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[Other Tutorial] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

  • 95
    How To rip Tiles from Pokémon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2


    - It took me almost two months to figure out how this exactly works (the hard part was the whole Unity part which you don't need to do since i made a Setup file with pre-defined settings) so please give credit to me when using/publishing your tiles ripped via this method.
    - please share your tiles you ripped this way with the community. the goal of this project is to rip all tiles from Unova together! please don't be someone who is just using the stuff for his own project. if everybody shares everything we can profit waaay more all together as a community! the best way to share the tiles is to post them as a reply to this thread or upload them to deviantArt and post the link in here something like this would be the best way to share them.
    - it might seem hard and time intensive to rip tiles this way but believe me once you know the ropes you will be able to rip tiles easy and quickly!
    - This works with the 4th gen as well (DPP HGSS) but since they have AR cheats to disable the 3D effect you can rip them ingame as well but probably this is still better
    -Their are some BW2 "rips" out there but they didn't get rip with this method most of them are sprited from scratch so they aren't as good as the rips we will get.


    - Blender
    - SDSME (Spiky's DS Map Editor)
    - a BW/BW2 ROM
    - the Blender setup file I made (Download: https://www.mediafire.com/download/322jcclj5ga57gy/BW2Rip.blend)
    - a basic editing program of your choice and basic editing knowledge

    if you are not able to download these programs yourself the tutorial might isn't for you.

    1. Open the ROM in SDSME

    - to do so open SDSME and click on "Load ROM" then search for the path where you saved the ROM and open it. Make sure you wait till the ROM loaded it WILL take long! i often need to wait almost 30 seconds.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - if this information window pop up click "Yes"
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - then an information window will pop up telling you that the program found Map Header. just click "OK"
    - once the ROM got load it will look like this:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    2. Search for the map you want to get rips from

    - to do so scroll to the right:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now you can see the map names so you can scroll down to the map you want to rip. pro tip: the top map with the cityname is always the city itself (outdoor). the maps below with the same name are indoor maps from the city.
    - so I am going to rip tiles from Aspertia City (the BW2 starting town).
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - so Aspertia City is the number 427 in the map headers tab now we need to scroll back to the left to search for the matrix number.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - as you can see the Matrix number is 0. pro tip: the matrix number is always 0 for maps on the townmap since you can fly to these locations.

    - the second number we need to keep in mind is the 427 which is the number on the very left. (427 is the line also known as "Map Header ID")
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    3. Getting the map number

    - go to the Matrix Editor
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - go to the Matrix Editor Map Header tab
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now search in the field for the MAP HEADER ID. (like i said its build up like the townmap so from my knowledge i know that the 427 most be at the bottom left.
    - and here it is:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - as you can see the 427 is twice there. which means that map was splitted into 2 maps.

    - now you go to the Matrix Editor Map Data tab.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now you need to look for the number at the exact same position where you found the old numbers at.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - as you can see the Map numbers are 279 and 280.

    4. exporting the 3D model(s)/bulding(s)/object/(s)

    - now go to the Map Editor tab.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - search in the list for the Map Numbers we got before. so i am looking for the number 279 (sadly the preview window turned black when taking screenshots)
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now we need to get the Texture/tileset
    - for this you need to go back to the very first Page (Map Header). now search in the same line (427 in my case) for the texture.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now we now that the texture for the map is 210. (the problem is why we had to go into the Matrix Editor is that we didn't know the Map Numbers)
    - now we need to go back to the Map Editor and select the Tileset with the number (210 in my case).
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - as you can see the texture appeared now. the current texture is the spring texture (210) , so the summer texture is 211, the autumn texture is 212 and the winter texture is 213. (not sure if indoor maps have season tilesets as well but i don't think so)
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now we need to export the 3D object. so under "3D model" go to "export"
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - when you export the object you need to save it as a Wavefront OBJ Model file (*.obj). make sure you change it to an .obj otherwise you can't open the object in Blender because Blender can't open Nintendo Files!!!
    - now select your location.

    - once you saved the file your folder should look like something like this:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - you can't save maps with multiple seasons into one folder!!! because the textures have the same name so it will get overwritten and in the end you only have your last saved season!!! just to show you that everything will have the same name and just the texture changes:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - normally i would need to do the same thing with the MAP ID 280 which is basically the top part of Aspertia City but repetitions aren't great for a tutorial so I skip that and I can you can do the last few easy steps.
    - this is how you can rip maps but as you can see the maps doesn't include buildings.
    - to rip buildings and other objects click on buildings:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now you will get two tabs. the bottom tab shows you all the buildings on the map and their model index.
    - the top tab is like a "model tileset"
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - i think it should be pretty clear now how to change the tileset to do so you need to click on "AB 0" and can choose between many many tilesets.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - if you want to look for indoor objects just check "Indoor models"
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now if you found an object you want to rip just press "export"
    - make sure you are saving it as a .obj file again!!!
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    5. Open the 3D objects in Blender

    - Open Blender then go to File-->Open---> then open the BW2Rip.blend I uploaded for you.
    - Once you have all my settings and pre-defined things (which were a lot) go to File-->Import-->Wavefront (.obj)
    - now open any of your objects/maps/buildings whatever you wanna call it.

    it should look like this now:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    6. few steps to do in Blender
    - if the map/model/building appears to be grey click on the icon on the right side of "Object Mode" at the bottom (the icon is a white circle) and select "Texture"
    - if the texture appears to be blurry go to File--->User Preferences-->System--->uncheck Mipmaps--->click Save User Settings to save this forever
    - to get thoose orange lines away just double click on "Camera" (by doing this you will select a different polygon because by default all are selected and we are choosing the Camera for this because it isn't a part of the map/building/whatever)
    - it should look like this now:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - if the cursor is annoying (by annoying i mean in the picture/on the map/bulding/whatever) just click somewhere else in the field with your left mouse key to move the cursor to the spot.

    - now we need to talk about the zoom on the object. it is 1 by default. if you click "+" on your keyboard you can zoom in by 0.25 and if you click "-" on your keyboard you can zoom out by 0.25
    - some objects have a real zoom of 0.25 (3x "-") (most of the indoor tiles/some buildings)
    - some objects have a real zoom of 0.5 (1x "-") (some indoor tiles/most of the buildings)
    - some objects have a real zoom of 1 (don't know an example)
    - some objects have a real zoom of 2 (4x "+") (maps)
    - some objects have a real zoom of 4 (16x "+") (don't know an example)

    you will need to figure the zoom out yourself. but everyone who played pokemon once should be able to tell if the zoom is too big/too small. just compare it with a gen 5 overworld sprite and you should now.)
    my tip is: make the zoom as big as possible (by possible i mean it should fit on the screen, if it's a little bit bigger there is no problem with it either). why make it as big as possible? simply because you can still scale it down in your editing program but scalling "up" is a bad idea.

    - also never ever use your mouse wheel to zoom in, this zoom is not exact so you won't get the right size at the end!
    - by the "+" and "-" key i am talking about the two keys on the right side of the NumPad. if this is not working for you because you have a japanese keyboard or i don't know you can still do it manually by going to View--->Navigation--->Zoom In / Zoom Out which is doing the same thing.

    - so for the map the scale is 2 which means i am pressing the "+" key for times ( 1+4*0.25=2 ) then it should look like this:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - since you want to render tiles and don't want the complete map we need to make the layers/polygons we don't want invisible (this step is not necessary for standalone buildings and stuff of course). to do so click on the little eye on the top right side and use the scrolling bar to scroll though all the polygons.
    - pro tip: you can keep the left mouse key pressed and move the most though the eyes to make multiple layers invisible/visible with just one long click
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    after i made all polygons i don't want to see invisible it looks like this:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - now to render the image click on the little camera icon at the bottom
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - when the rendering is finished (which should take about 2 seconds) it should look like this:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    7. saving file in Blender

    - to save the file click F3 on your keyboard as a shortcut or manually go to Image-->Save as Image
    - now select the path and save it.

    - after you saved the image you can go back to the 3D view (to make the polygons visible again and others invisible to rip different tiles) by clicking on the image window and selecting "3D View" which is at the bottom.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    8. last editing in the editing program of your choice

    - the last step you need to do is opening the image and move it a little bit (not necessary for buildings and standalone rips of course). also i would recommend to add a 32x32 grid in the settings to see how big one tile is.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - when i finished moving it it should look like this:
    [PokeCommunity.com] How To rip Tiles from Pok?mon DPPt/HGSS/BW/B2W2

    - pro tip: you can go to your folder where you saved the object as check for the textures. some of them are already usable but you need to double the size of them.

    enjoy ripping now but read the lines at the very top if you haven't already or forgot it already!!!

    i will share my ripped tiles as a reply to this thread as well.
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    Would it work with hgss also? Any big and great tutorial, i will check it out!
    It can work with gen 4 games too (D/P/Pt/HG/SS).

    But another big interest about this is that you can make your own 3D models and render them into 2D tiles.

    Since I'm using 3DSMax, I can't use the Blender setup. My main issue is always the zoom, I need to manually adjust it for each model.
    About the floor, I usually just take the texture from the folder instead of rendering them, and tweak them with Photoshop.

    Also the dirt patch under the gass tile is supposed to be 2x bigger, in game it covers 4 tiles (2*2) ;)

    Great job and thanks for this tutorial, this will help many people.
    Would it work with hgss also? Any big and great tutorial, i will check it out!

    yes it will :) just called it BW2 ripping tutorial because HGSS ripping is possible with a 2D cheat code as well.

    It can work with gen 4 games too (D/P/Pt/HG/SS).

    But another big interest about this is that you can make your own 3D models and render them into 2D tiles.

    Since I'm using 3DSMax, I can't use the Blender setup. My main issue is always the zoom, I need to manually adjust it for each model.
    About the floor, I usually just take the texture from the folder instead of rendering them, and tweak them with Photoshop.

    Also the dirt patch under the gass tile is supposed to be 2x bigger, in game it covers 4 tiles (2*2) ;)

    Great job and thanks for this tutorial, this will help many people.

    why don't you just get blender? :D you will always get the right scale so no resizing/respriting needed :) yeah i am doing the same thing i usually use them as well. the dirt patch is 2x2 tiles as you can see (and a little bit bigger) since one quarter is 32x32 still wonder why it is a little bit bigger in that view and the texture is exactly 64x64. i would probably trust the the 2D looking model on the map instead of the texture but yeah. hope people won't be a**holes and publish their tiles ^^
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    I didn't noticed you put the grass on 4*4. I use them on a 2*2 surface. I didn't actually looked their size in official game...

    About blender, I could install it but I use 3DSMax at school so... but yeah it's free so why not.

    Look like the notification center of the forum is broken, it says Maruno quoted me here instead of Shiney :p
    the images are blurry and I've followed every step

    if the texture appears to be blurry go to File--->User Preferences-->System--->uncheck Mipmaps--->click Save User Settings to save this forever. ;)
    also don't forget to share the tiles you ripped like this
    Are pokemon bw.there a way to know what I am and how much zoom zooming
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    Are pokemon bw.there a way to know what I am and how much zoom zooming

    i described how to figure out the zoom the best i can in the tutorial above ;) like i said the real zoom is something like: 0.25,0.5,1,2,4,8 and its not too hard to see if something is double the size or half the size etc if you put a bw overworld sprite behind it :)
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    this would have been the best tutorial ever, if you hadn't already ripped everyting for us.
    The only thing for us to do is rip the inside tiles.
    either way, you're the best.
    My map continues grey, even after I unmark Mipmaps. I still try select texture, but still don't working.

    Good tutorial but i have a problem with Blender.
    When i import an object after open the setup file and select the texture mode, the texture don't appears and a white textue appears instead.
    I can put a screenshot with :

    And Mipmaps are disabled. The problem can come with the name of the .obj ?
    In advance, thank you.

    Edit (06/01) : Problem solved, i use a older version of Blender and all works. Again, thanks for the tutorial.
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