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Let's all draw derpy doodles V2.0


⍃⍍⍄ ⍃⍍⍄
  • 4,842
    • Age 9
    • +
    • Seen Sep 15, 2020
    YEAH HI, just thought I'd pop in. I was on a doodling spree this morning, felt pretty bad about some decisions I made last night, and decided why not feel better with some grand ol' DOODLE SHARING TIME.

    Feel free to share some of your "master creations", I'd love to see 'em. Here's a few of mine (some were from a few days ago tho). Spearow is the only one not getting spoiler..ed.

    The Kyogre is the most adorable thing I have ever seen n_n Draw a Castform imo :D

    also miss you
    Awwwww this are adorable! Please make a gallery in A&D this are too precious not to share with everyone.

    that kyogre OMG
    LET'S MAKE THIS DERPY DOODLES V2.0 (my last one with Pokémon was a success).

    Sure I'll draw a Castform, Chase and miss you too. c:
    & Fairy I would, but I only decided to pop in for the short while!

    Castform is so plain, I didn't know how to make it any different. x) DON'T MIND MY LAZY EFFORTS TO BLEND

    castform bewbs