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Legend of Pokemon: The Citrine Hallows

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Legend of Pokemon: The Citrine Hallows

    Note: We as a team still have a lot to be done. I still need to start to program the actual game, but first we need to finish all storyboards and tilesets before we may continue. I am almost finished with the storyline and tilesets so programming will begin soon :D

    Expect this to be updated with more trainer sprites and more Pokemon sprites as production continues. Note me on Deviant Art or email me if you want to help us.

    Alright so back to the storyline, theres a lot here that I haven't talked about that happens. It's a complex story that really forces you to pay attention to details. Things I forgot to include (sorry for spoilers, but here's your objective):


    Where the player ties into all of this:

    Well all of that was supposed to be told over the game, but there you go. The storyline in a nutshell. I hope this answers many of various questions. It is very vague and needs some work, and is missing almost all of the little details. The story is pretty much going to be told using the literary technique known as Chekhov's Gun, where a details are introduced that seemingly mean nothing, but all come together at the end in a form of assembling a puzzle.

    That is the whole story. I need to tweak a few things and add to a few ideas, but that's it in a nutshell.
    Also, I like my tile graphics, and so does a majority of my followers on DeviantArt that actually choose to comment :/ I need to tweak a lot of sprites and I assure you the blue dome won't be in the game. I'm also going to be editing the tall grass pallets a bit.

    Also with the gym leaders, you battle through areas (based off of the gyms type of course) so you can make it to the end. You battle two gym leaders here instead of just one. The task of becoming a gym leader is very hard (Mt. Ultima, where badgium is obtained, is the hardest and most treacherous area of the game) and so is the test to become a leader.

    With the starters, your rivals in this game have a bit more of a different style than the old ones. One of your rivals always has Shepleaf, Moltra, and Pirotter; another always has Kiero, Clolarm, and a Zorua; another has a Shadaby (Ghost/Dragon); and finally the last one always has Magihare and our equivalent of Blissey with higher defense. I know it seems weird that they don't have the opposite of you but it works out in the end.

    I'm not even worrying about Sinnoh right now, to be honest. That's if I can get this done (which I will).

    Thank you, and a few of the starter designs will be edited. I appreciate the criticism, and I must warn you I am hot-headed and have a quick temper, and I'm deeply sorry if I seem angry, that's just normal. I love to answer questions, so if you have any, don't be afraid to post them. Please be kind, and respect that I have feelings.
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    Well I've been able to follow work on your game for quite a while due to being on Deviant art.

    Though I've never been much of a fan of a lot of the game due to the fact that the sprites and in general, the messyness of the graphics as a whole. By looking at your "fake screens", I see a complete clash in style. The graphics are more or less a mixture of FRLG and DPP, with generation 5 overworlds, which do not look well on these maps. I like that you have a nice choice in starter selection, but I have to say that the sprites for them could be a lot better, I would recommend working on those a bit.

    I'm not entirely sure how the player is going to be involved in the storyline, I think that the player needs an objective, one that will cause them to cross paths with the antagonist parties. But here all I learned was that they graduate from the academy and go on an adventure. So I think you could maybe expand somewhat on these things.

    Anyway, I know you've been workng on this a while, so I wish you luck, and try tightening up those sprites and such, they could be a let down if you don't execute them well enough.
    Okay, for starters, putting your entire thread as a JPG is unnecessary; we don't need the real deal banner on the left. Cheers.

    Your giant Pokéball is shaded horrifically badly. If there's a glow on it, there's no way the light source would be a band. In contrast, the shading on most of your trainers (although a few are clear edits) and fakemon seems fairly decent, but outlines that are too light (Moltra, Halongel), poor linework (Cymbal and the green owl) or poor concepts (Moderost) are letting you down. Badly. Kangabox is excellent, but its eyes, as with a lot of sprites, could do with being more cartoony, and less black. Look at other mammalian sprites for some ideas.

    Onto the text. I'm not entirely sure I'm interested in the game's history, but I suppose it's a fine place to start. However, I'm seriously not interested in hearing how committed you are. Instead of saying you're at 12.5, work on the game and prove it. It's just blab otherwise. Concentrate on one thing, whether it's this game, or your tileset project, or your Sinnoh remake. Overstretching leads to boredom, lack of energy and apathy for your work, and, believe me, you won't have any kind of success that way. Start small and build on that.

    I like the idea of incorporating magic. It seems like it could fit, but it seems bizarre that you've decided to add time, space, sound and light as new types, which are completely irrelevant to this concept. It's unnecessary bloat. Unless you're going to reinvent the battle system to suit these (which I wouldn't recommend), I'd steer clear of these.

    Your story has a contradiction in it; the government clearly isn't resting on its laurels if they're being so uptight and forceful that the people are getting irritated. That literally doesn't make sense. "Knights of Shade" don't sound like thugs, either. They sound fairly organised, and look it, too.

    I'm not at all convinced by your starter idea. Two each? I'm almost guaranteed to pick the water or ground one to combat the rival's Moltra, and then another, say Cantou, to take out a grass type that he might pick to compensate. It seems horribly unbalanced and uncontrollable. If you had a choice of six, with three from two different triangles, then that might be intriguing, but you need to think about this one a lot more.

    While the "fragments" idea sounds good, borrowing off the anime's concept of gym challenges, I'm not sure I like the sound of adding an extra ten or twenty key battles by way of tiering. Sounds a bit repetitive, frankly. More diverse challenges sound more interesting, though. Is it a case of tackling only 8 of the leaders, or do you need to beat them all to collect all the fragments, out of interest? One sounds much more appealing than the other.

    Badgium sounds corny, but the actual backstory to it is clever. I'd like to see more of a "there's a gap, so people apply" rather than your system which allows anyone successful to become a leader, regardless of whether there's room.

    The mock-ups look good, but the grass palette clashes slightly, and the blue dome in the lab/headquarters thing on the left needs some work.

    Okay, there are my thoughts. I hope they're helpful and constructive.
    NikNaks: The giant pokeball was honestly made in five minutes. I really didn't care about it, cause it's not relevant to anything with production. If I really wanted to take the time and correctly shade it I would, but I'm never going to use it again. And its not supposed to be JPEG'ed. I have it saved as a PNG file on my computer. :/

    Alright so back to the storyline, theres a lot here that I haven't talked about that happens. It's a complex story that really forces you to pay attention to details. Things I forgot to include (sorry for spoilers, but here's your objective):


    Where the player ties into all of this:

    Well all of that was supposed to be told over the game, but there you go. The storyline in a nutshell. I hope this answers many of various questions. It is very vague and needs some work, and is missing almost all of the little details. The story is pretty much going to be told using the literary technique known as Chekhov's Gun, where a details are introduced that seemingly mean nothing, but all come together at the end in a form of assembling a puzzle.

    That is the whole story. I need to tweak a few things and add to a few ideas, but that's it in a nutshell.
    Also, I like my tile graphics, and so does a majority of my followers on DeviantArt that actually choose to comment :/ I need to tweak a lot of sprites and I assure you the blue dome won't be in the game. I'm also going to be editing the tall grass pallets a bit.

    Also with the gym leaders, you battle through areas (based off of the gyms type of course) so you can make it to the end. You battle two gym leaders here instead of just one. The task of becoming a gym leader is very hard (Mt. Ultima, where badgium is obtained, is the hardest and most treacherous area of the game) and so is the test to become a leader.

    With the starters, your rivals in this game have a bit more of a different style than the old ones. One of your rivals always has Shepleaf, Moltra, and Pirotter; another always has Kiero, Clolarm, and a Zorua; another has a Shadaby (Ghost/Dragon); and finally the last one always has Magihare and our equivalent of Blissey with higher defense. I know it seems weird that they don't have the opposite of you but it works out in the end.

    I'm not even worrying about Sinnoh right now, to be honest. That's if I can get this done (which I will).

    Thank you, and a few of the starter designs will be edited. I appreciate the criticism, and I must warn you I am hot-headed and have a quick temper, and I'm deeply sorry if I seem angry, that's just normal. I would aslo like to say I am a fan of both of your projects :D
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    I'm finding it very difficult to find answers to my questions in such a long post. o.o From what I can tell, though, you haven't really answered most of my points. Nothing on the new types or the gym system question. You also seem to have missed my point about the image; it'd be clearer as just text. And I did say I thought your mock-ups were decent, but the grass didn't seem to fit as well as the rest of it. There we are. The storyline hasn't answered any of my questions, I'm afraid. :/ Although, why is this "secretive, cult-like" organisation described as a bunch of thugs?

    Maybe you misread my post, or read it in a hurry, but there are lots of things I'm curious about. ^_^
    I'm finding it very difficult to find answers to my questions in such a long post. o.o From what I can tell, though, you haven't really answered most of my points. Nothing on the new types or the gym system question. You also seem to have missed my point about the image; it'd be clearer as just text. And I did say I thought your mock-ups were decent, but the grass didn't seem to fit as well as the rest of it. There we are. The storyline hasn't answered any of my questions, I'm afraid. :/ Although, why is this "secretive, cult-like" organisation described as a bunch of thugs?

    Maybe you misread my post, or read it in a hurry, but there are lots of things I'm curious about. ^_^

    Sorry I'll answer those real quick. The pallet part was to Abnegation (who isn't my biggest fan :/)
    New Types: Well I like the idea of having new types. I wouldn't be editing the battle system so much as just adding a little bit more to the text documents of RMXP (I can't for the life of me remember what it's called and I don't have it on this computer) in the areas of weaknesses and advantages and adding new spaces for the four types. It wouldn't be that hard. Move wise, it's just simply adding a few new moves for those specific types. Again, not hard.

    Gym System: I guess it does add a bunch of battles to the game, but it also adds a little bit of a challenge. I'm not sure if it's going to be two separate battles yet or just a double battle. You have to battle each of the leaders in a gym to receive that one badge. So the first gym for instance is rock and ground. You have to battle both leaders and them you receive the badge put together.

    Thugs: They're described as "thugs" because at the beginning of the game you know nothing about them. They've been secretly planning for a while and now they've kinda sprung up over the last year or so. They go around causing mischief and stealing people's pokemon at first before the attack on Windleaf.

    Text/Image: Maybe separating them would have been better, I agree.

    Sorry for not answering your questions :nervous:
    New Types: Well I like the idea of having new types. I wouldn't be editing the battle system so much as just adding a little bit more to the text documents of RMXP (I can't for the life of me remember what it's called and I don't have it on this computer) in the areas of weaknesses and advantages and adding new spaces for the four types. It wouldn't be that hard. Move wise, it's just simply adding a few new moves for those specific types. Again, not hard.
    I think you're overlooking a huge amount of balance issues you'd introduce. The amount of work that would have to go into making sure your new types weren't overpowered, didn't make other types significantly weaker or stronger and still maintained enough of a difference to make them worthwhile additions is considerable. The existing battle system was rebalanced to fix those issues for Generation II, and Nintendo, and everyone else for that matter, seem to think it's fairly safe as it is. I don't see any need for it, and it'll just create a pile of work and waste your time.
    Gym System: I guess it does add a bunch of battles to the game, but it also adds a little bit of a challenge. I'm not sure if it's going to be two separate battles yet or just a double battle. You have to battle each of the leaders in a gym to receive that one badge. So the first gym for instance is rock and ground. You have to battle both leaders and them you receive the badge put together.
    I'm not sure I like that, but there we go. Fair enough.

    I can't bring myself to read all of that plot right now, but if I have more time tomorrow, I'll try to give you some crit on it. :)
    I think you're overlooking a huge amount of balance issues you'd introduce. The amount of work that would have to go into making sure your new types weren't overpowered, didn't make other types significantly weaker or stronger and still maintained enough of a difference to make them worthwhile additions is considerable. The existing battle system was rebalanced to fix those issues for Generation II, and Nintendo, and everyone else for that matter, seem to think it's fairly safe as it is. I don't see any need for it, and it'll just create a pile of work and waste your time.

    I'm not sure I like that, but there we go. Fair enough.

    I can't bring myself to read all of that plot right now, but if I have more time tomorrow, I'll try to give you some crit on it. :)

    Types: I'll figure it out :D They aren't gonna be overly powerful or anything I assure you. They also won't be god awfully weak.

    Gyms: It sounds weird, but its one of those things you kinda have to see to believe it. I'll be playing with a majority of things when I get to that point.

    Plot: Yeah it's a lot... It's pretty vague and missing many details :P Thank you for trying to read it though :D

    If you have any more questions, I would love to answer them :D
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