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[Completed] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion

I never said I was defending it. I agree that the downloads should be accessible in all of the places the game is advertised. My point is that it's a complete non-issue that you're blowing out of proportion. The files are shared publicly. Discord is free and the server is free to join with no requirements. The first thing it points you to is the downloads section. You never even have to see the rest of the server. If you're experiencing major "privacy issues" just from installing Discord, maybe the internet isn't the place for you. Plus if you wanted to act decent, you could stop complaining about literally nothing. On top of that, if you think the entire concept of the server reeks of narcissism, something you clearly don't like, why do you want to support those people by playing their game?

It's not a "non-issue" if it's actively preventing people from obtaining the thing in question.
Agreed to the extreme dude, This is absurd and I feel like I have been shut out of enjoying the game just because I don't use discord.

Just as it would be unreasonable for me to demand people get Telegram or even a Matrix account to download something, and how it would be reasonable for people to complain and raise fury over it, so is this.

And I beg your pardon!? Me blowing things out of proportion!? The only thing out of proportion is HOW OFTEN THIS ISSUE HAPPENS. My friend, that does occasionally create content, wanted to have the Pokemon Emerald Too Many Types that came out a few days ago... Only on A BLOODY DISCORD. (He also sent out a request for Infinite Fusion alongside it after talking with me.)

Pokemon Clover is more accessible.

And it's not like I support these people, I'm not going to release any gameplay videos, I want to sit and laugh at funny fusion and have a somewhat fresh experience.
It does not bar me from the ability to criticize them, it does not mean I support them.

And if you, yourself, disagree with this practice, then why don't you do a little defiance and share it? Where's your sense of what is right, and why isn't it acting?
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It's not a "non-issue" if it's actively preventing people from obtaining the thing in question.

Just as it would be unreasonable for me to demand people get Telegram or even a Matrix account to download something, and how it would be reasonable for people to complain and raise fury over it, so is this.

And I beg your pardon!? Me blowing things out of proportion!? The only thing out of proportion is HOW OFTEN THIS ISSUE HAPPENS. My friend, that does occasionally create content, wanted to have the Pokemon Emerald Too Many Types that came out a few days ago... Only on A BLOODY DISCORD. (He also sent out a request for Infinite Fusion alongside it after talking with me.)

Pokemon Clover is more accessible.

And it's not like I support these people, I'm not going to release any gameplay videos, I want to sit and laugh at funny fusion and have a somewhat fresh experience.
It does not bar me from the ability to criticize them, it does not mean I support them.

And if you, yourself, disagree with this practice, then why don't you do a little defiance and share it? Where's your sense of what is right, and why isn't it acting?

To start, YouTuber made games are completely different. I think it sucks that they're usually pay walled, but that's a different story than games like this that are made by fans for fans. There are plenty of games that use a Discord server to keep everything in one spot. The developers did not have to make this game, nor did they have to put it out for people to play. They did it for free, for no reason other than love for the series. To me, it feels like it's in bad taste to complain about it for such a miniscule reason. This may be an issue for you and your friend, but to the vast majority of people, it isn't.

The difference between us is that while you may think this is a big enough issue to openly complain about it, it's in reality such a non-issue that I can just ignore it. It took me no extra time to install the game from Discord than it would have from here. I simply just don't care enough to take a stand one way or the other.

I'll give you your links though, I'll put them on your profile because I'm not entirely sure if I'm allowed to post them here.
To start, YouTuber made games are completely different. I think it sucks that they're usually pay walled, but that's a different story than games like this that are made by fans for fans. There are plenty of games that use a Discord server to keep everything in one spot. The developers did not have to make this game, nor did they have to put it out for people to play. They did it for free, for no reason other than love for the series. To me, it feels like it's in bad taste to complain about it for such a miniscule reason. This may be an issue for you and your friend, but to the vast majority of people, it isn't.

The difference between us is that while you may think this is a big enough issue to openly complain about it, it's in reality such a non-issue that I can just ignore it. It took me no extra time to install the game from Discord than it would have from here. I simply just don't care enough to take a stand one way or the other.

I'll give you your links though, I'll put them on your profile because I'm not entirely sure if I'm allowed to post them here.

I doubt Too Many Emeralds is paywalled because he managed to grab a 3ds .cia file, people getting paid access tend not to make those. If only there was a way to convert a .gba file in .cia form back to .gba...

It's also bad because discord can go down, or shut down the "server" for any reason. "Keeping it in one place" is quite literally "putting all your eggs in one basket", and my friend is building a homeserver with redundancy for that exact reason, to make sure things don't become lost.

Discord is a black hole for information. Guides, bug-resolving, all of that, can become lost temporarily or permanently, at any time, for any reason. Not making alternative, open accessibility is the height of folly and trust in a multi-million dollar company that does not care about its users, no matter what the PR team says. Always split your eggs in several baskets, always make the copy of the baskets accessible, so there are more baskets with eggs, and everything can be restored.

High accessibility means high chance of preservation. Such is logic.
I doubt Too Many Emeralds is paywalled because he managed to grab a 3ds .cia file, people getting paid access tend not to make those. If only there was a way to convert a .gba file in .cia form back to .gba...

It's also bad because discord can go down, or shut down the "server" for any reason. "Keeping it in one place" is quite literally "putting all your eggs in one basket", and my friend is building a homeserver with redundancy for that exact reason, to make sure things don't become lost.

Discord is a black hole for information. Guides, bug-resolving, all of that, can become lost temporarily or permanently, at any time, for any reason. Not making alternative, open accessibility is the height of folly and trust in a multi-million dollar company that does not care about its users, no matter what the PR team says. Always split your eggs in several baskets, always make the copy of the baskets accessible, so there are more baskets with eggs, and everything can be restored.

High accessibility means high chance of preservation. Such is logic.

I lost my train of thought while typing the initial part, I meant to include Patreon in there as that's where the paywalling of custom content happens.

For the record, I agree with the general concept that this stuff should be more accessible. It just comes down to a differing way of looking at things. I'm used to things being devoured by the void of the internet so it doesn't really affect me much anymore. I can't even put a number on how many times I've tried to download an old game or rom hack and the only accessible link is dead. It's less trust in Discord as a company and more that there are many examples of it being a great resource for things like this. Stalker Gamma for example, would be nearly impossible to play if it weren't for the Discord with it's install guide and quick access to help. Either way though, I sent those links. If you need anything else, let me know.
I lost my train of thought while typing the initial part, I meant to include Patreon in there as that's where the paywalling of custom content happens.

For the record, I agree with the general concept that this stuff should be more accessible. It just comes down to a differing way of looking at things. I'm used to things being devoured by the void of the internet so it doesn't really affect me much anymore. I can't even put a number on how many times I've tried to download an old game or rom hack and the only accessible link is dead. It's less trust in Discord as a company and more that there are many examples of it being a great resource for things like this. Stalker Gamma for example, would be nearly impossible to play if it weren't for the Discord with it's install guide and quick access to help. Either way though, I sent those links. If you need anything else, let me know.

Nope, only thing I have to add now is that rentry, pastebin, and a tonne of other clones exist, as well as imageboards and hey, forums aren't bad at all (which is why I'm willing to make an account here), but goodness gracious are people lazy and cheapskates. Didn't cost my friend much time nor money to spin up a basic forum (To prove a point... To someone at the cloverfields... It was a cPanel type deal.), and he didn't even use the cheapest available, he was using a Norwegian domain, with servers located in Norway! Not exactly cheap.

Also, now that I did a little digging into the launcher files and all, for anyone whose link is lost and can't find my friend, try searching "infinitefusion github" and with the correct digging you should be able to find the launcher, at least.
Also, was it so hard to just release the github link the .bat file calls for in the OP?
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Is it just me or does randomized mode give mostly the same encounters on most routes? Because I'm just outside of Cerulean City and I've seen so many of the same Pokemon like Marill, Sandile, Shinx, etc.
I'm having an error with one of the quests in Celadon. I keep trying to talk to the old lady inside the hotel, but she won't give me the quest. I think it's because I already went inside the Lavender Town cave area, thus finishing the quest before ever accepting it. Is there any way to fix that that doesn't involve reloading old saves?
Celadon City, on top of the celadon condominums building. It's only there once you've defeated Giovanni in the sewers.

If you have RPG Maker XP, you could import the game's data into a new project and edit it as much as you like.

OMG HOW!? how do you do that?
Discord is the modern Yahoo. Everyone uses it because it's cool, not because it's good, practical, or even remotely sensible to do so.

So yeah, I already found other places to download this game from. Won't tell where, but your desire to be a "cool kid" who's only in Discord will just force people to find other means to get your game, in places you have no control upon. Good job encouraging that, good luck hunting down whoever of your "trusted" Discord scumbags continues to leak updates out of that black hole of information you so love.

And no, deleting this comment like you deleted the last one doesn't make you any less of a fool. ;)

Discord dl link is just out of convenience. You can download the launcher directly from the github too https://github.com/DrapNard/InfiniteFusion-Launcher/releases
I wouldn't dowload anything from these shady reuploader websites unless you want viruses on your computer...

Also I have no control on the comments in this thread, only the site's admins do so they're probably the ones who have been deleting your comments (which doesn't strike me as especially surprising considering your tone, but that's none of my business)
[PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion
Hi, I had a problem with the game, I tried everything to solve it, even starting a new game but nothing works, I attach a couple of screenshots of the problem.

Thank you very much in advance, I hope you can help me :(


  • [PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion
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I can no longer just press the speed up button to keep permanent speed up on the game. I have to hold the button down. Was that purposely changed or did I mess something up?
So I'm completely unable to play my copy of the game now, and I'm not sure what happened.

Downloaded the game about a month ago, and have had few issues running the game. Played every day pretty much, including this morning, until we took a break. Came back to the game a few hours later, and now it's suddenly unplayable with no clear reason as to why.

Clicking on both "Game" and "Game-default" launches the window, but instead of opening to the green splash screen, it instead hangs on a white screen, then a black screen, and then force closes with no error message without ever getting to the opening cutscene with Gengar. Nothing I can think of changes this at all, including deleting all files and doing a fresh download and installation, same results. Unplayable.

I did not alter the game's files in any way between the sessions.

Instead I tried "Game-preloaded" and that does get me the green splash screen, and the opening cutscene... but crashes upon trying to boot the title screen, this time giving an error message.

I don't understand computer stuff but I can tell "Oh, its missing the file for one of the sprites, right?" Which makes sense... except if I go and check the directory listed, I WILL find the sprite that it claims it cannot find. It'll be right there where it says it isn't. The "missing" sprite changes each time, and each time I'm able to go and find the listed sprite in the directory.

Help would be massively appreciated, it's infuriating to think that 80+ hours might just be down the drain for no reason


  • [PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion
    115.3 KB · Views: 5
Hey! Version 6.2 of the game is now available. You can update your game with the official installer found in the first post of this thread. Here is the changelog for the newest version:

[PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion

Player character
- Updated the player character's sprites
- Updated the surfing base and dive sprites - now changes depending on the Pokémon using the move
- Added a special sprite for when the player is surfing using the Surfboard instead of Surf
- Made it possible to set the player's skin color and hair color at the start of a game
- Improved the underwater effect while diving

- Abilities are now determined by the Pokemon themselves rather than the species when fusing
- - ie, You now get to pick between the abilities of the two Pokémon you're fusing, no matter the fusion order
- Added an additional fight on top of the Dept. Store during the Necrozma quest
- Roaming legendaries now cause weather effects when they're on roaming on the current map
- Renamed "Tracker" item to "Weather tracker"
- Removed vermillion city lighthouse quest
- Replaced static Flygon on Kindle road by egg
- Added Overheat TM in Mt. Ember
- Teleporting to Mt. Silver now takes you to the base of the mountain instead of the start of the road

Town map
- Updated the town map graphics
- The player's current location is now displayed on the town map or when using Fly/Teleport
- Johto and Sevii Islands are now hidden from the Town Map until first visited

- Added an option to exclude legendaries from regular encounters randomizer
- Adds option for randomized starters to always be 1st-stage Pokémon
- Wild legendaries always randomize into legendaries in randomizer

- Made it possible to set the difficulty from the options menu.
- The difficulty can no longer only be changed down. The difficulty displayed in the Hall of Fame is the lowest difficulty that has been selected during the playthrough.
- Difficulty and game mode are now displayed on the Continue screen
- Moved Expert mode to the experimental options menu
- Moved Reversed mode to the experimental options menu
- Updated the battle command buttons
- Added on option to set the device that you're playing on in the options menu which disables unsupported features on mobile
- Implemented "temp" sprites: Sprites that are only considered main sprites for as long as there are no others custom sprites (internal)

Bug fixes
- Fixed pokeradar info being obscured in dark caves
- Fixed issue with Necrozma quest not completing
- Fixed issue causing some legendaries to not respawn
- Fixed bug causing held items to disappear when swapping out a Pokémon after capture
- Fixed some blurry tiles on SS Anne deck
- Fixes issues with Regi puzzle hints
- Fixed missing battle bases in Elite 4 fights