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Hey all

  • 1
    • Seen Jul 17, 2007
    Wuts up guys. I'm still new at this and hope I'll get help along the way:) Oh and I just started reading Pokemon Adventures anmd I'm already hooked. Thanks to nicoleb for the scans, but i was hoping if anyone could give me a link to where i can read more of teh series since I've only found volume 1- 5. Thx.
    Welcome to the forums Nickman
    Hey, welcome to the forum! If you have a question or want to be friends fell free to pm me^_^
    Omigosh, I wanna read the later volumes of Pokemon Adventure soooo bad, but they dont sell them where I live... T-T

    Anyhoo, welcome to the PC! Hope you have a fun time here. ^^
    If you wanna talk, or just have some questions about the place, you can PM meh! XD ^^;;

    ~ Peace
    welcome nickman8587! and about the pokemon series... i guess you can read some online, but havent checked it yet. if im not mistaken, just go on msn.com and search the web and type in pokemon manga. i think that works... =o.o= well, hope that was useful and have a great time on PC! PM me whenever you want^^''
    I know, aren't those scans handy? I read some of them. I haven't lately though. I'm kinda lazy and always so busy. @@ I'd say just Google it. XD

    Welcome! ^^ There are plenty of people here that will help you. All staff should be willing to help you (Moderators, Super Moderators, Assistant Administrators, Staff Administrators, Administrators, lots of admins there @_@), and there's quite a few members that will too. I know for sure drummershuff loves to help people... I can't remember anyone else. @@

    I hope you have fun. And remember, you can PM me if you need anything. I'll do whatever I can to help. :3
    Hi Nickman^^ May you have a great time here at the PC!
    Neat avatar you have there Nick. =O *doesn't really know what is meant by a "scan"* ... *is bricked for being too blonde* << >>;

    Anyway, welcome to PC. XD Enjoy yourself. =3

    HEY!! I'm new here too!!!!pm me,we could be friends,and we could possibly learn with each other!!!! :)
    enjoy your stay...and welcome
    Sammi said:
    I know, aren't those scans handy? I read some of them. I haven't lately though. I'm kinda lazy and always so busy. @@ I'd say just Google it. XD

    Welcome! ^^ There are plenty of people here that will help you. All staff should be willing to help you (Moderators, Super Moderators, Assistant Administrators, Staff Administrators, Administrators, lots of admins there @_@), and there's quite a few members that will too. I know for sure drummershuff loves to help people... I can't remember anyone else. @@

    I hope you have fun. And remember, you can PM me if you need anything. I'll do whatever I can to help. :3

    *bow* Thank you for saying my name. Miss Sammi. ^_^

    Hey, welcome here. As Sammi said. I'd love to help you out around here. Just drop me a PM. Don't forget the rules before you go posting anymore!