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[Game] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]


  • 2,791
    Spoiler: Finished Sprites
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]

    This is a revival of one of my favorite threads back when I started PC, and ultimately what inspired me to be a terrible paint artist! The point of the game is to start with a Pokemon's sprite, and add/remove one or two features to change it a little. Then, the next person edits it a little more, until we get a fantastic new unholy Blarzimon™!* Here's the rules from the last thread (edited), and a few examples from the 2013 one:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]

    1. Use Generation 5 (Black/White/BW2) sprites only.
    2. Don't change the background of the sprite.
    3. Don't make too many huge changes at once, try to limit yourself to 2/3 maximum per post.
    4. It's better to list what you changed so people know not to do the same.
    5. Save the sprite in PNG (please use paint/GIMP/whatever)
    6. You can only start a new sprite if the previous sprite looks unrecognizable/too cool to spoil any further.
    7. Don't make a change and choose a new sprite in the same post, allow the next person to see if they want to edit it more.
    8. Don't submit an already edited Pokemon sprite to start a new round.
    9. It doesn't matter what level of spriting you're at! This game is super easy once you try it and anyone is encouraged to participate.

    Let's start with one of my favorite Pokemon, Octillery!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]

    Of course, I took the pleasure of making it a little more... blarghy ;)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]

    *blarzimon is not a real thing. nintendo pls don't sue up the butt
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    Oooo, I remember these projects! From edits, to from scratch.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]

    I added a bit of a head dress, but attached? I guess.

    Also as a bonus but is a edit to many, so skip it. I felt like it looked weird with no mouth.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]

    Bam, now it has a zebstrika body ;D

    EDIT: Ah crap, I didn't notice countryemo had put a new mouth back on. Sorry!
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    This is getting wild. The mouth looked weird on that body, so new mouth, and even more unsettling.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]

    Ignore the bottom part, I was trying to give it a rocky shell but couldn't get it to look right and I have to go to bed.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]

    Changed eye color to a dirty orangey.
    Added stripes.. I was going for Grimer sludge like stripes but it made it look like a watermelon, haha. :)
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    I'd say that guy is probably done, wouldn't you? Lets move on to another!

    How about...

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pass The Sprite (v2.0) [D.I.Y. UNHOLY CREATURES!]