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Red hack: Pokémon Carmine Red [1.1 NEW UPDATE]

  • 26
    • Seen Feb 4, 2024
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Carmine Red [1.1 NEW UPDATE]

    Pokémon Carmine Red

    Spoiler: Changelog

    After over a year in development, the game is finished!

    Hack of: Red Version (using the pokered disassembly)

    Carmine Red is a personal project of a Gen 1 romhack, using the dissasembly as a base instead of doing a binary hack like it was common many years ago. Based on an idea I had for a romhack I had more than a decade ago, that never got into shape due to the limitations of binary tools, and my desist on continuing it.

    My main idea is to enhance a lot of what gen 1 had to offer, while still keeping the mess that the original games were.

    The name Carmine, comes from a bug that is used to extract a dark red dye from, hence why Parasect is the mascot of the Hack, and why bugs are the biggest recipient of buffs.

    The plot of the game hasn't changed that much from the original game. However, it can be seen as an alternate reality of Kanto, but with some elements set in the future when compared to the original, while everything else happens in the same timeframe. The biggest difference is that there's an epilogue with the Team Rocket's arc near the end of the game.

    For a more detailed list of features, please read the List of Features on the Github's Wiki.
    • Massive Improve of learnsets
    • New typings for several Pokémon
    • Modified type chart
    • Modified Base Stats for a lot of Pokémon
    • Mofidied wild encounters across all of the game
    • Modified a lot of moves, repruposing a lot of bad moves
    • SGB support to make the game playable with custom color palettes
    • All pokemon are avaiable, including Mew
    • Improved maps and modified dungeons, and even new areas
    • Improved map Tileset
    • More inventory space
    • HMs are deletable on the go
    • Improved trainer and Boss battles
    • A bit more difficulty than the original, but nothing crazy. I would compare it to vanilla B2W2 Challenge mode.
    • Runnin functionality has been added, and biking and surfind is now faster
    • Gym Leader rematches have been added.
    And a few more.

    Most of the mechanics of the original game are untouched, but these are worth considering:

    A bunch of screenshots stitched together

    All of the Overworld color palettes

    And as a bonus, some of the new, improved animations:

    Known Bugs

    • Everyone on the PRET Github for doing the dissasemblies in the first place
    • Everyone on the PRET Discord server for their invaluable help with my countless questions
    • Rangi42 and the rest of contributors for Polished Map
    • Special thanks goes to Rangi42, 33Dannye,
      Drush, Chatot4444 and more over the PRET discord
    • FrenchOrange for the testing he did on my demo and the detailed report he provided
    • Voltiene for the code under the warning message when deleting HM moves. I really couldn't done without their help
    • Specially for their immeasurable patience against my stubborness of not learning for real how to program in Game boy ASM and just trial and error the changes I made over existing code


    Carmine Red project on Github
    Link to the last release, Version 1.1 as of February 4th 2024
    Direct link to the 1.1 .bps patch

    I've also added the 1.1 patch as an attachment

    To install and play the game, you can either download the github repository, and build the game youself, following the instruction in the install.md

    Or you can just download the .bps patch and apply it to a clean rom of pokemon red on your own.

    To play I recommend an emulator that can play game boy games in Super Game Boy mode so you can play it in technicolor. mGBA works fine for this, for example.

    04-02, Update 1.1: QoL and Gym leader rematches.
    26-04, Update 1.0.1: fixes an issue with sleep turns. All related links and attachment have been updated


    • carminered-1.1.bps
      117.2 KB · Views: 4
    Last edited:
    Seems good so far, but since you can't check the Power/Effects of moves in Gen1, cant tell how some of these moves have been changed, outside the obvious (String Shot for example). So could you make documentation on the changes you made? The Hack looks to have promise, just would like a bit more clarity
    Seems good so far, but since you can't check the Power/Effects of moves in Gen1, cant tell how some of these moves have been changed, outside the obvious (String Shot for example). So could you make documentation on the changes you made? The Hack looks to have promise, just would like a bit more clarity

    If you check the wiki you can find the Table of Moves with the relevant info

    I mentioned the github wiki in the Features, when referring there was a more detailed explanation of the features. In the sidebar there you could find all other wiki pages

    Even so, I'll link the Github Wiki's main page for clarity
    I apparently am blind, didn't see that before. Thanks for pointing this out ^^. Great hack, keep it up ^^
    Update 1.0.1 has been released, the main post has been updated acordingly
    Beat this hack not too long ago and really do like all the changes you did. The type weakness and resistances changes did keep throwing me off tho which made me lose some pokemon in a nuzlocke I was doing. Having Arbok actually be good was a blessing that saved me alot. Really noticed the difference when playing og Red recently and really missed all the new moves and buffs the old moves got lol. Find it really funny how the first 3 gyms made choosing Bulbasaur a handicap like it was choosing Charmander in the og one lmao.
    Beat this game with
    I am glad you liked the game.

    Personally I think Bulbasaur is actually the strongest one within context for the first gym, unless you evolve your starter at that point. But leech seed just makes the first gym ace much more easy, in my opinion.

    But yes, for the following gyms it falls behind a lot, but I'm sure there's enough encounter variety to get through it
    Sorry for the unneccesary delay, I got a bit busy with other projects that consumed most of my free time.


    Spoiler: Changelog