Hello there and welcome to the forums, BlueDuck! Glad you are loving this place already even though it's your first day of stay in here, I'm pretty sure you will like it even more once you discover everything that's really fun here and once you make lots of friends! I am not also good at introducing myself so I didn't make an introduction thread when I joined and you have the guts to do so even though you're quite shy, which is why I'm happy that you did because this is the perfect chance for you to get known to the whole community! :D
Don't worry because PC is known for it's friendly community, it's one of the best Pokemon boards in the web. The Trade Corner and Competitive Battling Center would cover all your interests in trading and battling respectively. PC has it's own PO server so it's really easy to battle PC members if you want, plus sometimes there are events which concerns battling and I am quite certain there will be in the coming months so hopefully you won't leave us! :P
There are a lot of stuff in PC and there's no doubt that you will absolutely enjoy most of 'em most especially discussions regarding the games (as you can probably notice each of the installments has their own specific board). But there are also off-topic discussions as to which if you don't have anything to discuss in the Pokemon discussion scene you can head over there! And at the same time you will be able to meet lots of amazing people and make friends with them. ^__^
Soo, have an amazing stay here and make sure to follow the rules as always! If you have any questions or if you need any help, feel free to contact us with bold usernames or in case you just want to talk with me, just drop by my profile & leave a message 'kay? Be sure to check out PC's Adoption Center, it's for new members like you! ♥
See you~