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Forum Updates & Changes 2.0

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  • 41,842
    Hi everyone! Now that we've changed forum software, we figured it was a good time to have a new forum updates thread going. (b' ')b

    28 November 2023
    • 'Users who are viewing this forum/thread' counter added to bottom of page for forums and threads
    • :woop: :mareepwave: :sadwick: :plead: :hattremhuh: added as smilies

    We are currently in the process of:
    • Installing Advanced Search
    • Adding color to existing prefixes to better differentiate them
    • Adding custom fonts, however the amount will have to be reduced for performance reasons
    28 November, Part 2
    • Stickies are now separated from normal threads more noticeably
    • Likes/Reactions from vBulletin have been successfully imported. However, when checking your Reactions received page, you will notice all the old Likes/Reactions are dated January 2019 and earlier. This was intentional to resolve an issue we were experiencing with the import. All new Reactions from our migration forward will have the correct dates!
    • :woop: :mareepwave: :sadwick: :hattremhuh: have been added as Reactions
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    11 December
    • You may now see section moderators listed at the top of their respective forum(s) once again
    • Albums are back under the new Media Gallery option! All old gallery images from vBulletin should have successfully migrated. You can access this feature under the Albums or Media tab on your profile
    • A warning will now be displayed below the reply box of threads that have not been posted in for 365 days or more, to remind members that they are responding to an old thread (it will not be automatically locked, however, as this is meant to function as a suggestion)
    12 December
    • Custom fonts have been enabled. Currently you will be able to select from Carter One, Amatic SC, Berkshire Swash, and Audiowide. Once we see how the site performs with these custom fonts we will add more. Please note that unregistered users/guests will be unable to see custom fonts, and they will load as default fonts instead. This was done for performance reasons.
    25 February

    Some forums have been merged, and we've also done a small bit of general category cleanup!
    • Spinoff & Mobile Games has been merged into Pokémon Gaming Central
    • Anime & Manga has been merged into Entertainment & Media
    • Internet & Technology has been merged into Off-Topic
    • The Pokémon Scarlet & Violet category has been removed, and its forums moved over to the Pokémon Gaming Category
    3 May
    • Welcome our new (and one returning!) forum moderators: Explorer of Time, Lavender, CoolKid575, and Arcaneum! Congratulations. :love:
    • Mini biographies have now returned to flairs. Seen on the right side when not on smaller resolutions (such as mobile), they will show your age, pronouns, location, and online status. If your privacy settings are set to not publicly show any of this info, or if you have not filled those fields out, they will not be visible.
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    12 July

    Most of the remaining Pokémon sprite emojis have been added! We are currently only missing a small selection, such as Galarian forms (will be added soon).

    If you would like to use a Pokémon sprite emoji but are not sure what its shortcut is, simply type a colon immediately followed by the name of the Pokémon (partial or full) and a selection box will come up. If you would like to use a Mega Evolved Pokémon as an emoji, they can be accessed by writing either :mega-altaria: or :altaria-mega: - whatever you prefer. Have fun!

    :mega-absol: :vivillon-polar: :perrserker: :furfrou-heart:
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