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Legends Written in Stars


  • 52
    Legends Written in Stars​
    Gem Age​

    Okay... so a bit of my own retelling of the Manga... although there will be many twists... I was going to start with the Color Age (Red/Blue/Yellow) But I guess I'll go backwards now...

    ?Our time has passed? A boy, muttered, as he crossed his legs on the chair he was sitting on.

    ?But it?s hardly even begun!? Another argued, bending forwards.

    ?Look, Gold. I know it?s hard for you. But for us, its just another part of life? A feminine shape in the darkness held out a white covered hand, offering her comforts to the boy.

    ?Easy for you to say, Blue!? Gold blurted, standing up angrily as his temper overtook his usual cool attitude. ?You?ve done this ?saving the world? thing for 5 years!?

    ?More? A red-haired figure came into the dim, single strip of light shining through the window. The rest of the room was dark. ?Ever since Blue and I were kidnapped by Ho-oh, we worked to defeat the Mask of Ice within his own organization? approximately 6-8 years already.?

    ?I understand your ?situation?? A spiky haired teen also got into view, standing next to the other. ?Silver, too, is only 11 of age, and has played his part already?

    ?Like what, Green?? Gold challenged, holding up both fists in a combative stance.

    ?He did enough helping us with Neo Team Rocket!? A smaller girl ran up, wearing a huge straw brimmed hat, hiding her yellow ponytail. ?Can?t you just accept the fact that we have nothing to battle, to save from for this time period??

    ?No! We never got to do much at all!? Gold shouted, stomping up to face his seniors. ?I rode into time, alone, without protection, and faced off Pryce by myself. And then, who was wishing me dead??

    ?I was not!? the last figure screeched, her blue hair flying at odd angles. ?I did not wish that you were dead! I was just wondering how you ended up on the shrine??

    ?How should I know? But that?s not the point? Gold retorted. ?The point is, does our saga end this early? You, Red. You have a huge legend trailing after your butt! Indigo League Champion? Facing off Mewtwo? Seeing all three legendary birds? Fighting Team Rocket??? And Blue! You?re the runner-up in the Indigo League! You?ve captured all three legendary birds! Green! You too! Red?s rival? Gold smirked, unrelenting in his accusations. ?Professor Oak?s grandson, also a runner up in the Indigo League? You?re fought Team Rocket, and seen the legendary birds as well!?

    ?You keep Blue outta this!? A furious grimace passed Silver?s face as he faced off with Gold. ?She?s done nothing wrong! Neither have the others!?

    Gold paced around the room more impatiently than before. ?If we no longer hold the position of saviors?then who does??

    Red chuckled, the wisest of the group. ?I thought you?d never ask?

    The others nodded cleverly, and suddenly, Gold didn?t feel so bad anymore.

    ?Go to Hoenn, Gold.? Red said, taking a step towards Gold, as if he was sizing the boy up mentally. ?If you think you are ready.?

    Gold shook his head, almost gratefully. His time would come again, when he, too, and again, would step up to save the world once more. Twirling his signature billiard cue, Gold walked out the door, vanishing as he walked away into the sundown. He would not return to New Bark Town, or Mt. Silver.

    The others would not see him for quite a while.

    Ch. 1
    A New Star is Born

    A little brown-haired girl, wearing a prim fluffy dress and clear blue eyes giggled at his mess. A young boy was in knee-deep mud, and each step or movement just dragged him further in. But 3-year-old Ruby wasn?t worried. This was fun! The girl smiled kindly at him, but refused to even sink a toe in the brown pile of mire. Another ?thwok, thwok? sound as Ruby waded around, delighting in the feeling of the cool brown stuff oozing around him.

    ?Come on in? Ruby formed the three simple words.

    The girl shook her head furiously. Her yellow poofy dress exaggerated her protests.

    ?Oh come on, Sap-phwier?

    ?My name is Sap-phi-re! No Sap-phipppfftt!? She spluttered as her tongue tried to form the foreign words. ?Sapphire!?

    ?Saffier.? Ruby pronounced proudly, sure he had gotten the girl?s name this time.

    She wrinkled her clean little face in distaste. ?Close enough, Rwuby.?

    ?Ruby. Two? cwonswonints! My mom told me so!? Ruby exclaimed arrogantly. ?Come on, Saffier. It?s only two handclaps! Ru-by!? He pronounced, clapping his hands twice.

    ?Ru?ru?? Sapphire shook her head again, her two natural pigtails flying around. ?I can?t do it??

    ?Ru?ru? 11 year old Ruby murmured in his sleep.

    The entire area shook with another resounding bump as he was leaned uncomfortably on the hard stiff cardboard boxes of the moving truck. It wasn?t helping matters either, that a sharp photo edge was protruding out of the unsealed box. Ralts, a small white pokemon with a green cap slid next to him, humming and singing a slow, lulling lullaby.

    Ruby jerked awake as the truck rumbled again, the deep sound of the engine, which had lulled him to sleep breaking its soothing hum. ?Ah, Ruru.?

    ?Ra?? The small psychic Pokemon cooed, placing its small white and supple hands on his head. ?Raalllts??

    Ruby patted the small pokemon?s head. Who was that girl? Intruding into his dream every night. What in Entei?s mane was Saffier anyhow? Ruru smiled at him, and Ruby could see the two large red eyes underneath the cap as his pokemon purred at him, patting his white hat.

    Ruby was not your average 11-year old kid. Whereas, most Pokemon Trainers started their journeys around their respective homeland region first, Ruby was very much foreign to Hoenn. He did not know any traditions, places, or gyms. No thanks to his ?dear? father. Ruru could sense the disgruntled anger that Ruby was radiating, and it started to coo another song. Slowly, so that her trainer wouldn?t sense it, Ruru freed her powers, and started to probe around, gently in Ruby?s mind. Her world became a blue haze as she delved deeper into the master?s thoughts and anger.

    Ah yes, the usual. Cursing his father, hatred toward his parents, love towards his pokemon?what was this? Ruru softly pulled back into her own mind. So the master was worried about his dreams again. Well, she couldn?t blame him. After all, she had probed his mind each night, and discovered that the girl called Saffier only continued to visit him nightly and haunt his sleep. Ruru couldn?t understand why the Master was so upset. After all, the girl Saffier shared the same enthusiasm in neatness and grace. But there was another worry floating around in Ruby?s head.

    ?Ral?ralts! Rwu rwu!? Ralts acknowledged, starting to pat his face again. ?Rwu?be??

    ?That?s right, Ruru. Soon, you?ll be able to talk fluently, maybe.? Ruby mused, his head in the stars as he thought of a talking Ralts. His own very Ruru.

    The master was scared. Scared of his own home. His new home in Littleroot, was just another ominous cage where his father could keep him cooped up. Ruru shared her master?s frustration. Why couldn?t Master?s father just accept the fact that his son did not want to use pokemon for force in brutal battles? Why couldn?t the father just see that his son was quite peaceful, and wished to remain that way without any violent intrusion?

    ?K-k-k? Ko?.kko!? Ruru managed to stutter out the strange words, her sound box was not used to anything but the R, L and A sounds.

    Luckily, Ruby had realized what a smart little pokemon he had with him, and slowly and painstakingly, he began to teach Ruru other consonants and vowels. They had, of course, started with something simple, such as: Ru-by.

    ?Alright? Ruby said, sitting on a stool patiently. He rapped the chalkboard with his knuckles. ?Say?Ru-by.?

    ?R?. R?. R?RALTS!? Ruru squealed, unable to make the U and B sounds.

    Ruby shook his head, but calmly resumed the lessons. ?Ru. Say Ru.?


    ?No? Ru.? Ruby persisted with the lessons, brushing aside all of Ruru?s mistakes. Pokemon were not dumb, nor were they tools of war. Ruru especially. ?Oo. R-Oo.?

    ?R?Rwu?? Ruru started uncertainly, stumbling over the U. ?Rwurwu?

    Ruby sat stock still, as if an ice beam had hit him and left him in a frozen condition. Minutes passed, and still no response from the master. Ruru began to feel a clenching feeling in the pit of her stomach. Had she failed the master?

    ?Ruru?? Ruby began in an almost menacing voice? Suddenly, Ruby had leapt at Ruru, and was cradling her, laughing and crying in near bliss as he swung around the room crazily with his Ralts. ?Oh Ruru! You did it! You said your name! Ruru!!!?

    Of course Ruby wasn?t always so happy during the lessons. At times, he would stumble in, looking tired and worn out, his breathing ragged and harsh. There was some sort of strange red gleam in his eyes, a gleam for survival. It was almost like the master was walking in a nightmare as each day dragged by. Slowly, he lost his happy looks, and his usual mask was just a plain simple frown. Then there was one day, where Ruby practically cracked under all that unseen pressure that had been dumped onto him.

    ?Ra?. Rabu!? Ruru stuttered, looking up at the master hopefully. What she saw, nearly reminded her of Ha-ran, the vocabulary for the place where evil pokemon passed onto the next world.

    Ruby?s attitude had not been improving, even though Ruru had been doing her best to use her born powers to try and curb his fierce temper during his sleep. Somewhere, buried in that shady, underestimated boy, was the kind peaceful-loving, tree-hugging Ruby she had known. But all she saw, was the heavy gleam in her master?s dark red eyes, a fire burning passionately with hate fueled by the thoughts of his very father. As Ruby?s hands shot out towards her neck, Ruru raised her hands, emitting a strange blue glowing light. Ruby stopped where he was posed, running towards Ruru. Ruru took this opportunity to dive into the master?s mind. This time, instead of the usual peaceful blow haze flowing carelessly around, there was a red heavy fog entirely blocking her vision of the mind. Ruru?s spirit started to sweat. It was hot! The area surrounding her started to twist and spin from the heat waves radiating off pain and fury. Suddenly, something cool fluttered past her, and Ruru seized the memory, and expanded on its mental powers. Her psychic powers fused with the good purity of the memory, and it grew, surmounting all the hatred. Before the red was completely obliterated, Ruru caught a glimpse of one of the many memories causing the blinding rage in her master?s head. It was Master?s father, yelling and beating at Ruby, who was refusing to do something consistently. Immediately, Ruru pulled away from the evil stemming from the thought before it could overcome her soul. She continued to concentrate her entire soul, devoutly on the good memory, and finally, she was forced back into her body, panting and crying from her turmoil.

    Ruby was standing there, stiff as a board. His eyes showed no indifference. Suddenly, he rocked back and forth, and collapsed, his knees crumbling first, then his head met the ground.

    The last two words Ruru?s careful ear managed to catch, was, ?Thanks?Ru.?

    Not surprisingly, the doctor visited Ruby, and deduced that he had collapsed under strain. Ruru had sat by, watching her master sleep peacefully. His mind was calm, once again, and all traces of their near scuffle was gone. And when he had first opened his eyes again, he had not the faintest idea what he was doing in a bed with his pokemon and mother frantically soothing him.

    Master?s father did not come to see his boy as well.

    Something soft and padded plodded over to Ruru. A small pink shape formed from the dim light available to the pokemon. Coco the Skitty pawed its way over, a small fun-loving playful smile on her face.

    ?What is it, Ruru?? Coco asked, her strange toy-like tail flipping this way and that in anticipation.

    Ruru bobbed up and down. ?The master is having a hard time sleeping. Let us sing!?

    So began the haunting melody that Ruru and Coco hummed and meowed every night to Ruby, to ensure that his attitude and power was kept in harmony. As Coco began to mew the soothing, slow notes of the sound, Ruru switched from singing to an unseen hypnosis to put Ruby back into a peaceful slumber.

    However, before any of this could be accomplished, there was an even larger bumping sound than before, and the slow, sliding sounds of boxes were heard, keelhauling off the neat stacks they had been piled in.

    Ruru shrieked out in her fear and excitement, a lucid, ?Rwubi!?

    Ruby got the words in time, although it seemed he had not heard it. He remained where he sat, and a heavy and sharp object hurtled towards his head!

    ?Ruru, Psychic.? He stated calmly and sardonically, staying where he was, unflinchingly.

    Ruru threw up her hands, and the object froze merely inches above Ruby?s head. But before she could get a steady grip on it with her mind, a black hairy thing plunged into her, throwing her towards Ruby. At the same time, the object dropped, continuing its spiraling path towards Ruby?s head.

    As if he had been toying with them all this time, Ruby moved his hands quickly, swatting the object out of the way. Red fluid spattered all over the ground as the thing dug into his palms. A bit of it trickled onto Ruru, who shuddered upon the sight of the dark red coagulated fluid on the ground.

    Ruby sighed in relief, wiping the injuries across the boxes, which had stopped moving. ?I?m fine, Ruru, Coco? and Nana.?

    The miniature hairy thing stood up, ashamed as his liquid yellow eyes apologized to Ruby. ?Prooo??

    Ruru tried to translate as the Poochyena continued along with its exotic and strange language. ?S?S?s-s-swo-o-r-r-r-y.?

    ?No? I?m sorry too, Ruru? Ruby sighed as he leaned back, carefully making sure his maimed hands were out of the way. ?I guess I should have gotten out of the way, huh? I don?t know what happened??

    But Ruru did. The master had lost control. Again. He must have been really disturbed if he was bold enough to sit there, so close to certain injury. Ruru looked to Coco again, and they both nodded in synchronized agreement. The ghastly song began again.

    Ruby woke up with a start as he realized the soothing melody of his pokemon, and the gentle humming of the engines had stopped. Nothing was moving either, not even the movement of the truck going bump?bump? what had happened?

    ?Just a little more further now, ma?am.? Came the muffled voice of the moving guy, through the thick walls of the truck.

    Ruru slid next to him again. ?Ru?bi? nwo?worry?.?

    ?What?s going on out there anyways?? Ruby asked Ruru, keeping a straight face. Ruru was really improving!

    Ruru tried again, stuttering half human-pokemon language. ?T?twuck?s-s-?rwuck.?

    ?Truck?stuck?? He sat up suddenly, ignoring a painful throbbing on his swollen hands. ?What are we stuck in??


    ?A hole? Ruby repeated blandly. He took his seat again, gesticulating his hand casually. ?Psychic.?

    Ruru complied with the new order as her hands started to shine watery blue again, this time, concentrating her entire source of energy to the large and cumbersome truck. Her mind filled all the slits and covered the top layer of the truck. With a fierce mind pull, she hauled the truck free of whatever was restraining it, and set it down aside.

    Seconds later, another woman entered in, brushing unsanitary sweat off her sullen, red face. ?Thank you, Ruby.?

    ?No problem, Mom? Ruby replied, stretching out and yawning. ?Coco, Recover. On my hands.?

    Coco crouched and sprang over to his side. Her tail started to glow a bright snow color as she placed the tail on Ruby?s hands. They started to glow too. As it subsided, the crusty blood scabs were gone from his hands, without a trace of a scar.

    The engine started once more, and Ruby found himself being lulled into another dream. This time however, Ruru was supervising it intently with her Mind Reading powers.

    After several hours of investigating Ruby?s mind, the clanking of chains being removed, and a sudden- suddenly disturbed Ruru


    Ruru yelped, an inhumane like screech as the truck door fell with a clash behind her. Her instant retreat from Ruby?s mind yanked the boy with her back into consciousness. She fell onto her knees, panting with excruciating pain. It had never hurt this much before! Then again, she had never been pulled back into present reality faster than this!

    Ruby gathered up his pokemon back in their pokeballs and pocketed them all. His mother was waiting outside, with a blatant, cheerful smile, greeting him to his new home, over thousands of miles away from his real home.

    Fate really was cruel to him.

    His mother took a deep breath, and started to explain their situation to her distraught son. ?Ah, Ruby. This is your new home?In Hoenn? um?? She faltered under Ruby?s intense glare of hatred as he looked at his new house. ?My, there really are some very nice trees here hm? Nice, fresh and green?oh yes! I think we will like it here!?

    Ruby grunted, before opening the door to his house as patiently as he could. He could feel the cold brass knob twisting underneath his palms. Shaking. His eyes glinted with an even madder look. This was NOT his home! It would never make up for the one in Johto. He stood there, frozen, his eyes glazing over. Ruru quivered in her ball, out of fear that the master would lose his mind before he even stepped into the house.

    ?Ruby, open the door? His mother urged, taking a step towards her son in a soothing manner. ?You have some gifts inside??

    He grunted again. Probably more bribes from his father or something. ?Whatever.? The knob gingerly turned as he twisted it brutally and threw open the door, expecting to find some sort of trash dump inside.

    And so it was? a little? at least, to his eyes. Huge lumbering gray humanoid pokemon were bumbling around, holding boxes as they set up the house. He nearly lost it there as a Machoke tore open a box full of his grooming items. Instead, he marched over with an incomprehensible look on his face and snatched away his possessions, and stomped upstairs. He could hear his mother calling behind him, a stern, but clearly upset voice.

    As soon as he was upstairs, Ruby allowed his pokemon out of their balls, and they frolicked around the new room, sniffing, probing, and observing anything they came upon. He placed the grooming set onto his desk and sat down on his bed, slouching. Something poked his behind, and Ruby leapt off his bed again, cursing madly. Two things lay on his bed, neatly arranged by someone. He picked up the first wrapped present, and shredded the Slaking wrapping paper. They reminded him all too well of his father, and he knew who it was from. He tore the note off and tossed it away into a spare wastebasket already set up. Then he opened the gift.

    ?Shoes? he repeated to himself.

    Ruru paused as she was observing a black screen attached to some kind of cream-colored border. The master was fuming again.

    Without another thought about the gift, Ruby flung it over his shoulder, and it nearly struck Ruru as she used Confusion to aim it into the wastebasket. Ruby plucked the second gift up, a tightly wrapped present in Typhlosion paper. Taking the note off, he read it.

    ?To Ruby? Said the note. ?I figured you?d miss all your old friends in Johto, so I prepaid a long distance PokeGear for you. Call me as soon as you get there.?

    Ruby smiled. He knew whom this was from too.

    He tore apart the wrappings and threw them aside. They fluttered lonely to the ground as he marveled over the sleek, shiny black hi-tech machine. He placed his thumbs on the red button under the square screen and pressed it. The screen burst into life, an LED screen flashing up as Ruby eagerly punched in his friend?s telephone number.

    Someone picked up from the other side. A not so friendly voice, as though he had been defensive all his life ?Hello??

    ?Hey, Gold.?

    Ruru smiled in relief as the master?s aurora relaxed in joy as he started to jabber on about his new home.