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I Can't Believe This!

Lucy Lu

Keep On Moving Foward...
  • 6,195
    • Seen Mar 6, 2014
    Omg, today wasn't a great day for me. Someone apparently got into my debit card from online and purchased over $400 worth of shoes! And I am wondering...how did this dumb person get a hold on my infomation?! I swear it isn't safe to order online anymore. I am not using my check card to order stuff. I am going to use gift cards. It is totally ridiculous! Is the sites we go to safe at all? I don't know now. And I was getting used to that card too. I will have to get a new one and it will be my second one! My first one got stolen. *sigh* Well I got the order canceled. Luckily I stopped it in time. It was pre-authorized. So it hasn't gone through my account yet. But still...grr. I am not too happy right now. :(

    And I not the only one. It has happened to the costumer care rep who I was talking to about my situation. I swear there is a scammer all around...grr.
    That happened to me too but... not even online. :( Someone got ahold of my debit card information and spent $1.5k of my money lmao. It sucks so hard. ;A; Do you know if the bank will give you back the money though?
    Wow, that's really sad to hear. It hasn't happened to me, but recently someone tried to buy an airplane ticket to Egypt on my friend's credit card. The ticket had cost I believe $1000, but the bank put his card on hold as they suspected something was wrong. Luckily, nothing happened to his money, but it sure is getting nasty these days with identity theft and credit card thieves.
    Oh my that is terrible, Erica. ;; I hope you were able to get the money back and bring that person to justice!

    Yeah and the thing is I didn't even have the $400 in there to begin with. So right now I have a negative balance. And yes they are going to get my money back. The place I called where that dumb person order the shoes from he said that the money should be back into my account 2 to 3 days. So I am going to check back from time to time. It is totally insane! I am done ordering stuff online. It is gift cards or the store now. :(

    And yes you can't trust anyone these days. You are right, Elite.

    And I got it straighten out, ShinjisLover. I just have to play the waiting game that is all.

    Yeah luckily for me it was still pre-authorized. It hasn't gone through yet. I stopped it in time. Man your friend was lucky there Hiiro. Yes it does get nasty.
    ...Shoes wtf. That sucks Lucy :(
    Yeah shoes, Nica. It was $460 worth. I wonder if it were about the three pairs. :( I swear...some people! AHHHH! It does suck, I agree with you.

    Deckers...I believe. That is where that person ordered the shoes. Anyway, I am done ordering stuff online for a long time! If I want something online, I am getting a gift card.
    I... haven't gotten my money back yet. x_x; It really sucks since instead of living fairly comfortably during the school year, I'm constantly watching my money and going "if I order pizza tonight, will I have enough money for rent at the end of the year??" etc. It's laaaame.

    But ordering online isn't too bad. D: Just make sure you're only ordering from respectable sites (ie, Amazon, or anything using Paypal, etc.) so that you don't have to worry about shady retailers.
    Lightning;bt30813 said:
    I... haven't gotten my money back yet. x_x; It really sucks since instead of living fairly comfortably during the school year, I'm constantly watching my money and going "if I order pizza tonight, will I have enough money for rent at the end of the year??" etc. It's laaaame.

    But ordering online isn't too bad. D: Just make sure you're only ordering from respectable sites (ie, Amazon, or anything using Paypal, etc.) so that you don't have to worry about shady retailers.
    Oh no. ;; So you are getting it disputed. Yeah usually it will take about a few weeks before you can get it back. I hope you will get it back soon. I know how you feel. I wasn't so sure if I am going to have enough to pay my car insurance for the month. Because I had a negative balance. It was scary. But I got it straighten out. Check out my follow-up blog post. :)

    Yeah it isn't. Some reason they got my information, I really don't know how. Okay I will continue ordering online, but I have to be very, very careful for now on. I won't save my check card info. I will type it up everytime I order something.

    I just hope you will get your money back Erica. *hugs*