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Got some stuff to trade...

What's the level and nature of the Absol and Cranidos?
No; thanks anyways. ^^;
Do you have any of these?: Paras, Mankey, Venonat, Grimer, Shellder, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Kangaskan, Tyrogue
And if so, what are you interested in for them?
Nova: Shinies for fossils? o-o

Espeon Master: I can breed all of those.
Happen to have any egg-moved Pokemon or anything?
I have Vulpix with energy ball and hypnosis(only females though), Munchlax with curse, and Bulbasaur with energy ball
Espeon Master: One of each for all nine of those you listed..? >_>
Got any good natures for the Vulpix?

Nova: Heh, okay then. x3
Not really. Bold, Lax, Hasty, Serious, Quirky
Can I has teh hasty one?
And uh...
I'll go breed those things now?
Should I PM you or something when I can trade?
Or just post here?
You don't have to breed me all of them. Just a couple will do. Oh, and I don't need tyrogue anymore, I just traded for one.
You can post here, I'll keep checking back
Sorry. ^^;
I fell asleep, then had stuff to do. >_<
Is Rhyhorn, Kangaskhan, Mankey, Paras, Koffing, and Grimer good, or did you get any of those after I disappeared? >_<;