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oh hi thar

  • 13,131
    I have this blog. What shall I ever do with this blog??

    I have no idea. :[

    Work's been interesting lately. I have to wonder just how more interesting it'll become, especially if I can get a transfer request put through.

    My job is making food at a certain taco place, and the particular store I work at is...fast becoming unbearable. While the best thing at the moment would be to try and get a better job, it's kind of hard to do so around here since not many places are hiring, so I'll go for the next best thing. I'll try to get to a store I'll end up liking better, and is actually closer to home (and which could also possibly get me more hours than I currently have. Hey, money is money).

    I also ended up ordering a copy of FFIII yesterday - even though I know that game definitely isn't the best of the series. However, it was the last game I needed before I had at least one version of each of the other numbered games.

    I feel like such a nerd now. :(
    You should look into working in a retail store. I work full-time in a grocery store and they pay pretty well. But only because I been working there for nine years. XD I worked in a fast food place before. For two years I took orders in a burger place. But I quit that job because I was getting full-time at my other one(grocery store).

    Yeah just look for a job you are interested in and can bring in more money for you. ^^

    Do you mean Final Fantasy VI in Japan(FFIII in the US)? Or is it really Final Fantasy III? Because I thought it was a great game!

    Awww, you are not a nerd. ^^
    The actual FFIII, I already have a copy of FFVI (two copies actually, the psx port and the advance version), and it's one of my favorites. :D Love love love that game, I would never bash it like that.

    I wouldn't mind retail, especially as long as I could get a job that doesn't involve me having to deal with people too much. I'd probably go crazy if I had to since I don't do well around customers. :/ Though anything would be better than fast food, I imagine.

    I've actually gotten interviews at one of the local stores before (though nothing came of them), I wonder what would happen now if I tried...