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there is a black wall after the viridian forest, I can's pass through it!
there is a black wall after the viridian forest, I can's pass through it!
Does anyone know if this creator will fix the bugs/glitches in the first wooper hack. When I played on the beta 3 version selecting a new game gave me the ending right away. When playing the beta 2 version I found that both the good/bad endings are reversed. Also quagsire does not obey when mega evolving during the final battle.
They aren't bugs they are features.
Spoiler:I'll fix them soon. Thank you for letting me know
Okay, but which beta version is playable/complete? Forgot to mention that the ending takes you to indigo plateau and there's no music in the background. This hack was still fun even with all the bugs/glitches. I might play the other holiday hacks.
I have no clue. The Wooper hacks are such fever dreams that I'm not even sure if I made them or not tbh. I like to believe that the spirit of Ryan Renyolds from "Spirited" posses my body, drank too much egg nog then went to town on my laptop.
The only one of these hacks that is half tested is the Valentine's Day one and that's mostly cause it's ten minutes long.
How do I get passed the beginning in Easter revolution