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[Completed] Pokémon Jade

  • 3,419

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    Created With: RPG Maker XP, using the Pokemon Essentials engine


    • Pepperton - Director, Programming Lead, Head of Story, pixel art, game designer, mapper
    • rpgfaker - Co-Director, Game Design Lead, programmer, pixel artist
    • XiareMorris - Art Lead, concept artist, pixel artist
    • GatoPhilia - Concept artist, pixel artist
    • Deepzekrom - Pixel artist
    • Elle - UI artist


    Hi everyone! My brother and I have been working on this game for a couple of months now and I'd like to begin to share our progress publicly leading up to a release. I've dipped my toe into the waters of Pokemon fangame development a couple times in my life but I've never really done work I'm proud of, until this project. I set out to make a Pokemon game that is something I myself would enjoy playing - a game rich with interesting and unique fakemon, traditional Pokemon mechanics, and a compelling story that drives the gameplay. This is about as close as I've gotten, and I hope you guys like what we have to offer you.


    Team Wild is a team of rebel bandits who mainly scourge around Goldwhite Desert in the eastern bounds of Ario. They're constantly searching for something but it's not easy to know what. The player is slowly made aware of Team Wild's ultimate plan, and what they're searching for.

    It seems that deep in the ruins of Goldwhite Desert lies an extremely powerful and mysterious legendary Pokemon. However, the only way to encounter this Pokemon is by using a key that is hidden somewhere in the mystery of Ario, and there are several riddles scattered throughout the region that, if solved and pieced together, lead one to the key needed to unleash this beast.

    Team Wild's leader wants to capture this legendary Pokemon because it has the amazing ability to wipe the memory of entire populations. The leader wants to use this power to clean the Pokemon world's memory of how Pokemon ought to be treated and afterwards create a new society in which Pokemon are seen as currency, and slaves of sorts. He'll be able to put himself at the top of the ladder in this new society as the owner of the most rare and unique Pokemon in all of Ario, the legendary Pokemon, therefore become the unrivaled dictator of Ario. It's up to you to stop Team Wild from realizing this terrifying reality!




    • 125 New Pokemon - The Ario Region is inhabited only by Pokemon native to its land, based off the beautiful Australia. In this tropical region you'll find tons of new faces to bond with! The number is subject to change, could be more or less.
    • 8 Gyms, Elite Four and a Champion - This game follows the traditional system, but don't fret, each gym leader will come with interesting puzzles and challenges galore!
    • Completely Original Region - Ario is like no other region in the original Pokemon games. It features multiple climates and atmospheres that'll keep gameplay feeling fresh.
    • Custom UI - Several gameplay mechanics will be revamped to have new, custom UI.
    • And much more! - The game has been in development for roughly six months to this point, and a lot is still to be laid out, so expect this list to grow much more as time goes on!


    There are 125 new pokemon in the Ario region, and it's up to you to catch 'em all!
    For a high-res version, join our Discord!


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade


    • v3.21 - Released December 10, 2020

    Link: Click here
    Length: Complete

    Known Glitches:

    Archive of Downloads:


    • Maruno, poccil, Flameguru - Pokemon Essentials engine
    • Apple Juice - Several Pokemon concepts
    • Magiscarf - Tiles, pokemon trainer base templates, VS sprites
    • Newtiteuf - OW base template
    • Killerkitty4 - Female trainer backsprite template
    • PurpleZaffre - Pokemon Breeder OW sprites
    • princess-phoenix - Various tiles
    • WesleyFG - Various tiles
    • LotusKing - Various tiles
    • chaoticcherrycake - Various tiles
    • Ultimo-Spriter-D - Various tiles
    • PeekyChew - Various tiles
    • Moontik - Various tiles
    • Momokahimari - Trainer front sprite base templates
    • Thexicer - Trainer front sprite base templates
    • Ulithium_Dragon - Rock Climb script + animation
    • Brom - VFX B/W resources
    • PkmnAlexandrite - Various tile
    • Kyle-Dove - Various tiles
    • donlawride - Various tiles
    • clara-wah - Various tiles
    • zetavares852 - Various tiles
    • ThatsSoWitty - Various tiles
    • Alculus - Various tiles
    • Zeo-254 - Various tiles
    • TyranitarDark - Various tiles
    • Evolina - Various tiles
    • Phyromatical - Various tiles
    • spaceemotion - Various tiles
    • speeddialga - Various tiles
    • Pokemon-Diamond - Various tiles
    • Kizamaru-Kurunosuke - Various tiles
    • Epic-Day - Various tiles
    • Thurpok - Various tiles
    • Dewitty - Various tiles
    • Minorthreat0897 - Various tiles
    • Heavy-Metal-Lover - Various tiles
    • kaitoooo - Various tiles
    • CrimsonTakai - Various tiles
    • BoomxBig - Various tiles
    • Kaliser - Various tiles
    • The-Red-eX - Various tiles
    • The-Red-eX - Various tiles
    • princess-phoenix - Various tiles
    • LuCaSBirll - Various tiles
    • KingTapir - Various tiles
    • LuCaSBirll - Various tiles
    • AveonTrainer - Various tiles
    • Scarex3wer - Various tiles
    • RBRNNova - Various tiles
    • akizakura16 - Various tiles
    • Flurmimon - Various tiles
    • Nidrax - Various tiles
    • Kaliser - Various tiles
    • MoonTik - Various tiles
    • KleinStudio - Scripts
    • Marin - Scripts
    • Luchino, Luchi-chan, Crunch/Crunchino - Panoramas
    • This list of artists - Various tiles
    • This list of artists - Various tiles

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
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    Pepperton! Good to see you back! Looks like you and your brother are off to a great start. I like the Aussie inspiration, would love to learn more about your starters! :)
    those screenies are awesome
    looking forward to this
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    I appreciate it, Linkinglinkingking! :]

    This looks like it's going straight to the fan game hall of fame(if it gets completed).

    That's high praise. Thanks so much PokeTwerp :]

    Pepperton! Good to see you back! Looks like you and your brother are off to a great start. I like the Aussie inspiration, would love to learn more about your starters! :)

    Thanks, Mana! Good to be back. I appreciate the kind words. I think Australia's awesome, I really want to visit it someday. Thought it'd be fun to base a region off of it.

    Anyway, I want to keep most of the fakemon secret prior to the first beta, but Mana brings up a good point, the starters are a pretty integral component to the game. So, here are your options for a first companion in Ario!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    Marleaf, Chardillo, Salave
    sprites by me

    Also I thought I'd throw in an update because I've been working pretty hard on actual gameplay progression this week, so to this point we've now got the game roughly working up to the first gym! Here are some screens of your first gym encounter, taking on the young but ferocious Flo.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    VS sprites and Flo front sprite by rpgfaker

    Can you take down her ace grass Pokemon?

    I'll put some of this in the OP as well for consistency's sake, and update the numbers in the Progress section. That's all for now. Cheers!
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    This looks excellent! Keep the great work up, I love the concept of a completely new variety of pokemon.
    This looks excellent! Keep the great work up, I love the concept of a completely new variety of pokemon.

    Thank you! Glad you think so. :]

    Small update this time, been working on art for new Pokemon / maps after the first gym. Steady progress is being made.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    zidna and marleaf sprites by me

    As I do, I'll update the OP's progress section, as well as adding these new screenshots. Also, as we get closer to the amount of gameplay available in the game that I set out for the first beta, I felt it necessary to add a estimated release time period so you guys have somewhat of an idea when to expect it. Currently it's a very rough estimate but we hopefully plan to put something out by Mid to late July. This isn't a promise at all but rather a goal that'll be strengthened by making it public, haha. More motivation to actually pull through on it.

    Let us know what you think!
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    Visually looks good, some of your background stuff feels a little weak in spots or not really hitting it for me. Im not super sold on Team Wild's plan, making everyone believe Pokemon are currency/slaves to get power angle is kinda meh. If the legendary can wipe a populations minds, couldn't the team be more focused on convincing the population that the leader was in charge instead?
    For example, they spend the game setting up statues and posters, planting fake in-game media, propaganda, removing anything that outlines who is in charge etc. so that when the mind wipe happens, people see all the team propaganda and they believe what the team/leader is saying to be true. It means you potentially have them working in the background as most people would just ignore the villainous team considering what their doing at face value is meaningless. Would be a lot more fun to have that sense of discovery at the end as a player.

    Side note (and a personal enquiry I suppose), is their a town/city based off of Adelaide? Or are you going to be the second Aus inspired game to ignore my home city haha. Looking at your map, it looks very loosely based on Aus but thought I would check anyway.
    Visually looks good, some of your background stuff feels a little weak in spots or not really hitting it for me. Im not super sold on Team Wild's plan, making everyone believe Pokemon are currency/slaves to get power angle is kinda meh. If the legendary can wipe a populations minds, couldn't the team be more focused on convincing the population that the leader was in charge instead?
    For example, they spend the game setting up statues and posters, planting fake in-game media, propaganda, removing anything that outlines who is in charge etc. so that when the mind wipe happens, people see all the team propaganda and they believe what the team/leader is saying to be true. It means you potentially have them working in the background as most people would just ignore the villainous team considering what their doing at face value is meaningless. Would be a lot more fun to have that sense of discovery at the end as a player.

    Side note (and a personal enquiry I suppose), is their a town/city based off of Adelaide? Or are you going to be the second Aus inspired game to ignore my home city haha. Looking at your map, it looks very loosely based on Aus but thought I would check anyway.

    Thanks for your input! I have to say, I didn't put too much effort into the plot write-up. I'll eventually take some time to clarify some of the points you brought up. Also, the region is pretty loosely based off of Australia.

    Woah this looks fairly impressive.Will be looking forward to the Beta

    Thank you Earthbadger!

    Decently large update for you guys as my brother and I have been hard at work trying to churn out a beta within the next few short weeks. We've actually pushed the gameplay up to two gyms and about ~2/2.5 hours of gameplay! Here are some screenshots of the cool new events that take place in Melbourne City, as well as the statute gym leader duo of Matt and Kim, who wield the Steel type.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    trainer sprites by rpgfaker. please ignore the name of the trainer we were joking around haha

    The credits list has become a bit outdated, so I shall get to updating that as well as updating the OP with these new screenshots and new estimates on progress toward a beta. Leave us some thoughts if you so choose!

    Enjoy. :]

    Thank you!

    Looking forward to a release for this game.

    I'm glad to hear that. :]

    We're continuing to chug along, here's a small update. Inching closer and closer to that first beta. We've completed preliminary development on almost all areas that will be available in the upcoming download, which is exciting stuff. Here's some screenshots to show off those areas.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    That last screenshot is showing off a Pokemon available in the game called Tanbara, designed and sprited by me.

    Hope you guys enjoy.
    Thank you!

    I'm glad to hear that. :]

    We're continuing to chug along, here's a small update. Inching closer and closer to that first beta. We've completed preliminary development on almost all areas that will be available in the upcoming download, which is exciting stuff. Here's some screenshots to show off those areas.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    That last screenshot is showing off a Pokemon available in the game called Tanbara, designed and sprited by me.

    Hope you guys enjoy.

    Uhhhh.....I think you forgot to add the screenshots
    Uhhhh.....I think you forgot to add the screenshots

    They weren't showing up for me earlier either but now they are again, how odd. Regardless, I hosted the screenshots on a different site. Here they are:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Jade

    I also rehosted all the other images in OP that were missing.
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    Big announcement! We've decided to go ahead and release beta v1.0 today.

    If you can, please take the time to fill out this survey after playing through the game, it will help a lot with improving the game in the future:

    I have heard from some of my beta testers that the fonts don't work unless you manually install them. Hopefully that isn't the case now, but in case it still is, I've included the Fonts folder in the zip file. Installing them manually is relatively straightforward but if you have issues let me know.

    Beta v1.0

    Link: Click here
    Length: Three gyms

    Really hope everyone enjoys, we've worked hard to get a demo out to you all. Let us know what you think!
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    Do mipep have spilit evoltions its reminds me ralts when seen its stats and the moves its learning and the abilties too would want to know if its typeing will remain the same or will change after it evoleing? would want also to know if zinda evolving
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    Do mipep have spilit evoltions its reminds me ralts when seen its stats and the moves its learning and the abilties too would want to know if its typeing will remain the same or will change after it evoleing? would want also to know if zinda evolving

    Mipep does have an evolution, although it isn't split like Ralts, and again unlike Ralts, Mipep remains purely Psychic type.

    Zidna does evolve.
    Would want to know when tripish evolveing ? And if cupiny evolveing if it does could you tell me how it evolveing?