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Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 29
    • Seen today

    Pokémon Adamantium is recruiting!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
    Type-swapped Kanto starters as our starters

    Pokémon Adamantium is a game made with Pokémon Essentials v21.
    We are currently a developpement team of volunteers from all around the world, working in our freetime, as one of our hobbies.

    The game is made with gen 4 graphics, with pokémon up to gen 6.
    We want to make a game with HGSS and DPPt vibes, but with a more mature and complex storyline.
    The goal follows the classic scheme of the pokémon games: beat the 8 gyms of the region and defeat the champion of the league!

    Some screenshots of the game (early developpement)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
    Screenshots (still heavily WIP, especially missing some NPCs)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
    The main protagonists of the game

    Some original music from Pokémon Adamantium

    You start your journey in the Keiji region that is currently under an economical crisis: two of the three bridges connected to the capital/artificial island, New Keiji, have been partially destroyed by a group of evil individuals. Since almost all of the economy is centered around the capital, the last bridge standing, being the only exchange route left, cannot handle that much traffic. You make your way around the region, battling the gym leaders and defeating Team Y (no name yet), while being helped by the multinational company Evolve Inc. who want to free the bridges at all cost. Can you become the champion of Keiji, while exploring it and discover the secrets behind Team Y? It's up to you!
    We also plan on doing a big postgame too. Stay tuned to see more 👀

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
    • Complex story but easy to follow
    • Complete game with 8 gyms and the Pokemon League
    • An almost 100% original soundtrack, with songs that slap like gen 4 ones did
    • A pokédex made with over 60 new regionals and Fakemon
    • A legendary pokemon not like the others (no spoiling until you join the team ;)
    • A normal mode if you like a "normal" Pokémon experience, and a hard mode if you like to use actual strategy (aka if you like suffering)
    • A HUGE capital to explore, with the size of about 10 times Goldenrod city
    • Game available both in English and French (we're french but devs from all around the world are welcomed)
    • And much more! Public discord coming soon, stay tuned!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
    What we are currently looking for:
    • [NEEDED IN PRIORITY] Spriter: To make sprites for trainers, fakemon, and tiles​
    • Artist: To make some artwork for the game such as fakemon, characters and/or landscapes​
    • Programmer: We need someone comfortable with Pokémon Essentials's code since we want to implement lots of new features​
    • Mapper: We're looking with someone experienced with mapping in RPGMXP​
    • Composer: We need someone capable of making tracks with the HGSS soundfont​

    Please note that we cannot and will not pay you. If you join the project, it's only for passion!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
    We've created a HUB discord server, you can join if you want to participate to the project!

    We hope this gave you the desire to participate, if not it's all good :)
    You're great, have a nice day/night!​


    • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
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    • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
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    • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
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    • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Adamantium - Recruitement
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    For anyone wondering, no we didn't ghosted DarkQuantum, he's now one of the developpers of the project 😄
    All roles are still open, everyone is welcomed to join!
    Hey there, Cham, I can work both as a scriptwriter and also a part time mapper, and I know a little bit on how to use GIMP. So if I can get any spot in your team, it would be great!
    Ok so i feel like it's time for a team update. Our current developpers are (listed by discord username):

    • ProChamCham - Lead dev
    • FrenchFry35 - Lead dev
    • DarkQuantum - Storywriter
    • MasterSlayTM - Storywriter/Mapper
    • Amari- Storywriter
    • Strix - Artist
    • PicnicGrass - Artist/Spriter
    • Saethe- Artist/Spriter
    • eluca - Spriter
    • Sarubia - Spriter
    • musicallyRoy - Composer

    We're still actively looking for a programmer, discord link just above!
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    Sadly one of our spriters left the project, so the spriter role is reopened! Feel free to apply using the discord link right above!
    We are in critical need of mappers and programmers, now. As always, feel free to apply with the discord link right above!
    Woah this project seems really interesting, maybe I should join? Hey no, it's me again, to say we're still recruiting for all roles! So, if you're interested, don't hesitate, you can join the recruitement server or shoot me a DM on PokéCommunity!
    Hey, might need to convince my mom to not delete the Discord link, but otherwise happy to help as a Spriter!
    The thread has been updated! You can see a little part of the progress we have done yet, though a lot more sprites and other works have been done but not shown publicly. Don't hesitate to join the discord recruitement server if you're interested!
    We are still recruiting! A lot more people joined, and we're still looking for all roles mentionned above, especially spriters!
    Don't hesitate, we are very kind at the team 🔫anyways discord link right above as usual :)
    Hey, I love competitive! I also am pretty good at making stats, and actually enjoy that. I also dabble in pixel art, but don't have as much drive as I used to, so could make that sometimes maybe as well. I would just click on the link, but I don't have the app but found a way to do it online, so I'd need you to dm me there. I'm Nanulak (I am much better on PokeCommunity tho). Just note that I'm pretty busy, so it's not gonna be all that often that I'm on
    I'm happy to announce we're including Pokémon from gen 6 into the game!
    The project is going well, and we are still recruiting, don't hesitate to check the discord link above!
    Hey everyone! Since RC is gone, I will now do the weekly bump on PokéCommunity
    So, this week welcome ARetr0Moment in the team as our new mapper!
    We are still recruiting for all roles, especially for spriters. Peace!
    Just a quick update to say we're now looking (again) for composers.
    Spriters and balancers are still needed in priority, though we are still recruiting all roles!
    Bump! No one new this week!
    Spriters and balancers are still needed in priority, but we're still recruiting all roles.
    Have a good day/night!
    Bump! This week we welcome Sphinxx into the the team as our new spriter!
    We are still recruiting all roles, so feel free to check the discord recruitement hub if you have questions! Have a great day/night!