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Hoenn RéBURST [M] [OOC + SU]

Aww, thanks Omega Genesis. :D

I made the appearance and personality a little more detailed. Hope it's enough.

Update: Changed appearance on weight, and changed home town.

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Alright... we seem to have a slight problem, which TornZero kindly pointed out to me: she has no fat, or so you seemed to point out at the beggining of your SU. The healthiest body fat measurement is 10-13% for women

With nothing to cushion the joints, her eyes would be rolling around haphazardly, The body requires SOME fat. Keeping your eyes in place is one thing fat's used for. Along with brain development and, of course the most important, converting chemicals to energy.

She'd be retarded and anorexic; intravenously fed, if that; blind; and unable to move at all because of the immense pain caused by her joints grinding down. That makes her a vegetable, too in the best of cases...

So, resuming what Torn said, which I Ctrl+V'd, you really need to change the part about her weight and fat... With that weight she wouldn't be able to swim, and since we're in Hoenn... yeah...

Also, as she pointed out to me, Forrest Top, the previous character with a Treecko, was from Fortree, and we already have a character from there aside from Forrest, Eli Andersom, despite Mia not being the same as either, I would really apreciate if you could change her hometown, for the sake of having some variety :)
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You obviously can't do short replies , or else there would be 25 sad Charizards xD
Anyhoots, you can now consider yourself Charizard, I mean, accepted :P
Even though you just changed the first part of it... but I'm such a great mood so why not?
Do note that I expect posts of a certain length and quality, so please, check the IC to see how lenghty posts should be :)

You may now proceed to type your first post, which will be pretty much about Mia finding a Treecko in Route 101, after that you're free to do as you wish :)

I just noticed something, you litterally just changed the beggining of your SU, which make the whole Winona-incident rather unlogic, because, seriously, a person would die swinging from Oldale to Fortree, even if they swinged by the sided of the river that geoes from Oldale to a shore next to Mauville.

Thus meaning, you change her backstory or change her hometown yet again...
Hope I'm not an ass telling you to change your SU every five seconds...
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Don't worry. I need to learn, and I'm impressed that you haven't gotten sick of me and kicked me saying


Changed it to Norman who was passing by Oldale Town to check on his wife in Littleroot.
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Um, okay, you see, by editing, I meant changing parts, not replacing words xD
While you did changed it, having a hospital in Oldale is like having a Skyscraper in Pacifidlog Town: unlogic, the town's way to small for a hospital :P Also, if you consider that the region itself is shown to be pretty damn big, it's also kind of unlogic that a person can go from the south-western part of Hoenn to the center-ish eartern part of it without fainting or just dying. You also said that Mia likes to jump on vines, but, why exactly? Why does she enjoy swinging rather than walking like everyone else? Is she a hipster and thinks walking is too mainstream or something like that? xD

Seriosuly, though, I do admit that it was my fault to not point this earlier, and I apologize for that, and for being so damn annoying, too xD
Um, okay, you see, by editing, I meant changing parts, not replacing words xD
While you did changed it, having a hospital in Oldale is like having a Skyscraper in Pacifidlog Town: unlogic, the town's way to small for a hospital :P Also, if you consider that the region itself is shown to be pretty damn big, it's also kind of unlogic that a person can go from the south-western part of Hoenn to the center-ish eartern part of it without fainting or just dying. You also said that Mia likes to jump on vines, but, why exactly? Why does she enjoy swinging rather than walking like everyone else? Is she a hipster and thinks walking is too mainstream or something like that? xD

Seriosuly, though, I do admit that it was my fault to not point this earlier, and I apologize for that, and for being so damn annoying, too xD

Please, stop blaming yourself. It's my fault, because I should check my SU more thoroughly. I appreciate every single thing you've done to help me write the application.

I've updated her history to some degree, and I did my best to try and proofread so all the details make sense.
I'm sorry Lunacrest, but you have not made any major changes, that said, I won't accept you until you can actually do some actual changes to your SU, sorry :(
I really need to stop saying I'll post by X time since I keep missing my own deadlines...

Sorry just put off writing till the last minute and now I need to study for a test. Played too much Guild Wars 2 yesterday >.<
Name: John Casey (Also known as JC)

Age: 17

Gender: male

Appearance: JC is a young male standing at 5 feet and 8 inches, JC is rather unsatisfied about his length, always being the shortest in the family and in town. He has a normal body figure, though he used to be chubby as a child he decided to diet for a while and now he is a bit buffed up as well. JC is light skinned and always wears a black tee with beige pantaloons underneath he also wears black and white sneakers. Once in a while he wears gray trackpants and a darkblue shirt, also with the same sneakers. The Sneakers are from the brand 'Ketchums' named after a fictional super hero who flew on top of a Charizard. JC sometimes switches the black tee for a black polo with a denim jacket over it. JC occasionally wears sunglasses, just to let him have a mysterious look. JC has a scar just underneath his left eye, starting from just left from his nose ending close to his ears.

Personality: JC is a very fun person to be around with, occasionally making fun and causing havoc. When the time comes though he can be a very caring person and will try anything to help anybody in need, whether it is a boy a girl or pokemon it does not matter at all. JC also has a weak for females, forgetting anything he is doing when seeing a pretty girl. When someone works on JC's temper, he won't say anything to the person he will just look at the person, showing no emotions, but boiling from the inside. It'd be best to let him walk away, but when people don't he loses his temper and you simply don't want that to happen. However sometimes JC tends to be excluded, just reminiscing…

History: JC born and raised in the Sinnoh region's small town Celestial town. His father was a researcher and mostly researched the 2 Legendary dragons belonging to the region; Dialga and Palkia. His mother however was a caring house mother and raised JC and his brother Kevin. Kevin and John have always had a strong bond. They both aspired for a future as strong pokemon trainers, they wouldn't care less if they were no top-notch trainers as long as they were together and loved the pokemon they would be with. Life was good for JC and he was happy, but just like everyone in the world his life would reach a turning point. It was December and snowy at Mt. Coronet, JC, KC (Kevin's nickname) and father were hiking the mountain. Father had asked his sons if they would want to come with, just for bondings sake ( Father was always researching and trying to find portals so he would never be around). The boys agreed and there they were, minus 20 degrees and very slippery, that's the best way to describe the mountain's state. Walking with them were their Father's Glalie and weavile (Their father only trained ice types due to the obsession of finding the Legendary dragons and actually defeating them in order to be able to research them). At a height of 1000m there was no difference between solid ice and frozen soil, this was the cause of the tragedy, father stood on solid ice and it started cracking and couldn't help but fall through, if weavile and glalie were to have used their ice beam attacks Father would have been frozen himself. JC, KC and the pokemon tried to make a chain and grab Father by the arm, because he had grasped upon the solid ice which had not been able to crack. Unfortunately the worst happened and there the happiness in JC's life stopped. KC soon disappeared presumably going on a journey by himself, because he took both Glalie and Weavile with him and leaving only an egg and a letter behind for JC. The letter simply said 'Take care'. JC was only 14 when this sudden change of conditions had occurred. At the age of 15 the egg had finally hatched and he became the trainer of the snorunt which hatched from the egg. 2 years later at age 17 JC was fed up of staying at home and taking care of his mother and wanted to travel the world, always being fascinated by hoenn he decided it was best for him to start there. Unaware of the situations in Hoenn he took of together with Chill ( Snorunt's nickname).
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Well, as I previously said killer-g, you need to expand, well, mainly everything, and as I also told you, look at the length of the other playe's SU, I don'tmean you should have a SU as big as Fuyu's or Galdr's, but you need to make it bigger, k?
I have made some changes in the OOC and IC Threads, mainly about the inclusion of a medal system similar to the one in Black 2 and White 2, as well as keeping track of everyone's dex in the IC. I'm still not done with the latter, as I still have to search for all the posts where you spot Pokemon and do stuff worthy of medals, but feel free to take a look at what I have so far.

If there's something you want to see or any idea for the RP, don't hesitate to tell me :)
The actual plot is meant to begin shortly after someone earns the Rustboro Gym Badge,but since no one has past Petalburgh City, I guess it might take us a while to get there xD
Name: Tyler Mandival

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Asking Tyler how he looks is like asking two different questions, how Tyler thinks he looks, and how Tyler actually looks. To Tyler, he is a sight for sore eyes. He believes that he is an overweight, mess of a kid, whose face is covered with a scar branching from the inside corner of his left eye, down across his cheek to his neck. His dirty blonde hair that he was picked on for having since a small child, is a disgrace to him. He often buzzes it so that he doesn't have to deal with seeing it. The only thing he gives himself credit for is his height. Standing at about 6 foot 4 inches, Tyler enjoys having his tall presence.

To others though, Tyler is not at all what he thinks of himself. Tyler really isn't all that fat. In fact he is told that he is at an average weight for someone of his stature. He isn't exactly all that bulky but it sort of helps him in a way that if he was, he'd appear much bigger than he actually is. His eyes are a grey-ish blue, like the haze of fog coming off ice. One could get lost in their mysterious gaze if they look too long.

Tyler is a terrible dresser and his normal attire consists of a t-shirt, a grey sweatshirt, and jet black basketball shorts with a grey lining. He often wears a black flat-brimmed baseball cap that cover the hair he is so desperate to hide. He wears top line basketball shoes that he cherishes deeply but does carry around with him, a pair of moccasins for when he needs them.

Personality: Tyler is an out going person despite his history. He is a real challenger and never likes to back down. He always shoots to go above and beyond, perhaps because he is truly insecure of himself. Because of this insecurity though, he does often make up little white lies, to better what people think of him. He is somewhat of a hot head. He often dives into decisions without thorough evaluation of the situation.

Tyler loves a variety of activities but one thing that can categorize everything is that he loves to create things. He loves to express himself through music, strategy, and battling. He also finds himself technologically gifted. From a young age he has always loved to work with computers, learning everything he needed to, to be able to tinker around with them and by age 13, he had already built his first computer.

Tyler isn't necessarily a people person but he does crave attention. He can become a bit crazy when around other people due to a lack of knowing how to properly express himself. Around people he doesn't know, he is often shy, but to people he does know, he is a loyal friend.

Tyler grew up in a small town named Fallarbor Town. From a young boy, he was picked on for his blonde hair. His peers called him "Blondy" and "Nerd" and though those kids were joking around with Tyler, he took it to heart. He grew up pretty isolated from the rest of the kids his age.

He really didn't develop any real interests until he met Lanette. Lanette ran the PC system in Hoenn which Tyler grew quite interested in. For years, he'd go to Lanette's after school where he'd assist her in improving and maintaining the PC system. When Tyler turned 12, he'd learned technology to the point where he branched out from the PC system to all electronics. One thing he learned is that "There are cat videos on the Internet!" It was here that Tyler learned all he knows today. One thing that kept Tyler from extending his capabilities, were his insecurities.

When he reached age 14, Tyler had grown into a tall kid, towering over those who used to pick on him. Though, now afraid of him, the kids still marked him off as an outcast. To cope with this, he eventually started telling white lies to make himself look better to his peers. It would range from saying he won fights, to saying he owned cool things that no one else had. It stayed this was till one day when he was home, he tripped down the stairs and cut a huge gash in his face. The wound that took over 20 stitches to repair, would leave a scar for life.

Instead of telling his class the embarrassing fate of what happened to him, he let them believe that he'd received the scar, fighting off a home intruder. The class regarded him as a hero, but inside, Tyler knew he was living a lie, so he again, isolated himself in his studies. This time though, he had an interest in the Pokemon League. After learning all about what it would take to become a trainer, he decided he would apply to become a trainer through Professor Birch.
a dark chracter that thinks he looks awful despite looking kind of regular... I likes :3

Needless to say, you're accepted, here's your Treecko, it's the only starter available xD

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [OOC + SU]



As a side note, I've been considering something... Since the RP is, how may I phrase it... dying, I've contemplated throwing the event involving Team Gaia that I had planned earlier, extending its duration until Rusturf Tunnel has been explored...

But what I wanted to ask goes as follow: Do you have any future posts planned that could be utterly messed if I throw the event? I'm asking because I don't want to leave everyone with a writer's block after the event is done, but neither do I want the RP to die, so... yeah.

I'm also removing the medal system and the pokedex stuff in the IC, it's just to hard to keep up with everything that has happened xD
I'm catching a Vulpix at some point... hopefully. But other than that no. XD
Tyler and Sanjiro (Treecko) are on their way with my first post!