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Naka-Kon 2010


  • 11,205
    • he / they
    • USA
    • Seen Apr 2, 2024
    Sooo yeah, Nakakon is Kansas City's local anime convention, and I'm gonna be there all three days. Should be good times, but I got to wondering if anyone else here was going.

    I'd be surprised if many people have even heard of Naka Kon before, let alone thinking of attending, but it was just a thought. xD I know PC doesn't have tooo many members from Kansas, but cons normally have people from aaalll over.

    am I the only PC member whose gonna be there? ; ;

    Also, I just made a formspring. Even though I'm busy trying to figure out what the point of it is.. xD;
    Aizuke;bt37723 said:
    Aw I'd go if I could!

    I'm going to Comic-con in San Diego around July though. XD

    Oooh, lucky. xD I've always wanted to see what Comic Con was like.
    I'd go if I lived closer ;X

    Thankfully, at least there's Otakon, which takes place in the summer near where I live :3
    Natsu-kun;bt37728 said:
    I'd go if I lived closer ;X

    Thankfully, at least there's Otakon, which takes place in the summer near where I live :3

    Oooh, Otakon is one of the more popular ones. owo I bet it's fun timess.
    Huh! I've never heard of it, but as I might be attending college in that city this is a good find! <3
    OMG, I wish I would have known about it sooner T_T

    I'm only a few hours away too. T_T

    You live in Kansas?!?!