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2nd Gen Old Kanto/Johto Jouney Jounal - post your recent happenings here


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    I notice that there is one for the other two generations of games (FR/LG/R/S/E and D/P), so why not make one for this generation? Sure, not many people that i know of actually play these games any more, but for those few who do, it could be fun.

    Unfortunatly, i can't actually post anything to do with my jouney here at the minute, as the internal battery in my GBA has run out, and i don't have enough money to replace it. But that won't stop me from commenting on other people's jouneys!
    Although it probably won't be too active, I'll sticky this since the other two have got stickies as well.
    Well in for this i guess ill post what s been recently happening on my emulatored gold

    Just caught Lugia

    Saw Raikou (twice)

    Defeated the elite four to get espeon lvled up (lvl 65 now)

    Thats it for this week :)
    I've been searching for a shiny Misdreavus [actually I used GS and got one] and Yea I got one

    I started Red again. I chose Charmander as my starter, beat Brock, and I just got through Mt. Moon. Just passed Nugget bridge in Cerulean City and I'm on my way to see Bill. So far my team consists of Charmeleon, Beedrill, Pidgey, Jigglypuff, Zubat, and Geodude. Charmeleon's level 24 and I've been trying to train my Beedrill so he learns some better moves. I evolved him from a Kakuna that only knew harden so he didn't have any attack moves when he evolved.
    I did everything in the game and recently discovered a wierd,
    glitched up pokemon.
    I was terrified.
    It killed my lv.100 mons in one shot
    I've recently started a new game in my Blue version. I'm just about to challenge the Pewter City Gym, and I have four Pokemon that I currently use in battle:
    Charmander L13
    Nidoran(f) L13
    Pikachu L11
    Butterfree L11
    A bit after golden rod city in Crystal. Practiced scumming for a max stats breeding Eevee.

    Turns out a Eevee you get from Bill must have the following traits to a max stats breeder:
    *Will be level 20 of course.
    *Can be male or female, although being female would save a BUNCH of time later.
    *Must have 31 defense.
    *It's special stats must be:
    **29 special attack and 37 special defense OR
    **25 special attack and 33 special defense AND
    ***27 special attack and 35 special defense after leveling up with a rare candy

    I was impatient confirming the rare candy thing, so I gamesharked. Then my breeder egg hatched into a very not shiny Pichu for epic fail so now I'm going to restart.

    I'm using an emulator for now. I REALLY want a gameboy and a copy of crystal. I've been asking everyone I know if they'd like to sell those. My roommate was like "are you kidding me, I value that thing more than my DS" *sigh*
    In Pokemon Red, I OVERSHARKED it. So I pull Up my Menu (Start Screen) Then I See A Trainer LIKE ME Walk Diagonally! S2G This Happened. It Happened To Me When I Was Like, 8 or 9.



    ahh good old silver... finay getting a tyranitar... ( i talk about it too much!), getting a sizzor a funny time when i got my flergatior to lvl 100 and i thought it kept going and was freaked out when the exp stoped
    I started Blue over again. Taking the easy route, I chose Bulbasaur, since it has a great advantage over everything in the early game.

    That's about it for now. Heh, haven't had much time to play it.
    Bahh, Just downed Buggsy (h)

    2 Badges ftw.
    Looked back at my silver version today. 150 hours, and 53 minuetes. I completed it early last year, and really haven't touched it since. Then I realized that I don't remeber much of it, aside from the plot, and running around on the ship endlessly trying to level up my guys....I had a celebi in that thing, and I'm not evan sure where it came from. So since my school is closed for the rest of the week, I figured I would pick up gold and try to beat it. Got my totodile, and so far have defeated falkner... I still think he is the easiest of the begining gym leaders in any version.
    i evolved koffing into weezing and i completed my goal of raising a lv.2 pidgey into a lv.100 pidgot
    I restarted my Yellow yesterday out of complete and utter boredom. xD

    Of course, I started out with Pikachu, I captured a Caterpie then evolved it into a Butterfree, which pretty much beat Brock with Confusion. Then I went into Mt. Moon. I found and captured a Sanshrew also got a Zubat which I late depostited into the PC. If I ever start playing it again, which I probably will since this is getting me wanting to play xD, I'll be going up Nugget bridge. ^^;
    My mum once bought me ShinyGold from a market stall, and I knew it was hacked. I decided to just put it in my DS, and hope for the best.

    I chose Totodile, and I came across a Shiny Rattata in the grass! I used Tackle, but it Critical Hitted, and now the Shiny Rattata is dead...I now have a Hoothoot and a Sentret, and am trying to level them up a bit.
    My mum once bought me ShinyGold from a market stall, and I knew it was hacked. I decided to just put it in my DS, and hope for the best.

    I chose Totodile, and I came across a Shiny Rattata in the grass! I used Tackle, but it Critical Hitted, and now the Shiny Rattata is dead...I now have a Hoothoot and a Sentret, and am trying to level them up a bit.

    Wait, you mean zels shiny gold hack on a flash card? Or do you mean gold version?
    Zel's hack on a GBA Cartridge. I'm not sure if he knows about it, though.