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[Intro] Hi Everyone!

  • 12
    • He / They
    • Seen Sep 9, 2023
    I'm Félix, and I've been lurking around the forums for a little while now. I finally decided to make an account so I could join in with the GT and also to hopefully get involved and get to know everyone. I've been a big fan of Pokémon for like 20 years or more now, I honestly can't remember a time I wasn't a fan of the series. I think my first Pokémon games were Red, Silver and the TCG game - I only had my brother to play and trade with back then until he lost interest around gen 3 / 4.

    I like writing and drawing, although I'm not that confident in my skills currently. I'm more confident with my writing skills. I've been text roleplaying on forums since I first had access to a computer and I've fanfiction and original stories for as long as I can remember - I just need to stop getting new ideas so I can actually finish one of them. I'd like to get into making hacks or fan games too, I've seen so many interesting ones in my time lurking and it always inspires me to try.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully making some friends while I'm here. I'm a little nervous, but saying hi is a good way to start.
    Hello there Félix, and welcome properly to the PC! Glad you decided to make an account!

    Creative writing is cool! Do you have a story you're most proud of?
    And as far as nervousness is concerned, you should see my first post lol, I sounded like a dang robot! XD
    Hello there Félix, and welcome properly to the PC! Glad you decided to make an account!

    Creative writing is cool! Do you have a story you're most proud of?
    And as far as nervousness is concerned, you should see my first post lol, I sounded like a dang robot! XD

    I took part in NaNo a few years ago, and even though I never fully finished the story I wrote I'm still proud of it today. It was dystopian fiction, and I do plan to go back and rewrite it some day now that my skills have improved. I also half-wrote a suspense / thriller story where a group of friends get stuck in a video game, I spent about a year just planning it out and drawing scenes before I actually started writing.


    What's your favorite Pokemon game from the ones you've played?

    I don't think I can choose a favourite from the core series, I've probably put the most hours into SwSh though as it's the first time I actually finished the Dex.

    Out of all the games I've played though, I think Conquest might be my favourite. I had to sell my copy a few years ago, and it's the only time I've regretted selling a game.
    I took part in NaNo a few years ago, and even though I never fully finished the story I wrote I'm still proud of it today. It was dystopian fiction, and I do plan to go back and rewrite it some day now that my skills have improved. I also half-wrote a suspense / thriller story where a group of friends get stuck in a video game, I spent about a year just planning it out and drawing scenes before I actually started writing.

    That's a respectable amount of dedication to spend a year working on it before even starting to write! Hopefully you get inspired to go back to it sometime!
    Don't know what NaNo is, but I do know what it's like to work on a story, then later want to improve it. (especially if it's your first original story lol)
    Have you ever done any stories or roleplays envolving Pokemon?
    That's a respectable amount of dedication to spend a year working on it before even starting to write! Hopefully you get inspired to go back to it sometime!
    Don't know what NaNo is, but I do know what it's like to work on a story, then later want to improve it. (especially if it's your first original story lol)
    Have you ever done any stories or roleplays envolving Pokemon?

    It's a yearly writing challenge, I haven't taken part for a few years but it feels like a good opportunity to rewrite my old work. Also, I think remembering it again now is bringing a bit more inspiration back.

    Most of the roleplay forums I've been part of have been Pokémon related. I've also had a few characters for Pokémon Tabletop roleplays in the past. I haven't done a lot of stories involving Pokémon, but I've tried to turn my Nuzlocke attempts into stories before. I get really inspired by seeing what other people have written and created.
    It's a yearly writing challenge, I haven't taken part for a few years but it feels like a good opportunity to rewrite my old work. Also, I think remembering it again now is bringing a bit more inspiration back.

    Most of the roleplay forums I've been part of have been Pokémon related. I've also had a few characters for Pokémon Tabletop roleplays in the past. I haven't done a lot of stories involving Pokémon, but I've tried to turn my Nuzlocke attempts into stories before. I get really inspired by seeing what other people have written and created.

    That's really cool! I'm glad to hear your inspiration's returning as well!

    There's some roleplay stuff here as well, if you want to get into some of that! The closest thing to Tabletop roleplay style stuff that I've ever done was an attempt at a DnD style Pokemon thing, but it didn't get very far. I might try something like that again in the future, but not quite yet lol. There is also the art and writing area here if you ever feel like sharing your own work and maybe giving some other users some inspiration as well!
    I'm Félix, and I've been lurking around the forums for a little while now. I finally decided to make an account so I could join in with the GT and also to hopefully get involved and get to know everyone. I've been a big fan of Pokémon for like 20 years or more now, I honestly can't remember a time I wasn't a fan of the series. I think my first Pokémon games were Red, Silver and the TCG game - I only had my brother to play and trade with back then until he lost interest around gen 3 / 4.

    I like writing and drawing, although I'm not that confident in my skills currently. I'm more confident with my writing skills. I've been text roleplaying on forums since I first had access to a computer and I've fanfiction and original stories for as long as I can remember - I just need to stop getting new ideas so I can actually finish one of them. I'd like to get into making hacks or fan games too, I've seen so many interesting ones in my time lurking and it always inspires me to try.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully making some friends while I'm here. I'm a little nervous, but saying hi is a good way to start.

    Hello Félix, and (officially) welcome to the forums!
    It is great to see more long time fans of Pokémon join PokéCommunity. My first game was Red too! What are your favourite starters in the first generations ?
    That's really cool! I'm glad to hear your inspiration's returning as well!

    There's some roleplay stuff here as well, if you want to get into some of that! The closest thing to Tabletop roleplay style stuff that I've ever done was an attempt at a DnD style Pokemon thing, but it didn't get very far. I might try something like that again in the future, but not quite yet lol. There is also the art and writing area here if you ever feel like sharing your own work and maybe giving some other users some inspiration as well!

    I had a very quick look at the roleplay stuff before but I might spend some time looking into it more. Most of my experience with Pokémon Tabletop has been play-by-post, but I've been trying to learn more about it so I can play more or maybe DM for a game at some point.

    I think I might create some more and share it here. I've spent so much time just looking through everything in the art and writing area, it's only fair I put some of my own stuff up. Also, from what I've seen everyone here is really nice so it makes me a little less nervous about it.

    Hello Félix, and (officially) welcome to the forums!
    It is great to see more long time fans of Pokémon join PokéCommunity. My first game was Red too! What are your favourite starters in the first generations ?

    I tend to lean towards the water starters in most games, especially the earlier generations - I think Chespin, Rowlet and Sprigatito are the only ones I have that aren't water-type. I always struggle to pick a favourite for Kanto though, I used to choose Squirtle a lot when I was younger but I can't really choose between them any more.

    I learnt most of my type matchups from the TCG and didn't fully understand weaknesses until about Gen 3, so I'd always pick water thinking it wouldn't be weak to the grass-type starters because it was weak to electric instead. Luckily I know better now, but I think that's why most of my early faves are water-types.