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Go Vote

I'm curious as to why people feel this is so important :S / getting so worked up about it.
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Magic;bt99161 said:
I'm curious as to why people feel this is so important :S / getting so worked up about it.

Your viewpoint of importance is not the only viewpoint. You've already made your opinion of its importance clear in the thread, what's the point of coming onto my blog to make it superUBER clear that you don't think it's important?

Anyway I put it here because I remember staff saying before that CQF polls aren't really important because the only people who read it are people that visit CQF. So I wanted to signal boost it so people outside of CQF could see it and express an opinion.
Sorry I was just trying to open up a less AHH dialogue :( that CQ&F thread seems quite aggressive, for what it is. More people voting would be great in general though, although I don't know how much blogs add ;-; blogs themselves probably need more of a signal boost these days XD.