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I need your help

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Cakesu has also helped me
thnx guys i really appreciate your help ,cause of you i can get back into competitive pretty fast
Hey man. Sorry to hear about your game. Feel free to take a look at my shop and ask for whatever you see. Also I do a little bit of competitive playing so I might have a couple of pokes that you lost that are battle ready if your looking for something in particular. Just let me know
Hey man. Sorry to hear about your game. Feel free to take a look at my shop and ask for whatever you see. Also I do a little bit of competitive playing so I might have a couple of pokes that you lost that are battle ready if your looking for something in particular. Just let me know

Thnx for the opportunity you have an awesome shop i was very interested in your
Larvesta: 31/x/31/31/31/31 timid

which ones are battle ready ?

thnx for your help !!!!!!!!!!!
Thnx for the opportunity you have an awesome shop i was very interested in your
Larvesta: 31/x/31/31/31/31 timid

which ones are battle ready ?

thnx for your help !!!!!!!!!!!
I can def do that for you. I have lots of the ones you see there plus some others that arnt listed in my shop yet. If you have a list of pokemon you lost then PM it to me and I can see if I have something to match. And your most welcome
I can def do that for you. I have lots of the ones you see there plus some others that arnt listed in my shop yet. If you have a list of pokemon you lost then PM it to me and I can see if I have something to match. And your most welcome
you know i didn't have a shop so i never made a list but here are my competitive pokes (i am not really looking for legends so it does not matter)
Greninja , Goodra, Scizor some times mega ,Cloyster , Mega Charizard Y ,Tyranitar ,Lucario ,Aegislash , Volcarona ,Sylveon ,Froslass ,Mega Banette (it had cottonguard (it was so good !)),infernape
these were my main pool of competitive pokes as i said at that point i was at US rank 151 and progressing in singles
That banette is almost impossible to get (it's the Halloween one ) but other i can get with the help of all of you

Thank you so much everyone for your generosity !!!!!
Treeko is bred now too Naive x/31/31/31/31/31
Doesn't have unburden though.
But if we find a HA Treeko (any Evo) I can get it for you.
But my HA collection is pretty small. Once I finish my Eevee team collecting HAs is what I'm going to do

Also ask ~RNC~ about that event banette his event collection is unbelievably vast. I'm sure he'll have one
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