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[Developing] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

Which Astra breed will be your favorite?

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  • 29
    • Seen Sep 6, 2017
    Welcome to the official Guardians Revival of War page!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

    Guardians Revival of War is an epic role playing game with the element of monster capturing and a turn-based battling system.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

    An asteroid carrying a DNA based liquid entered the world of Caelum. Upon impact with Mount Legaci, the liguid fused with the different elements. From these fusions, monsters were born, monsters that were called "Astras."

    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

    Astras are born one of four breeds: Dragon, Phoenix, Liger, or Titan. Each has its own element: Flame, Nature, Stone, Scythe, Lightning, Wind, Frost, or Aqua.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

    Key features:

    - Grow and battle as a Guardian
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

    - Capture, train, and build a team of different Astras
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

    - Battle alongside your Astras against the merciless Sanctum
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

    The idea for Guardians spun from my love for games such as Pokemon, Digimon, and Final Fantasy. I always imagined creating a game that combined my favorite elements from these game and thus, Guardians Revival of War came to be. I have been diligently working and investing into this project with some of the most talented free lancers from around the world. The project has been in development for 3 years and the Kickstarter campaign is set to launch on December 1, 2016.

    Thank you for your support in making Guardians Revival of War a reality. Find more info on our website listed below:


    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Guardians Revival of War (MOBILE GAME)

    Last edited:
    Hey, question
    Does the main character and his opponent will fight on their own too ? Because if they have a weapon and don't use it, I don't see the point for them to get one ^^
    Hi there Faendra,
    Good question and that is one of the ways Guardians Revival of War is different from the standard "monster capturing / taming" genre. Your Guardian will certainly play a larger role in the game then a Pokemon Trainer would in Pokemon. Your Guardian will battle with armor and weapons made out of different materials, even material made out of Astras! (kind of like Monster Hunter) The Guardian will also have skills in battle and outside of battle, as well as abilities that you would see Pokemon have. Imagine battling alongside your Astras (the partners / monsters within my game) and working off of each other.
    I like this :D
    So, will we have this in battle ? (G -> guardian, A-> astra)
    -G vs G / A vs A
    -G&A vs G /G vs G&A
    -G vs A / A vs G ?

    Other questions :
    - What are the features you're planning for your game ? (Craft system, quest system, minigames, Inflitration phase, choices who can change on how the story is going on...etc)
    - The battle system, is it turn based ? Real time (wich mean an atb like) ?
    - Did you plan on making different kind of animation ? (for the astra and guardians in battle)
    - In the story, will you have a team of astra with one guardian or different guardians with their own astra ? (or juste a solo character)
    - Are you alone for your project ? Or do you work with other artist/maker...etc ?
    Something i want to mention is that im not fun of elements in general and thats because most elements dont make sense.
    I just wonder how elements will function here.
    Faendra - Fantastic questions. I will include most of the answers in the project description. Your post helps me see what needs explanation so thank you!

    Florio - Certainly! I am currently working on releasing a teaser within a couple of weeks. Be on the look out.

    Doubtful - I will put more descriptions / explanations in the project info (up top). Hopefully it explains. All in all, consider the Guardian as almost "another" Astra. So in Pokemon doubles, you have 2 Pokemon vs 2 Pokemon. Here, you can have Guardians & Astra vs opposing Guardian & Astra.

    There could be more combinations like Guardians & Astra vs many Astras (1 - 5) and even battles where it just the Astras fighting Astras.
    With your replie, another question come in my mind, if you defeat the another guardian, do you insta win ?
    If that the case, I'm sure guardians are more harden to take down than the astra
    Because if the astra obey to the guardians, it can mean that guardians are stronger than astra, no ?
    Faendra - Great questions Faendra! Keep em' coming!

    What I have planned is yes, your Guardian is a crucial part of the battle. You can be a Guardian who is very aggressive and battle the opposition with brute force. Or you can be a Guardian that has strong passive abilities that strengthen your Astras and have them do most of the fighting.

    If your Guardian was to fall in battle, the Guardian would no longer be able to battle or have his passive abilities help his/her Astras or affect the battle in general. The Guardian would still be commanding his/her Astras, just not be able to fight alongside them for that battle. Hope this helps!
    Yep ! And I suppose that the ability point our guardian can earn is limited right ?
    We can't maximize all the passive and active skill I presume ^^
    And talking about passive and active skill, are they only for battle or for overworld too ?

    Epic boss battle planned ?

    OH, and..... OPEN WORLD ? :D Or linear ? (or both, depends on where we are on the story)
    Faendra - Growing as a Guardian is much, much more time consuming than training your Astra. I wanted the Guardians to be much apart of the game as the Astras. Ways you gain experience as a Guardian:

    > Capturing Astras (more points for ones not caught before)
    > Evolving Astras (more points for ones not evolved before)
    > Battling
    > Exploring new regions
    > Creating items, weapons, and armor
    > Ranking up in the Coliseum

    Yes. Very much so along the same lines of Pokemon, there will be many Astras and Guardians to battle. It will be a bit of both, leaning more towards the linear side. Hoping for more features down the road like PvP through the Coliseum. Big game.
    Doubtful - Yes, there will be elements that are stronger and weaker against other elements. Will update the picture once more to show how they work against each other soon.