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Masterballz Mighty Mons: Events, Shinies, Competives, & High IV Egg Move Swap Shop!

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My FC is the crip FC. I need to hurry so i can eat dinner.
Could you give info. on the Shiny Houndour? And would you accept a Shiny Calm Drifloon or a Shiny Relaxed Magcargo for anything?
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I'll give you a very high EV trained Gamestop Deoxys for a shiny non-hacked untouched Zangoose.
FC:2277 5714 6565 Name: Malachi
Can I get date and nature of please?Fukuoka Teddiursa ID: 60505Tokyo Stantler ID: 60505 Osaka Sunkern ID: 60505
Heya, I see you have a celebii shiny event and a shny ray, What nature is the Rayquayza, Im lookin hard for a Jolly one
Pokemon Rocks America Metang (shiny)
Space C Deoxys (shiny)_:

These 2:
can i have nature/ID/and date please
What is the nature of the shiny shuckles?

Nevermind this... didnt see that this hasnt been looked at since April 12th.....
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