Leet Hammer Friends, created August 2006, is the heartwarming story of three anrthomorphic Turtles who tried to save Canada from a Baby Seal Invasion...and failed. The heartwarming saga continues with a nasty appearence of the Jehova's Witness theives, The Squeak Squad. Will the Leet Hammer Friends beat down these very naughty mice? Will Oedipus and Creon get along for once? Will Pianta pull a Fonzie?
God only knows.
#1: Jehovas Witnesses are evil
#2: Super Ninja Team!!!
#3: Squeak Squad
Quanto: Shut up and Duel
#5: Kamek sounds like a drunk frog
#6: I have no idea either.
#7: We got ourselves a pedophile
#8: Less we forget this epic meeting.
#9: Stealing is not good.
#10: Black Chest
#11: Black Chest?
#12: Prison Break.
#13: Eddie the Hammer Chucker
#14: Text Walls are Funny!
#15: Vertigo
#18: I mean 16.
Special: Valentine's Creed
Thank Sonik for Flare, Mallet, and Doug's sprites. Wouldn't be able to make the comic without those.
Aditional Credits:
Random Talking Bush for ripping the Daroach sprites
Sponge for making the Punchy Ghost sprite
BGHQ for providing the world with Game Backgrounds <3
No Body for making Oedipus and Creon
What people think about LHF:
Wait, where the hell am I in this comic?
~Bowser Morton Koopa
Screw the rules, I have cameo!
~Seto Kaiba
It's now or never, I ain't gonna live for ever!
~Jon Bon Jovi
Inbloobaty, Iubatty.
So random it could make it atleast to honorable mention on a random award.
~Jacob Stacy
Needs more cowbell.
~Bruce Dickinson
Pianta isn't real, and I dislike him.
~Random Corphish
In Solveit Russia, Hammers Friends leet YOU!
~Russian Reversal
Davis, shut the hell up and duel me already.
~Corey, the guy who plays checkers
Did you check behind the waterfall?
~The Old Man
God only knows.
#1: Jehovas Witnesses are evil
#2: Super Ninja Team!!!
#3: Squeak Squad
Quanto: Shut up and Duel
#5: Kamek sounds like a drunk frog
#6: I have no idea either.
#7: We got ourselves a pedophile
#8: Less we forget this epic meeting.
#9: Stealing is not good.
#10: Black Chest
#11: Black Chest?
#12: Prison Break.
#13: Eddie the Hammer Chucker
#14: Text Walls are Funny!
#15: Vertigo
#18: I mean 16.
Special: Valentine's Creed
Thank Sonik for Flare, Mallet, and Doug's sprites. Wouldn't be able to make the comic without those.
Aditional Credits:
Random Talking Bush for ripping the Daroach sprites
Sponge for making the Punchy Ghost sprite
BGHQ for providing the world with Game Backgrounds <3
No Body for making Oedipus and Creon
What people think about LHF:
Wait, where the hell am I in this comic?
~Bowser Morton Koopa
Screw the rules, I have cameo!
~Seto Kaiba
It's now or never, I ain't gonna live for ever!
~Jon Bon Jovi
Inbloobaty, Iubatty.
So random it could make it atleast to honorable mention on a random award.
~Jacob Stacy
Needs more cowbell.
~Bruce Dickinson
Pianta isn't real, and I dislike him.
~Random Corphish
In Solveit Russia, Hammers Friends leet YOU!
~Russian Reversal
Davis, shut the hell up and duel me already.
~Corey, the guy who plays checkers
Did you check behind the waterfall?
~The Old Man
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