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How to make couples notice the player for double battles?

  • 3
    • Seen Feb 25, 2024
    I want to include a double battle inside a gym.
    As expected, the iconic exclamation mark does not appear if the player only has one Pokémon and the NPCs react accordingly by denying a battle when I press A on them.
    But when I do add another Pokémon to the team, the battle still does not start automatically and Instead I have to interact with the NPCs manually (i.e. I have to press A). I want the objects to behave like they do in the official game. I have set up everything in PoryMap just like it is for the twins on Route 104. What am I missing?
    (Don't mind the trigger below the girl. It's a teleport and moving or removing it doesn't change anything.)
    [PokeCommunity.com] How to make couples notice the player for double battles?
    [PokeCommunity.com] How to make couples notice the player for double battles?
    I want to include a double battle inside a gym.
    As expected, the iconic exclamation mark does not appear if the player only has one Pokémon and the NPCs react accordingly by denying a battle when I press A on them.
    But when I do add another Pokémon to the team, the battle still does not start automatically and Instead I have to interact with the NPCs manually (i.e. I have to press A). I want the objects to behave like they do in the official game. I have set up everything in PoryMap just like it is for the twins on Route 104. What am I missing?
    (Don't mind the trigger below the girl. It's a teleport and moving or removing it doesn't change anything.)
    View attachment 109052
    View attachment 109053
    Perhaps this is caused by the way you built their script, V_Gym_Kampf_BKL.
    Since you didn't share said script it's hard to say anything specific, but make sure that it starts with a call to trainerbattle_double.
    Perhaps this is caused by the way you built their script, V_Gym_Kampf_BKL.
    Since you didn't share said script it's hard to say anything specific, but make sure that it starts with a call to trainerbattle_double.
    I basically copied the script called by those Trainers on Route 104 and only changed the texts:
    V_Gym_Kampf_BKL:: @ 814F25A
        trainerbattle_double TRAINER_GINA_AND_MIA_1, V_Gym_Text_BK1, V_Gym_Text_BK2, V_Gym_Text_BK0
        special GetPlayerBigGuyGirlString
        msgbox V_Gym_Text_BK3, MSGBOX_DEFAULT
    Keeping the original texts doesn't do anything. Neither does removing special GetPlayerBigGuyGirlString (I also haven't gotten around to understanding what this line does).

    What's also curious is that in the original battle, the enemy Mons are both female, whereas they appear to be male when the battle is fought in my Gym map although I'm calling the exact same battle. Shouldn't this be dependant on .encounterMusic_gender in the trainers header file?
    I want to include a double battle inside a gym.
    As expected, the iconic exclamation mark does not appear if the player only has one Pokémon and the NPCs react accordingly by denying a battle when I press A on them.
    But when I do add another Pokémon to the team, the battle still does not start automatically and Instead I have to interact with the NPCs manually (i.e. I have to press A). I want the objects to behave like they do in the official game. I have set up everything in PoryMap just like it is for the twins on Route 104. What am I missing?
    (Don't mind the trigger below the girl. It's a teleport and moving or removing it doesn't change anything.)
    View attachment 109052
    View attachment 109053
    For the trainers to notice you, you need to set their sight radius to be larger than 0.
    The Route 104 twins don't actually battle you in Ruby unless you speak with them (at least in this video they don't stop the player).
    Last edited:
    For the trainers to notice you, you need to set their sight radius to be larger than 0.
    The Route 104 twins don't actually battle you in Ruby unless you speak with them (at least in this video they don't stop the player).
    Really? But they did in Emerald, didn't they?
    Oh well, I guess now I just have to figure out how to make their Pokémon have the correct genders.
    Really? But they did in Emerald, didn't they?
    Oh well, I guess now I just have to figure out how to make their Pokémon have the correct genders.
    Yes, in Emerald their sight radius is set to 1.

    What's also curious is that in the original battle, the enemy Mons are both female, whereas they appear to be male when the battle is fought in my Gym map although I'm calling the exact same battle. Shouldn't this be dependant on .encounterMusic_gender in the trainers header file?
    Apparently not in double battles