You're just supposed to do one a day actually, but I'll let it slide. ;(
Oops, Sorry, I'll probably do today's later. To make up for it, I'll do Sapphire again today and start Diamond tomorrow. I love Sapphire anyway.
EDIT: To make up for yesterday, I'll play Sapphire again.
Game: Sapphire
Player: Brandon
Badges: 1(before), 3(after)
Location: Rustboro City(before), Mauville City(after)
Time: 01:26(before), 05:08(after)
Not much to explain, just did everything up to Wattson, no more Pokemon caught. I also had a lot of coin making in the Game Corner, I was very Lucky, I bought a lot of TMs.
Team Before:
Combusken Lv.17
Peck, Ember, Double Kick, Focus Energy
Wingull Lv.15
Wing Attack, Supersonic, Water Gun, Growl
Shroomish Lv.16
Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Tackle
Ninjask Lv.20
Mind Reader, Sand-Attack, Fury Swipes, Double Team
Shedinja Lv.20
Mind Reader, Sand-Attack, Fury Swipes, Leech Life
Skitty Lv.17
Doubleslap, Sing, Attract, Tail Whip
Team After:
Combusken Lv.31
Rock Tomb, Rock Smash, Bulk Up, Flamethrower
Pelipper Lv.30
Shock Wave, Wing Attack, Protect, Ice Beam
Breloom Lv.31
Bulk Up, Mega Drain, Mach Punch, Cut
Ninjask Lv.31
Slash, Screech, Swords Dance, Mind Reader
Skitty Lv.30
Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Charm, Faint Attack