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Emerald hack: Pokémon Emerald Horizons - Emerald Difficulty Hack [Complete, v1.12 ft. New Rocket Storyline, Boss Gauntlet, Gen 1-8, Side Quests, and QoL features]

I have been playing this Rom for over 6 hours now and all I have to ask is: Why is Roxanne impossible to beat? She counters EVERY thing you do. She sends out her Archen, I send out a Elec type, she Uturns into alolan Geodude. Everything has Rock Tomb so if I survive the first hit my pokemon are now too slow to cause anymore damage before they are fainted. Rinse, repeat and the battle is done. Any help would be greatly appreciated because this is hell.
Ok so Archen seems pretty unbeatable, but it does have Defeatist, meaning if you can hit it somewhat hard and fast (fast being the keyword) it becomes super frail. I eventually figured out that there's a Pokémon available before Roxanne that has a super effective priority move that works super well on Archen.

@BrandonXL I'm trying to evolve my Crabrawler and the Ice Stone doesn't work and neither does the Linking Chord. What can I do?
I have been playing this Rom for over 6 hours now and all I have to ask is: Why is Roxanne impossible to beat? She counters EVERY thing you do. She sends out her Archen, I send out a Elec type, she Uturns into alolan Geodude. Everything has Rock Tomb so if I survive the first hit my pokemon are now too slow to cause anymore damage before they are fainted. Rinse, repeat and the battle is done. Any help would be greatly appreciated because this is hell.
I'd say Marill, Drilbur, or a Sturdy Geodude are among some of the options you could use. The excel on Drive has full details for what you can find; you got this!

Ok so Archen seems pretty unbeatable, but it does have Defeatist, meaning if you can hit it somewhat hard and fast (fast being the keyword) it becomes super frail. I eventually figured out that there's a Pokémon available before Roxanne that has a super effective priority move that works super well on Archen.

@BrandonXL I'm trying to evolve my Crabrawler and the Ice Stone doesn't work and neither does the Linking Chord. What can I do?

Hey, Crabrawler currently evolves in Shoal Cave in the Low Tide Ice Room. I'll look to change it to Ice Stone as well in the future, so sorry for the inconvenience. You can find Crabominable later on in the game once you get Surf.
Ok so Archen seems pretty unbeatable, but it does have Defeatist, meaning if you can hit it somewhat hard and fast (fast being the keyword) it becomes super frail. I eventually figured out that there's a Pokémon available before Roxanne that has a super effective priority move that works super well on Archen.

I don't suppose you would like to tell me what the 'Pokémon available before Roxanne that has a super effective priority move that works super well on Archen.' actually is? I have caught most things between the starting city and Rustboro the only place I haven't explored much other than grabbing a Sandshrew from is the Cave that you go though to continue. So I might have it already but revealing this would be helpful.
Are there clock based events in this game? I injected it to my 3ds but apparently choosing and RTC save option for it was causing issues. Just wondering if I'll miss out on stuff if I don't use it.
Thanks in advance!
Love the HM implementation update! I'm missing one quest and I'm not sure how to start it, does anyone know how to start the quest for navel rock with red?
Are there clock based events in this game? I injected it to my 3ds but apparently choosing and RTC save option for it was causing issues. Just wondering if I'll miss out on stuff if I don't use it.
Thanks in advance!
So, there aren't any events or encounters restricted via time; the method you described may prohibit you from getting day/night evos, but that should be the only thing you would miss out on (assuming there is no clock system in place at all).

Love the HM implementation update! I'm missing one quest and I'm not sure how to start it, does anyone know how to start the quest for navel rock with red?
Enough people said it to where it needed to be addressed; thanks for the feedback as always :)
Regarding Navel Rock:

I want to ask. Is there any place that we can change the natures of our pokemon?
Hey, so natures actually aren't factored in when calculating stats in this game. Sorry for any confusion!
Ah that actually makes a lot of sense, thanks! I should also say that the fishing change was appreciated and the boss gauntlet is honestly the most fun feature from any rom hack I've played so far, great work!
I've just beat Roxanne and oh god, it took a while readjusting my team and strategies. It really did feel like a great accomplishment when I finally did it. Morelull and A-Diglett carried my team, but every single member had to be used somehow.

This game is amazing, thanks for the great work!
Ah that actually makes a lot of sense, thanks! I should also say that the fishing change was appreciated and the boss gauntlet is honestly the most fun feature from any rom hack I've played so far, great work!
I'm glad you enjoy the boss gauntlet! Similar features in things like the GBA Kirby games and SSB: Brawl were among my favorites, so I knew I wanted to do something similar!
I've just beat Roxanne and oh god, it took a while readjusting my team and strategies. It really did feel like a great accomplishment when I finally did it. Morelull and A-Diglett carried my team, but every single member had to be used somehow.

This game is amazing, thanks for the great work!
If you can beat Roxanne, you can beat any of the other bosses! It's definitely the first major test, but I'm glad you found a way to power through. Hope to see your Hall of Fame team in the near future; thanks for playing!
How do I megaevolve? I have the Swapert stone equipped but when I press start in the move selection nothing happens
How do I megaevolve? I have the Swapert stone equipped but when I press start in the move selection nothing happens

Hey, I'm guessing you got the Mega Ring from your rival, too? If not, make sure you head to Mauville and beat them.
Basically, you need to press "Fight" and right before selecting a move, you should see a greyed out Mega Evolution icon. Once you hit start, it'll become colored, indicated that you are about to Mega Evolve.

See the attached video for demonstration.


  • stevensave - VisualBoyAdvance-M 2.1.5 2023-09-24 15-05-43.mp4
    3.4 MB
Hey, I'm guessing you got the Mega Ring from your rival, too? If not, make sure you head to Mauville and beat them.
Basically, you need to press "Fight" and right before selecting a move, you should see a greyed out Mega Evolution icon. Once you hit start, it'll become colored, indicated that you are about to Mega Evolve.

See the attached video for demonstration.

Thank you! I hadn't battled the rival yet, that's why it wasn't working.

I've just came across an Ursaring and would like to evolve it to Ursaluna. The evolution document states the need of a Peat Block, but the item file doesn't list it available anywhere. Where can I find it? 😆
Thank you! I hadn't battled the rival yet, that's why it wasn't working.

I've just came across an Ursaring and would like to evolve it to Ursaluna. The evolution document states the need of a Peat Block, but the item file doesn't list it available anywhere. Where can I find it? 😆

Most of the Hisuian (not all) mons are gift mons via NPCs, Ursaluna included. Technically, it does evolve via Peat Block, but because this is unobtainable, I should probably tweak the public file so as to not mislead anyone. The encounters spreadsheet has a tab for all gift mons. Apologies for the confusion!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Horizons - Emerald Difficulty Hack  [Complete, v1.12 ft. New Rocket Storyline, Boss Gauntlet, Gen 1-8, Side Quests, and QoL features]

I was just wondering where the incense to get chingling is. Its the last mon I need for my hoenn dex.
Any tips for the first gym? Hahaha… it's very challenging and I keep getting rocked. I'm about to have a toddler style meltdown… lmao

Loving it so far though! But also makes me want to cry in frustration >_<
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Horizons - Emerald Difficulty Hack  [Complete, v1.12 ft. New Rocket Storyline, Boss Gauntlet, Gen 1-8, Side Quests, and QoL features]

I was just wondering where the incense to get chingling is. Its the last mon I need for my hoenn dex.
First off, thanks for playing and congrats on clearing the game! I love the shiny Tyrantrum :) I'll be sure to add your HoF to the master list once I get back from vacation.

Chingling isn't required to complete the Hoenn dex for one of the Genie trio; however, your comment does bring to light the fact that the incense, and by extension Chingling, are not obtainable. This is a big oversight error on my part, so I'll look to rectify that in a small patch once I get home. I apologize for the inconvenience once again, but Chingling won't be needed for Hoenn.

Any tips for the first gym? Hahaha… it's very challenging and I keep getting rocked. I'm about to have a toddler style meltdown… lmao

Loving it so far though! But also makes me want to cry in frustration >_<
Battling can be a bit nuanced, especially early on. I'd recommend going to the route above Rustboro as well as Rusturf tunnel; there are a few mons with good STAB options to help out. Trial and error will definitely be necessary, but you'll start to get a read on how to handle each mon. Keep going, you can 100% do it :^)