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Haha, I feel no more hack to play

  • 185
    • Seen Jul 18, 2024
    I remember when I first play that Crystal Dust Beta 2, I feel hack is a new world! So I try to find more hack.
    Crystal Dust Beta 2 is my first played hack, then I tried Emerald 650, at that moment, it blows my mind! I can't believe Emerald could fit into more Pokemon with correct cries! That was 7 years ago.
    Later I tried Shiny Gold Sigma, another Johto hack, but this hack make me feel FireRed hack is worse than Emerald, because new Pokemon's cry are all Bulbasaur's! Also I met other weird bug, so I gave up at Goldenrod City. Of course I also tried Liquid Crystal, still I feel FireRed hack sucks, such as PokeGear couldn't be a single menu option like Crystal Dust, and I gave up at Violet City because the author increased gym trainer's level.
    Two Crystal hack I've tried: Prism, Polished Crystal. First, Crystal with 60 FPS and faster response are extremely good! Second, walkthrough is interesting. Third, with large regions to be explored! But one thing I must say: in Polished Crystal, trainer could have EV now? I can't accept it, EV is belong to player, not NPC😭.
    Red Adventure Chapter 1 is another hack I feel unique, however beta 14 has same cry issue of Shiny Gold Sigma. This hack I went to Orange Islands, stuck on some point so gave up. From now on, I have not try more hack, until I discovered PokeCommunity and Unbound.
    I must say, Unbound would be my favorite insane quality hack. Later I try finding other hack, so I tried latest Red Adventure Chapter 1. Finally, new Pokemon has correct cry now! Terrable compressed quality though. This time I beat it... until 3rd quest, I just walk unseen area then gave up😂. Unique story and some creepy sidequest, I like.
    Later I tried a Chinese Emerald hack called "漆黑的魅影". It based on Emerald story but added some extra thing, as well as new system such as infinite TMs. It heavily expanded post game, after beat some champion in some secret base, you now wake up then could warp to another world! Wow, it isn't over!
    Saiph, Sors I also tried, haha at this point I don't feel FireRed hack sucks anymore.
    Vega I also tried, minus version though. I really love some original idea, such as Fakemon, original move, and whole soundtrack!
    Dreary I tried this short hack, wow I WAS BE KILLED, I'M DEAD NOW!
    GS Chronicles I also tried, even it's beta, but at least have full main game. HGSS into FireRed is an interesting idea. More interestly, route 47 & 48 become a way to Victory Road, that's funny, because official HGSS is a way to Safari Zone.
    Dark Violet, for some reason I feel this RSE style Kanto hack is touch my interest, so I tried it. Some original move I like, such as Osmosis, water version of Giga Drain, my Starmie learns.
    Gaia actually I tried it before some hack above, but because many Kanto & Hoenn music, losing my interest. But later I decided to continue, and I think this is also my favorite hack!
    Sovereign of the Skies I must say, the world is so unique! If official game is morden world, this hack is fantasy world! I really enjoy this hack, even though 2.1.2 has only three emblems (gym), but at least it has a whole island to be explored! Looking forward this hack to be fully finished.
    And now, I lost interest on playing Pokemon hack... until Nov., because of Covid-19 heavily spreads, my area is blocked, I can't go out😭... So I start play Pokemon hack again! Unbound, I replay it! This time I will finish all missions!... just leave two Pokedex mission unfinish😂.
    Fire Gold, oh my god, how many Johto hack could exist!? At least this hack is fully finished.
    Nameless, I saw it unique story and region, so I tried it. I love HM to be key item idea, so my Pokemon won't learn useless HM move except Surf. I hate they have no correct cry and soundtrack still Kanto's, I wanna new music!
    Sors, I replay it too, previous I mess up story. This time I beat it, unique story and soundtrack, I'd love other game's music be remade into Pokemon game☺️.
    Radical Red, technically I tried at early time (2.3), but it extremely hard that I can't even get first badge! Later they released new version with easy mode, even though I still feel hard, but I beat it now!... main game, of course.
    At this moment I now don't know what hack could touch my interest... wait, is Radical Red mentioned Clover? What's that? Ohhhhh!!! This hack looks nice, I wanna try!
    Clover, first I'm so shocked a non-CFRU hack implemented many feature that others don't, later I really enjoy it! But some boss battle are extremely hard, more like their Pokemon has all 31 IVs and full EVs with suitable nature. Fochun still base on Kanto map, such as first city's gym is last one, but they have unique music, design, and offensive dialogs😤.
    Now I really don't know what hack worth to play, I'll get an another rest haha! Of course some beta hack (Saiph 2, Crown, Scale x Fang, Coral) I'm looking forward they could finish them! If so, I have hack to play!