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Help ! - I'm looking for a game which name I just can't remember

  • 2
    • Seen Nov 24, 2023
    Hey guys!
    I hope I'm in the right place (if not, do not hesitate to delete or move this thread).
    And please bear with me, as English is not my first language.

    I'm looking for a fangame I played a few months ago and which name and all I just cannot remember. I don't know why but I some days ago I started to think about it and it drives me crazy that I can't remember anything, because it wasn't a bad game. To be honest, I even don't know if I really played it or if it was just a dream :-D

    What I remember is (and before I go on I just want to make sure that I am NOT talking about Pokemon Uranium) :
    (I can't even remember if it was at the beginning of the game or not) After a certain city you'll reach a route that has some nuclear warning signs. After that you'll arrive in an abandoned city with lots of grass and destroyed houses. In one of the grass fields a Celebi is waiting for you. If you talk to Celebi and confirm, it will take you to the same city - just lots of years ago. In that time, all houses are intact, people are living there. Some residents of this city will tell you about a nuclear meltdown, which is why this city in the future/the protagonist's present is abandoned. Others will even tell you that they're from your timeline but don't mind "living in the past" as they love this city so much.

    Well, that's it. For the love of god - I just can't remember anything else. Neither what happened before this city nor what will happen after that. I just remember this city. (if there's a chance that even the developers might read this thread - I hope you won't take my bad memory as an insult :-( )
    The only other things I can tell you is that this game had costume music; this city especially had a theme that remind me of Chernobyl/East European, if you can say so. And if you'd follow the route after this city you'd automatically
    reach "your" timeline - does that make sense? I can't describe it any better.

    Does anyone know, which game I'm talking about?

    Thank you so much for your help!