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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Final Update (#3) on Ruby.
  • Cleared out the Seafloor Cavern and beat Maxie with Monolith.
  • After killing Groudon, I took on the gym and swept Wallace with Locke's Growth + Giga Drain.
  • Leveled up Locke to L49, when he learned Extrasensory, then evolved with a Leaf Stone into Shiftry!
  • After beating the rest of the trainers before Victory Road and dong some EV training, I went through Victory Road.
  • After doing some moveset editing and using Rare Candies to get everyone to L52, I challenged the Elite Four.
  • Sidney was swept by Monolith (Return, Superpower).
  • Pheobe was taken out by Locke, Smokey, and Rager.
  • Glacia was another sweep, this time by Makit (Bulk Up, Brick Break).
  • Drake was swept as well by Esper, who set up 2 Calm Minds against Shelgon (Rock Tomb missed 2x), then dominated with Psychic.
  • Finally, Steven was up. He was tough, especially his Metagross. Here's the video and play-by-play of the fight:



Hall of Fame:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Monolith the Adamant Regirock - L53 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: AncientPower, Rock Throw, Superpower, Curse
Final Stats: 177/156/221/63/135/70
Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Locke the Lax Shiftry, ♂ - L52 @ BlackGlasses
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Faint Attack, Extrasensory, Solarbeam, Sunny Day
Final Stats: 180/121/81/134/78/119
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rager the Naive Dodrio, ♀ - L52 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Tri-Attack, Steel Wing, Drill Peck, Fly
Final Stats: 150/157/87/68/70/149
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Makit the Hardy Hariyama, ♂ - L53 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Guts
Moves: Brick Break, Earthquake, Bulk Up, Fake Out
Final Stats: 236/161/74/50/74/72
Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Smokey the Quiet Torkoal, ♂ - L52 @ Charcoal
Ability: White Smoke
Moves: Flamethrower, Toxic, Body Slam, Amnesia
Final Stats: 147/113/167/144/94/27
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Esper the Hardy Alakazam, ♂ - L54 @ Magnet
Ability: Syncronize
Moves: Psychic, Shock Wave, Calm Mind, Future Sight
Final Stats: 143/72/77/201/115/150
Hoenn MVP, Elite Four co-MVP, Steven MVP

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zigzagoon - Cut, Rock Smash, Surf [boxed]
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wailord - Surf, Dive, Rock Smash, Waterfall [boxed]

Ultimate Monocolor Brown Challenge Black Update #1

Name: Sienna
Starter: Oswald the Oshawott

-After the starting hubbabaloo, caught the first (temporary) member of our team, Joffrey the Patrat
-Grinded Joffrey up to Lv. 14 (oh joy, my favorite thing) and took out Cilan with a lot of potions and Sand Attacks
-Caught the second member of the team, Clegane the Timburr, just outside Pinwheel Forest. Leveled her up on the route around the forest and then took on Lenora with little issue
-Joffrey evolved into Watchog at Lv.20 in the Pinwheel Forest
-Got to Castelia City, trained in the Battle Company, then Clegane evolved into Gurdurr fighting the first dancer guy in the city
-The fight against Burgh was made fairly easy with Clegane's Rock Throw and lots of Quick Claw procs. (I also really like the screenshot I took for this because Burgh and Clegane are doing the same pose :))


The Current Team:
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By the way, Yellow will be my next color. I'll do LeafGreen > HeartGold (gonna try it again, and if it doesn't work, Crystal) > Sapphire > Platinum > Black.
Oh well, lets start Sapphire over... AGAIN!?!?!?!

Sapphire Blue Run: Adventure

Sapphire Blue Run: Team
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

I started the Sinnoh leg of my Brown monocolor a couple days ago, here's what I've done so far.

Update #1 on Platinum.

Name: Brown
Rival: Barry
Starter: Chimchar

  • Picked Chimchar, named him Mars.
  • On the way to Oreburgh City, Mars evolved into Monferno!
  • Then I caught a Machop and traded for Kazza the Abra.
  • Mars defeated Roark easily with Mach Punch.
  • On the way up to Florama Town, Kazza evolved into Kadabra!
  • Kazza defeated Mars in the Windworks, and we moved on through the forest to to Eterna City.
  • Gardenia was easy to beat with Mars's Flame Wheel.
  • Then we infiltrated the TG Etern Building, with Mars beating Jupiter (having a Mars on my team is confusing, lol).
  • Got the Bike and went across Cycling Road, then on through MT. Coronet to Hearthome City.
  • Took on the gym, and Fantina was defeated by Kazza and Mars.
  • Moved on to Solaceon Town after beating Barry, and I caught Sammy the Staravia on Route 210.
  • Beat a bunch of trainers I skipped earlier, including Wayward Cave. Saved in the Solaceon Ruins.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sammy the Impish Staravia, ♂ - L32 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Quick Attack, Double Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kazza the Quiet Kadabra, ♂ - L33
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psybeam, Teleport, Recover, Reflect
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mars the Bashful Monferno, ♂ - L34
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Flame Wheel, Scratch, Mach Punch, Taunt

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Psyduck - Rock Smash, Flash
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bidoof - Cut

Sooooo I totally intend to finish my Brown run, but while I was watching the TheSpeedGamer's marathon last week I started a Red Monocolor on FireRed because it lagged a whole lot less with the livestream running in the background.

Pokemon Monocolor Red Ultimate FireRed 1st and FINAL Update:

Name: Red
Starter: Aerys the Charmander
Rival: Green

-Aerys is gonna be are only buddy for the first part of this game, so say hi!
-Did all the starting stuff, went through the forest, got Aerys up to Lv.14 and beat Brock without a whole lot of issue thanks to Metal Claw
-Aerys evolved into Charmeleon at Lv.16 on Route 3
-Got through Mt. Moon, catching Campbell the Paras for HM purposes in the process
-Got to Cerulean, beat Nugget Bridge, then caught the second member of the team, Margaery the Oddish on Route 24. Taught her Bullet Seed.
-Got Margaery up to Lv. 20 and then took on Misty. Margaery took care of most of it, but Starmie got a lucky crit so Aerys had to finish the job
-Forgot I had a Rare Candy to use, so I used it on Margaery to get her to Lv.21, who proceed to evolve into Gloom :P
-Did the whole SS Anne thing, got Cut, backtracked to Cerulean, went east to Route 10 and caught the third member of the team, Young Neil the Voltorb!
-Lt. Surge was pretty annoying with Raichu's Double Team. It was funny though, because he actually died by hitting Paras who was switched in to revive Margaery and he got poisoned from Paras' Effect Spore :)
-Went and got Flash, went through the Rock Tunnel, went down to route 12 thinking I could get the super rod right away, and even though I was mistaken, Young Neil evolved into Electrode in the process
-Skipped most of the trainers on our way to Celadon, but once we got there we got our fourth team member, Gideon the Eevee. Taught him Dig.
-Went to the Dept. Store, bought a Fire Stone and a Leaf Stone, and evolved Gideon and Margaery into Flareon and Vileplume respectively!
-Aerys destroyed Erika. Taught Margaery Giga Drain.
-Beat up Team Rocket, saved the tower, got the Poke Flute, beat up a Snorlax, got the Super Rod
-Took a detour through Saffron, got the TM for Psychic, went north of Cerulean, caught a Poliwhirl with the Super Rod, traded him in town for the final member of the team, Zynx the Jynx! Tagught her Psychic and Water Pulse
-Bought the coins at the game corner to buy Flamethrower to teach to Gideon
-Beat up Team Rocket again at Silph Co., during which Aerys evolved into Charizard at Lv.36
-Got to Fuchsia via Cycling Road, then Zynx proceeded to demolish Koga
-Did the whole Safari Zone thing, then went up to Saffron and took out Sabrina with Gideon and Zynx
-Had enough money to go buy the TM for Thunderbolt at the Game Corner to teach to Young Neil
-Did the stuff on Cinnibar, including taking out Blaine with a group effort between all the team members that weren't weak to Fire.
-Dealt with what needed to be dealt with on the Side Quest Islands
-Zynx absolutely demolished Giovanni
-Got through Victory Road with no issue
-Grinded everyone up to Lv.55, then took on the E4!

-Lorelei was kind of a pain, cause Young Neil doesn't have the greatest of Special Attack
-Zynx utterly humiliated Bruno
-Agatha wasn't as easy as it would have been with a STAB dark move. Aerys's Attract helped out quite a bit though
-Zynx and Young Neil took out Lance with no issue at all
-Green was taken out with no problem, the fight being theteam effort it's meant to be


The Team:
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Hoenn Complete!
-Went Through Victory Road with no problem
-Trained a lot on Sydney and Pheobe with SharkTooth and Sparta IV
- Made a run at the Dragon user and took him out with Dubsteps Blizzard!
- Went to Steven with only Dubstep and DBPKMN III
- Took out Skarmory with Dubstep who was Poisoned in the process
- 1 Shot Aggron with EQ
- Took out Cradily with a Crit Blizzard
- Armaldo was 2 Shotted By Dubstep
- Put it DBPKMN III to heal up Dubstep
- Two Shotted Claydol with Blizzard
- Came down to Metagross vs Dubstep
- After back and forth healing and battling Metagross brought Dubstep down to 1 HP but Dubstep held on and finished him off with a EQ!
- Champion Steven Defeated!

Moving on to Sinnoh now. Going with Platinum (I think I'll let you know.)

Final Battle Screens
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Update #2 on Platinum.
  • Explored the Solaceon Ruins and got Defog, then scaled Lost Tower as well.
  • Moved on to Veilstone City, and Sammy evolved into Staraptor!
  • Maylene was easily defeated by Sammy's Aerial Ace and Close Combat.
  • Helped Dawn out and got Fly, then went south to Pastoria City.
  • A couple things happened along the way: I caught a Hippopotas named Tank, and Mars evolved into Infernape!
  • Caught Jetsie the Buizel just outside Pastoria, and soon after, she evolved into Floatzel!
  • Caught a Yanma with Compouneyes in the Great Marsh, then searched Route 210 for Chansey, and after a couple encounters, got myself a Lucky Egg!
  • Took on the gym and defeated Wake with Sammy and Mars.
  • Team Plasma was blowing stuff up, so I chased down the Grunt then met up with Cynthia.
  • Made my way to Celestic Town, and Tank evolved into Hippowdon!
  • Beat Cyrus easily with Sammy, and got the Surf HM.
  • Then I evolved Kazza into Alakazam, and saved after that.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mars the Bashful Infernape, ♂ - L39 @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Flame Wheel, Close Combat, Mach Punch, Taunt
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jetsie the Jolly Floatzel, ♀ - L39 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Aqua Jet, Dig, Crunch, Rock Smash
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sammy the Impish Staraptor, ♂ - L40
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Return, Close Combat, Fly, Defog
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Tank the Careful Hippowdon, ♂ - L40
Ability: Sand Stream
Moves: Earthquake, Crunch, Yawn, Take Down
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kazza the Quiet Alakazam, ♂ - L40
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psybeam, Shock Wave, Shadow Ball, Psychic

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bibarel: Cut, Surf

Completed the Kanto section of my Yellow run.

♦ Started by getting Squirtle for HM slaving, and later on catching a Weedle that I named Kurapika.
♦ While going through Viridian Forest, Kurapika evolved twice and proceeded to take on Brock. Harden helped a lot.
♦ Went through Mt. Moon, and caught Killua the Sandshrew outside. Trained both Kurapika and Killua on Nugget Bridge and Route 25 before taking on Misty, who was handled by Kurapika.
♦ Made my way down to Vermilion, raided the S.S. Anne (Killua evolved), beat Lt. Surge, went through Rock Tunnel and caught Mito the Vulpix shortly after.
♦ Trained Mito and evolved her when she had learnt Flamethrower, so she could take care of Erika and the Rockets with ease.
♦ Skipped a lot of trainers on Cycling Road, to get to Fuchsia as fast as possible. Went to the Safari Zone and caught Gon the Exeggcute, who completed the team.
♦ Trained Gon up a little, and then evolved him.
♦ Nothing exciting really happened after that, I beat Gym Leaders and my rival. Eventually, it was time for the Elite Four and Champion, who were pretty difficult to beat, but I managed to pull it off.

I would've had a video for the Champion battle, but the video file got screwed up...also, gonna do SoulSilver next even though I said HeartGold, but I don't think that matters too much.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kurapika the Beedrill, Lv 55 (♂)
Item: None
Aerial Ace, Twineedle, Toxic, Return

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Killua the Sandslash, Lv 56 (♂)
Item: None
Slash, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Brick Break

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mito the Ninetales, Lv 55 (♀)
Item: Persim Berry (for Agatha fight)
Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Quick Attack, Will-O-Wisp

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Gon the Exeggutor, Lv 58 (♂)
Item: None
Giga Drain, Psychic, SolarBeam, Leech Seed
Question! I read this and started wondering, can I do this on Touhoumon? It's a hack that replaces pokemon with, well, touhou. I think they still have colors, so I wanna know if I can still do the challenge here.

EDIT: Yeah, I confirmed that they do have colors.
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Ultimate Monocolor Brown Challenge Black Update #2

Sooooooo I lost a bunch of notes, but have the screens I took. Since the last update and now I….
-Beat Elisa and Clay
-Caught Wilco the Sandile, who evolved into a Krokorok sometime after Elisa
-Caught Renly the Deerling, who probably played a big part in the Clay fight
-Saved in the middle of Chargestone Cave
-Went through Chargestone Cave, got to that city, went to the route north of it, went into the Celestial Tower, in which Renly evolved into Sawsbuck at Lv.34!
-Also caught the next member of the team in the tower, Marvin the Elgyem, who is a girl………totally named her a guy on purpose…

Photobucket isn't letting me upload them at the moment, I'll get them up when/if I can

The Current Team:


Ultimate Monocolor Purple Challenge/LP FireRed Update #1

I'm also kiiiiiiiind of putting the Brown Run on hold for now (I know, ADD much?) to try out an LP of an Ultimate Purple Run. It's something I've wanted to try out for a while, but only now figured out a way that I wanted to do it, if that makes sense.

Here is a link to my thread in the LP subforum, and here is a link to my FireRed playlist on youtube.

I'm a bit backlogged on videos, I actually just finished up the Pokémon Tower, with this team:

Just bought White so I'm pretty excited to do this :)
IGN: Blue
Color: Blue
Game: White
Ultimate: Nope!

The Beginning:

So for my starter I picked Oshawatt and I named him Indigo!
and that's all I have so far! :p
Will try and keep the updates posted! :D
White/Blue Monocolor Part 1:

-Got Indigo to level 10 before actually leaving Nuvema Town
-Finally left and came across Bianca and Cheren, taught them the power of Indigo :D
-I decided to train some more got Indigo
to level 16 :)
-Then I went to the gym and breezed through it :)
-Now I'm about to go to Wellspring Cave and capture a nice Roggenrola and maybe a Woobat(for now :p)

White/Blue Monocolor Part 2:

-Well got Indigo to level 17 and it evolved into a Dewott
-I then got into Wellspring Cave and got a female Woobatthat I named Blueberry
-I also caught a Roggenrola and I named him Cobalt

-After all that I took all my Pokes down to Nacrene to get them healed
-I decided to bypass the gym for now, so that I could pick up a Sawk
-I caught a little Tympole that I named Toadie
-The Sawk ended up being a really rare spawn from the shaking grass in outer Pinwheel so by the time I came across one all of my Pokes were level 25 and had all evolved -_-
-Since I like having my pokemon the same level I went on an Audino battling spree!
-So now my team consists of:

-Indigo 25 Dewott
-Blueberry 25 Swoobat
-Cobalt 25 Boldore
-Bruiser 25 Sawk
-Toadie 25 Palpitoad

More Updates Coming Soon! :)
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Someone mentioned to me in irc today that you allow legenaries, so this gives me an excuse to use Regice, which I've been DYING to do.

User: Sydian
Game: Ruby
Color: Blue (lol ruby and blue so hilar)

I plan on using Swampert, Chimecho, Heracross, Lanturn, Regice, and Altaria. I might use Tailow and Loudred for a while too, because that'd be a long time to go without another party member. idk yet. Question though, if I end up searching for DAYS for Chimecho, am I allowed to trade one in? If not, that's fine. I found 5% encounter rate Riolu and Eevee in Black 2, I can survive another Chimecho search.
Someone mentioned to me in irc today that you allow legenaries, so this gives me an excuse to use Regice, which I've been DYING to do.

User: Sydian
Game: Ruby
Color: Blue (lol ruby and blue so hilar)

I plan on using Swampert, Chimecho, Heracross, Lanturn, Regice, and Altaria. I might use Tailow and Loudred for a while too, because that'd be a long time to go without another party member. idk yet. Question though, if I end up searching for DAYS for Chimecho, am I allowed to trade one in? If not, that's fine. I found 5% encounter rate Riolu and Eevee in Black 2, I can survive another Chimecho search.
I don't have a problem with that, since you asked so nicely, but at least give it some effort, lol.

I will be updating my brown challenge soon, just gonna beat Volkner first.
Someone mentioned to me in irc today that you allow legenaries, so this gives me an excuse to use Regice, which I've been DYING to do.

I forgot to mention that you can't use him until after the 7th gym. You might have seen that in the rules already, but I don't want to get in trouble for giving you false information lol.
Thanks JD! I mean, if I go a day without finding one, I'll draw the line and trade one. Though I hate getting out the old GBAs and fiddling with the cord. And thanks Huggermugger. I saw that rule, but you can only get Regice after 7th badge anyway. ;) Good planning on my part, right? lolol Anyway, about to start. Oddly enough, this ties in with my Pick Up and Play challenge, as I have Ruby next on the list. Yay.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Player: Alice
Game: Ruby
Color: Blue
Badges: 3

Aqua Grunt Alice knows deep down that what she's fighting for is wrong, but felt compelled to join from family pressures. Her parents were ex-Rocket Grunts, and some estranged family members were a part of Team Magma. Aside from that, it was the only way she would be able to leave the house and fulfill her real dream-- to collect the 8 badges of Hoenn and meet the legendary Pokemon that roams the region. The Pokemon offered by Team Aqua weren't quite up to par with her standards, and she has taken a liking to blue Pokemon. To enter gyms with her blue themed team, she disguises herself in red. She often has had to disarm Team Magma, while in both disguise and uniform, as well. Even though she's not fond of her job, at least she can say she's doing it better than her fellow grunts.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Brandeis / Marshtomp (m) lv. 29 @ Quick Claw
Water Gun, Mud-Slap, Mud Shot, Tackle

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Royal / Gloom (m) lv. 26 @ Miracle Seed
Absorb, PoisonPowder, Acid, Cut

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Celeste / Swablu (f) lv. 19 @ Exp Share
Peck, Sing, Astonish, Steel Wing

Special shout out to this guy:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Navy / Swellow (m) lv. 26 @ King's Rock
Wing Attack, Peck, Quick Attack, Double Team
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Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Update #3 on Platinum.
  • Went to Canalave City and beat Barry, then demolished Byron with Tank.
  • Skipped Iron Island for later and went to try and foil TG's lake plot.
  • Beat Saturn and Mars, but was too late to save the Lake Trio.
  • Went up to the blizzard on Route 217, where I caught Manny the Swinub.
  • After training Manny up back in Iron Island, he evolved into Piloswine!
  • After beating all the trainers in the snow, I arrived in Snowpoint City.
  • In the gym, Piloswine evolved into Mamoswine!
  • Candice was harder than I though she was going to be, but eventually I took her down.
  • After seeing Barry got beat at the lake, I went to Veilston City to beat up TG once and for all.
  • Defeated Cyrus and freed the Lake Trio at the Headquarters, then scaled Mt. Coronet to defeat Mars and Jupiter again.
  • Beat Cyrus in the Distortion World as well.
  • Headed over to Sunyshore City, where I soloed Volkner with Tank.
  • Saved on the beach there.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mars the Bashful Infernape, ♂ - L49 @ Fist Plate
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Flame Wheel, Close Combat, ThunderPunch, Rock Smash
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Manny the Brave Mamoswine, ♂ - L49 @ NeverMeltIce
Moves: Ice Shard, AncientPower, Earthquake, Rock Climb
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sammy the Impish Staraptor, ♂ - L49 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Return, Close Combat, Fly, Brave Bird
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jetsie the Jolly Floatzel, ♀ - L50 @ Splash Plate
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Surf, Dig, Crunch, Waterfall
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Tank the Careful Hippowdon, ♂ - L50 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Sand Stream
Moves: Earthquake, Crunch, Fire Fang, Strength
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kazza the Quiet Alakazam, ♂ - L50 @ Mind Plate
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psybeam, Shock Wave, Shadow Ball, Psychic
