .

    Hi there! I've stepped outside the confines of the Challenge subforum to bring you tidings of my latest project: an LP of sorts of a Monocolor challenge. I searched Youtube to see if anyone has really done this and there's only a couple who have, so I thought I would try to help fill out the niche.

    I'm not doing V/O commentary at the moment (I might do so in the future if I gain the courage), but I am throwing up silly little annotations here and there as I see fit,

    I'll probably end up doing text-based updates in the Monocolor thread (found here)

    Part 1 -- Starting Out

    Part 2 -- Viridian Forest

    Last edited:
    Two new parts up today! I switched to Camtasia so the quality has gone up a bit.

    Part 4 -- Mt. Moon

    Part 5 -- The Escape and Muggs

    Any feedback or tips/tricks on how to improve would be much appreciated! :)
    Two new videos made public just now!

    Part 6 -- Misty and Bill

    Part 7 --- SS Anne and Lt. Surge

    Gonna put this bad boy on hold until I get more motivation to continue it.