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Johto's New League [PG-15]

  • 85
    Alex stumbled out of route 29, battered and scratched up, holding the remnants of his lunch, breathing heavily. After several minutes of catching his breath, he looked at what was left of the sandwich he had made himself. Not much, but he wasn't that hungry anyways. Still, he didn't exactly have anywhere to store it, so he shoved it in his mouth, trying to avoid the flavour of dirt. He had been sleeping peacefully, the walk from Cherrygrove to New Bark Town wearing him out, when a Moguryuu had snuck up on him and starting omnom-ing his precious food! Naturally he tried to slap it away from his tasty peanut-butter sandwich, but it didn't like that. It didn't like that enough to scratch him a good one. And damn did it sting...

    He shook himself, swearing never to catch a Moguryuu to appease himself before getting back up and going to go find... whoever was giving him his pokemon. Academica, or something? He knew it started with an A... well, probably could just find Gray, he'd know where to get this started. Although searching might be a pain in the ass... well, he had the address, didn't he? A quick search of his person revealed that to himself that he had, unfortunately, lost it. Probably due to that damn Moguryuu. Never going to catch one! He swore it!

    After knocking on the fourth house, he found someone who told him to go to the big laboratory in town. You know, the obvious place. He shrugged off his idiocy and stepped inside, taking a look around. His first thought was that it looked like a hole in the wall at Christmas, and his second thought was that it was infinitely better than his house back at Azalea. Which was depressing, really. He walked up to the Professor... whatever her name was, and she rambled off some nonsense about the pokedex and pokeballs, which he knew from playing old games that had been designed to pretend you were a trainer. He supposed reality was harder, but he hoped it wouldn't be by too much. Probably a vein hope, but meh.

    After she was done talking, he thanked her for her time, and for the pokemon, before seeing if Gray had anything he wanted to say. He walked up to him, feeling kind of foolish in his beat up clothing and covered in dirt, not even wearing shoes, but he thought it would be best to at least ask if the President wanted to say anything. When asked, all he said was:

    "Good luck and work hard."

    Well, so much for this being fun. He thanked him anyways, and headed back outside, looking at his pokeballs and pokedex. After a moments consideration, he realized he hadn't heard what the professor said he had for a pokemon. He shrugged, and tossed the ball on the ground, seeing a bee-like thing pop and and fly around at an all-too energetic pace for him to keep up with. He sighed, slouching a little more, and pointed his pokedex at it, seeing what it had to say. Only to realize that it had already flown onto the adventure, on route 29. He sighed, already feeling dead from the earlier run, and muttered to himself. "Here we go again..."


    RolePlay Minion
  • 282
    "So far, so good." The thought rang in Martin's head as he gazed at New Bark Town. There, cresting over the other houses, was the laboratory. Was his destiny! Martin jumped of the small ledge he was standing on and walked in the general direction of the rustic laboratory. A left here, a right there, Martin stood in front of the old laboratory. Trying to ignore the peeling paint and multiple boxes, Martin walked in.

    "Hello sir, mam," Martin shook hands with President Gray and Professor Acacia, as she introduced herself. The Latino looking women continued, politely explaining the uses of the pokeballs and pokedex Martin was going to be given. "Now that you know this, here is your pokemon. He can be a bit oblivious at times, but he has potential," Professor Acacia's words had barely finished before President Gray put in a statement; "I trust you will do well." Swelling in pride, Martin turned around and walked out. Tried to walk out, instead forgetting that there were boxes, as Martin tripped. Martin's face became beet red as he scurried out, saying to himself "Good thing those boxes had been unpacked and only had packing peanuts."


    Route 29, rocky terrain with patches of grass. Beware wild pokemon; Pidgey, Sentret, Spearo- Martin turned off the pokedex, not interested in learning what he considered obvious. The path was covered in brown and black rocks, and every few yards were small patches of grass. Martin reached into the pockets of his jeans; pulling out the pokeball he had been given. In it was the, Martin realized he hadn't been told what pokemon it was. Raising his arm, Martin pushed the button on the pokeball, full of curiosity as the contraption opened up and released Martin's first pokemon.

    Martin blinked, mumbling out "Where is it?" The scenery seemed the same to Martin; black and brown rocks. "Swiiiin!" Martin jumped out of his skin as he saw one of the rocks move. "Beeep!" Martin looked at his pokedex as it went on; Swinub, registered to Martin Leo Colman. Ice and Ground type. Martin looked at the moving rock as it revealed a bright pink nose. "Wow, sorry little guy. I thought you were a rock," Martin put in as he bent down to the swinub's level; "You know what, that's what I will call you. Rock."

    The swinub yawned and sat there. Martin smiled uncomfortably before standing up. Taking a few steps forward, Martin called to Rock; "Come on boy, we need to get going." Rolling his eyes, Martin turned back towards the direction he was going. "Mmog-yuu," Martin looked towards the source of the noises eyes popping as he saw what pokemon it was.

    Martin jumped into action, saying "Rock it's time for our fist battle!" The swinub didn't move, and the mole was focused on trying to reach a worm. "Rockkk, use, uhhh, Tackle!" Rock looked up before charging with surprising speed towards the mole. "Mo," the Moguryuu rolled backwards with its prized worm as Rock sped past. The swinub made a sharp turn before glowing with the Power of his Ancient ancestors. Rock charged towards the mole before striking it like a flying rock. That got the creatures attention; the Moguryuu turned with wide eyes before letting loose a high pitched squeal.

    Martin struggled to stay standing as the ground underneath him rumbled. "Moo," two large big brother moguryuu popped out of the ground, and Rock turned around and took off. Martin quickly decided to follow suit. The three moles angrily shouted at them, settling to let Martin and Rock escape.

    Doctor Who

    Saving the earth with a bowtie
  • 211
    Vamaar - Nice intro post, I get a feeling that won't be the last of Moguryuu Alex will see...

    Alex received a Combee! (Buzz-Buzz)
    Alex received unlimited Poke Balls!
    Alex received a Pokedex!

    Eeveelution - Also a good intro, and you portrayed the characters rather well too. For the future I'd like to a see a little bit more lengthy battles.

    Martin received a Swinub! (Rock)
    Martin received unlimited Poke Balls!
    Martin received a Pokedex!

    Congratulations, Rock grew to lv. 7!
  • 111
    • Seen Dec 20, 2016
    Obadiah Samuel Woodsworth

    New Bark Town was a surprisingly quiet place considering it size. That doesn't mean that one would consider it peaceful however. There is a big difference between what people consider quiet and what they consider peaceful. The town just felt….empty. The place wasn't devoid of life: adults walked in different direction absorbed in conversations with either a companion or with their own mind, children ran to and fro, laughing and screaming as they played a variety of games, and a few of an older generation sat outside enjoying their lives with a lack of stress that only age can bring. Yet, these occurrences were few and far between. What appeared to be happy homes were surrounded by shells of metal and wood, soulless and bitter of the joy that lived only a few yards away from them. It was evident that New Bark Town was far from recovered. It may have put on some make-up and a smile for the company, but everyone was aware of the bruises it tried to cover up. Houses needed repairing, roads needed fixing, and damaged needed undoing. Obadiah shoved his hands in his jean pockets to keep them from shaking. He wished his could comfort and tell them that they would again one day be used to build and create, but a lie is poor comfort when the truth is punching you in the gut. The dark skinned youth lowered his head and pressed forward at a quickened pace, doing his best to ignore all but his destination.

    After a few minutes of walking, Obadiah found himself in what appeared to be the center of town. The area looked to be in better repair the rest of the town, and life seemed to be flowing more smoothly here. Taking a quick look around, the youth noted a few key buildings of importance: Pokemon Center, what appeared to be a convenience store, a dinner of some sort, and building that was undeniably a laboratory. The boy felt a sudden way of angry overcome his body. The loss of his parents, the loss of his work, and the loss of his family (he never really considered his parents family) could all be blamed on this one stupid building. Why did they have to choose him? Surely there were hundreds of other "kids" that wanted to play games for the rest of their lives. There were buildings to fix and cities to rebuild and Obadiah could do nothing to help. The boy knew he was being childish, but for a few moments it made him feel better.

    Taking a deep breath, the dark skinned youth forced the feelings back down inside of him and focus of the mission ahead. The words of Barsidious came back into his head as he took his first steps towards the lab. "Great moments in life rarely come when we want them to or in the form we desire. They are thrust upon us when we are weak and scared, angry and defeated, or broken and humbled. So stop whining about how unfair life is and grab this great moment while it is still there to be taken. Besides," Obadiah could see the twinkle and humor in his eyes as he spoke, "no future son-in-law of mine will ever act this weak in front of my daughter." Despite his current mood, the young man couldn't help but smile. The old man knew how to motivate him. It also helped that Meagan seemed quite fond of the idea of him being a trainer. In the end, he had left with smiles and laughter. It lasted about 1 day before the brooding had taken over. Slightly ashamed of his behavior, Obadiah straightened up and decided that he would at least not make a fool of himself in front of the President.


    "What…….the hell……is this?"

    The irritation in Obadiah's voice was too thick to be missed by anyone within earshot. It was quite unfortunate considering how well things had gone up until that point. The young man had entered the laboratory walking with strides full of confidence. The shape of the building's interior was neither a surprise nor a disappointment considering the short amount of time they had been given to prepare. After a few moments, a young women with Latino brown skin approached Obadiah with an understanding for why he was here. Few words were spoken because few words were need. Pokeballs… check… pokedex… check… pokemon… check… desire to actually do this… close enough. A handshake from the professor, a disinterested nod from the president, and a short walk away from the lab later and Obadiah was ready for his big adventure. Well, he had been until his decided to see what pokemon he had been given. He was surprised by the slight excitement that rose in him. While it was true that he knew very little of pokemon, it would be impossible to not pick up a few things here and there. Obadiah had seen pictures of some amazing looking creatures, and now he had one of his own. Taking out the pokeball, the young man studied it for a bit. It was strange how pokemon were able to fit in such small containers. Taking a deep breath, Obadiah unleashed his pokemon to the world (After a few failed attempts at doing so. The kid had never used a pokeball before.) That is when the previous statement happened.

    The Munna floated happily around seemingly unaware of the irritation that was steaming from its new master. It was a rather beautiful day (if you could ignore the anger of a certain dark skinned youth), and the pink, flower patterned pokemon was particularly enjoying the rays of sunshine that were shining down as it floated around the young man's head. Obadiah, on the other hand, had completely lost what little excitement that seeing his pokemon had created.

    "THEY GAVE ME A STUFFED ANIMAL!" Obadiah couldn't believe this was happening. He didn't even want to be a trainer, and now he would have to go on this dangerous adventure with a plush toy. The young man had already taken a dozen steps back in the direction of the lab. The Munna bobbed happily along beside him. There must have been a mistake. Some little girl is probably upset because they gave away her pet. The dark skinned youth knew that if he just took it back and let them see what they had done they would…

    Obadiah stopped more than twenty yards away from his destination. "Great moments in life rarely come when we want them to or in the form we desire," the boy mumbled to himself as he clinched his first and turned back around. He was met by the Munna who was floating a few inches from his face. The only way he could think of describing the creature's expression was….happy. It made Obadiah mad. "So," the young man said without trying to hide the irritation in his voice, "would it be foolish of me to think that you might be some kind of super powered being in the disguise of a tiny pink pillow?" The Munna, as if to respond to the young man's question, slowly floated higher in the air and began to rotate in a circle above the boy's head. Slowly, the pokemon began to increase its speed and the size of the circle as it lowered itself closer to the boy. When it was only a foot above the boy's head, the Munna let out a fierce battle cry, "Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnaaaaaaaaaaa." Finishing its cry for blood, the small pokemon landed on the young man's head and promptly fell asleep.

    "Awesome," Obadiah said with a dry humorless voice as he slowly walked towards route 29.

    OOC: I have more to write but I prefer to do my battle a little bit later. Maybe later today. I just don't want to kill anyone with a wall of text.

    Doctor Who

    Saving the earth with a bowtie
  • 211
    Nate_Dawg - I have to admit, that made me laugh xD That's going to be quite the interesting journey for those two, awesome post! Also, don't be afraid to post walls of text, I come from a time of PC back in the day where walls of texts were the norm (:

    Obediah received a Munna!
    Obediah received unlimited Poke Balls!
    Obediah received a Pokedex!
  • 85
    After several minutes of running, he finally caught up to his new 'partner', the excitable Combee. His first goal was to give it a stern telling off and warn it to not run off again, but before he could do that, he had to regain his breath. Winded, he decided to sit down and that where he was may as well be a good as spot as any to relax. Combee, having buzzed around a tree, had picked a nice, shady spot. Perhaps time for a nap? He could certainly go for one. He was about to close his eyes when something fell on his head, getting caught within the tangles of his unkempt hair.

    He sighed, running his hands through his scalp until he found what had been dropped; a small berry, blue in colour and round in shape. He looked up at the tree and saw his Combee desperately pulling at another, trying to get it to drop. It took several minutes of amusing movement before the Combee got it to fall on the ground, in front of Alex. Alex, holding the first berry in his hand, watched with a strange sense of detachment as his new Pokemon buzzed down and started munching on it. He smiled, and then realized he had no idea as to what it even was. Fail. He sighed, feeling the sudden strain of the work of pulling out his pokedex and seeing what it was and what it could do... and decided to do it later. He had all the time in the world, right? Although he still needed something to call it... hmm.

    "Hey, I'm going to call you Buzz-Buzz, after the Earthbound bee that shows up at the beginning of the game to say the world will end if... well, nevermind. Then again, Buzz-Buzz is really strong, and you look kinda weak, so maybe the name isn't fitting?" He spoke mildly, almost on a tangent but not quite. "Buzz-Buzz", as her name is, looked mildly confused until he said that she was weak. She most certainly was not, and she welcomed the chance to prove it by buzzing in his face angrily! Alex laughed, shooing her off by shaking his head away, laughing a little. Well, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...

    He looked down at the berry his pokemon had given him, only to realize that it was being omnom-ed by another Moguryuu. He felt an unnatural rage boil up in him as he rapidly pulled his fruit back away from the little pest, giving a shout. Buzz-Buzz, ever the eager beaver, was up in a flash in front of his trainer, ready to fight off the interloper and prove its strength. The Moguryuu looked at the bug pokemon with a mild disinterest before returning his attention to the fruit Alex was holding, smiling a little bit.

    "I don't think so you little criminal! Not twice on one day! Buzz-Buzz! Do... um... ah crap." He said, realizing he didn't know any of it's attacks. Well, it probably knew tackle, right? Didn't every pokemon know tackle? "Try a tackle attack!" Buzz-Buzz turned around, confused as hell, all three of her faces clearly asking what that meant. He would have clarified, but the Moguryuu, realizing it was battle time, used a nasty scratch attack on Buzz-Buzz, who proceeded to flop down on the ground, badly wounded. Alex did a facepalm, mentally calling this battle, the first battle he fought, against a random little thief, over. He lost against the first wild pokemon? Looks like his bug pokemon was no Buzz-Buzz, after all...

    Yet it was up again, ready for action! How?! Well, he didn't question it. After all his job was to command! Time to see if he could do a little better, maybe...

    "Buzz-Buzz, use... something? Anything! Just fight back for a second, I need to pull out my pokedex." Buzz-Buzz complied, filling the air with a sweet, flowery scent. Alex didn't much care for the smell, but the Moguryuu seemed to like it enough to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. It gave Alex enough time to whip out his pokedex, and look up the article on Buzz-Buzz.

    "Combee: The Tiny Bee Pokemon. It is ;" "Yeah, get to the known attacks already!" Alex interrupted, not really caring for the background information. It might be useful later, but he was in a battle! What could this thing do, aside from smell nice and get owned? According to the pokedex, his options were...

    Gust and Sweet Scent. Well, he already used Sweet Scent, apparently; it didn't do much, and the Moguryuu was readying for round two, charging in. Maybe a gust? If not, this battle was pretty much over before it began, and he was determined to take this thing out! "Try a gust!" Combee nodded, and flapped it's wings with all it's might, determined to blow this thing to the next dimension!

    The results were... less than optimal.

    The Moguryuu charged through, barely being hurt at all by the weak pokemon's gust before allowing the wind to spin one arm, leading the other into a rapid spin that sent Buzz-Buzz into Alex, who acted as a cushion. Alex grabbed the bee pokemon before it fell, and held it in his hands, asking her if she was alright. Buzz-Buzz's response was to get up once more, feebly flying in the air. Alex's expression darkened. It seemed like a huge waste to stop, given all that Buzz-Buzz had put into this battle. That, and if he were to advance as a trainer, he needed to, y'know, win the occasional battle. A wild pokemon shouldn't be that tough! But another hit would end the fight for Buzz-Buzz, which would be devastating. Gust didn't do enough to take down this Moguryuu, either. This was too serious, damn it! The little mole thing was probably ground type, but there was no water to shove it into to ... wait a minute! That's it!

    "Buzz-Buzz, hit the tree with a gust attack! Make all the leaves fall!" He turned around and tackled the tree with all his might too, hoping to hit it hard enough to shake the leaves to fall. Buzz-Buzz, to her credit, didn't even question the thought, instead using another "ferocious" gust on the tree. The combined effort was enough though; a small branch broke off and the leaves fell all around, berries falling like little bombs. The leaves fell like mad, making it difficult to see anything. Alex shielded his eyes with one hand, and the precious berry his pokemon had given him with the other.

    He opened them to see Buzz-Buzz flying next to him, smiling. He smiled back, wiping the dirt off his face and the leaves off of himself. "A clever plan, eh?", he announced, smiling at his apparent victory. "It was a mole, and moles like the ground, so it probably was the ground type, and ground types don't like the grass type, and leaves a part of a grass type, so I figured if we covered it with leaves, we'd win!" He nodded at his brilliance, and Buzz-Buzz hovered in awe of it, smiling at their joint victory; her mighty gust and his clever mind. Then a rustling noise alerted to Alex something was in the tree! He looked up and saw a Spearow. He smiled, reaching for a pokeball. Spearow was alright, why not...?

    The Moguryuu, having seen their tactic, had effectively stood there, ignoring the leaves that fell. He might have walked away, had a berry not landed squarely on his head, breaking and causing a splattering effect. It narrowed it's eyes, and charged, determined to steal the berry it had come for! He jumped on Alex, and reached for it...

    Only to overreach and hit Alex's pokeball, too. A quick flash of red light later, and the pokeball shook out of Alex's hand, rolling into the freshly-fallen leaves. Alex and Buzz-Buzz, having seen what touched the pokeball, were both outraged! Buzz-Buzz flew around angrily, her hum a louder tone, and Alex rapidly tried to grab the pokeball and yank it open. Unfortunately, it shook too hard for his poor hand-eye coordination and slow reflexes to come close to grabbing. He grabbed instead the leaves, and crushed them in frustration.

    "Don't you dare be caught by me you little demon! Get out of my pokeball at once!"

    The only response was the pokeball's rapid twitching, as he and Buzz-Buzz watched in horror. Above, the Spearow watched in annoyance, having his home wrecked. He was going to have something to say about that, and it would not be pretty.
    Last edited:

    Doctor Who

    Saving the earth with a bowtie
  • 211
    Vamaar - Awesome post! It was definitely amusing enough, I had a hunch that the Moguryuu would come back (:

    Congratulations, Alex caught a lv. 5 male Moguryuu!
  • 118
    Todd - Chapter 1: New Bark Town

    It was late afternoon when Todd was dropped off in New Bark by a farmer in a rusty truck. The farmer waved heartily as the truck hummed and drove off again, and Todd wiped his sweaty forehead. He could hardly believe he had gotten the whole way to New Bark on his own. He'd never done anything like this before. He had pleaded for his father, Mr Brillings to give him a lift, but Mr Brillings didn't own a car of his own and would have to loan the car he shared with three of the neighboring families. And it would be expensive and somebody else wanted the car that day.

    So Todd was on his own. For some reason, Mr Brillings was a bit nervous while Mrs Brillings was strangely confident in Todd's abilities. She never usually was when he attempted to do something. Maybe it was because he was finally doing something that had to do with Pokémon... His little sister, Siri, had clearly inherited her love for the weird creatures from their mother.

    The first thing that struck Todd when he looked at the surroundings that was New Bark, was that it must have been more badly struck by the war than Violet had been. As he walked on between the buildings, he caught himself thinking of ways to describe this to his friends. Who weren't here with him. Because he had no internet here. Man. It sucked. He really hoped there was a computer somewhere in this town. He started considering stealing it.

    He reached the laboratory. He wouldn't really have known it was a lab if there hadn't been a sign outside to enlighten him about it. As he approached the entrance, he noticed a few shiny cars standing beside the house. Strange. What kind of people had fancy cars like that?

    And just as he entered the building, he remembered what kind of people would. Two men in dark glasses immediately turned their heads in his direction. Dang. They SO must be the president's people.

    But they didn't say anything to him, so he went on further inside the building. He was taken aback when he saw the state the lab was in. Was this really a place for research to be made? A small thought started growing up deep back in his head. Maybe he had been preoccupied with his online life for too long... forgetting what their country actually looked like.

    He almost passed the right room, but took a leap back as he spotted a woman in a labcoat in the corner of his eye. The leap made the somewhat heavy backpack swirl around and cause the thin boy to loose balance for a moment. The result was that Todd stumbled into the room, struggled for a second to regain posture and looked up straight into the face of President Gray. He raised one eyebrow, looking down on the boy with a questioning face.

    Todd felt immensely awkward. The real world sucks, he thought. But he let out a crooked smile and laughed a little. And then he realized that probably wasn't how you should greet a president.

    But the president burst into a booming laughter. "I like you, son," he said. "I knew I made a good choice picking you."

    He put a hand on Todd's shoulder and looked him into the eyes. Todd couldn't help feeling like the man was trying to look into his mind. Liked him? But he hadn't even said anything yet? He then realized he must look like a fish, and closed his mouth.

    The president turned him around, and Todd spotted the woman in the labcoat again. She smiled warmly at him, though seeming a bit tense herself. "Todd Brillings, isn't it? We've been studying all the new recruits, so I recognize you," she said, as to explain how they knew his name. "I'm professor Acacia. We have prepared a pokémon for you. We haven't got the most exotic collection here, but I think you'd be pleased with what we've been able to get for you," she went on, but Todd squirmed slightly.

    "Yeeah, about that," he said, scratching himself on his neck. "I'm not really the kind of guy you're after. I assure you. You know what? I think you should pick my sister instead. She loves pokémon. And we'd love to get rid of her at home. She's gotten old enough to start stealing bandwidth and-"

    The president sighed, which strangely effectively interrupted Todd's rambling. The professor still smiled and went on. "Here you go."

    And she handed him a pokéball. Todd took it and stared at the thing in his hand. So tiny. But a horrible monster awaited him inside. He'd seen pokémon, both alive and online. Some were just obscure.

    "You should have this as well," the professor said, handing him a little bag of pokéballs and a square shaped red machine that fit in his hands like a big phone or a small book.

    Todd, native as he was with electronic devices, began examining the instrument, almost forgetting the room around him for a moment. He flipped the thing open and a touchscreen revealed itself, greeting him personally with big letters.

    "Whoa..." he said.

    "It's not the best type of pokédex there is these days," the professor said tentatively, "but it's fully working and updated with all known species."

    "It's got Internet," Todd said, and felt the life force come streaming back to him. For the first time that day, his whole face formed a genuine smile.

    The professor seemed relieved and the president just stuffed his hands in his pockets and eyed the teenager calmly.

    As Todd exited the lab, lost in the many interesting functions of the Pokédex, he almost forgot he had gotten a living Pokémon as well. He stuffed away the 'dex and reached for the pokéball he had put in his pocket.

    He'd seen his father do this with their pet, Yooterii. Even though "Yoot" didn't really need a pokéball since he was always out of it, Mr Brillings still kept one in a drawer in the kitchen. Todd pressed the button on the ball. It opened, and a tiny creature leapt out. It grew in the air and took form on the ground in front of him.

    Before he saw the real shape of the creature, he heard a bright bark. He closed his eyes and raised his hands, startled. But nothing came at him with claws or sharp teeth, so he carefully opened his eyes again.

    On the ground in front of him was a little dog looking Pokémon, slightly bigger than Yoot. It was green and yellow, and it was growling quietly. But it didn't really look angry. Todd stood and stared at the creature for a while, not sure what to do. Eventually, the creature approached him, lightly sniffing his leg. Todd let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He hadn't really known he was THIS scared of pokémon. But this little fellow didn't seem to want to kill him.

    He sat down to get to the same level, somewhat, as the pokémon. "So, what's your name?" Todd asked.

    As to reply, his pokédex suddenly gave out a little bleep. Todd picked it up again and opened it. On the screen, text appeared that identified the pokémon in front of him and gave him all sorts of data. "Whoa," was Todd's only comment.

    "Electrike," he said, and the Pokémon barked. Todd repeated the name and the dog barked again. "It sounds electric. So what can you do? Recharge my Pokédex when its battery is low?"

    He stretched out a hand to pat Electrike on the head, but jumped into the air with a girly scream the instant they touched. Electrike stood unaffected, watching him.

    "You shocked me! Man..." he gleered at the pokémon. "Fine, your nickname will be Shockman. Happy now?"

    The Electrike barked again, and pushed his foot with its nose. Todd sighed. What on earth had he gotten himself into... though he hadn't really signed up for this himself. Now, he really needed to find somewhere to get something to eat. And rest a little, man, it had been exhausting getting all the way to New Bark in one day. And he needed to go online and update everyone on the weird recent events...

    (OOC: There~ Was it too long? Sometimes I don't know how to shorten the stuff that comes out of my fingertips.)

    Doctor Who

    Saving the earth with a bowtie
  • 211
    Gary Stu - Please, don't worry about anything being too long for me! Your post was definitely incredibly fun to read, makes me want more!

    Todd received an Elektrike! (Shockman)
    Todd received unlimited Poke Balls!
    Todd received a Pokedex!
  • 118
    (OOC: And more you'll get~)

    Todd – Chapter 1.5: Route 29

    As Todd left New Bark behind, Electrike walked beside him on the dusty road. Shockman. He sort of regretted giving such a weird name to the creature, but now he just couldn't drop it. He had decided to keep it out of its pokéball, just as they always did with Yoot at home. It didn't seem too crazed or wild, like Yoot had been as a puppy. Maybe it wasn't that young.

    He had decided to leave New Bark after spending the night in a sleeping bag in somebody's garden. His father had given him quite a lot of money for this trip compared to what he usually got from them when he was just living at home. But Todd guessed he'd have to buy a lot of necessary stuff later on, so he didn't want to spend them on an inn when he did own a sleeping bad and it wasn't too cold outside. But that showed that he really wasn't used to being on his own.

    He woke up several times that night because of bugs creeping into his ears or nostrils, and when the sun rose, a scream woke him up and he was quickly driven out of the angry woman's garden by two menacing looking Furrets. As he gathered himself in an alley, he decided that buying a tent was absolutely necessary. Luckily for him, Johto technology hadn't degraded so much that they hadn't got minimal packable tents. He could almost fit the packed thing into his pocket, but when it was unpacked, it was large enough for two persons to sleep in. Nifty.

    Todd had figured getting out in the nature would feel good. That was something he'd almost never thought before in his life, since he mostly despised spending time outdoors. But compared to the rather sad state of New Bark and lachrymal feeling the place gave him, he thought a mountain forest road would be quite nice. He could always pretend he was inside one of his computer games. Exploring.

    But route 29 had seen its fair share of the war as well, he quickly noticed. As he and Shockman advanced forward, they sometimes had to go around a great rubble of rocks or a meter deep cleft in the ground in the middle of the road. The dark gray clouds in the sky didn't help the atmosphere on. The grass beside the asphalt had been worn away from people driving there to avoid the rumble on the road. Todd somehow got a lump in his stomach from seeing all this. He hadn't been looking as the truck that carried him here drove past all this mess before. He'd merely been grieving the loss of his internet connection.

    He had been chatting with his friends for several hours last night before falling asleep in the sleeping bag. The pokédex didn't come with the most smooth program for browsing and chatting, but it worked. His Johto friends were amazed at where he was right now and that he'd gotten an Electrike. His Kanto friends though, were more interested in hearing about the president, for some reason. He really hoped they wouldn't dislike him just for being forced out on a quest by the president.

    As Todd walked on, lost in thoughts, Shockman suddenly gave up a bark and set off.

    "Hey, were are you going! I didn't give you a command to, uh..." Todd tried to remind himself that a pokémon wasn't a creature in a game, but a living thing with a will of its own. Dang.

    He set off after the dog, nearly stumbling on the road from not being used to running much and from the weight of the backpack. Shockman suddenly disappeared into a grove of bushes and trees a little way from the road. Todd sighed. Of course he'd go and loose his pokémon the first thing he did. From now on, Shockman stayed in the ball! If he could find him again.

    But a rustle and a squeak reached his ears, and as he looked up, a tiny bird shot out of the bush. Shockman shot out after it, jumping and trying to reach it and bite it. The bird seemed to want to get away at the same time as it seemed agitated and angry. It lounged for the ground and whipped up a dust cloud with its unsuspectedly strong wings, sending it straight in the face of Shockman. The Electrike whimpered and scratched his eyes with his paw.

    "Is that... a pokémon?" Todd said, and the pokédex beeped. Flipping it open, he read the identity of the bird: Pidgey.

    "Hey, Shockman, leave the bird be," he tried, but Shockman didn't listen. Todd cleared his throat. "HEY!"

    Both pokémon hesitated and looked at him. Todd hadn't really expected them to listen to him so he was at a loss for words. "Um... you shouldn't..."

    And then he remembered something. He was to become a pokémon trainer, wasn't he? And didn't pokémon trainers catch wild pokémon? And hadn't he been given a dangerously great amount of pokéballs by the professor Acacia? Oh yes. He had. Now he'd just have to remember how to do it. He'd seen movies with pokémon trainers in it, and countless clips on the Internet.

    Shockman seemed able to see clearly again. "Shockman! Use... Thunder wave!"

    Pidgey had started flapping off to the bushes again, but Electrike sharpened its ears hearing Todd's order. It looked at the boy for a second, as if to decide if he was going to obey this whimsy two legged thing and put his training to good use, or just walk forth to him and start chewing on his shoe. Shockman had been watching Todd's shoes closely these past hours. It was tempting...

    But just before Pidgey disappeared, Shockman seemed to decide it was worth a shot. Electric charges started bristling in his fur, and he sent a quick wave of sparks directly towards the bird, who squeaked again and tried to fly higher. It's wings didn't seem to obey their master as good as before though, and thus the bird steadily soared downwards.

    Todd was surprised it had actually worked. He'd given a pokémon an order! And it complied! Did this mean he was in a battle now? Like in a game. He had to be on top of his senses. Look for every possibility. Make sure his gear was top notch... well, that might wait.

    He quickly looked the pokedex over to see what else Shockman was able to deliver, and found something fitting. "Tackle!" he called out.

    Shockman had almost given up on receiving another order, but complied quickly as he heard this one. He took a leap and knocked the Pidgey with the side of his body, which caused the paralyzed bird to drop down onto the ground, flapping it's wings as best as it could.

    Todd thought it looked a little pathetic and couldn't really understand what was so great about battling if it would mean throwing attacks at a helpless target that didn't even defend itself. In his gaming world, that was considered dishonorable.

    "Stop it, Shockman," he said, and the electric dog seemed to shrug its shoulders and step back to sniff some patch of grass.

    Todd walked close to the tired bird on the ground. Its panicking eyes stared up at him. "Eh... maybe I'll just try and catch you now," he said, though he had considered stepping on it a little just to make sure it wouldn't flee as he tried to catch it. But that would, again, be quite dishonorable.

    He took out an empty pokéball and debated with himself on how to proceed. He pressed the ball to the Pidgey's body, letting it press the button. The Pidgey seemed to regain movement and started picking frantically with its beak at the ball, but it did seem to work. The Pokémon suddenly shrunk, whirled and disappeared at the same time as the pokéball opened and closed rather rapidly. Todd dropped it in surprise.

    The ball winced on the ground, Todd watching it intensively.

    (OOC: I just thought Pidgey is a rather weak pokémon + Todd hasn't really figured out how to battle yet. So is it enough for a catch? ^^)

    Doctor Who

    Saving the earth with a bowtie
  • 211
    Gary Stu - Look at that, a geek with honor! Really great post, I do love how greatly you portray his... uselessness when it comes to the world.

    Congratulations, Todd caught a lv. 5 female Pidgey!
  • 111
    • Seen Dec 20, 2016
    Obadiah Samuel Woodsworth

    "Route 29," the dark skinned youth spoke matter-of-factly as he patted the top of the wooden sign post as one would a small child. The feeling of wood under his fingers was a pleasant reminder of home. The wood was of poor quality, but that rarely mattered to someone who knew how to use it. The sign was of decent make and would probably last a few more years given that weather patterns stay as they had for the last couple of years. Continuing forward, the young man let his fingers move gentle across the grain until contact was no longer possible. His hand fell limply to his side. No longer would his mind be used to create. No longer would his hands be used to craft. No longer would his body be used to fix, repair, and build. No….he would now get to dedicate his life to the pink blob that was sleeping peacefully unaware of the turmoil that stewed beneath it. As to why Obadiah had not removed the strange creature from his head was a mystery for the greatest of minds. At very least one would have expected him to place the thing back into its small home. Now before you start entertaining thoughts of the youth starting to soften towards the creature, you should know that the real reason for this….lack of action is the same reason that has caused the strange actings of men throughout all of history: a women. Just the thought of what Meagan would say if she saw the pink annoyance in its "cage," as she would call it, was enough to stay the young man's hand for the time being (Coincidently, that is also the reason for him not affectionally naming the small Munna "Herpes"). Building habits that will only bring him trouble is something Obadiah tended to avoid.

    A name for the creature is something the youth had been putting some thought into. For a short time, he had toyed with naming him (…..or her. Obadiah was not quite sure how to tell the sex of the flower power pokemon just yet) after some type of wood he had worked with. That idea was scratched rather quickly. The creature just didn't fit with the image that any of those names would create. It was a rather minor issue at the moment though. "Hey you," would do until a fitting name could be found (besides Herpes). Movement from on top of his head brought Obadiah out of his mind and back to the world. Apparently the Munna was ready for more "action."

    "Awake I see," Obadiah spoke with words laced with sarcasm, "I would have needed a rest as well after the day you had. You know, with the whole presentation you gave earlier. If that attack of yours has the same effect on our enemies as it does you, we should have no problems handling anything thrown at us." The Munna bobbed up and down happily in agreement, turning in circles as it did, coming to rest facing backwards on his shoulder.

    "Munna, Muuuuuuunna, Munnaaa, munna, munna, Munna, Muuuuuunna." The youth couldn't help but chuckle at the little creatures actions. He might not have liked the pokemon himself, but he couldn't help think how much Meagan would adore the creature. She had always been that way when it came to animals. Barsidious had a hard time keeping strays (I guess that would be stray pokemon, which would make them wild pokemon. Unnecessary thoughts are unnecessary) away from the place. Meagan had a tendency for feeding them leftover food whenever there enough to spare. Obadiah used to joke that the "wild" pokemon would starve if it were for……..

    "Awwww Crap! I didn't get any food to feed him….her….it." The Munna seemed to be much more interested in floating between Obadiah's shoulders than how close it could have come to starving. The youth, on the other hand, was struggling not to punch himself in the head. What had he expected the little pink throw pillow to eat? Hopes and dream? A sigh escape his lips as the dark skinned youth turned to walk back to town. It would require a bit of back-tracking, but there was not really another option. There was no indication of how long it would take him to reach the next town, and the young man rather doubted the creature would eat the food he had brought for himself. In fact, Obadiah had absolutely no clue at all what the creature would eat. Glaring sideways with annoyance at the little floating blob, the dark skinned youth couldn't help but wonder out loud, "I would have thought you would have come with an instruction manu…….. aaaaaaand I'm an idiot."

    The pokedex found its way quickly into the youth's calloused hands. After a few minutes of fiddling, Obadiah succeeded in turning the thing on. A few "beeps" and "clicks" later, the device was ready for use. While not being extremely knowledgeable of pokemon in general, Obadiah wasn't an idiot (despite just calling himself one). The device was simple enough to understand, and the youth soon had the pokedex pointed at the Munna. An electronic voice spoke soon after.

    "Munna. The Dream Eater Pokemon. This pokemon sustains itself on the dreams of humans as well as other pokemon ('Huh…imagine that'). Dreams that it consumes are forgotten by the one that dreamt them. Munna specializes in psychic based attacks."

    "So," the young man spoke, eyeing the small creature on his left shoulder, "you eat dreams?" The Munna rocked contently back and forth in response, showing no acknowledgement of whether it understood the question or not. "Well, if that is true it is very cheap and convenient. That is," the youth grumbled as his raised his hand to rub his temple, "unless I don't tend to dream. Just great, not only do I have a pokemon that looks about as threatening as a pillow, it also requires me to dream in order for it to live. Like I don't have enough on my plate as it is. I swear, I'm not sure if you could be any more of a……" The movement was slight, but it was enough to gain Obadiah's attention. Reacting quickly, the youth grabbed the small pokemon from his shoulder only seconds before a peak scrapped across the place the Munna had been. A slight pain shot through Obadiah's arm as his brain registered the damage that had been done. It was nothing serious. The Spearow had been aiming for what appeared to be a rather easy prey instead of boy. Rolling away from the strike and into a crouched position, the dark skinned youth eyed his attacker with irritation. The Munna, currently held tightly to the young man's chest, was now bouncing and shaking with the same excitement as earlier. "Chill out little buddy…gal. That thing could rip you apart." The small creature only seemed to bounce with more excitement. Any further words that Obadiah had were put on hold as the bird pokemon return for another strike. This time, it led with its beak. Obadiah reacted quickly but the bird was too fast. The boy rolled to the right to avoid a direct hit, but his left arm received a rather nasty cut.

    "Damnit," the dark skinned youth shouted with a mixture of anger and pain. "I hate birds." The youth was now starting to realize his situation. The spearow was not showing any signs of leaving the two of them alone and the way that the Munna was bouncing would make running away rather difficult. He was going to have to fight. Upon letting the creature go, the Munna energy seemed to reach a high. It rose into the air, spinning in circles on the way up, letting out noises of excitement and eagerness on the way. "You may look like a stuffed animal," Obadiah said with a smile, "but I like your attitude. Alright, let's see what you can do." Aiming his pokedex at the creature once again, Obadiah searched for something that would give him a clue as to what the Munna could do.

    "Alright," Obidiah said with a twinkle in his eye and determination in his voice, "it says here that you're a female. I know that doesn't help us at all at the moment, but I feel better knowing that you're not a pink boy." The Munna spun three times in the air. Obadiah took that as the creature being just as happy about discovery as he. The Spearow let out a threatening noise(it wasn't as excited) that caused the Munna to, for the first time, lose its happy demeanor as it shook with what Obadiah thought was fear. The bird lost no time in speeding at the creature for another attack. Looking at the next page of information, Obadiah yelled the first thing his brain could put together. "CURL up in DEFENSE!" The pink pokemon only had a second to reaction, but a second was just enough time for it to curl itself into a defensive position. The Spearow landed its attack at full force, sending the small Munna flying backwards and into a tree. The damage done to the Munna, however, was superficial at best as the creature uncurled and happily bobbed around.

    "Not too bad, little gal. Now let's see if you can actually do some damage." The pokedex screen indicated a couple of attacks that the Munna would know. Two of them seemed to fit the bill for an attack: Psywave and Sonic Boom. Seeing as how the Spearow was already circling around for another attack, Obadiah had little time to waste reading their descriptions. The first would have to do. "Hit it with a PSYWAVE…. whatever that might be…. and do it hard." (Obadiah: Inspiring less confidence with every word)
    Despite the youth's best efforts to sound unsure, the Munna understood what was being ask of it and sprang into action. A visible purple aura appeared around the small pink creature as it floated in a sideways figure-8 pattern. A second latter, a small wave of the purple aura broke off from the mass that had formed around the Munna's body and flew in the direction of the incoming Spearow. The bird pokemon quickly adjusted its pattern of flight, fading to the right just in time to avoid the attack. The bird pokemon was forced to pull up and readjust. After a moment of staring at the Munna, the Spearow's eye began to glow an eerie red. It only lasted for a moment; the bird was now dive-bombing right as the Munna.

    "Stupid bird," Obadiah couldn't help but laugh at the simple pokemon's tactics. This adventure was going to be a piece of cake if all pokemon were as dim as this one. "Alright girl, send another PSYWAVE at it. It won't be able to dodge forever." A moment later… nothing happened. No glowing aura. No wave of energy. No victory stance or witty comment. Instead, the Munna appeared to be staring intently at the approaching Spearow without a hint of desire to take action. "Any time now…. ah hell!" The Spearow landed a direct hit with its peck to the face of the unmoving Munna, sending the creature back into the tree again. The bird pokemon began to circle around again, intent on ending the battle soon. Obadiah was moving as well, racing in the direction of his fallen pokemon. The Munna was no longer bouncing around happily. Rather, it struggled weakly to lift itself into the air.

    The youth knew he need to hurry, the Spearow was already preparing to dive again and finish the fight. "Just a little bit further," he mumbled to himself with a bit of worry. The blurred figure of the approaching Spearow and the weak sounds of the fallen Munna injected the young man with the extra speed he needed. Diving and pulling the Munna to his chest, Obadiah rolled out of the path of the Spearow's beak and into a crouched position. The Munna was in his hands, facing the place it had been only moments before. The Spearow, no longer having a target, was force to pull up and halt its moment with a couple flaps of its wings in order to avoid ramming into the tree, leaving it defenseless.

    "SONIC BOOM, Now!" With what little strength it had left, the Munna unleashed a blast of sound and wind directly into the Spearow only a few feet away. The impact created somewhat of an explosion, violently separating the two from the Spearow. Obadiah and the Munna skidded to rest a few yards away. "Holy…Crap," the young man said with a cough as he attempted to catch the breath that had been knocked out of him before realizing he was in the middle of a battle. Still pumping with adrenaline, the young man pushed himself up in search of their attacker once again, the weakened Munna still being held to his chest. He spotted the creature some distance away, flapping its wings to get off the ground to no avail. He took one step towards the bird, then another, and then he was running. The pokemon was hurt and had no real strength to fight back with. It would be an easy target to catch for any trainer. All one would have to do would be to lightly toss a pokeball at it and the Spearow would be theirs. This was it; Obadiah was within feet of the creature. With a determine look and a flash of dramatic flair, the dark skinned youth reared back and…. punted the thing into a nearby grove of trees.

    "Ha, attack me will you? Well how about that? A boot to the face, IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!" (He actually kicked it in the side but face sounds better.) Feeling rather pleased with himself, Obadiah turned and continued his walk along the route. Taking a look down at his Munna, he was happy to see that it wasn't hurt too badly. The pink pokemon seemed more tired than anything. "Let's make a deal. No birds. Sound good?" The Munna bounce weakly out of his arms, before settling on the boys head and falling asleep. "Raphael," the boy spoke suddenly. It was the name of a creator (a male creator but the name wasn't too bad for a female). Though he wasn't quite sure why, the name felt right. Obadiah continued to walk down route 29, ignoring the slight irritation he felt for having a tiny pink creature on his head.

    OOC: I decided to place orders that I give in battle in all caps. That doesn't mean my character is yelling them though. And no, I won't use bold instead. I'm saving that for later. Hope you enjoyed. Also, I have no idea if that is what a Munna talks like. I just made an assumptions.
    Last edited:

    Doctor Who

    Saving the earth with a bowtie
  • 211
    Nate_Dawg - He kicked it, of course he kicked it xD Awesome post, they're really something of a team aren't they? I don't mind about the caps, I'll just have to stop my brain from translating them as yells.

    Congratulations, Munna (Raphael) grew to lv. 8 and learned Yawn!
  • 85

    And then all was silent; unmoving. Alex, crouched over the unmoving pokeball, Buzz-Buzz, buzzing directly over him, looking at the ball. A second of silent frustration... followed by a second of very loud frustration, which probably could be heard for a mile and scared the Spearow out of it's tree and away to who cares where. Alex sat back, the pokeball containing his ultimate enemy in front of him. And it was supposed to be his friend? Well, at least it might be good in battle, unlike Buzz-Buzz, who clearly was meant for someone skilled at their job. Come to think of it, Alex still had no idea about what Buzz-Buzz was or what it could do. Sighing, he flipped open his pokedex and listened to the article.

    "So... you know Gust and Sweet Scent and after battles, you make honey which both you and other pokemon can eat. Hmm, looks like I'll have to invest in bread, bread and honey is a delicious combo. But I guess it also means you aren't good against the flying type, which by my memory from the old pokemon games, is the type of the first gym. So I guess I need a pokemon that isn't weak to them. This thief may as well be it. What do I call this thing, anyways? Monty is too obvious, I want to emphasize his thieving nature..."

    Buzz-Buzz tuned in for the first few seconds, and then started munching on another berry, oblivious to her master's dilemma. The berries tasted especially good after the battle; they had helped her during it when she fell to the ground, as hers had been right there. Without her berry, who knew what would have happened? Well, she'd have probably lost. But that didn't bear thinking about.

    [OOC: I can't find a better way to phrase that, but basically during her battle, when she first got scratched it was a critical hit, but she restored health by eating a berry on the ground when she fell. I knew I didn't want to say it last post, but now I had a hard time fitting it in this post.]

    "Hey, it's from the same game series as you, Buzz-Buzz, but what about Duster as the name for our new "friend"? He's a good-hearted thief with a limp, and gets a whole bunch of neat abilities, but no PK attacks."

    Buzz-Buzz's second head looked at him blankly while the other two continued enjoying a berry. He returned it's blank stare, and then sighed, picking up his pokeball and clicking the button, allowing the criminal Moguryuu to come out. It popped out in the same pose it went in, reaching for a berry that was no longer there. It kind of collapsed for a second, and then slowly got up, brushing itself off. It wasn't too badly wounded, the leaves from the tree having done absolutely nothing. The Moguryuu looked at his new trainer with an expression of disdain mixed with annoyance. Alex, not liking getting looked down upon by a mole, launched into an immediate rant.

    "Hey! I didn't want to catch you, and I don't like you, you thieving little jerk! But you could be useful, so listen up because here's how things are going to go! Buzz-Buzz isn't a strong battler, and you seem to be, so you'll be in charge of most of the battling, got it! I plan to work you to the bone! Also, for the rules. Rule One: No stealing from me! Rule Two: No attacking me! Rule Three: No bothering me while I sleep. Rule Fo-what are you doing?!"

    At this point the Moguryuu had sat down and started drifting off, having no interest in what his idiot trainer had been saying, preferring the company of the back of his own eyelids. Unfortunately for Alex, Buzz-Buzz had been a bit more attentive, and heard what Alex had said about her battling skills. Taking offense once again, she went on the offensive, dribbling honey all over his hair. He leaped back, which involved him feebly rolling away and saying stop it in a petulant, whiny voice. Buzz-Buzz, satisfied her skills were proven, buzzed back to another berry, which she proceeded to munch on, still hungry after her first big battle. Alex got up, looking at his two pokemon. An energetic glutton and a lazy thief. Well, he wasn't much of a trainer either, being a lazy glutton. Heh. Best of both worlds, maybe? He smiled, thinking of the thought, and tried talking to his obstinate Moguryuu again.

    "Listen, alright? I do need you for battling, regardless of Buzz-Buzz's skills. You've got a type that I need. Anyways, ignore the rest of what I say if you want, but this is serious. First; no stealing. Seriously, I'll give you what you want if I can, but otherwise..? Even if it's a pain in the ass to work for something, it's more of a pain in the ass to lose something you've worked for. And second? You need a name if you want to travel with us. I'm going to call you Duster, after the video game character who's called a thief, but doesn't actually steal stuff. Alright? I think it suits you."

    Alex then got up, having finished being serious. Duster, as he is now called, opened a single eye and watched his trainer, more interested in him now than he was a minute ago. He decided to get up as well, with a slight smile, on his feet with his new trainer. Buzz-Buzz excitedly flew up as well, now that they were a team. Guess she doesn't hold a grudge for very long, Alex thought. He stretched a bit, and looked around to see that Spearow was still sitting there! He blinked, and reached for a pokeball. He was about to give Duster the command to attack when another two popped up. He blinked, suddenly wondering how many would pop up in total. Another three popping up told him too many, and he started backing away.

    Buzz-Buzz and Duster both got into a fighting pose, and Duster provoked them. The Spearow launched themselves at them in a massive swarm. Behind his messy, honey covered hair, Alex's eyes widened, and his mouth when slack-jawed. His two pokemon started to charge forward, only to recalled instantly. Wasting no more time, Alex gave another strangled scream, and booked it in the direction of Cherrygrove, hoping to god that he wouldn't pass out from lack of oxygen before he got there. He shuddered to think about if he did. He'd been robbed enough already today...
  • 111
    • Seen Dec 20, 2016
    Obadiah Samuel Woodsworth

    "It's going to be dark soon," the young man thought as he slowed his walk and took a better look at his surroundings. He had been walking for quite a while now, but it was the first time his mind was unoccupied enough to take in the physical landscape around him. The land was predominately flat. Hills could be seen here and there but nothing that truly obscured long distance vision. Tree stood in the company of others here and there, but the cliques chose not to mingle with others outside their little circles. Rocks, mostly debris that came from what Obadiah assumed to be the bombing that separated the country from its former family, littered the ground in a vast array of shapes and sizes. "War is Hell," the boy spoke to himself softly. "No amount of ignoring it will change the fact that it is as real as the stones under your feet." Kicking one of the smaller rocks, the young man watched it bounce weakly off a large boulder before coming to rest in a small patch of grass. Turning his thoughts away from the rocks, Obadiah focused his mind on something of greater importance: finding a place to sleep.

    There were a couple of places that offered decent shelter. A small cluster of tree a short distant from the road seemed to be the best spot though. The location would provide both cover from rain and easy access to fuel to feed a small fire. Obadiah mentally thanked Barsidious for forcing him to learn a few basic survival skills before leaving. Knowing how to make a fire would definitely come in handy. Walking over to his home for the night, the dark skinned youth found his mind drifting towards the small creature that slept peacefully on his head. It still annoyed him to have been given such as…girly pokemon to start his journey, but he could no longer consider it worthless in a fight. The pink thing had shown some grit in battle, not to mention packing a serious punch for its size. Obadiah didn't know if he would ever truly "like" the pokemon, but at least he could be a good trainer to it. The young man cringed as the word "trainer" past through his mind. It was going to take some time for him to adjust to the idea.

    Preparing the campsite took a little bit longer than Obadiah had anticipated. The ground was a little too dry to start a fire without clearing out a space first. Even once a space had been cleared and firewood had been collected, it took the young man more attempts than he would have liked to light the kindling. As the sun settled down for the night, leaving the moon alone to illuminate the sky, a small fire provided enough light to cast a faint orange glow over the small circle of trees. The sight that greeted anyone who came close enough to see past the trees was that of a dark skinned youth relaxing on the ground in front of the small fire propped up by his left elbow, chewing on what looked like a piece of dried meat. A brown backpack would be seen beside him with what appeared to be a small pink stuffed animal resting on top of it. It was warm. It was peaceful. It was welcoming. So welcoming in fact that a Buneary, somehow finding itself alone this night, hid slightly out of sight, debating whether it was safe to approach the warmth or not.

    Closer to the fire, Obadiah was deep in thought over what this whole "journey" was really about. From what little he knew of the whole "training adventure", it involved kids traveling the world, collecting pokemon, and training them to either battle or perform in fancy pokemon beauty contests. (I actually don't know what they are called…and I refuse to look it. I will continue to be as confused about it as my character.) There were also trainers who would catch and train pokemon to perform certain tasks. It was probably even possible to find some pokemon who were skilled at carpentry and construction. The idea had even brought a bit of excitement to the young man until it was made clear that no such end was his destiny. The law required him to be a trainer in the classic sense of the word. He and Raphael were meant for battles or contes…battles…just battles. The small Munna adjusted itself slightly and continued its nightly adventure. Whether that was dreaming or not, Obadiah was unsure. Could a creature that fed on dreams, dream itself? The question was for greater minds that he.

    Moving slowly and carefully, the dark skinned youth opened his bag and retrieved a couple of items. The first and second were a brown leather cover journal given to him by Meagan and a simple writing pen. Since she was not going to be allowed to go on the journey with him, the beautiful girl had insisted he write down everything that happened so she could read about it when he got back. Not wanting to get an earful when he got back, Obadiah had no intention of forgetting. The boy also pulled out his pokedex and a small assortment of flowers he had picked up along the route. His intention was to press the flowers in his journal at certain places as a little surprise to Meagan. But first he needed to write. The scratching of pen on paper was the only sound to be heard besides the crackling of the fire for the next couple of minutes. It wasn't until a few minutes had past that he noticed the figure that had been slowly moving towards the fire to his right.

    "Looks like we got some company, Raphael," the young man spoke in a quiet whisper not wanting to scare the creature off. The small pink pokemon stirred slightly on top of the brown pack in response to the boy's words. "Muuuuuuuuuunna," the creature voiced in what one might consider the pokemon version of a whisper. The visitor in question was a small furry pokemon with long ears, pink on the inside. The fur that covered its body could best be described in two different sections: a light tan sheep-like wool that covered much of its lower body, feet and the tips of its ears and a smooth chocolate colored pelt on the upper half of its torso and round head. The pokemon had a small, triangular pink nose as well as pink paw pads on the undersides of its feet. A small brown puff of a tail trailed behind the timid creature as it made its way ever closer. Curious as to what the creature was, Obadiah activated the pokedex at his side, hoping the noise wouldn't scare it away until his could identify it. A digital voice politely responded.

    "Buneary. The Rabbit Pokemon. Buneary ears serve two purposes. Primarily, the pokemon uses its ears to sense and avoid danger. When forced to battle however, Buneary can fiercely uncoil its rolled up ears to deliver a painful punch. When combined with its amazing jumping ability, a Buneary can make a difficult opponent for unprepared attackers. Buneary are primary herbivores, preferring to feed on fruits and a variety of plants, including some flowers." The voice had more wisdom to share, but Obadiah had heard enough for the moment.

    The creature had made its way to only a few feet from the fire, but did not seem eager to get any closer. Looking down at the flowers he had collected, the boy had an idea to get the pokemon a little bit closer. Doing his best to not make any sudden moments, the young man took three of the flowers and gently tossed them in the direction of the pokemon. They landed closer to the fire and Obadiah than the pokemon was at the moment. If it wanted the food, it was going to have to move closer. The Buneary analyzed the situation for a moment, fear and hunger battling for dominance. The pokemon walked/hopped close enough to reach one of the flowers and slowly began to eat. Hunger had won.

    The thought of catching the pokemon sprung into the young trainer mind as he continued to watch the peaceful pokemon happily eat. It irritated Obadiah, but he knew it was worth a try if only to gain something that would dream for Raphael. What the young man couldn't come to terms with, however, was the thought of having to battle the thing. It didn't look particularly threatening at the moment (Obadiah doubted that it ever could). Did he have to fight the creature? Was it possible for a pokemon to want to be caught? While not completely sure he wanted to (scratch that, he knew he didn't want to) carry around two timid looking creatures, the boy's curiosity of catching a pokemon without battling it drove him forward. Why would you want to catch and train something that just got done attacking you anyways? He would need to test the creature first. Lifting his free hand, Obadiah slowly moved it towards the creature. It hopped back timidly and looked as if it was about to bolt. The promise of food and warmth seemed to keep it from completely abandoning the situation. The youth pulled his had back.

    "Well that's not going to work," the dark skinned youth said to himself as he mind continued to try and wrap itself around the problem. "The thing is still too scared to be caught willingly. I have to get it more relaxed. Any ideas, Raphael?" The question was spoken with sarcasm as Obadiah turned to look at the Munna. The small pokemon stared creepily, unblinking, back at him. The pokedex however, which Obadiah had forgotten to turn off and was now facing Raphael, was less quiet.

    "Yawn. By letting out its own yawn, the pokemon induces a sleepiness in its opponent who, if left undisturbed, will fall asleep soon after."

    A cocky smile spread across the boy's face. "That will do the trick. Raphael, YAWN." Opening her mouth to an unnatural size, the Munna let out a long and satisfying yawn that seemed to sweep over the whole area. Obadiah had to struggle to not yawn himself. The Buneary was less successful. The combination of food and fire had already made the creature pretty relaxed. It was barely a minute later that the large eared pokemon had curled up into itself next to the fire, fast asleep. A few moments later, Rapheal floated over to the now sleeping pokemon and landed softly on top of it. A few minutes later, a puff of purple smoke escape from underneath the creature. Obadiah assumed that it was feeding...hoped it was feeding.

    "Maybe I don't have to catch the thing after all," the dark skinned youth said in a hushed tone with a bit of relief. "Whenever you get hungry, we can just put a wild pokemon to sleep, and you can just go to town. What do you think?" The Munna did not respond with its usually bobbing and weaving. Instead, it seemed content to stare him down…not blinking…it was very creepy. Despite no words being spoken, Obadiah had an idea about the thought the pokemon was trying to convey. "You do realize that if I end up catching this thing my team will consist of a pink stuffed animal and a bunny? Not the most intimidating lineup." The Munna's rather creepy stare continued as the young let out a irritated growl that mutated into a strange angry/defeated/sarcastic laughter. "You know what, I love the idea. In fact, I only want to catch cute, furry little animals that would rather run away than fight. Maybe next time we can try and catch something that's already dead." Reaching into his backpack with frustration, Obadiah grabbed one of the many pokeballs he had been given by the professor. Closing his eyes and letting out one last sigh, the young man gently tossed the pokeball at the Buneary. A flash of red light later, Raphael was sitting on top of a now shaking pokeball. "If this works, I blame you," Obadiah spoke to the Munna with no amount of amusement. Raphael responded with a rather cheerful, "Muuuuuuuunnaa," as it floated into the air and spun in circles three times.

    OOC: I decided to get creative with how I attempted to catch a pokemon. Obadiah doesn't really seem like the kind of person to catch something that attacks him (see Spearow for more information). And I do rather like having him end up with cute pokemon. His irritation brings me joy.

    On a side note, how long do you want us on this route?
  • 118
    Todd - Still Chapter 1.5 : Route 29

    That evening, Todd realized he had no clue of how to make a fire. It wasn't too cold, but it certainly wasn't warm either. He was happy he'd brought some extra shirts.

    With three layers on his torso, he found a spot beneath a leafy tree by the side of the road, where he unfolded his tent. Luckily for him, it was high tech enough to unfold and build itself up completely as you pressed a button on its side. Else, he would probably have had to repeat last night's sharing the sleeping bag with insects.

    Crouching inside the tent, he pulled out his pokédex and tried to find an internet connection. He wasn't too far out from civilisation, and found a stable link pretty quickly. After chatting for a while, he suddenly got... bored of it. Or at least, he felt strange.

    He'd never been alone outside at night before, as far as he could remember. But he wasn't really scared... maybe he should be though? What if there were creepy, even dangerous pokémon in the bushes, just waiting for him to fall asleep so they could creep up on him and... eat him alive?!

    He dropped his pokédex, and noticed his hands were shaking. What, was he really afraid? Oh hell, why was he doing this? Why didn't he just go undercover and hide from the president for the rest of his life, maybe go to Kanto and...

    Hm, he did have some little friends who could defend him though. An electric monster dog and a menacing flying shadow. At least he liked to think about them that way.

    He hadn't really thought about Pidgey since he caught it earlier that day. Maybe he should have... What if it was hurting, inside that little ball? After all, it got some kind of electric shock and a fierce tackle from Electrike. Guilt got the better of him.

    Sitting up inside the little tent, he pulled out the two occupied pokéballs and pushed the buttons. Out came the two little monsters, growing in only milliseconds to normal size, sitting before him. There were room for all three of them, and probably another person. Quite a good tent he'd bought, after all... even though it had cost some.

    Shockman seemed to greet him with a nonchalant nod, and then turned his head around to inspect his surroundings. Or maybe he was just looking for Todd's shoe.

    Pidgey shook its head and its eyes flickered from one point to another. They eventually rested on Todd's face.

    "Uh. Hello," Todd tried. No response. Well, not strange, it was a bird after all, not a kid. "I'm the guy who... who's dog tried to eat you. But now you can be friends, right?"

    Shockman and the Pidgey gave one another a look. Pidgey tweeped gently, but Shockman simply grunted, and then suddenly got up and went outside.

    "HEY! Don't you dare go running off again!" Todd called out, crawling out after him, only to find that the dog curled itself up in a ball just outside the entrance. "Oh. I see, you're keeping watch. That's good. Just... be here when I wake up, ok? And if you see a monster... please eat it."

    He then crept back inside, to find the Pidgey hopping around on his pillow. It seemed to already have recovered from the earlier battle.

    "No, please, that's mine," Todd said a bit tired, "I don't want you to, like, pee on it or what birds do."

    Pidgey cooed and tripped to the side, almost looking hurt by the words. Todd regretted it.

    "Oh, sorry. So... You want a name too?"

    Pidgey tweeted, flaxing its wings.

    "I'm not even sure of what you are..." Todd began, but as usual, his seemingly telepathic pokédex beeped, and he nearly automatically picked it up without thinking. "You're a Pidgey," he continued. "And you're... female?"

    Pidgey cooed and hopped onto his pillow again.

    "And the pokédex have registered your strength and classified it as a level... 5. And by this level you should be able to perform these attacks... hmf, this thing is more useful than I thought," Todd murmured to himself, clicking his way through the pages of info and meters and lists and images on the red device. "Intelligent," was his final comment on the thing. "Who makes these?"

    A loud series of barkings interrupted his exploration. He sprung to life and crawled outside, Pidgey following him on its tiny but quick feet.

    Electrike was growling heavily at something on the road. Todd got a picture in his mind of it being a large dinosaur like thing that would want to crush them all, to punish him for even trying to survive on his own...

    Of course, his creeped out mind was exaggerating enormously. Pidgey tweeted, took off in the air and dived down from behind at the creature on the road, as if to force it to move closer to them. If that was her intention, it worked.

    Holding up his pokédex to try and shed some more light than the moonshine in the night, Todd saw Shockman hold his ground, barking, at something that looked like a fluffy, brown ball. It now started squeaking, looking rather angry with them, but didn't seem to dare to get closer.

    "What the..." but this time he didn't utter the question. Instead he pointed the pokédex at the new creature before it had time to do it by itself. As info appeared on the screen, he learned that the round ferret looking thing was a Sentret. "Man... we've probably set up camp close enough to its home to agitate it," he said, partly to himself, partly to his pokémon.

    Pidgey tried to flutter closer to it, nabbing a little with her claws, but the Sentret didn't seem at all scared by the bird. It flung its heavy tail in Pidgey's direction, causing her to spin through the air to avoid it. Shockman, on the other hand, seemed to be the one keeping Sentret from killing Todd, they boy thought. He was tempted to simply go back inside and wait for them to get tired, but Shockman probably needed sleep too. So... should he get the dog to chase the rat away? Like... with a fight?

    He pointed the pokedéx at the Electrike. It did know a few moves, but maybe it would be good if Todd knew them too. After all, if he was to be a pokémon trainer, he had to learn how to fight. Like all warriors, he had to begin somewhere. Catching Pidgey had only been the tutorial.

    Slowly, he started shifting into the state he was usually in when he was deep into an interesting computer game. There was a battle to be fought. And he was the only one who could take command. And he... would... do it.

    "Shockman," he said with a dark voice he usually never used. "Let's do this."

    Pidgey skipped a flap and Shockman stopped barking for a second, looking back up at him with something of a surprised look. In some way, he seemed to like the change he saw in the boy, suddenly accepting him like he hadn't done before. He tensed his legs, letting the electricity power up his muscles. Finally. Maybe he hadn't been trained for nothing after all.

    "Tackle!" Todd called out, and Shockman shot forward. The Sentret stopped squeaking and got hit straight in the stomach, completely by surprise. The ferret bounced backwards for a bit, but then curled out and stood up again, looking more agitated than ever. It started running back towards the dog, preparing to fling its tail.

    Acting by his gaming reflexes, Todd looked the pokedéx over quickly and shouted out a new order: "Thunder Wave!"

    Shockman barked and sent out the same electrical pulse he had shot at Pidgey earlier. But Sentret managed to curl up into a rolling ball before the pulse hit, and didn't stop after it had subdued. It rolled into Shockman, tackling him, before he could react.

    Shockman stumbled backwards, whimpering a little, and Todd's rather scientifical brain suggested the weak electric pulse had somehow rolled over the wild pokémon's fur as it had curled up. How that was now possible... Maybe it had met an electrical pokémon before and invented the trick.

    "It's just a rat, Shockman!" Todd yelled, and took a last look at the pokédex screen. "Try Swift."

    Sentret swung its tail that moment, trying to hit the Electrike, but the dog jumped aside rather easily, focused its aim on the other creature's head and fired a shining ray of white stars at it. It hit right on, streaming its light through the night, making the Sentret scream and fall over.

    The scene with the electric dog shooting the magical star ray at its enemy before him... it was magical itself. Todd suddenly jumped out of the battling state and into something else. Some kind of realization. Maybe this wasn't too bad anyway... Sure, he didn't know how to make a fire, and darkness and pokémon scared him, but battling? Man, battling was even better live than it had been in any computer game.

    At least when you didn't deal and take the blows yourself. Sentret was really dizzy and weak after the last attack, and apparently it decided to retreat, but before dragging itself back into the forest, it gathered its last energy and jumped at Todd, biting him in the leg. The tiny but sharp teeth almost cut through the jeans cloth.

    "AARGH! MAN, I knew it would try to eat me!!"

    Pidgey tweeted loudly and Shockman sighed, in his own kind of way. Maybe he could stand the uselessness of this human in most situations... just because he wanted to be there to fight for him on the occasions his spirit did wake up.

    (OOC: Nope, Todd hasn't named Pidgey yet. But he will ^^)

    Doctor Who

    Saving the earth with a bowtie
  • 211
    Nate_Dawg - I liked the post, and if that way of catching fits with the character, than go for it! At least Maegan will love his team of girliness xD

    Congratulations, Obadiah caught a lv. 4 female Buneary!

    To answer you question again (And perhaps a little clearer) I would like for you to move at the pace of the rp, but if you have time between chapters you're allowed, if not encouraged, to post as much as you'd like.

    Gary Stu - Just maybe get him checked for Rabies? D: Awesome post, seems like Todd's starting to fit the role.

    Shockman grew to lv. 8!
    Pidgey grew to lv. 6!
  • 85
    Alex woke up, his entire body miserably sore. He rolled over, onto his back, which suddenly felt like several small pins had been jammed into it. He yelped and sat up, wincing in pain. His body was both stiff with running, and cut open from those beaks. He brought a hand to his forehead, feeling a lump there, and winced again, tears starting to form. What had happened...?

    Oh, right, the spearow swarm. He had ran for about five minutes, but he had been getting slower, running out of wind, and they gained on him. Eventually he had tripped over his pant leg, and hit his head on some rocks. Hence the cuts and bruises on his face. Then they must have pecked him until it was obvious he had nothing of value. He had landed on his front, so they had hurt his back the most, his shirt having been more or less torn to shreds. Now it was hanging on by a few threads, and it hadn't been the most stable shirt to begin with, he having cut off the bottom and the sleeves to fit him better. His jeans were in rough shape, having torn one when he landed on it. He looked closer, and decided rather than rolling them up again and hoping for the best, he may as well just tear them into shorts. He wasn't going anywhere too cold anytime soon, after all. He tried tearing them for a few seconds, but it was too much effort and it was too tiring. He decided it would be more effective if he had claws, and since Duster did...

    A flash of red light later, and Duster was up and about, stretching slightly. The mole pokemon turned to see his trainer in such a state, and his eyes widened. Alex's voice was feebler than he had expected, not having had anything to drink for the past twelve hours.

    "Hey, Duster, can you cut my jeans up a bit so that they don't drag on the ground?"

    Duster looked at him for a second, and then turned around and ran across the fields and rocks, into the undergrowth. Alex blinked, and then realized his pokemon had run away from him. He sat in disbelief. He had already decided that even though it was a thief he was going to be as nice as possible to it, to treat it as one of his own. And it ran!? He couldn't believe it. Alex struggled to his feet, and then yelled at this top of his lungs:


    He yelled that a few times before descending into coughing fits, having completely dehydrated himself. After several minutes of miserable coughing, he shook himself, which hurt, and then pulled himself together, trying to think. Of his two pokemon, one was in rough shape and one had ran. He had been savagely attacked by some others. He was alone. He had no where to sleep, and his entire body ached and hurt. His shirt had been pecked, and was now full of small holes, with some larger gashes. And it was in the middle of the night. He blinked, wondering what time it was. He checked his watches, and found it was 3:26. What an ungodly hour. This was prime sleeping time he was missing! Not that he could sleep out here, really. Not anymore, not with no defense or anything.

    He considered calling his mother, but she'd be asleep and wouldn't appreciate a call at this hour, even from her son. Professor ... whatever would be much the same. He was seriously on his own. And he knew he couldn't do this. What kind of trainer has a runaway pokemon! Seriously?! And Buzz-Buzz probably thought he was a screw-up too... He got up suddenly, which really hurt but he ignored the pain, yelling in frustration and kicking a tree.

    Which a sleeping Sentret fell out of, onto his head. Which also really hurt. He fell over, throwing it off of him and swearing. The Sentret landed on all fours, ready for combat, and he despaired. Buzz-Buzz may have shown a lot of heart against Duster, but he doubted it could last another fight. Then again, she had eaten a lot of berries, which seemed to restore her somewhat. And what other option was there? He couldn't flee in this shape. Best to battle, he guessed. He grabbed for her pokeball, only to realize it had come loose. He paled, and the Sentret used the chance to tackle him, causing Alex to fall back into the dirt. He looked around and saw Buzz-Buzz's pokeball on the ground next to him. He reached for it quickly and rolled, throwing it into the air. He rolled away just in time, as the Sentret used another tackle, hitting the ground where he had been. The ball went into the air long, and Buzz-Buzz flew out, ready for action. Alex thanked god it was dark; who knew how Buzz-Buzz would react to him in the shape he was in?

    "Buzz-Buzz! Use Sweet Scent!" A honeyed aroma wafted through the air, causing the Sentret to stop moving for a little bit, slowing it down. It took a minute, and then used a tackle attack on Buzz-Buzz, who went flying backwards. She got back into the air quickly though, and at Alex's command used a gust to send the Sentret back. It withstood it's ground, but the small dust and rocks kicked up did a little damage. Alex sighed inwardly. Buzz-Buzz just couldn't do enough damage. Perhaps a sweet scent, and then get away?

    The Sentret didn't give him time to think, he used another tackle, hitting Buzz-Buzz out of the air again. Alex rushed over and held the Combee in his arms, but she started to fly again, slowly getting back into combat. Alex cursed, understanding that it was his fault he was in this situation, and even worse, it was his fault Buzz-Buzz was in this situation. A competent human being would have taken care of their new pokemon. Well, all that was left was a desperation gambit. A Sweet Scent, and then limp as fast as possible. And he was about to say so, when...

    "MOOOOGUUUURYUUUUUUUUU!" Duster yelled, charging into the fray. The first thing he did was throw an object at Alex, who caught it, instantly recognizing the feel of it. The berries from earlier!? That's where it had gone? These berries had healed Buzz-Buzz a little bit before, maybe they could be used again? He made a few split-second decisions, and issued commands in a hoarse, desperate voice.

    "Buzz-Buzz! Come back and eat! Duster, try to buy me some time!" The pokemon complied quickly, Buzz-Buzz flying over into his hand and eating the berry, all three facing taking bites at once. Alex smiled crookedly, holding her close to his chest. That was twice the little pokemon had stood up against stronger foes for his sake. Even if it wasn't strong, it was courageous.

    Duster, recognizing the battle was his now, got ready. This Sentret was not in a negotiating mood, having been woken up unexpectedly. It shot forward with another tackle, which Duster had to take, protecting his new trainer. Then another, while Alex made sure Buzz-Buzz was safe, placing her down gently. The sentry pokemon was charging forward for another, third tackle. Duster grit his teeth, hoping that Alex would make good of an attack soon. Alex gulped, having no idea what attacks it knew. Well, he knew it could scratch his face, hopefully that was an attack.

    "Scratch it up, Duster!" Duster gave no sign of recognition, right until it tried to tackle again. Duster ducked under it quickly, and then shot up, using a scratch-uppercut to knock it away. It landed a few feet from him, but was up quickly, being older and reasonably strong. It was shaky now, though. Another shot would probably do it. Duster smiled, and took a step forward, and then suddenly realized another shot would probably do him in, too. He grimaced, and looked in his left hand, where he held his second berry. Use it now, or later? The sentret charged forward, and so did he.

    The sentret hit first, and hit hard.

    Duster went flying back, rolling across the ground a bit. "Duster!" Alex yelled, suddenly afraid again. This sentret was tough! No... Duster had already taken hits while he waited for Alex to make sure Buzz-Buzz was alright. Otherwise he'd have no problem with this pokemon. Alex looked at Sentret, trying to gauge if a gust would do it. He was about to issue his commands when Duster made a noise, and got up, eating his berry. Alex smiled slightly; Duster sure was a clever one, bringing a berry for himself as well. Had he known there'd be a battle, or was he just cautious? Or maybe he just liked berries. That'd explain a lot. Either way, he was up and ready for action.

    "Finish him off with another scratch, Duster! You can do it!" Duster just nodded, and charged forward as fast as his stubby little legs would take him. The Sentret looked up, on guard, but Duster was too quick for the pokemon, getting the upper hand and delivering a mighty scratch attack, knocking the pokemon out cold, thank god. Duster then stood up, satisfied of a job well done, stretching his back. There was a sudden movement, and three or four tiny sentret crowded the older one, forming a defensive huddle. Alex sighed. He hadn't planned on catching it anyways, but knowing they beat up a parent was still... a bit much. Then again, he'd tried to be reasonable, right? Man, what a pain. He didn't really want to stick around here, either. He looked around, and saw his pokedex sitting a few feet away. He walked over and picked it up, looking at it for a minute and thinking. This was going to be way too much work. He didn't want this. And the worst part?

    He glanced at Buzz-Buzz and Duster. Buzz-Buzz was flying around Duster happily, congratulating him on his win. Duster seemed to be indifferent to it, more concerned with his trainer's state, having noticed the roughness of his appearance. Alex smiled bitterly, and knew. The worst part was that even though he didn't want this, or them, they'd still do so much for him. He barely knew either of them, and they'd already tried so hard for no reason. Why were they so loyal to someone so pathetic? He lowered his head a little his hair obscuring his eyes. His track record was abysmal. He failed his first battle, screwed up catching something and then caught something else, got completely owned by Spearow, and now won his first battle only through the clever ingenuity of his pokemon, not through anything he did. What a failure.

    He felt something poking at his leg, and looked down. Duster was giving him an unimpressed look, and pointing down the road, as if to say they needed to get going. Buzz-Buzz was already halfway down the trail, buzzing excitedly. Perhaps a nighttime walk would be fun? What else was there to do, he couldn't stay out here. It was freezing, especially with his single, thin, torn up layer and his somewhat ripped jeans. He shrugged, and they started walking on. It was almost impossible to see, but his eyes had adjusted, and he used his pokedex screen for light, making it just possible to see. After a few minutes of trekking, he cleared his throat, and spoke again.

    "Buzz-Buzz, Duster... thanks."

    Buzz-Buzz flew over and around his face, signaling her happiness at being recognized. Alex chuckled, seeing a pattern of what Buzz-Buzz did to get anything across. And unbeknown to him, Duster gave a slight smile as well, although it was far too dark to see it. With that, the crew trekked on, Buzz-Buzz leading the way, followed by Duster, who showed Alex the best path to hobble on.

    Doctor Who

    Saving the earth with a bowtie
  • 211
    Vamaar - Really great post and battle, with sentimental value too! I definitely enjoyed reading this one alot.

    Congratulations, Buzz-Buzz grew to lv. 8!
    congratulations, Duster grew to lv. 7!