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[Released] Pokémon Alabaster (2nd demo out now!!!)


Pokémon Alabaster Developer
  • 101

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Alabaster (2nd demo out now!!!)

    Created using RPG Maker XP and Pokémon Essentials

    One day when I had a bit of free time on my hands, I decided that it would be fun to make a map in pokémon essentials. What I made would become the starting town in this game. As I mapped, ideas for an entire region sprang into my head, and the beginnings of a story soon followed. The plan was to spend a large portion of the game in a boarding school completing small quests (although I've somewhat abandoned this idea since in favor of region-wide exploration). Only once you gained significant strength would you return home. As I've developed the game the details of the story have come together, although I plan on making you guys play the game in order to figure out how that is turning out.

    The Nyejo region is renown for being home to many of the greatest minds in the world, with countless world-class trainers, scientists, and breeders. Regardless of their prospective careers however, children growing up in the region are encouraged to go to school in order to learn and understand the relationship between people and pokémon. Any who graduate before they turn 18 are allowed to roam the region as a trainer in order to gain an even stronger relationship and understanding with pokémon. Once you turn 18 you generally have three options. The first is finding a job, the second is going into a specialized field of study, and the third is making a living as a trainer. Relatively few are capable of sustaining a career as a trainer, but those who can are generally considered role models for society and as such are what youths aspire to become.

    You are the son/daughter of a once world-famous scientist(your mother) and a successful trainer (your father). You are the youngest of three siblings, the other two of which have already left home and graduated to become trainers. You also have a childhood friend named Cirrus who has been by your side as long as you can remember. The story begins on your 10th birthday, where you are allowed to pick one of three unique pokémon from your mom. She also gives Cirrus one. Not long afterward the two of you head over to Nyejo Academy for an extended stay.

    In Pokémon Alabaster Version you will fight for recognition, learn about the world around you, find new rivals and new friends, explore a vast region, traverse harsh terrain, gain the trust of your pokémon, and strive to become the best that there ever was. Unravel the secrets about your past, and uncover the true threat that looms in the Nyejo Region.

    All pokémon available by final release
    7th gen mechanics
    An all-new storyline which varies slightly based on decisions
    Exp level cap
    Two strong rivals (story will continue, win or lose)
    Rewards for filling out pokédex
    A very large region with tons to explore
    A dynamic modified weather system
    23 custom moves
    Custom music :)
    Plans for Mega Evolution & HM items






    Mechanic Changes



    Nintendo & Gamefreak
    Poccil..................Pokémon Essentials
    Maruno................Pokémon Essentials
    Serbii...........Graphics & Development
    Luka S.J..................Graphics & Scripts
    -FL-..........................Graphics & Scripts
    Klein Studio...........Graphics & Scripts

    The above deserve special attention for the impact that they have had on this game, but please check out the full list which is paired with the demo. Every single contributor is indispensable in creating this game.

    The second demo is out now!!!

    v. 0.6.4 Download (Mega)

    Download the patch if you have a previous 0.6 version of the game

    v. 0.6.4 Patch

    5 gyms, around 20 hours of gameplay


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Alabaster (2nd demo out now!!!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Alabaster (2nd demo out now!!!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Alabaster (2nd demo out now!!!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Alabaster (2nd demo out now!!!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Alabaster (2nd demo out now!!!)

    Also, if you have a save that needs to be fixed, or other inquiries, contact me via email at
    [email protected]

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    So I decided to upload the demo today. You can find a link in the first post. I'll also copy the description from my youtube video since it works just as well here.

    Took a little bit longer than I would have liked for several reasons. There are several bugs that I know about and probably many that I do not, but my general rule for this game is that I always should be pushing forward, and I have been stuck in one spot for long enough as it is.

    Fair warning, this game was not originally going to be released. As such I didn't bother making the game strait forward, especially early on. If you get lost, find a phone and call the fortune teller. She should tell you what to do next. If you still are confused, make a comment in the video and I will help you when I can.

    Bugs: Academy lags! Not sure why but after compiling the game that area started lagging for me. There might be other areas as well, I didn't play through the whole game.

    Shadows follow you around! This happens sometimes in large maps. When I have more free time, and I feel compelled, I'll see if I can find a fix. Otherwise shadows will probably be removed in future releases.

    Computer won't make a move! This usually happens when a computer tries to use the move round, but there are probably other moves as well. I don't consider this urgent, but again I will try to find a fix when I feel compelled.

    If you find another bug please let me know.
    It has been a blast making the game up until this point. I do it because I enjoy it. I hope you find playing it enjoyable as well.^^
    Looks very cool, I will definitely try out the demo at some point. The screenshots and overworlds look pretty good from what you have posted; I think the only real gripe I have is that the textboxes could look a lot better. Generally, it's best to go with solid black on a white background or solid white on a dark grey background (like you have). Black on colored backgrounds and the text shadow on your white text don't really add much aesthetically. Other than that your game is looking promising; I especially enjoy the music. The theme on the video for your demo release is really nice.
    I've been playing your game, and I'm stuck at Deep Woods. I talked to James and I left the abandoned house on Autumn wood. I have NO idea what to do, can you help me?

    Thanks in advance!
    Btw Awesome Game! :)
    I've been playing your game, and I'm stuck at Deep Woods. I talked to James and I left the abandoned house on Autumn wood. I have NO idea what to do, can you help me?

    Thanks in advance!
    Btw Awesome Game! :)
    Team Tectonic hasn't shown up yet, right? After you talk to the guys guarding the deep wood, the story will continue once you get back to the academy. If you fainted you'll have to enter and exit the abandoned building once before the story continues.

    If Team Tectonic has already shown up, then you have two options. You can either explore the deep woods, finishing the quest there, or you complete the series of riddles that start from the letter in your room. After doing either of those things you should head to the gym.

    Thanks for asking as well. I realize parts of the game, especially early on, are a bit too vague. Something I'll have to work on fixing. :P
    But yeah if you have any other questions please ask!
    I'm not sure if this was a glitch in the game or what but when i talk to the dude in the sand corner of the gym it glitches out..........check out the ending of this video

    Shoot. Yeah that's definitely a glitch. I'll have that fixed by the next update. Thanks for letting me know!
    Alright so it's been a few days, so I've put together a minor update which you can download from the first post. There are no story changes, only a few bug fixes. Still, if you haven't finished at the academy it might be a good idea to download the patch. If you haven't downloaded the game yet you don't have to worry about the patch since the updated version has replaced the old one.

    Aside from that I've been working on the next part of the story. So I figure while I'm updating I'll share my newest map with you guys.


    This is the map for the lighthouse, which is located east of Nimagale Beach. It is NOT in the current demo, so don't go looking around for a lighthouse. The lighthouse also has an entrance, which doesn't show up on this map for some reason.

    So yeah that's all I have for you guys right now. If you find any bugs or have any questions or comments, you know what to do. ^^
    So...I'm stuck.
    I'm to the point of Autumn Woods and I've beaten everyone except the healer, but I still haven't battled my rival at all. I never saw him again after the dialogue in front of the dorms and I can't figure out where to go from where I am at.

    Never mind the being stuck part, but I'm still curious about the rival.
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    So...I'm stuck.
    I'm to the point of Autumn Woods and I've beaten everyone except the healer, but I still haven't battled my rival at all. I never saw him again after the dialogue in front of the dorms and I can't figure out where to go from where I am at.

    Never mind the being stuck part, but I'm still curious about the rival.
    That particular battle is actually completely optional. After you first talk to him he goes back between the boys dorm and the back wall. But basically if you don't follow him the story will continue without him.

    In fact, a lot of the first part of the game is completely optional. You don't have to help Danny either. But as for your rivalry with Cirrus, it doesn't really start with gusto until a bit later in the story. I have plans for an pretty interesting dynamic between you and Cirrus which even extend to a possible sequel (which I just want to finish this game tbh, but the ideas are there).

    Also I'll go ahead and add that you actually get Cirrus in trouble if you battle him. He's actually not allowed to battle at that point in the story. Maybe I'll put in a treat or something for the people who refuse to battle him for his own good later in the game. {:3}
    The choices that you make in this game can affect things later down the line. The story won't fork off too much (it takes too long to do a split story line) but make no mistake the choices and actions you take do matter (sometimes>_>)
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    I really like this game but now my character is stuck in front of the door way of the guy who gives you a TM for catching 15 Pokemon. The sprite won't move at all.
    Really? I can't recreate that error at all. Mind telling me exactly where in the story you were? Did you already beat the first gym?

    Also, if by chance you quick saved where you were stuck, I can get you out if you send me your save file.
    Really? I can't recreate that error at all. Mind telling me exactly where in the story you were? Did you already beat the first gym?

    Also, if by chance you quick saved where you were stuck, I can get you out if you send me your save file.

    It happened once before in the gym, but I just turned the game off, this time I saved while stuck to see if I'd be able to move afterwards.

    This happened right after losing the battle with Team Tectonic, I was checking to see if that guy said anything else.

    How do I send the save file?
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    On your computer, if you go to the folder titled your name there should be a folder called "saved games" and in there a folder called "Pokémon Alabaster". If you could send the file in there called "game" to me either directly through the forums if you can, or to [email protected]

    Also I have a general announcement. From what (admittedly little) that I've seen, the level curve is really just too steep going into the first and second gym. I want the gym leaders to be hard, but I don't want you to be underleveled going into them. The next update will address that. It will take a bit of time though, so I'm hoping to get that out within the next week or two, but no promises. Just out of curiosity though let me know if you've gotten past the first gym.
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    I downloaded this game and have been playing it for about an hour now and overall, I have to say that it's really good and I'm enjoying it immensely. The level of attention paid to detail is really something else, and the maps are quite nice. I'll provide more feedback the further I get into the game. Right now I'm in Autumn Woods.
    Hey i download the game but cant play it click on the game icon but it doesn't come up
    I'm having the same problem as the guy above me. I successfully extracted the RAR, but when I tried to run the game.exe file, nothing happened. No prompt, no error message... nothin'. Running it as an admin didn't work, either. I also downloaded and extracted the patch to see if it'd work if I replaced the game.rgssad file already in the folder, but that proved fruitless, as well. I tried re-downloading the RAR and extracting it again, but encountered the problem once more.

    Could you take a look at and maybe update the game download link?
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