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3rd Gen Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.

When you are finished and have beat the Leader, position yourself in front of him/her. Go to, "File > Save > Save it to your desktop." Then post it on your next post with your screenshots.

As soon as the Gym Leader's beaten, save it then post the .SGM file. Directions are in the first post.

Remember, upload the .SGM file that appears when you File>Save and upload that.
Okay, then I'm done.

I trained up a Mankey. Why ? Adamant Primeape will have base stat of attack of around 118, and good speed too. It's a great physical sweeper, at least for Kanto region :P It got good movepool too, considering how many TMs it can learn. I also taught it Rock Tomb, so it rapes bugs and flying pokes. Level 15 is normal for that part of the game.

[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
What the...? Ha ha ha. That's the funniest thing I have ever heard. Why Tony Blair though? Is that your name or something, or it just came to you?

Why not Tony Blair? XD

Seriously, just sort of came to me. Mostly because I'm tired of hearing jokes about Bush and Clinton. (Not that I disagree with some of them. Just that after eight years of the former and barely a year of the latter, you kinda want to hear something else.)
It are now my turn. :D

So, like, yeah.

Edit: What version of VBA are you using, DeadDuck?
Great. Don't tell me he used an older version?! T_T

Oh well.
I got an error message. eepz! And GTFOn MSN, Nick!
That's good; I have 1.7.2.

Everyone Download 1.8.0 beta 3!!

Edit: k, officially started.
Kay, I'm done. DeadDuck, I'm proud of you; ditching the starter Pokémon, I always do that. *tears of joy*

In Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.

In Box:
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.

[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.

I got emotionally attached to that little Paras; then after some hot Paras on Misty action, he evolved. Also, 10 Points to anyone who notices something peculiar about the Magikarp.

That was fun, except I think I'm now sexually attracted to Paras.

Edit: Gah! I forgot to save! Luckily I saved just before Misty... Save file will be up momentarily.
Edit 2: Here we go!
Edit 3: I was Lucky with the Natures, Pidgey got Jolly on the second try and I wasn't checking for a specific nature for Paras, but it got Adamant :D
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Yes, but with the crazy people at this forum I didn't want a rival called 'Fagballs'. Something inappropriate. Plus it's my PPP so nyah! Call Pokémon anything you want, I am specifically requesting someone to call a Drowzee Tony Blair [it doesn't have to be on the team].

Yes, the Magikarp.... what an "interesting" name. (Hey, at least he didn't name his RIVAL that :P).
xD I'm a perfectionist; as soon as I loaded DeadDuck's file I was disappointed to find the name as 'Red' as apose to 'RED' xDD *slaps self*

Jax, it are now your turn.
xD I'm a perfectionist; as soon as I loaded DeadDuck's file I was disappointed to find the name as 'Red' as apose to 'RED' xDD *slaps self*

:| whoops. Anyway, I'm glad you didn't had anything against dumping Bulbasaur deep in PC. Hilton is pretty cool, and I like it's moves. Also teaching Mankey Mega *'s was pretty nice idea, you took good care of it. :P
:| whoops. Anyway, I'm glad you didn't had anything against dumping Bulbasaur deep in PC. Hilton is pretty cool, and I like it's moves. Also teaching Mankey Mega *'s was pretty nice idea, you took good care of it. :P

Flattering will get you nowhere. ← Lawlz, j.k.


Thanks, I was a bit iffy about the Mankey and the Mega Moves. But I thought. "They're both Normal 'physical moves'. They're better than Scratch and Fury Swipes. And they can be erased when needs be." So yeah.

Hilton/Parasect. Obvious, sucky and unoriginal, name pun. As long as we can use it until after Erika, it can learn some okay Grass-Type moves and Slash. Just, bare with it. ;]
Flattering will get you nowhere. ← Lawlz, j.k.


Thanks, I was a bit iffy about the Mankey and the Mega Moves. But I thought. "They're both Normal 'physical moves'. They're better than Scratch and Fury Swipes. And they can be erased when needs be." So yeah.

Hilton/Parasect. Obvious, sucky and unoriginal, name pun. As long as we can use it until after Erika, it can learn some okay Grass-Type moves and Slash. Just, bare with it. ;]

Well, Parasect is just a Spore machine, and with STABed Giga Drain and Aerial Ace, it's usable poke for Kanto. Those double weaknesses are pain, trough.
Uh, would anyone want to kill me after I said I replaced Mega Kick with Seismic Toss? XD (Mega Kick < Seismic Toss anyway, in my opinion. Mostly because my luck says, "LOL, U CAN HAS MISS NOW, KTHNX.")

That said, done!

[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.


[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.

Side note, but Hilton is awesome. He totally smacked Surge's Raichu the way a drunk Paris Hilton would smack Lohan after catching her with the latest boy toy.

I wasn't kidding when I said I'd get a Drowzee named Tony Blair. Seriously, I love it. Mostly, I love being able to crack up in immature giggles when I see things like this:

[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.


No changes except...

[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.
[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.

Oh, best part about that Diglett? The nature.

[PokeCommunity.com] Play, Power, Pass! Generation III.

I swear to God, I wasn't even trying for one like that.

Hindsight says I should've named the Diglett "Orgasm," but hey, that's what the Name Rater is for.

Also, yes, Ekans is named Jackson. As in Michael Jackson. I would finish this joke with the punchline involving Wrap and low-leveled Pokemon, but I think we all know where that one's going.

Anyway, if Jax has finished with the shenanigans; it's Ell☺'s turn.
I wouldn't recommend naming them innapropriate names like penis or something. We might get yelled at.

But that Hypno is staying on the team. It's amazing. [/ILOVETONYBLAIR]

But I still want that Lapras named Tabitha.
I wouldn't recommend naming them innapropriate names like penis or something. We might get yelled at.

But that Hypno is staying on the team. It's amazing. [/ILOVETONYBLAIR]

But I still want that Lapras named Tabitha.

It's a Drowzee. Hypno is the Poké I raised in the GSC PPP. Lawl, Hypno; Parasect, I raise the best Pokés.
I wouldn't recommend naming them innapropriate names like penis or something. We might get yelled at.

Fair enough. XD We can keep him as Climax, then.

And thank you for the comment about Tony Blair. It's not a Hypno yet, but hey, it's just a couple levels away. Unless, of course, someone decides not to evolve it to preserve its awesomeness.

But I still want that Lapras named Tabitha.

Hey, if we're requesting names, could I request that anyone who manages to catch a Kangaskhan name it "Your Mom"?