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Once a year indeed :|


  • 11,205
    • he / they
    • USA
    • Seen Apr 2, 2024
    Hi, It's Drew! I literally do only think to post a blog once a year or so, wow. Last entry was January.

    Not that I've had a whole heck of a lot to mention, but for the sake of writing, since I made that last entry I ended up breaking up with my boyfriend for a second time, and this time I completely stopped talking to him because I realized how controlling he was. Still been practicing voice acting, and I found my guitar again, and have decided to buy new strings for it and pick up practice again! It's acoustic, but I can work with that for now!

    Someone I know is still poking me to go to beauty school, but I just got promoted at work, and since they need to be in that position, it would be hard to drop to part time for classes. Though, since it's nearly the start of a new year, I'll see what I can continue to make happen.

    Been playing quite a lot of Pokemon Go, too. It kinda helps make adulting more fun. It's nice when you can travel around to get things done while also making a game out of it. BUT STILL NO PIKACHU, WH Y.

    I've also been playing a lot of mobile idol/music games. Been playing a couple of PC games, but really I'm not even that interested in most video games anymore. Unless they get a PC port that my comp can handle, or release for the 3DS and interest me enough, I've mostly stopped caring. I never thought there would come a day where I didn't care much about Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, or Persona releases, but I just don't have the systems to support them anymore, so I've stopped paying attention to the hype.

    I do still have Dream Drop Distance for the 3DS and I love KH, but not many of its releases come out on said 3DS. Zelda and Persona I'm really not that sad over, though. And I am super thankful that my most wanted Tales games hit PC some months back!

    Been doing my best to see friends more lately too, and stop working so much. We're making some cosplay plans for next years cons, and I do hope they follow through. c:

    In general, I wish I weren't so busy, cause I really just wanna sit down for four hours and play Pokemon Moon, but life happens, and right now I'm glad I can say that it's managing to go pretty okay.
    Despite how I already knew all this stuff, i didn't know vidya games stopped being your thing. Why not sell your ld systems and whatnot to make some cash off them?