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[Gen 1] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

  • 161
    • Seen Nov 16, 2018

    So I'm doing this after barely completing a similar run I did in the Nuzlocke Thread. The basic premise before was to make it through the game living off of what I could find ONLY. This worked out really well and was especially challenging early on as I was trying to save items. The issue I had was late game when I realized that my hard work had paid off and I had more items than I needed to breeze through the Elite 4. End game was too easy.

    And so this challenge was born. I would call it a No Items Hardlocke, but it's not completely a "no items" run because I can use anything non-medical. What it is, however, is definitely a No Healing Items run. Judging from my last run this should be insanely difficult. Also, the fact that I can't buy any Pokeballs and can only use the Pokeballs I find is crazy difficult and adds a lot of stress and strategy to team building. Add to that dealing with status' and faster wrap Pokemon without healing and it should make for some interesting situations to say the least.

    I'll try to be open about my thoughts and strategies as we go along as I feel that's ultimately why I'm playing this way, with these rules. For the Challenge of it all.

    All of that said, TLDR...
    I'm playing...
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    Welcome to my Challenge Log!
    I hope you enjoy!

    All the rules are listed below. Every rule that differs from the standard Nuzlocke has been highlighted in Red.

    1. Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be boxed.
    2. I cannot use any healing items..
    3. I cannot buy Pokeballs (I can only use what I find)
    4. I must nickname all of my Pokemon.
    5. A black out/white is a "game over," even if there are Pokémon left in the PC.
    6. Battle type is SET.
    7. I can catch whatever I want.
    8. At the end of the game I must catch all of of the legendaries to win..
    9. No Duplicate Captures.
    10. I can use HM slaves for moving around, but if I use one in battle it is an automatic game over.
    11. None of the Pokémon in my party should ever be a higher than the Ace Pokémon of the next gym before and when I ENTER said gym. If a Pokémon is in violation of this rule it will not listen to me until the gym is defeated..
    12. The number of Pokémon I can have in my party and boxes combined (including the death box) at any time is determined by the number of Gym Badges I have obtained plus two. (For example I can only have three Pokémon in my party once I have obtained my first Gym badge)

    I will be playing Pokemon Red Version on a Nintendo 3DS.
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    Recieved RED the Charamander.
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    Oak tells me that he was worried about trying to give Red to another first time trainer as previous attempts to gift him had ended in clawed skin and singed eyebrows. Luckily for me, Red and I bond immediately and he accepts me as his trainer...though he absolutely refuses to stay in his Pokeball.
    Stats -

    -Immediately battled my Rival Gary. Our journey and its undeniable risks start right away so I have to be careful.
    -Red uses 4 crits to quickly take the match after intimidating Gary's Squirtle with some Growls

    -I've decided to keep this little guy a Charamander until Level 38 for an early Flamethrower. We shall see if that's a mistake.
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    -So, I know this feels a bit early, but seeing as I can't play until tomorrow, let's talk about the next member of my team.

    -Coming out of Viridian Forest I will have just ONE Pokeball. I'd like to wait until after Pewter City Gym to grab something, but if I wait too long to catch something I put myself in a position where I'm so overleveled compared to the wild Pokémon Between Pallet and Pewter that I won't be able to take HP down at all without killing them which makes my only having one Pokeball a scary situation.

    -And I can't wait until I get to Cerulean (though Abra is tempting) because I need another Pokémon to soak up EXP before Cerulean so I can beat Gary and stay under level 21. All that put together tells me that I need to grab a Pokémon before I get out of Mount Moon.

    So let's meet the candidates:

    NIDORAN - Speed runners use this guy because of its overall good stats and fantastic Movepool. A poison type would be nice to switch into obvious status situations as I can't heal with items. But Psychic weakness in this GEN is a death sentence.

    CATERPIE - In a normal Nuzlocke catching this Pokémon early is a cheat code. Awesome early value, but there are better Psychic users...

    PIKACHU - Would be extremely helpful against Misty and Gary as well as covering RED's water weakness, but how strong would a Raichu be late game?

    GEODUDE - Could be very helpful later on, but will get destroyed against Misty who RED can't handle alone as I'm keeping it as a first evo for so long.

    CLEFAIRY - Used this in the last play through I had and it was outclassed by late game. Great move pool and uncommon weakness though.

    RATTATA - Superfang would be really, really nice Late game for catching my team and the legendaries post game....but...it's a Rattata....
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    -Went to the item shop in the first city to receive Oak's Parcel. Gave it to Oak and got my Pokedex. (And got that old man out of the road lol)

    -Leveling Red up to 7, I fought a Pidgey that had me on the ropes. I decided to tell Red to use Scratch with the Pidgey one hit away from being KO'd even though Red's HP was at 3...and then Red missed. Pidgey used Gust...Pidgey missed. Red used Scratch. Scratch hit. Pidgey fainted. Red is now level 7.

    -That was on me. I have to know when to run instead of putting Red in that position....and when did Scratch ever miss? Lol

    -Ran up while I was close, and Red was Level 7, to grab the Pokeball from Viridian Forest.

    -Caught SPLINTER the Rattata!!!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    The way Splinter carries himself you'd think he was a Legendary trapped in a field Pokemon's body. His fearlessness could be both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness.
    LEVEL: 4


    -I'm not a fan of Rattata. Raticates have ended so many of my Nuzlockes and killed so many of my favorite Pokémon that I'm not sure I dislike any Pokémon more than this one. lol

    -That said, this decision was about the END game. If everything goes as planned I will have just 5 Ultra Balls to catch the Legendary Birds so I need Splinter to come through with stat decreasing and Super Fang.

    -The only question I have for Splinter is...can you beat Misty?


    -Leveled Splinter up to level 7 and, thank Arceus, he learned Quick Attack. If he missed one more Tackle I might've had to release him lol

    -Wow it is NOT worth it to battle Weedles until you can one hit KO one. Never realized how deadly that forest can be without healing items.

    -Annnd I didn't take my own advice. While leveling up Splinter, I was poisoned by a Weedle in Viridian Forest. Made it to Nurse Joy with 4 HP! Stressful stuff so early on...


    -Here we go. Splinter is Level 12. Red is Level 11. Just like every battle this ones on Set so Gary won't be doing me any favors.

    -Red used 3 Embers overcoming Sand Attacks to down the Pidgey. Splinter swaps into a Bubble and hits back with a Quick Attack. The Level gap was too much for Gary's Squirtle to handle and Splinter ended it with a final Quick Attack.

    -First Rival Battle complete.


    -I'm going to take on the Gym with Splinter and Red both at Level 12.
    Grinding a couple more levels would be within the rules and make life easier, but I have a lot of Trainers coming up soon so I need to think about staying under Misty's Ace.
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    -Took on the first Gym leader in Pewter Gym.

    -Red took on the trainer's Diglett. Red's Embers hit hard, but Diglett didn't go down without a fight, getting 3 critical hits and taking Red down to 15 Hp before ultimately fainting.
    -Sandshrew comes out next. With Red sitting at 15 Hp I contemplate swapping in Splinter, but I decided to keep Red in to get off one more Ember thinking he could take a hit from the enemies Sandshrew. After hitting the Sandshrew with a Critical hit Ember bringing its health down to about 20% health and taking a hit back, I swapped Red out for Splinter much to the dismay of Red who wanted to continue battling.
    -Swapping into a Sand Attack caused Splinter to miss his first Quick Attack, but luckily, after yet another pile of Sand to the face, Splinter hit with its second attack and downed the Sandshrew and its Trainer.

    -Time to take on Brock....after healing at the PokeCenter lol

    -I lead with Splintet and Brock leads with Geodude. Splinter was only able to take down Geodude to about half Hp before Geodude crit tackled him and Splinter survived on 1 Hp.
    -I quickly swap in Red who took a Tackle from the Geodude and then KO'd it back with Ember while Geodude was unnecessarily boosting its defense.
    -Brock then sends out his Ace, Onix, who won what I later realized to be a speed tie and hit Red with a screech. I instructed Red to hit the Onix with an Ember, but before Red could move Onix used Bide! Red let the Ember loose and I thought this would spell the end for us until two turns later Onix MISSED! And then, after another similar Bide and Ember exchange, Onix missed AGAIN! Red seized the opportunity and CRIT Brocks Onix with an Ember, ending the match and earning us the Boulder Badge!!!


    Team Recap:
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    -Splinter hit Level 14 and learned Hyper Fang!

    -So without items and with a looming Level Cap even Lass is terrifying lol. Luckily Splinter hit with two Hyper Fangs after missing his first and Lass' Jigglypuff missed three Sings in a row before it fainted! Sleep could end this run!

    -So thinking "sleep could end this run" I decided to run around the Trainer that uses a Clefairy at the beginning of Mount Moon. I was doing this with ease and defeating the other trainers in the cave...until I accidentally walked into her while I wasn't paying attention....ugh.

    -I send Red out to Growl the Clefairy and he is immediately put to sleep by Sing. Splinter swaps in and takes a Growl lowering it's Attack (not great). Splinter took about 40% of the Clefairy's health with a Hyper Fang, but was then put to sleep. I thought I was in for some stressful turns until Splinter woke up the very next turn and killed the Clefairy with two Hyper Fangs! Time to clear the rest of this cave...carefully.

    -I also strongly considered skipping this trainer with the Raticate, but I'm feeling brave...
    I lead with Red who starts trading blows with the Raticate. Ember, Quick Attack. Ember, Quick Attack. Red's Hp gets down to 9. I swap out to Splinter and he takes a Tackle. Splinter uses Quick Attack! The Raticate goes down! That was dumb of me. A crit could have ended Red!

    Let's go to Cerulean!


    -So Red is now Level 18 and Splinter is Level 19. I think I will grab the Greatball hidden outside of Mount Moon and hold on to it for an Abra, because...ALAKAZAM...

    -I'm also going to get Splinter up to Level 21 (Misty's Ace's Level) because her Gym scares me. Though it would be better to leave them both as low a level as I can because the next level cap is 24 :[ ...
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    -Red takes on Pidgeotto and down to 1 Hp before getting crit back leaving Red's health too low for me to feel comfortable. I swap in Splinter who gets lucky and avoids a Sand Attack. Splinter kills Pidgeotto with Quick Attack. Splinter sweeps the rest of Gary's team with Hyper Fang.

    -Maybe I was wrong about Splinter?

    -Whoa! SPLINTER evolved into a Raticate!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    His confidence kicked into overdrive due to his being the largest member of our team now, Splinter thinks of himself as the main attraction wherever we go. This often leads to some annoyance and confusion from him when people prefer to admire Red.
    LVL: 20
    HP: 60
    ATK: 43
    DEF: 32
    SPD: 50
    SPCL: 28

    -Splinter cleared Nugget Bridge! Now I can try to catch my Abra! Only have One Shot!

    -Caught ALBUS the Abra!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    Albus prefers to stay in his ball and tries to teleport as soon as I let him out. He also has no desire to do anything but sleep all day, refusing to open his eyes even when he eats.
    LVL: 10
    HP: 27
    ATK: 11
    DEF: 10
    SPD: 25
    SPCL: 29

    -I've always had luck catching Abra's :)

    Next: Cerulean City Gym!!
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    -Splinter sweeps the first two trainers in Cerulean Gym!

    -Bring on Misty!

    -Splinter misses Hyper Fang. Staryu crits with Water gun. Splinter crits and KO's Starmie with Hyper Fang. Splinter is sitting at 42 HP. Misty switches in her Ace Starmie which misses two Tackles. Splinter makes the Starmie pay for its poor aim and takes 85% with 2 Hyper Fangs. Splinter KO's Starmie with Quick Attack for the WIN!!!! Wow, if Misty had played to win I don't know if we would have come out alive!


    Positives: I didn't lose anyone in the Gym and I won.
    Negatives: Splinter is way too close to the next Level Cap of 24...leveling Albus will be difficult without his switch training.

    -Made my way to Bill's house. Had a few close calls on the way. Splinter, now level 23, is dangerously close to being ineligible for the next Gym.

    -Making my way to Vermillion now. This Robber freaks me out. He has a strong two man team for early game. Red takes out the Machop with a few Embers after getting crit with a Karate Chop and dropping to 17 Hp. The Robber sends out Drowzee so I swap to Splinter who is immediately put to sleep. After taking a Confusion, Splinter wakes up and uses two huge Hyper Fangs to kill the Drowzee and send team Rocket home with a very embarrassing story.

    -Taught RED Dig!!

    Next: On to Vermillion!
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    -ALBUS evolved into KADABRA!!!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    A little gawky as he is still growing into his body, Albus is very sensitive and still prefers to stay in his Pokeball playing with his spoons.

    -Made it into Vermillion city after a scary match involving yet another Raticate. (I hate them I do...except for Splinter...ish. Jk love you Splinter)

    -Time to get on the boat.

    -Crits don't kill Nuzlockes. Distractions kill Nuzlockes. Luckily no one died, but I accidentally leveled Albus up to 24 with only 214 exp to level 25...can't use him at all if I want him for Lt Surge...

    -Took on Gary right before finding "The Cut Master" (someone's full of themselves). I knew Red would struggle out the gate with the Pidgeotto, so I led with Splinter. Splinter overcomes two Sand Attacks and takes out Gary's Raticate, Kadabra and took half of Gary's Wartortles health as well. I wanted to stop Splinter from hitting level 25 so I swapped him out for Red who got hit with a Bubble twice and got speed drops both times. Luckily, a strong Dig took out the Wartortle before Red was KO'd.

    -Found a Greatball in the Trash in the Kitchen! The planning can start!

    -The risk was big, but I should be able to take a full team to battle Lt Surge which is huge anticipating some Paralysis shenanigans.


    -I think having an Alakazam at this point in the game would be over powered. I'll wait till he is Level 40 just to make it a bit more difficult.

    Next: Things get Electrifying!!!
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    -I'd love to make this sound interesting, but it just wasn't lol. Red breezed through the trainers in Surges Gym with his best performance yet by far. I don't know what was more destroyed, the opposing trainers Pokémon, the floor from all the holes Red dug or me littering while trying to find stuff in trash cans. Took me 10 minutes to find those Arceus forsaken switches...why Game Freak?

    -Stepped up to Lt Surge!

    -Surge wasn't ready for Red. Steamrolled him.


    -So now the Level Cap jumps to 29 which is...ok? It'd be nice if it was higher because there is a ton of EXP I'll have to ignore to get to the next Gym :(

    -Splinter is still doing great, but I know he gets outclassed pretty soon. He learns Super Fang soon which will be great however because one of the Pokémon I'm eyeing might take a good bite to wake up...

    -Keeping Red at his first EVO is going to hurt soon from a no heal items standpoint.

    Team Recap:

    Next: Why's it so dark in here?
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    -Went into Rock Tunnel with some trepidation. I've never gone in here without items and/or a Water/Grass Pokémon.

    -Two Explosion Pokémon encountered so far. Luckily I predicted it and used DIg underneath it. #prostrats lolol

    -Made it out of Rock Tunnel in one piece, but Albus is 93 EXP from 30 so he's unusable until I get to the next gym. Shouldn't be a problem though as I think I can get there without another battle.

    -Albus learned Psybeam and forgot Confusion while we were in the cave! Good timing in that death trap!

    -Red and Splinter both hit Level 29!

    -Time for some Violent Gardening!!


    -This is a big call. Albus learned Recover which might be the most valuable move besides big stab moves for me right now. That said, I don't want to lose any of its other moves ATM so I'd need to forget Teleport which, in combination with Dig, provided fantastic Poison healing abilities.
    -I think the healing will be a bigger asset during the Elite 4 if I get there so I'll make the switch. We play to win the game.

    -Oh and guess who forgot to get a Town Map at the beginning of the our journey...yep.

    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    -Listen...I know that a battle that had me down to my last hit point while poisoned and needing a critical hit to keep my run alive would be extremely exciting....but that didn't happen here lol
    -Albus apparently hates vegitation...He just went crazy.
    -It was...violent. I'm a little scared of him now...

    -Got the RAINBOW badge and nightmares for months!

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    -The Level Cap is raised to 43 now that Erika is good and destroyed. The next Gym is terrifying because it's literally a poison Gym, riddled with Psychic types...

    -Hopefully we will get Red to Level 38 without issues for Flamethrower and then ultimately let him Evolve into Charizard.

    -The Level Cap is 43, but both the Poison and the Psychic gyms are at the same Level Cap so I'll be taking them on back to back meaning I'll have to be under leveled for one to come out with a full team for the other. So that's terrifying...

    -I'm going to keep Splinter as close in level as I can, but I can already feel him getting passed by the others because of his Defenses.

    -Also I forgot to get the bike...

    -Looking through my TM's I found TM 30 which is Teleport. Good to know if someone is dying from Poison I can waste a move on Albus and heal them so we don't lose a member.

    -I'll do a team recap at the end of the next one as I'll probably be adding a new member!


    -Started to take down all of the trainers under Celadon Game Corner.

    -Cleared out all of the team Rocket trainers with Red without issues. Red is at Level 32 now.

    -Took on Giovanni!! Albus led as I feared switching him in with his frail defense. Albus takes out Onix and Rhydon without issue. Giovanni trying to regain momentum sends out Kangaskhan and I instruct Albus to use Psybeam again thinking it would be another 1 hit KO. Unfortunately, Kangaskhan took the hit and then CRIT BACK with a Huge Bite attack that took Albus down to 7 HP before Albus could finally KO it the next turn.
    I think my heart gave out for a second.
    That was too close.

    -Giovanni has been defeated! Got the Silph Scope!

    Next: A Ghastly Companion
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    -Nothing to see here folks. Apparently, Splinter didn't like that Gary jumped me in a cemetery and annihilated his Pokémon with Hyper Fang. I might teach him Body Slam soon.

    -Time to catch a Gastly!!


    -I send out Splinter against Gastly. I figure Water gun is my best chance to take down the Gastly's HP without killing it. I need to not only get his HP down but I need him paralyzed and I need to drop his stats to catch him in one ball without too much anxiety.
    -All that said this Gastly is being difficult. I got his health down to about 40%, which is not enough, and he had Nightshaded Splinter down to 32 HP. I click one more Water Gun and Splinter is hit by a Confuse Ray. I mean to swap him out as he is confused, but I get distracted and hit Water gun again. He hits himself in confusion dropping his health down to 13. And then the Gastly's attack rolls in. Gastly uses Lick, it doesn't affect Splinter....
    -If that had been Night Shade Splinter would have died. That was too close. I have to stay focused.
    -I swap in Albus for the Paralysis and then I swap in Red in to lower its stats with Growl. I get off three Growls before Red is confused and his HP is too low to risk another move. I swap back to Albus as he is at full health and let my ONE Great Ball fly. One, two...THREE SHAKES!!!!!

    -I CAUGHT KING BOO the Gastly!!!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    Apparently a prankster, King Boo sneaks up on me and causes me to nearly jump out of my skin the first time we meet. He also has a knack for popping out of his Pokeball somehow to terrify me or the people around me.

    LVL: 21
    HP: 46
    ATK: 24
    DEF: 23
    SPD: 42
    SPCL: 48

    -Mega Drain
    -Confuse Ray
    -Night Shade


    -I'm going to treat the Haunter to Gengar situation like Kadabra and I won't evolve King Boo until level 40 to make things a bit more challenging.

    Next: Clearing the Cemetery and Grinding
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    -Cleared the cemetery and Routes 12 - 14 leveling everyone up to 36.


    -I was feeling better about the Level Cap, but now I'm a bit worried about having to do Two Gyms and one more Team Rocket hideout all while keeping everyone under Level 43....time to be bold.


    -Our Team is only Level 36 and the Leaders Ace is 43, but I think this needs to happen. I think, and I hope, that Red and King Boo can sweep up against Koga and his Pokémon in the FUSHIA CITY GYM!!

    -I lead with King Boo and the first trainer leads with Drowzee. This is a bad matchup, but without healing items, I don't think it's wise to switch Red into a hit, so I instruct King Boo to use Hypnosis. He misses though and takes a big Confusion dropping his health down to 60%. I risk the Crit and try Hypnosis again hoping to set up a clean switch in. Hypnosis lands and I swap in Red who uses two Crit Slashes to take down the Drowzee. The opposing trainer then swaps in Kadabra and Red charges for another Slash, but the Kadabra is too fast and hits Red with a Psybeam. Crit. Red barley survives with 9 Hp. He lunges forward and hits the Kadabra with a Critical hit. KO. Thank Arceus.

    -Maybe I made a mistake coming in here...

    -Yes, I made a huge mistake coming in here. The next trainer has a level 38 Hypno. I lead with Red who hits the Hypno with a Crit Slash which only takes about 15% from it and the Hypno hits back with Psychic that tears Red down to 9 HP. I swap in Albus thinking his high Special would take the hit well, but the opposing trainer predicts my switch and Albus takes a crit Headbutt dropping his health down to 20%. I have Albus use Recover, once again risking a crit, and after some back and forth (and a thunder wave), Albus takes down the Hypno. BIG MISTAKE.

    -RED learned Flamethrower and evolved into Charmeleon!!!! Fantastic timing!!!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    He seems completely stunned to have changed forms so suddenly and is much clumsier than before. I try to warn the other trainers in the gym not to laugh at him however as Red seems to have no problem roasting them with his new favorite move, Flamethrower.
    Level: 38
    HP: 105
    ATK: 73
    DEF: 68
    SPD: 83
    SPCL: 72

    -We had 3-4 more close calls, but made it through all of the trainers in Fushia City Gym! Bring on KOGA!!

    -Red leads vs Koga. He takes down the first 3 Pokémon with ease as Koga can't get off of his strategy to use X Attack and Red uses the opportunity to finish them all off with a crit Slash. Koga sends out his Level 43 Wheezing with a smirk on his face. I sense a big move coming so I swap into King Boo. Wheezing uses Self Destruct and King Boo is unaffected. Red would have died from that attack being 5 levels lower.

    -RED evolved into CHARIZARD!!!!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    Fresh off of his victory, Red evolves into Charizard with a loud roar, shooting flames and tossing Embers around the gym as he flaps his new, massive wings. I was admittedly a little apprehensive of his change as I'd heard a trainer/Pokémon relationship can become strained after a final evolution, but Red stifles my fear as he lowers his head to nuzzle into my chest with a low growl. Good old Red....he still won't go in a Pokeball.
    LEVEL: 39
    HP: 133
    ATK: 90
    DEF: 85
    SPD: 101
    SPCL: 89

    -Our bold moved payed off!!
    The Fushia City Gym Badge is ours!!!!!
    -That was easily the scariest Gym for us yet. Hopefully smooth sailing from here.

    -I'll do a team update in the next one as we're due to gain a TON of power!

    Next: Silph Co take over!
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    -I can't play today so I'll push my Team Update till tomorrow and focus on some of my thought processes as I near the last Quarter of the game.

    -Albus learned Psychic!! I replaced Thunder Wave...I did this because I can't use Elixers or Ethers during the Elite 4 and I think I'll need the extra PP. Though, on second thought, Thunder Wave was useful...Oh well, it's done now! Lol

    -I have some important decisions to make regarding my team. Simply put, do I think that this team, as is, can beat the Elite 4 without any healing throughout?

    -If I'm answering intelligently I think the answer is No.

    -To make it through the Elite 4 without healing, I will need to sweep at least 2, if not 3 of them. I know that task falls on King Boo and Albus for the most part which also scares me a bit. If I only use them can I stay under the Level Caps? I'd almost have to use Red and/or another Pokémon to sweep something, because switching will just lead to damage/status that will follow us.

    -Also, I'm considering making the Level Cap count for each individual Elite 4 member to make things more challenging. This would mean that I would have less options early if things go awry...

    -So to recap. I think I need to add a Pokémon to the team (even though it will waste a Ball I need for Legendaries) and I need to weigh the pros and cons of shot calling in the Elite 4.

    NEXT: Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaiinnn!! *bing*
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    -Working my way through Silph Company still and Albus hits level 40 which means I can evolve him!

    -ALBUS evolved into ALAKAZAM!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    Albus did not like being traded, even temporarily, but after he finally evolves into Alakazam he seems to find a confidence he had never had before. His psychic powers even elevating to the point where he can hold one spoon (his favorite toy) in each hand while doing everything he needs to do with his mind alone.
    LEVEL: 40
    HP: 110
    ATK: 64
    DEF: 61
    SPD: 119
    SPCL: 133

    -So much power! Hopefully this makes my time in the next Gym less stressful.

    -KING BOO skips his second evolution and evolves into GENGAR!!!
    [PokeCommunity.com] NOW COMPLETE - Knost's Custom Harklocke - RED

    King Boo true to his personality, also made the most of Albus being traded by sneaking into the trade machine mid-trade and terrifying the trainer on the other side so bad he had to be taken to the hospital with chest pain. King Boo was so pleased with himself he evolved straight from a Gastly to a Gengar. Some things never change.
    LEVEL: 40
    HP: 111
    ATK: 73
    DEF: 71
    SPD: 109
    SPCL: 119

    -He won't really be any help in the next Gym, but it's nice that our team has reached its potential!

    -As I worked my way closer to Giovanni Gary showed up and demanded a battle. I explained to Gary that I needed to take down Giovanni to free all of the hostages, but in true D-Bag form he insisted. Here we go!


    -Splinter takes down Gary's Pidgeotto, Growlithe and Eggsecutor without issues. And then Gary swaps in Alakazam. I contemplate making a switch, but decide that a Hyper Fang might KO, so I leave Splinter in and give the instruction. The Hyper Fang does incredible damage, but leaves Alakazam with 3% health. Alakazam uses Psychic. Crit. Splinter survives with 15 HP. I risk the miss and instruct a Quick Attack which Splinter lands KOing the Alakazam...too close. Gary swaps in Blastoise which initiates a swap to King Boo from me. King Boo KOs the Blastoise with two Thunderbolts.

    -Peace Gary, you suck.

    -Now on to Giovanni!
    After all of his barking about just wanting the Silph Scope back and screaming at me saying he would let everyone go if I just handed it over because he "needs it", Giovanni sends out his first Pokémon in a frustrated rage. I send out King Boo as I feel his Pokeball shake in excitement and....That was anti climactic...King Boo sleeps everything until he gets to NidoQueen. King Boo almost seems tired (or disappointed?), so I send out Albus who 1 hit KO's the NIdoqueen.

    -Get on my level Giovanni!

    -Silph Co President gave me a Masterball! Nice!!

    -Time to go Gyming!!


    -We enter Saffron City Gym! Who should I lead with? I'll see how Red fares first.

    -Whelp that was a mistake. The opposing trainer sends out a Slowpoke. I guess we stay in and see how it goes lol

    -It doesn't go well.

    -Letting Albus take on the the Slowbros and letting Red take on everything else has worked well so far. I'm still worried about an Alakazam though. I should have leveled up more.

    -We go into the battle with Sabrina with Red as our highest Level Pokémon at 43.

    -I'm writing this in real time. I truly think I should have leveled more and come in at 43 across the board. This could end us.

    -Why does Sabrina hate spoons so much?

    -RED TANKS THE WHOLE MATCH!!! A crit from the Alakazam took his health down to about 40 HP, but I trusted Red's aim and instructed one last crit SLASH! I love this Charizard so much lol


    Next: Rounding out the team?!

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    -Splinter was close to Level 41 so I got him there and he learned Super Fang! This is why you're here Splinter lol


    -I'm not going to catch anything here, because I haven't decided how I want to handle Safari Zones in this Locke yet, but I need to get Surf and some creepy dude's gold teeth so that's what I'll do.

    -Found everything I need. Got Surf. Now to give this guy his teeth.

    -Gave the guy his teeth and all he did was tell me how strong I was and give me candy....ima get up out....creepy....LETS GO TO SEAFOAM ISLANDS!!!!


    I came here for the Ultra Ball...I was going to catch a Dewgong and add another member to my Party. But then I saw it. Articuno. Flurries of snow fall around it as if created from thin air. It seems confined by these cavern walls. Unable to complete stretch it's wings it sits still on a small island. What a magnificent creature it is. If I'm going to the Elite 4 I'm going there with Articuno as a part of my team and she'll fly with me.

    For now I leave the Seafoam Islands. When I return after getting my 7th and 8th badges, and after I get yet another Ultra Ball, I will attempt to catch the Articuno. We will be underleveled and the risks are high, but Articuno will be mine.

    Next: Cinnabar Island
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    -After battling some swimmers (how do they paddle and battle at the same time like that?!...Paddle and battle...lol) we make it to Cinnabar Island!

    -Went to the Gym and it's locked. Nice. Guess I'll break into this building here and steal some items.


    -The Level Cap is 47 here. Everyone on my team is 44 so I'll be careful not to overstep.


    -I really hate Pokémon Mansion lol I don't know why just always takes so long to clear it. That said everyone hit 45-46 so that's nice.

    -I've been saving my Rare Candys so someone will get a huge upgrade soon.

    -Time to take on the gym!!


    -Red used Dig.

    We obtained the Volcano Badge!!!


    Next: End of the Line
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    -Red learned FIRE BLAST!!!
    -Splinter learned BODY SLAM!!!

    -Level Cap bumps to 50 so I'll fly around and get all of the EXP I left around to map.
    King Boo terrified the Trainers waiting for the next SS ANNE, Albus obliterated the Sons of Anarchy wannabes on the Bike Path, and Splinter caused all of Bills followers to seek counseling for Murophobia.
    (Also I think Cue Ball is stuffing, just saying. You're not fooling anyone Big guy.)


    -Albus relishes the opportunity to stretch his Legs a bit and sweeps every trainer in the Gym. I decided to, after some thought swap Flash for Seismic Toss on Albus. Might help later on.

    On my way back to the gym after leaving to heal my team at the local Pokecenter I spot Giovanni speaking in a panicked lowered voice to a woman speaking about how he can't seem to shake this feeling that he's being haunted. He says he keeps having nightmares about a Clefairy he killed in Lavender town and he just can't sleep. Says it's been this way for weeks. The woman stops him as his voice begins to rise and his fear becomes evident. He quiets down as he says he can't help but feel like he's being watched. She assures him it's just a dream and that there is no way he is being watched. He stops whispering and stands straight up as he sees me. He dismisses her growl and wipes the sweat from his brow, stomping into his Gym giving me a snide look.

    I make my way back through the maze of hallways to Giovanni. As I step to face him see him toss some pills in his mouth before he whips around and screams, "What's your problem Kid?! If you had just given me the Silph Scope like I had asked!! But you had to get in the way! I'm tired of this game! If you want to take me on then bring it! I WON'T HOLD BACK!" He yells sending out his Ryhorn.

    I reach to grab Albus' Pokeball when King Boo suddenly jumps out of his ball with a terrifying laugh and rushes toward Giovanni! Giovanni screams, "ITS YOU!!" and waves his hand instructing Ryhorn to protect him. King Boo let's out another terrifying laugh floating back toward me when Giovanni catches my eye, sweat pouring now from his face, and he yells "It was you! You've been sending this MONSTER to haunt me?! EVERY NIGHT?!! Do you know how many nights I've...!!!!" I open my mouth to deny the accusation when he cuts me off and screams, "ENOUGH!! THIS ENDS NOW!!!"


    King Boo tears through Giovanni's team violently throwing the defeated Pokémon at his feet. As Giovanni reaches for his final ball King Boo's laughter grows louder and more terrifying. "WE'LL END YOU FOR GOOD THIS TIME!!" Giovanni yells as he throws his last Pokeball and a Rhydon appears. King Boo lets out his most sinister laugh yet his evil intent filling the Gym halls. Before I can give my instruction King Boo rushes the Rhydon and uses Mega Drain. The Rhydon faints, but King Boo continues. Giovanni screams, pleading for me to stop him. I throw King Boo's Pokeball pleading for him to return, but King Boo just bats it back towards me. I see the Rhydon let out one final breath. King Boo relaxes. The laughter stops. He floats, silently back towards me and pushes the button on the ball in my hand to return.

    My eyes meet Giovanni's terrified gaze. "I can't face my underlings...." he says shaking. "TEAM ROCKET IS FINISHED FOREVER!! I PROMISE!! I just...PLEASE...keep that MONSTER away from me!!!...I-I'll dedicate my life to the study of Pokémon! I won't kill anymore...just...please...No More." he shifts his gaze to the lifeless Rhydon. "Farewell." He says defeated and he disappears into thin air.

    What just happened...
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    Gary jumps us and sends out Pidgeotto asking for one last battle!! SPOILER: It wasn't a contest.

    SPLINTER takes down Pidgeotto.
    KING BOO faints Rhydon.
    KING BOO faints Growlithe.
    RED gets Paralyzed switching in, but KO's the Exeggcute with a Fire Blast.
    RED KO's Alakazam.
    ALBUS crit 1 hit KO's Blastoise.

    Smell YOU later Gary!!

    Making my way to Victory Road.



    Got through Victory Road in one go despite Albus taking a ton of Damage and King Boo getting burned.

    No that we can fly back here and we have 3 Ultraballs, it's time to make our way back to the Seafoam Islands.


    Now that I have 3 Ultra Balls it's time to go catch the Legendary Bird, Atricuno. Hopefully we don't lose anyone in the process.

    I make my way through Seafoam Island again without any issues. We are now face to face with the Legendary Bird.

    Below is a turn by turn account of what is happening. I'll be writing as I play with no editing. Open the Spoiler tab to see how the battle turned out. We only have 3 Ultraballs...

    ALBUS used FLASH - Fail
    Articuno used Peck - Hit
    ALBUS used FLASH - Fail
    Articuno used Ice Beam - Hit
    ALBUS used FLASH - Success
    Articuno used Ice Beam - Hit
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