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Life's Little Adaptations


[Insert cool user title here]
  • 22
    • Seen Jul 21, 2009
    Life's Little Adaptations

    Desclaimer: I, obviously, dont own Pokemon. If I make any mistakes regarding the pokemon or the world in which they live it would be greatly appreciated if somebody let me know.
    Also, I know that this is short, and I wont make it a habit in the future to post chapters this short, but it is the prologue.
    Anyway, enjoy.


    June, like all young new trainers, has set out on her own in hopes of defeating all eight gym leaders, and then, in turn, the unbeatable Elite Four; ultimately becoming the greatest pokémon master of her time.

    June, unlike all young new trainers, is Team Rocket's most wanted; their leader, Giovanni, taking a personal interest in her.


    She can talk to Pokémon, and that is but one of her special talents. How though? This is something she doesn't know.

    …but Giovanni knows.

    Now, for June, there's only deception and lies at every turn; these the very embodiment of what has become of her chaotic life. Through it all she seeks the truth.

    Little does she know; the truth hurts…

    …the truth hurts a lot.


    "Giovanni, s-sir it's gone; s-stolen. The guards are s-scouring the building as we s-speak, though it is unlikely that whoever took it is s-still within the premises."

    It was a middle aged man whom reported the news in awkward stutters. Beads of sweat gleamed upon his forehead, and his cheeks were flushed as if he's just run a race. He itched uncomfortably at the base of his neck as he awaited a reply.

    The room was void of many visible features; the darkness in which the establishment's leader thrived having enveloped nearly everything. Only half of Giovanni's chair was visible, illuminated by a single ray of light that escaped from the outlying hall. Contrary to the seemingly desolate room, sirens wailed piercingly in warning. To the man, the resounding sirens seemed as if they came from everywhere and nowhere at once.

    "You blubbering fool. Go over the lab's surveillance; there lies the answer to whom has taken it. You're an idiot for not having done so already," Giovanni snapped from upon his chair.

    The man gave a rigid bow. "Yes, s-sir, and, once I find out the identity of the thief, I s-shall inform the men and have them on high alert."

    "Do what you must; just get out of my sight."

    Again, he bowed. "Yes, s-sir," he said in between small sniffs.

    Then, with a sigh of relief as the sirens ceased screeching in his ears, the man retreated from the room.

    Giovanni sat in the darkness, petting his beloved Persian in quick, angry strokes.

    Then, a man, both younger and prouder than the previous, spoke from within the darkness. "My pokémon has picked up the thief's trail, sir."

    The pokémon in question padded to the young man's side. The fiery creature of darkness growling low in its throat, eager to chase it's game.

    "Good," Giovanni mused. "Bring back what is mine, and show this thief what happens to those whom oppose me."

    The young man grinned; the darkness of his smile rivalling that of the darkness of the room. "With pleasure," he drawled.

    With a low chuckle he stepped back into the shadows; eager, like that of his loyal pokémon, to be back in the hunt where he truly belonged.


    [Insert cool user title here]
  • 22
    • Seen Jul 21, 2009
    in bold is that meant to be revealing?
    Matt-Man123, it's not, it's supposed to be rivaling, as in his dark smile was almost darker than the actual room, (Sorry, that's probably not the best explanation.) But, now that I think about it, saying that it rivaled the darkness probably wasn't the best choice of words.
    Thanks for that.


    [Insert cool user title here]
  • 22
    • Seen Jul 21, 2009
    Chapter 1

    Life's Little Adaptations

    Chapter 1

    The path June had chosen was not an easy one; but then, she'd known that it wouldn't be from the very start. Despite her discomfort, she pushed on. The luscious canopy of trees blotched out the sky and shielded her from the sun's rays. With dark shadows cast upon her, she, step after step, made her way through the waist high grass. The process was excruciatingly slow, as if she were wadding through the deepest of waters and not mere vegetation.

    Oreburgh was still a lengthy trek from where June now was. She hoped beyond all hope that, if she pushed herself, she could reach the town before nightfall, which she guessed to be only a few hours away. It was a possibility, but only if she made haste. On the bright side, if she'd taken the correct path, it would be days before she could even lay eyes upon the town of Oreburgh, though it would have been a lot safer. So, she'd taken the shorter route to her destination, albeit the more dangerous one.

    On high alert for anything out of the ordinary, June stopped in her tracks at the sound of a pokémon's warning ―a pidgey; she took an educated guess― call. Breathing deeply to calm her racing heart, she returned once more to stumbling through the unmanageably tall grass when she heard nothing more of the pokémon.

    Wild, unruly pokémon lived amongst the dense underbrush in which June had so chosen to disturb in hopes of saving a few days travel.

    The reason as to why she'd risked this unsafe route in favour of the well walked trail was that she wished to put the orphanage as far behind her as she could. She wanted to start her new life as a free person, as a trainer, as soon as possible.

    But first, she had to get to Oreburgh; there she would be able to buy pokéballs till her heart was content. However, in the mean time, she had no means of capturing pokémon, nor ways of fending them off in the case of an attack as she had not one pokémon to her name.

    Any other child would have been bestowed a pokémon at the time of their tenth birthday. Ten being the time in their life in which they would be old enough to receive their pokémon trainer's licence with permission from their given guardian. June was sixteen, and she'd only just left the borders of her small desolate town, Sunbrie, for the first time.

    Sandy, the woman in charge of running the orphanage in which she had taken up residence in her entire life, had not, as her legal guardian, seen June fit to leave her care when she'd turned ten. So, June had been forcefully kept to the confines of the orphanage; sheltered, suffocated, bored.

    Sandy had meant well, June knew this, and it pained her to leave the kind old woman with nothing but a note. However, as far as June could understand, running away had been the only way out of that dull, meaningless life.

    June heard the cautioning call of the pidgey once more, but, this time, the sound was accompanied by the very pokémon itself. Swooping from the canopy of trees above, the pidgey dove so close to June's head that a gust of wind blew her brown, shoulder length hair into her eyes.

    Gasping, June completely stopped in her tracks. The pokémon ―once more― was nowhere to be seen, having retreated back into the safety of the canopy above. She looked above her, turning in place and searching desperately for any sign of movement.

    Seconds ticked by, when, suddenly, the sound of beating wings alerted June to the swooping pidgey once more. However, the pokémon moved too quickly for her to pinpoint its exact location.

    Panicking, June dove to her stomach, clenching her eyes shut tightly as the long grass cut at her arms and face. She admitted a low groan when she hit the hard ground with a heavy thud. The claws of the pidgey had grabbed at the back of her black tank top, tearing the material, but, thankfully, not actually injuring her.

    Rolling onto her back and breathing in rigid gasps of air, June looked up. Again, it was gone.

    Why was it attacking her? They were usually docile, somewhat friendly, pokémon.

    Must protect them; my babies!

    The voice of the attacking pidgey resounded within her head for a few moments, a desperate edge to the inhuman voice.

    As always, when June paid head to what pokémon were saying, it felt as if there was a foreign intruder within her mind.

    No matter how much June reached out to pokémon and communicated with them, it was always an uncomfortable experience. To the pokémon, she was an open book for them to read; they knew her innermost thoughts, her greatest fears, and her deepest passions.

    To communicate for the barest of moments with a pokémon ―thought it was something that had come naturally to her for as long as she could remember― made her feel completely exposed; more so than if she were to strip and parade before an entire town.

    Desperately June scrambled up from the tangled mass of grass and weeds, her eyes darting about frantically in search of the hostile pokémon.

    "I mean you and yours no harm!"

    A screech resounded from up above, followed by an intrusion of thoughts and emotions ― confusion at June's deep understanding, fury, and, above all, fear for the safety of her young― that belonged to that of the pidgey.

    My babies are in danger. Must protect my babies!

    Her stomach now taking up permanent residence in her throat, June knew that the pidgey would pay no heed to what she said. So, closing her eyes, she pushed out her thoughts to that of the pidgey.

    I mean you and your babies no harm, she promised earnestly.

    The raw emotion and honesty behind June's simple statement stopped the pidgey in its path. She caught sight of the fierce pokémon. Instead of swooping again, the pidgey had donned to stay airborne; flapping its wings with such a ferocity that leaves blew through the air about it.

    The pokémon replied to the frightened and earnest girl with but one demand.


    June withdrew from the mind of the pokémon, and scrambled ahead. She retreated gratefully from the clearing as fast as her legs ―and the grassy underbrush― would allow, unaware of the exact direction she was now racing in.

    Minuted passed ―the exact number June knew not― and she finally came to a complete stop. Her legs burnt from overexertion and her lungs and muscles cried out for more air. Black spots danced before her vision and her stomach gurgled as it continued to summersault. Resting her hands on her knees, she waited for the sudden wave of nausea to pass.

    Once June was sure she wasn't about to see her breakfast again, she continued in a slow pace in the direction she hoped beyond all hopes that Oreburgh was in. The previous scare had shaken her to the extent that she wasn't completely sure which way she was walking in anymore.

    With the sun hanging low and June just about to give up hope of ever finding her way again, she stumbled uncoordinatedly out of a mass of bushes onto a well used dirt track.

    Picking numerous twigs from her hair, she blinked her vivid blue eyes in shock. She stood motionless for a matter of seconds, deciding what to do now that she was actually on the outskirts of Oreburgh.

    With a small smile, June turned left, whistling a merry tune as she ascended up the suddenly sloping track. However, moments later, the song she whistled was abruptly cut short when she reached the top of the slope, beholding in awe the sight of the busy hustle and bustle of Oreburgh as people went about their business before the last rays of the day were lost. Though a somewhat minor city in comparison to the many others of the surrounding lands, it was incredibly impressive in comparison to her small hometown which she'd never left.

    "Oreburgh," she whispered.

    Up until this point the very idea of leaving the orphanage for good had seemed like nothing more than a dream. Now though, everything was starting to truly dawn on her.

    A bright smile broke out on her face, dimpling her tan cheeks.

    She truly was free.

    From her spot atop the hill she could see a real Pokémon Centre and Pokémon Mart; the first almost completely red, the later blue. Surrounding them were thirty-odd residential houses, some stores, and, amiss it all, almost impossible to miss in the splendour and enormity of the structure, was ―indubitably― the town's pokémon gym. Inside the gym resided the rock pokémon trainer, Roark. He was the first one of the eight gym leaders.

    With a sudden boost of energy June started energetically down the hill, kicking up a flurry of dust each time she lifted a boot. Once she'd reached the first of the houses, she took in the sights of all the different pokémon and their owners in great interest.

    The emotions started to roll off the pokémon, becoming stronger as she continued further into the small city.

    A definite downside to not being in a small town with barely any pokémon anymore, June thought bitterly at the intrusion of thoughts.

    In her hometown, Sunbrie, there were only four pokémon that she'd seen regularly. One was a chikorita; Sandy's small and docile grass pokémon. The others were two pidgeys that belonged to one of the town's residence, and a ratata that visited June every night for leftovers.

    Suddenly, breaking through the defenses of June's mind, the thoughts and emotions of all the pokémon surrounding her assailed her at once. They hit her like a wave of cold water breaking free from a great dam, engulfing her senses and leaving her momentarily dazed.

    Oh look; some food. This came from large monkeylike pokémon.

    The said pokémon bent over, picking up a small berry between its thumb and forefinger, before placing it in its mouth and tasting the bitter sweetness of its rare find.

    Come and get me! It was a pokémon that greatly resembled a yellow mouse that assaulted her mind with its unchecked thoughts this time.

    It darted between buildings, happy beyond words as it ran from a giggling boy that appeared barely two years of age. Rolls of affection for the young child rolled off the pokémon in waves.

    June closed her eyes and clamped her hands tightly over her ears. However, it did nothing to block out the intruder's thoughts.

    One after the other, pokémon after pokémon unwittingly merged their minds with her own, becoming one with June. It got to the point that she found it near impossible to distinguishing the thoughts and feelings of the pokémon from that of her own.

    She ignored the questioning glances of the surrounding trainers and pokémon alike, falling heavily to her knees upon the dirt track that lead between the houses and buildings of the small city. Her vision blurred, black spots invading her vision as her head thudded in pain.

    Make it stop; she begged. Please.

    Licking her lips, she tasted something metallic, something warm. She rubbed the back of a hand across her nose, pulling it back to find there was bright red blood upon it.

    With a groan, June gathered together whatever coherent thoughts she had left, pushing forcefully at the unfamiliar company that had inadvertently taken up residence within her mind.

    One by one she severed the connection that she'd instinctively formed with each of the surrounding pokémon.

    Gradually, their wants and needs quieted mercifully, no longer rivaling that of her familiar thoughts. Though they were still there, they were mercifully quieter now.

    Taking in a deep swallow of air, she realized she'd been holding her breath.

    Separating herself from the pokémon was a grand victory. However, the feat did nothing to boost her hopes; quite the contrary.

    She gave a bleak chuckle. No, she would never be free; it was stupid of her to have thought otherwise.

    With a somewhat defeated sigh, a surge of drowsiness suddenly overcame June, replacing the previous pain. She paid no heed to the concerned corresponding whispers of pokémon and trainers as they gathered around her pail and swaying form.

    "Miss, are you alright?" an old man asked her.

    Still on her knees, the empty darkness finally took her, and, no longer fighting it, June took refuge in the blissful nothingness.

    I'd greatly appreciate it if people let me know what they do or do not like about my writing thus far. Also, any and all constructive critocism is greatly appreciated; it is always helpful.




    Trust me, I'm a Professional*
  • 2,006
    I did not notice any grammar mistakes, but I was too involved to look to hard.

    You have great description, and your writing skills are superb. I have nothing negative to say..


    [Insert cool user title here]
  • 22
    • Seen Jul 21, 2009
    Thanks Buoysel,

    It's nice to know that my writing and grammar is spot on, *Warm fuzzies*.
    :P, and I'm glad to know that my story has grasped your attention as well.



    [Insert cool user title here]
  • 22
    • Seen Jul 21, 2009
    Chapter 2

    Chapter 2

    Where am I?

    Her parched throat burnt, her lips were cracked and dry, and her skin was clammy with sweat. Regardless of these drawbacks, June felt oddly comfortable where she lay. Though, the question as to where it was that she lay, she didn't know the answer to.

    Groaning, she opened her eyes. Almost immediately she was assailed by a blinding light that was positioned directly above her. Hissing, she shut them tightly once more.

    Now that she was fully awake, identifiable sounds started to reach her. There was the steady beeping of a monitor of sorts somewhere off to her right, telephones ringing off the hook, people that were too far away to make sense of their casual chattering, and numerous pokémon talking to their trainers using only one word; their name.

    Preparing for the onslaught of mental attacks that she was sure the pokémon would unintentionally deal out, June tensed. Rigidly the girl lay, waiting.

    But, there was nothing.

    Slowly, fearful of the bright blinding light that had greeted her last time; she opened one eye, then the other, blinking rapidly when her eyes protested against the sudden illumination of colours.

    Still, she heard nothing of the pokémon in the rooms beyond.

    Why can't I hear them?

    She was not ungrateful for the surprise, just confused. There had to be a reason for the unexpected revelation.

    Then, she felt it, a quiet buzz that she knew only she could hear. No, they were still undoubtedly there within the dark recesses of her mind. Now, thankfully, it was possible to ignore them. So, ignore them she did; they were nothing more than a faint itch at the base of her skull now.

    Upon this realization, June took it upon herself to find out where exactly she was, sitting up slowly in her bed.

    The small, plain room was barren but for the small bed in which she lay on, a chair and table to the side, and numerous monitors to her right.

    The monitors continued to beep at a slow, and somewhat lulling, tempo. Cords from the monitor ran down the side of bed. Then she noticed with wide eyes the needle that was visible on her right wrist. A cord ran from it, connecting to a drip that sat perched upon a tall rack.

    With a shocked jolt, she started to breathe arduously, taking short labored breaths. To match the rapid pace of her pounding heart, the monitor's rhythm began to increase considerably.

    "Chasey, chansey," a pokémon in the other room called for some attention.

    Not knowing what to do, June had no time to think anything through any further as a calm woman in a nurse's uniform hurried into the room. Close at her heels was a large, pink pokémon with equally kind and understanding eyes. It held a large white egg protectively in its pouch, and a small clipboard in its short stubby hands.

    Quickly walking to her bedside, the nurse took hold of June's clammy hand within her own smooth one, caressing her fingers soothingly.

    "Calm down, everything's alright," the nurse promised in a soothing voice.

    June couldn't help but feel as if everything was well once more upon the arrival of the nurse, and, in reply to the sudden wave of calm that washed over June, the rapid beeping of the monitor slowed once more. She took a deep breath before nodding slowly in reply. The nurse released her hand.

    Once June was sure that she wasn't about to panic again, she spoke. "Where am I?" she questioned.

    "Oreburgh's Pokémon Centre," the nurse explained; a bright smile upon her face. "I'm Nurse Joy, and Chansey is my assistant."

    Nurse Joy gestured toward the pink pokémon, who, in reply, curtseyed somewhat awkwardly due to said pokémon's apparent stumpy build.

    "Pokémon Centre?" June raised an eyebrow. "I guess I'm different to your usual patients then; not being a pokémon and all."

    "We get the odd person here and there," she replied cheerfully, "But that's only in worst case scenarios and emergencies."

    How one could talk so joyously about such a topic, June didn't know.

    "Do you have a parent or someone I could call to come and get you?" Joy asked, sincerely concerned for her well being.

    June opened her mouth to reply instinctively; before shutting it and shaking her head. "No, I traveled here by myself. I'm alone."

    Joy's eyes lit up, "Ah, so you're a pokémon trainer, then?"

    Again, June shook her head slowly. "I only just left… umm… home yesterday."

    Joy frowned. "You're a little old to just be starting pokémon training, aren't you?"

    June knew that the nurse meant nothing insulting by this question. Regardless, it was a little demeaning. So she simply shrugged, trying to keep her temper with the somewhat naïve woman.

    "I guess I'm a late bloomer then."

    Suddenly there was a sharp, sudden pain at her right wrist. Looking over with a gasp she noticed the chansey had quickly pulled the drip lose of her skin.

    "Ouch," June plainly squeaked.

    She rubbed instinctively at her wrist despite the fact that it no longer hurt.

    "Well, you're fine to go, young lady," Nurse Joy stated. "Though, I'm ashamed to say I'm not sure exactly what caused you to faint. It must've just been the traveling and heat of the day all catching up with you."

    "Yeah, I'm sure that was the case," June lied easily, giving a brief nod.

    She pulled the blanket off herself, and then swung around slowly, her legs dangling off the bed now.

    "Before you leave, did any of your pokémon require any healing?"

    June stood up, testing her wobbly legs carefully. When the room didn't start to spin and she was sure she could successfully support her own weight, she turned to face Joy once more.

    "No, I, uhh, don't actually have any," June replied bashfully. "I was thinking of going to the Pokémon Mart and getting some pokéballs―"

    Joy cut her off. "No pokémon? What on earth are you doing traveling through these regions with no pokémon?"

    'Chansey, chansey," Joy's pokémon stated quickly.

    June didn't need hear pokémon's thoughts to understand that Chansey thought she was a complete and utter idiot.

    "You're lucky you made it to Oreburgh without being attacked," Joy piped.

    That's what she thinks. June's thoughts went to that of the protective pidgey which had attacked her earlier.

    "Please, don't be silly and go out there trying to catch pokémon without any of your own," Joy instructed somewhat forcefully.

    June frowned deeply, fighting the urge to shout. "Well, what other choice do I have?" she questioned animatedly.

    Joy gave a small impish smile. "Please, come with me."

    … … …

    "Take your pick. You'll be doing both me and the pokémon a favour by doing this," Joy stated somewhat sorrowfully, motioning into the room.

    June walked into the room, holding her breath in anticipation. The thrill of what she was about to do set exhilarating chills through her body.

    The room was dark; no windows in sight and the lights significantly dimmed. Pokémon slept in small transparent glass containers that offered little movement; all of which rested upon a long bench. There were also hundreds of pokéballs that sat atop shelf after shelf in an orderly, plain fashion.

    "They all need a home. Their trainer's have abandoned them," Joy said, passion and indignant unhappiness for the pokémon lacing her voice. "I wish I could set them free; but they do not belong in this area. I sadly do not have the time to travel and set them free in their own environments."

    The initial thrill subsided, and she realised that choosing a pokémon was not going to be that easy. She could only take one of the hundred or so abandoned creatures.

    "Each pokéball is labelled accordingly on the shelves," Joy stated from the door, not stepping into the room like that of June. "The ones in the containers are critically injured, some beyond repair; probably not what you're looking for in a first pokémon, I'd assume."

    "Thanks, Joy, this means a lot to me," June said earnestly.

    Joy had given her something she'd been lacking for so long; hope.

    "I'll leave you to it," Joy said.

    The nurse left, closing the door and leaving June alone in the dismal and sombre room. The quiet was haunting. No pokémon attacked at the defences she'd recently learnt to build up within her mind.

    In comparison, simply walking here had been a task, shutting out all the sick and injured pokémon had caused her nose to start bleeding again. Joy had almost forced her back to her bed, but June had assured her that it was just the heat that had caused the nose to bleed.

    She assumed the silence was because the pokémon here had given up long ago; forgetting themselves and retreating within the lonely recesses of their own minds. They were nothing but empty shells of their once previous splendour.

    Inside the first glass container, was a small furret. A small ferret-like pokémon that lay curled up in the fetal position, its large bushy tail shielding its face. It looked in top condition until June examined it more closely; realising that one of its ears had been ripped right from atop its small furry head. In the container next to that was a large raichu; a mouse like electric pokémon, which was missing its necessary tail.

    Pokémon after pokémon June passed, each injured in an incurable manor, each asleep and silent.

    She began to feel the weight of each pokémon's injuries bear down on her, a sadness setting in. She felt terrible, tossing each pokémon aside for things as insignificant as a missing tail, or off coloured and missing fur. She began to call her self names as she turned aside pokémon after pokémon. She called herself materialistic and picky; in truth, she was a hypocrite.

    Yet time and time again she walked away from each lonely pokémon.

    I'm wasting my time, she thought at last. I should just go and pick one of the healthy ones in the pokéballs.

    Yet she couldn't bring herself to do so. Suddenly, realisation dawned upon her, and she realised why she kept looking at injured pokémon after injured pokémon.

    Deep down, she knew that when she looked at each one she saw herself. They were alone because they were different to others of their kind. They were alone because other people didn't think they were quite the way they should be and therefore they must be useless. Yet, something that many people didn't realise was that they made up for this in other areas.

    Sometimes ones weakness can be their strength.

    …Just like ones greatest strength can be used against them.

    The furret may have been missing its ear, and with it one of its key senses. However, it could still smell; it could still make up for its slower reaction time with its great speed. The raichu was missing its tail, and with it its balance. Regardless of this though, it could still indubitably electrocute enemy pokémon with great power, it could still use attacks that didn't require dexterity.

    With that in mind, she closed her eyes, opening her mind and reaching out to all the pokémon in the room. They were so quiet. Even when she tried her hardest she could not hear them.

    Then, out of nowhere the image of a field appeared. June felt the sudden need to run, to be in this field; to be free, and she realised that this all belonged to that of a pokémon within this room. The dream was liberating and uncontrolled, the raw emotion and desire behind such a simple pleasure becoming too much for her to stand.

    Opening her eyes in shock and withdrawing from the most dominant pokémon's mind, June looked around the room with frantic, darting eyes. She wanted, nay, needed to help this pokémon fulfil its deep desire.

    Not having the slightest clue where the thoughts came from she reached out to the pokémon's mind once more. She felt the unaware pokémon once more, flinching away instinctively at the force behind its dream.

    As she moved down the bench, sleeping pokémon after sleeping pokémon, the dream got louder and more powerful. June knew that if she held onto it much longer she'd have trouble distinguishing the wistful fantasy from this dull, dark reality.

    Then, she saw the pokémon, one of the last in the row. She knew ―without a doubt― that it was the one she was searching for. With haste she approached the glass container and, taking in the pokémon she sucked in a breath of air.

    Bringing her face up close to the seemingly perfect sleeping pokémon, she brought her hand up, tapping lightly on the glass.

    The small pokémon stirred slightly, its closed eyes twitching. She felt the pokémon's aggravation at being awoken from its fairytale dream. Offering a small yawn ―its eyes still closed tightly― the pokémon uncurled, stretching as much as it could manageable in such an enclosed space.

    It was so very thin; unhealthily so from lack of exercise.

    How long has it been here? June wondered.

    Curling up in a ball once more, the petite pokémon slowly opened its eyes no doubt in hopes of finding the source of the sudden and unexpected noise.

    It's glazed over eyes focused on everything yet nothing all at once, and it was then that June realised what was wrong with the seemingly perfect pokémon.

    It was blind.

    Upon this realisation, she backed away; about to walk away from the pokémon.

    Surely such a physically hampered pokémon would be no help in a fight, let alone travelling. She reasoned. What use would a blind pokémon be to anyone?

    She hated herself for thinking this, but it was the blatant truth.

    But its thoughts reached out to her again; stronger this time. It wanted to feel sunlight on its beautiful golden-red fur again. It wanted to run. It wanted something more than this pathetic half-life; anything more.

    Mixed emotions welled up inside June, her eyes stinging slightly as tears welled up at the onslaught of thoughts from the creature.

    Regardless of any physical shackles that came with the pokémon, the creature was far too perfect and mentally whole to be condemned to a life so petty and wasteful.

    "Yes," June whispered.

    The pokémon's ears twitched in response to her voice; its unseeing eyes searching for something, anything. At last, it had found just that and more.

    Little did the young, unaware girl know; she had too.

    She smiled, "You're perfect."

    She had no idea how right she was.

    ... ... ...

    Any guesses as to what pokemon it is? I've given a few little clues, and I'm curious as to what people's thoughts are on what it may be. In fact, I'm curious in general what people thought.

    Also, please, if there were any grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes, a pointer or correction would be greatly appreciated.

    As always, let me know what you thought,



    Trust me, I'm a Professional*
  • 2,006
    I would of never though of disabled Pokemon, I though of abandoned Pokemon before, but never about the abandoned because of there disability, truly one of a kind.

    As for the Pokemon, uh well a type would of helped; but a small Pokemon with rusty colored fur, not to many of them around. (My guess: your avatar.)

    Anyway, I did manage to find a few spelling mistakes this time:

    favour should be favor

    realised should be realized

    sombre should be somber

    defences should be defenses

    splendour should be splendor

    realising again should be realizing

    and several more realize, realizing, and realization misspellings, but that can be fixed by replacing the "s" with a "z."


    Over all, great story, and I not so patiently waiting for more.

    JX Valentine

    Your aquatic overlord
  • 3,277
    Side note:

    Anyway, I did manage to find a few spelling mistakes this time:

    favour should be favor

    realised should be realized

    sombre should be somber

    defences should be defenses

    splendour should be splendor

    realising again should be realizing

    and several more realize, realizing, and realization misspellings, but that can be fixed by replacing the "s" with a "z."

    ...The author isn't American, hence all these spellings.

    Will actually submit a full review later.


    [Insert cool user title here]
  • 22
    • Seen Jul 21, 2009
    Xanthine was correct, I'm not from America, hence the different spelling. Regardless of this, thankyou for pointing them out, the corrections were greatly appreciated despite this.
    I'm very glad you're enjoying it, and you shant have to wait too much longer for the next chappie.